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    Dream Warrior and Explorer of the Dreamplane

    1. 25 Jan: Alternative "Lost"

      by , 01-26-2014 at 12:04 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am in small town, people walking around, going to places and then a loud bang and we see an airplane blowing up in the air and parts of it falling down. One big part of it falls at the end of the street I am in and makes many buildings collapse. Me and other people start running the opposite direction and scream to people coming in our direction to turn back and run for their lives. When I'm almost being hit by debris, I see an entrance to an underground place, maybe a subterranean park and I run down the stairs. There's another lady inside and I tell her to move away from the entrance, which gets blocked with debris. There are some stairs to the right of an elevator. The power is down, so we cannot call the elevator. We try the stairs, but on the next floor they are also blocked with debris. I have an idea, I open the elevator door - it's one of those that you can open by sticking your fingers in the crack between the two and pushing them apart. The elevator is stuck half way on this floor and the top floor is just above us, so I climb through it and bring the lady with me. We open a trap door in the ceiling and find ourselves on a terrace. It's not vey high, just 1 or 2 floors above the ground, probably the upper levels of the car park. There are other persons on it already, close to the edge, looking at the street. Everything below is a chaos, people are confused about what to do, but when they start organizing themselves, a couple of guys with guns decide to take over the decision-making and to rule us. One of them points the gun at me and I instinctively punch him, throwing his gun away, and then kick the other in the croch. Then I grab the gun and the first guy shows intention to fight back so I shoot him in the leg. Still, they attack me and I try to shoot again, this time to kill, but there's no more bullets. So I run and some follow me.
      Soon I realize we're on an island and there's no place to go. I feel that I'm in an alternative version of "Lost" and I even meet some of the characters of the series. When I and some of the others who escaped, get in the jungle, we encounter them and They tell us to follow them. They live in a fortress on a smaller island offshore and we have to swim there, because there's no boat to take us.
    2. 30 Dec: Man in black attack again

      by , 01-11-2011 at 06:34 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)



      I’m at home with my new BF/fiancée, who I don’t recognize. I hear a kitten meowing and I look for him. Instead of a kitten, I find a dead bird drowned on something with water. I try to revive him with no success so I put him down on a shelf.

      I decide to organize the bookshelf which is full of diaries and albums. Zilla is with me and steals one of my most recent diaries and runs away to go read it. I try to get it back. She opens on a random page and finds an episode in which I confess (it even has pictures) of having had a crush for some teacher back in 2000.

      Somewhere on a road, buses are passing by and I should get into one, but have no idea which one would take me home. I make a sign to stop a random bus. One stops but not for me, only because one of its passengers was questioning the driver about the directions they were heading to and they are discussing it. I keep walking.


      Walking along train tracks with friends and mothers of friends. We see an airplane free falling and coming to hit the ground exactly where we are. I run and escape, but they don’t. I then pass by a stand selling second hand clothes. I want to buy something because later I might have to wait for my mother standing outside in the cold and my clothes are really not warm enough. But I only have coins in my pockets and no wallet. I also realise I have no docs or keys to go back home. I keep going. Someone tells me I’m being escorted by ghosts and I find it is the ghosts of my friends. I decide to go meet their families to let them know. The first family I visit I encounter Carlos (a guy who had a crush for me in school) and I am happy to know that he is now an actor and performs for the benefit of several causes. But while the rest of the family accepts the news peacefully, he is the one over dramatizing.


      Temples and farming tips
      On a Japanese temple in the middle of a lake. I become lucid when I hear birds singing and I can distinguish clearly the songs of each one individually. The sound of the water, the roughness of the rock and the colours of the wood, are all intense and detailed. I look around and I see this is a complex of temples. I float through the air in half-lotus position until I reach the main temple where I want to meditate. I offer prostrations to the Buddha with dozens of other persons from several distinct Buddhist schools. Then I’m invited to join a group meditation on a room to my right side, which I accept. The room is inclined, making it extremely uncomfortable to sit on the floor, but I manage to get a pillow to make it better. We are then interrupted by some lady who warns everybody that the last bus to go back to hotel is about to leave in 15 mins. I lose lucidity for a while and I think I’m with them, so when they leave I follow them. But along the way I recover lucidity and ignore them. I cross a bridge and find an agricultural field. I’m surprised to recognize the farmer who is growing maize there - it's Lucas. He is demonstrating a new irrigation system he created. Because I’m about to become a farmer to, I show interest in his technique. I prepare to memorize the design and materials when he turns it on and I get all wet.
      Later on I ask him some questions and write them down on a notebook.


      Family secrets and man in black attack again
      With dad and rest of the family at my late granny’s home. Dad is about to leave to go somewhere but I go after him ‘cause I forgot to ask him something. My cousin Cris comes with a yogurt maker she wants him to take in the car. He agrees to take it later, but hands it over to me for now.
      Then back inside the house, I went to store the machine on some storage room and found a secret entrance to a whole secret section of the house nobody ever told me about. Not just a room, but a long corridor full of rooms. My cousin knew about it and I ask why she didn’t tell me. She says our parents found out after our granny died, but out of respect for her, they decided not to ever go there. I found that stupid. My dad finds out about my interest and offers to grant me access to an office which is right at the entrance under his supervision. He tells me he himself used to go there secretly with permission from my grandma and none of his brothers knew.
      But I’m not satisfied with the offer. I later ask my friend Zilla to come help me explore the whole thing. We sneak in through the secret passage. I find a room with a closet full of nice dresses and I immediately pick a dark blue one I think it’s awesome. I believe my grandma would want me to use them instead of having them rotting. I then find another room where apparently she used to rest. By the side of a bed, I find a notebook with some cryptic annotations that look religious or of some kind of cult. I think I found something important. I then hear footsteps. I tell ZIlla to close the door and duck behind the bed. She locked the door and someone tries to open it. I’m getting nervous. Then from a wall of this room, a secret passage opens and two people in dark suits come out of it. I laugh nervously and ask in a playful manner who they are and how they knew about that passage. They don’t respond and simply grab me. The one that grabs me is a strong black lady and she sticks a needle in my arm. Zilla is trying to open the door to run away, but she can’t. I fight back and take the needle off my arm and stick it on my aggressor. She laughs at me, saying it’s useless, ‘cause the drug was a very effective tiny portion and is all on my blood right now. I suck my arm, trying to get it out and delay the effects, but to no point. I black out. Then I wake up.

    3. 13 Nov: Family matters and future

      by , 11-15-2010 at 08:15 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      23:00 GMT

      Stormy flight
      On a big plane flying into a storm. But just an observer. I think there will be the day when I will be in such situation.

      Looking at a map of Barcelona with my BF and asking him what he wants to visit – I suggest we should see stuff I haven’t seen yet, but he wants to check some important spots I already visited and I have to agree to go there for a second time.

      Deadly parents
      I’m watching some spy thriller movie and then I am inside it. On the margins of a river and someone’s just explained me that in this particular place there are some strange undercurrents, probably resulting from some underwater structure, like a tunnel entrance to some secret facilities. I’m lying belly down on the grass, watching for suspicious movements, when I detect on land some kind of entrance to a bunker. I go check it quietly, think it’s safe to go in but then I’m spotted by some ugly guy coming out of it. He holds a big knife in his hand and then a second guy joins him in trying to kill me. Luckily I also get some backup from a colleague and as we are on pairs, facing each other and waiting for someone to make the first attack, all of a sudden, the enemy guy’s are my mom and dad and my partner is my BF. My mom is holding the big knife and I’m like “Sorry, what!!!?”.

      2:00 GMT

      Future attached to past
      It’s night. I see the city nightlights and against the dark sky I see a spaceship just like Enterprise. That’s when I notice I’m in the future. Day comes and I also see airplanes moving around, but they are different, more like rockets – although totally similar to today’s airplanes, they lack any wings or tail and they lift off and land vertically. Yet, they still look more like planes than rockets. They are everywhere, like they are the buses of this future time. City looks pretty much like current day cities, though. I am walking through a park amongst the buildings and I see an old steam-engine train as an open air exhibit. I meet a lady there with whom I talk about the past and present times. I get from her words that people in this age are very attached to “old” times. They have this incredible new technologies but they avoid being too innovative, because they don’t want to break with the past so quickly. That’s why they make ships resembling planes, they keep their ancient machines exposed on their parks. They are a bit too obsessed. I tell her they shouldn’t be so attached to old days, because everything changes and even that steam-engine will rust out there, for as much they try to preserve it and will disappear from people’s memories one day. She seems disturbed with the idea.
      Then I see a guy appearing to be doing a stunt over a monorail sticking out of a skyscraper side. I ask what’s that and I realise they are just testing if it’s safe to ride a bike through these narrow trails up there. They want to implement them between skyscrapers so people can go by bike through them. I say they are crazy – why not simply making some pods that would glide through the rails? Once again, it’s their obsession with keeping it low tech and not go to far from their roots.

      Avoiding dad
      Seem to be on some sort of Inn on a ranch. The whole place is a big long one-floor building, where there’s a cafeteria, rooms, etc. My father is looking for me everywhere and I’m trying to avoid him at all cost. I see him entering the main door and I’m further away, in the rooms area. I go inside one room and meet my mom and grandpa there. Mom is reading a magazine, I eat some snack with her and we laugh about some picture on the magazine I say could go to Fail.blog. They are announcing an exhibition related to some event and there are some pictures of the event’s mascot and on one, something on the background makes it look like it has a huge phallus coming from between his legs. And because it is a kind of kiddie mascot it makes it even more outrageous. I say I have to leave because my dad will find me there eventually. I pass by the cafeteria, but I spot my dad inside and he seems to be with some kid. I have this feeling that he has a secret family I don’t know about and I don’t want to face it right now, so I go over some handrails and get out of this place before he sees me. I go around the building and exit this area. Then I’m in some other place sitting on a table with two other guys, who happened to be sitting on that exact table when I sat there to eat something. One of them is Indian, they are teachers and they are talking about relationships and how to deal with kids in classes. The Indian guy asks a very specific question: how to deal with a student who is very flamboyant. The other guy just doesn’t know what to answer to that.

      4:45 GMT

      Something about a meteorite falling and then it is an alien with tentacles.

      ESP and lucidity
      Home scene with my BF, my aunt and her kids. We’re talking about or trying out some ESP tricks. Something about robots. Then I’m lucid and decide to write the dreams I’ve been having on my DJ. I forget to wake up and just do it on the dream. I remember the radio was playing and I was thinking about how nice would be to have a radio show on Lucid dreams. My dad was asleep. Then I realise I was still asleep.

      7:30 GMT

    4. 11 Nov: WILDing, mountain village and attack of the gadgets

      by , 11-12-2010 at 03:49 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:00 GMT

      Undergroung radio station
      On a big room, like a school canteen or lounge area, at night. It’s semi-dark, but I can see tables and chairs piled up. Whoever was around is leaving the place but I stay behind, hidden, because I want to explore some basements below. I found out there’s a -1 level which is used for storage and a -2 level that is attracting my curiosity. After descending some stairs to -1 basement, there’s a square hatch to a -2 level. I touch the walls and find some metal ladder to go down. Then I can’t see a thing, it’s pitch black and I can’t find any light switch.
      Then I hear voices of a group of girls coming. I am hopeful they’ll stay in level -1, but they actually come down the hatch and I’m trapped. I decide not to make a big deal out of it. They know where the light is and turn it on. I smile at them. Luckily they didn’t shit their pants when seeing me there. Apparently there was also nothing so important down there, because they were not upset with my presence. The first half of the space was also for storage, but then they invited me in to the second half, much cosier, full of posters from the 80’s on the walls. It was an amateur radio station, they used to run when they were school girls! They tell me their old stories, we plaid some music, we spent a good time.

      0:30 GMT

      Similar dream – probably continuation of previous dream – but can’t recall details. Also something about my cat and my BF.

      2:00 GMT

      Trying to stabilize a WILD
      I fall asleep and I enter a dream lucid. Just hold on to some images passing by and started to dream, but control and lucidity were a bit weak. I felt sleepy and tired as if my awaken-life body was still too present on my mind. I felt that if I sat meditating, the dream would fade away, so I just consciously watched it. I was on some kind of fair on a village. I notice the stands and a freaky guy following me around. I then saw some tourism promotion shop with glass walls – selling German arts and crafts and sharing brochures about the country. To stabilize my lucidity I decide to go inside it and just look at all the things in display. There’s a desk at my left with some German lady smiling at me. By her side there’s some kind of children’s book I find fascinating, because the book is in the format of a flower and the pages are the petals and fold to the centre. Then I sit on a very cool resting wicker chair and unfortunately I’m still feeling tired so I can’t hold lucidity and I just wake up.

      3:00 GMT

      Another unstable lucid
      Again lucid, on a roadside. I think some guys invite me to a road trip but I say no. Instead I float around some village trying to stabilize the dream, but I still feel very tired. I remember something about vegetable gardens and narrow streets, then I go blank.

      Museum and party on a village
      Now I'm on a mountain village. Getting out of some café/restaurant with my BF and heading to our car. I notice we left our bags and wallets on our seats and didn’t even close the car. The car is parked on a sightseeing terrace over the ocean. I am looking at the view, the water, the boats and the clouds in the sky when a jumbo jet passes by really low altitude. I pick up my camera to film it. And then the jet flips in the air and sinks on the water down below. I get scared but then the jet jumps out of water and it is now a whale. OK. Then as I watch this jet-whale jumping on water, This whole terrace thing is now a theatre on some museum, where they play 3D movies (been recently to something like this in Japan).
      I’m now accompanied by my father and the movie is about sea monsters – the whale now transformed into a pre-historic whale with sharp teeth. It is so cool and realistic but my father is totally missing it, because he didn’t like the place he was at (everybody had to stand, leaning over a handrail). The movie was ending and he was complaining he didn’t see a thing. During the movie, I tried to get him on a better place but he was in a terrible mood, not accepting any suggestion, so I just gave up. In the end, I was so excited about the movie but he had found another horrible guy who also just kept complaining about everything. Then a new session was about to start and I suggested they tried again but now they were demanding that the session was halted someone from the staff came over and take care of their complaints. I told them they were being jerks, that they had no experience of these continuous playing movies on museums and if they were not happy just please go away. They didn’t go, so I did.
      I went outside and I’m still on the same mountain village. Lots of amazing views around. Lots of green, cute little houses in the hills. I become lucid again. I see many people gathered at what seems to be the main square of the village, a bit down below from where I am standing and decide to fly over to see what’s going on. It’s some kind of party but it’s too crowded and I decide to go under an arched tunnel just by the side of this huge crowd. As I fly by the tunnel I see some long table full of toys and dolls, placed in a way to create a kind of domestic scene. I guessed it was some kind of birthday party for a kid and this display was for the party’s kids. I am coming out on the other side of the tunnel, when I cough in RL and I wake up.

      5:10 GMT

      Attack of the gadgets
      On a wood cottage with my mom, my aunt and lots of other people. We’re trying to find a spot to put a mattress and sleep for the night on some mezzanine over a large empty living room, but it is simply crowded. I finally find a spot near the stairs that go to ground level. When I’m settled, I go downstairs, as do my mom and aunt. As they sit outside on a tree trunk, relaxing in the sun, I see a bunch of robots and gadgets coming up the hill behind them and terrifying everyone at his passage. My mom and aunt don’t seem so worried. OK, it wasn’t like the “I, Robot”, so I understand they didn’t look threatened – ipods, toy-robots, those alarm clocks with wheels to run away from you when they ring, and so on – but still, they were marching as an army and I didn’t feel secure. They ended up invading the house and cornering people. Then a huge LCD with a home cinema sound system came majestically into the giant empty living room and forced people to watch some film on its screen. And demanded full undivided attention. When there were music clips playing, people had to dance to it. I was hiding and watching this at distance. Then some guy got tired and stopped dancing, wanted to run away. The LCD beamed the guy up with some type of laser and disintegrated him. Then people started to really freak out. I’m thinking about how I’m gonna save people from this when... in RL my BF wakes me up.

      6:30 GMT

      Updated 11-12-2010 at 03:54 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    5. 24 Oct: Mafia wars type dream game

      by , 10-31-2010 at 10:28 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      20:30 GMT – sleep

      Planes crash
      Two airplanes crossing the sky right above my head are clearly going to crash one into the other a bit further ahead. I m with my dad who starts running to see it and I grab my camera to film it when it happens. I think we’re maybe being morbid and cold-blooded but the fact is there’s nothing we can do to prevent it from happening.
      When we reach the crash site, we only see smoke and pieces of metal scattered all over. Later I learned a few people escaped alive but not when it crashed on the ground – they had been rescued when the plane was still on air, by some team who entered the plane in distress and gave some parachutes to selected people. They couldn’t save everybody – maybe not enough parachutes and I tried to imagine being one of the persons being left behind and the despair these persons might have felt.

      Staying at some place and waiting for my cousin Cris to join me there. She arrives all excited about a new job she has. Later, our cousin Rui also appears and strangely the crush I had for him as a child, rises up for no reason at all.

      I’m at some apartment in a strange circular building on the outside, which funnels down in a spiral with inner verandas and terraces on the inside. It’s a very stormy weather outside and I close down the windows and shutters and it gets really warm and comfy inside. When shutting the last window I see someone outside who is either in danger from the storm or with whom I want to talk, but either way, I decide to go outside on purpose for this person.

      Wounded horse
      When I go outside, the building becomes a hill with green grass and lavender and many forest animals roaming around. No more stormy weather. To go faster to the bottom of the hill, I fly there. Other people are trying to do the same and fly up or down, but they are flapping their arms and look exhausted, so I try to show them how to simply glide effortlessly. When I arrive down there I encounter a huge biodiversity and also lots of animals which are alive, others that are dying and others already dead. I see a horse with a wounded leg and I really want to help but don’t know how.

      2:30 GMT

      Now I’m in a same kind of building as before, but this one goes underground so to go from top to bottom, I have to go down a spiral staircase so I just jump all the floors to the (under)ground level. A guy who’s down there gets absolutely amazed by that. I then mingled with people but notice that he is following me. He finally stepped into my way and asked me if I was such and such person. At first I didn’t know what he was talking about but then I realised we had met before many times already and we had a world in common. He was totally obsessed with this idea we were soul mates. And he was cute and all but I didn’t feel anything special for him at all. He was getting touchy and holding my hands and I had to tell him I have a boyfriend, but he wasn’t letting himself be discouraged by that, so I had to escape from him.

      Mafia war-like game
      I disappeared in the crowd and found a group of faces I recognised from prep and high school. They were among a group of people organizing a game which I joined. Each individual or couples were given documents and/or objects representing a company or a business. Then we had to either steal, buy or merge with other companies and the person with more businesses in the end would win. The game could go on for days and people had to go around doing fairly normal lives in this common space (building) where there were a cantina, a gym, rooms, and everything else we needed to hang there.
      In the beginning I was stealing documents from the most naïve persons, but then I started feeling bad about it and decided to instead make friendship with them and establishing agreements to merge or buy. I decided to only be aggressive to those who were aggressive to others. As aggressive and violent players were forming alliances between them, the game was getting more serious, because they would step on no matter whom to get control of others businesses, like a mafia. I had made merges, but in all agreements I kept the ownership, because I was stronger than my partners and businesses would be safer with me, but I was also being badly hunted down because so many businesses were concentrated on me. As a lonely wolf, I thought the docs would be safer with me, but only if I was not caught, so I was mostly hidden and attacking these bad guys whenever I had a shot. I managed to steal the documents of one of the biggest baddies’ group. Then they were infuriated and hunting me down and I wondered when the game would end, because they were taking it extremely seriously and would resort to violence if they'd catch me.

      6:00 GMT – wake up
    6. 08 Oct: Crazy co-pilot

      by , 10-24-2010 at 08:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      01:30 GMT+9 – sleep

      Crazy co-pilot
      On a plane to (I think) London. Co-pilot is describing the weather at destination. He says that it is a bit rainy but... “Oh, wait” (silence)... “actually it is a bit nasty, but still we can probably make it... Oh... Wait...(silence)”. People on the plane just say “Oh, c’mon, just start the damn engines!” . Then co-pilot says “So, we go anyway. Mind that if something happens, it’s not our fault.” And I’m wondering “Don’t they have safety rules to comply with? A limit to the risks they can take?” Then a guy sitting by my side just says - trying to assure me - that this co-pilot is crazy and checks weather forecast every ten seconds, but that I shouldn’t worry, weather is just fine.

      3:00 GMT+9 – wake up
      Tags: airplane, pilot, storm
    7. 06 Oct: Stuck on false awakenings

      by , 10-24-2010 at 04:52 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      During a 10h flight.

      14:30 GMT+2

      Stuck on false awakenings
      I wake up because the airplane is landing. After crossing the dark night in just a few hours, it’s daylight again. I feel incredibly thirsty and groggy. The airplane windows are huge and I can see a wide panorama while we’re landing. I find that strange and I do a RC. I find I’m still asleep but I don’t manage to wake up or to change dream or anything. It just keeps going and I feel stuck.
      Finally I wake up. I see daylight again but the windows are still wide. I do RC again and find out I’m still asleep. Thirst persists as well as discomfort grows but once again I cannot get out or wake up. I decide to let it flow and see where it leads. The airplane is landing on a small road with fences, gardens and houses on both sides. It keeps going until it stops by the side of a building that looks like a bus or train station. Everybody gets out of the airplane and I’m the last one. When I pass by the cockpit the pilot and co-pilot are already outside to and so I lean to check the instrument panel and so on. The co-pilot says to the pilot that I’m taking a peak at the cockpit and warns him they left the key on the ignition, so the pilot comes to me and asks me if I’m not planning to steal the plane. He is half joking and half serious. I respond “of course not, how could I fly this even if I wanted to?”. Then we leave to the nearest village, me, pilot, co-pilot and another girl who was left behind. The co-pilot says that everything is so compact around here that sometimes to go from one street to the other you have to cross through someone’s backyard. He tells me he has started a biodynamic garden just close from there but people keeping running over his vegetables and ruin everything. I find that all bizarre but the fact is to cross to some nearby cafés, we have to cross a sports field. We pass under some Japanese banners hanging over a door and enter a café. I remember I’m so thirsty and I see a bottle of water on some couple’s table, but I have my sigg bottle and go instead to the toilet to fill it in the tap. The pilots moved on, so I am just with this girl. I notice she is Japanese. Then as I drink the water I remember again I am just dreaming and what I really need is real water.
      I wake up. Exactly as previous times, but this time it is night. It doesn’t matter, I can still recognize I am still dreaming. I do RC again and confirm. I am starting to feel desperate. I can’t go out of this loop. I think about people I know, people I love, family members. I call for them. They establish a link to the awaken world and I finally wake up.

      7:20 GMT+9 - wake up

      The airplane is not yet landing but flight attendants are about to serve breakfast. It is day light outside and windows are normal. I see my sigg bottle of water and kill my thirst. Soon I was landing in Japan.

      Updated 10-24-2010 at 04:55 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    8. 25 Sep: School dramas, Jared Leto and Mosh?

      by , 09-27-2010 at 11:13 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      Quite a long night...

      23:35 GMT – Sleep

      Clothes shop
      I’m with my mom on some kind of clothes shop or whatever. There’s a long row of cabins for trying-out clothes. I’m on one undressing and she is pressing me to speed up. There are some guys around that are either watching us or pressuring us to go away (not clear).

      Rotten pumpkin
      I’m on some kind of yard and there’s a big tree in the middle. A group of guys, some I recognize, like Alfredo, who are sitting on some branches to my right side. Down on the ground I’m trying to get Alfredo’s attention but some other guy appears and starts telling me I shouldn’t waste my time on him. That he and this other guy who used to work with him are full of schemes. I tell him I know him well enough to know that much is just misunderstandings. Then this guy is on the left corner of the yard, where there were two big calabashes and picks one. As he squeezes it, telling me it’s rotten, the content spills all over the floor and is a smelly gushy thing. I actually come closer... but then I don’t remember what happened.

      Encounter with Mosh?
      Then I’m inside this big black truck. Some guy drove me over but right now we’re parked on the side of the road and he is outside doing something (maybe peeing?). We’re on a semi-desert place, no houses, just sand around. As another big truck passes by us on the road, there’s a panel on the truck where a pink or red light starts blinking, like signalling the proximity of something and I realise it’s this other big truck that just passed by. They signal the presence to each other. The guy on the other truck probably just saw the same signal on his truck and he breaks violently and makes a very fast U-turn.
      The guy who is with me also sees this and runs to “our” truck. As the other guy parks they both meet outside and make quite a party for finding each other. I am now coming out of the truck and I realise I have feelings for this guy who is with me. I approach him by his right side and kind of encircle him with my arms. Both guys are with shorts and a t-shirt and actually look very similar. Then the guy who arrived looks at me surprised, like asking who am I. And “my” guy says I’m his new girl friend. I don’t recall he mentioning his or my name but then he clearly introduces me to his friend and says: “This is Mosh” and I’m like "what? I know that name!"
      But Mosh is not really accepting me. He keeps looking sideways to me. Later we are on some building, looks like an office floor, people are running around working on something and I’m on some common living room on the end of some corridor, where there’s coffee machine and so on. I’m planning to make some coffee but then I see Mosh at the other end of the corridor, again not looking so friendly to me. Then he sends out this kind of energy blast that comes in my direction. It’s kind of transparent wave that is about to hit me, but I block it and it doesn’t hit me or harm me. I tell him to please stop it, because he has no reasons to distrust me. He then steps back a little, maybe because “my” guy then appears and Mosh behaves better in front of his friend, and maybe also because his friend seems to fully trust me and even have feelings for me. Then we start making coffee and I climb some chair to get some toffees that are on some high shelf.

      3:50 GMT

      I am at a conference room with glass walls all around. I spot trees outside and think it looks like some room I've been at the European Parliament.

      Jumping over ponds
      I am now at some kind of amphitheatre and recall that I’ve seen this before and think I know what’s going to happen next, although I don’t really recognise this from RL. I chose the place not on the auditorium but on some tables near the door, with chairs that actually sit me with my back to the stage and not really looking at it. I know someone will come and sit there to, someone that I must meet. The guy arrives and I tell him I was expecting him. We befriend and then we go outside. There’s some patio with square ponds between large square stones and we have fun jumping over these ponds. Some other friends are joining us and then... (gap).

      Friend on airplane
      It’s now dark outside ad I talk to some people (I think the group from before) when I see this airplane flying over our heads. It is low enough that I can its windows and I notice the windows are open, as if it was a car and people are leaning over to see outside. I see among the persons, my Italian friend António. I ask my friends to excuse me but I have to go talk to him. So I lift off and fly to meet him. The plane landed on some sky platform and I meet my friend there. He sees me and comes to me but has to stay behind some barrier, separating us. I ask him how he is and how’s is life going since last time we spoke. He is wearing eye-liner and is not very talkative. He just smiles, says everything’s fin and that he must now leave. I tell him my mom says hi to him and then he turns away.

      Underground kitchen
      When coming down again, I land inside some underground kitchen and I see two black girls very busy cooking. I try not to disturb them and look for an exit. But the youngest one spots me and gets really pissed off. She chases me around, looking angry and I tell her to please just point me the way out and I will leave. But she doesn’t. Then the older one comes in my rescue and tells the other she is being stupid. She had actually blocked the door, so I don’t see it, just to scare me out. Still, when I finally see the door, I don’t go out. The older girl allows me to stay and I sit in a corner, like under some table, with a box of crayons. I draw Harry Potter or some other character from the story and soon I realise there’s a lot of people gathered around mocking me for drawing this. I don’t understand what’s the fuss and I say “why not? I even like Harry Potter. Me and half of the world’s population. Don’t you? At all?”. And then everybody goes quiet and leaves me alone.

      5:30 GMT

      High-school gym
      I’m on some high-school and I see a gym just in front of me. For some reason I’m planning to go up a ramp on my right side but as I start going up I change my mind and instead enter the gym.
      There’s some basketball game going on and I just walk around the field, watching it. I see some familiar faces from my high-school and I poke a fat guy who was my colleague since primary school. But somehow I scared him and he bumped with his head against some obstacle. He starts crying out loud why am I so evil, why did I hit me and so on. I feel that he is crazy, but people seem to believe him. Then another girl also starts complaining saying i also hurt her some other day and everybody is now looking angry at me that I’m such a bitch. The interesting thing is that I start believing them and soon I am also crying and asking their forgiveness. I know I didn’t do it on purpose, that I’m not really evil, but they convinced me I actually hurt them (although I’m sure it was accidentally).

      I’m going back to a hostel I’m staying in and being followed by a guy. I think he is angry at me and wants to harm me, but no. When we arrive there he just asks me if I stay longer or leave. He wants to ask me something or needs something from me.

      Hairdresser, grilled-burgers and Jared Leto
      I’m sitting on some hairdresser or something and a guy is cutting my hair, not much, just making some hairstyle. I look into the mirror and I have long, long blond yellow hair. My face is my RL face and in fact doesn’t look so bad with this hair. I then see my boyfriend there and ask him if he is ok with this hair. He is happy, at least is long as I used to have it before. He doesn’t even care if it’s blond.
      Then I see some pics on the wall, like celebrity pics and recognize one as being a high-school colleague and the other is Jared Leto. Then my friend Rita comes along and says “No way, if there’s pics of these guys here, I’m surely on some of the pics too!” I ask her why and she tells me she used to hang around with them. And we indeed find 2 or 3 pics with her on. She tells me she can introduce me to them and I accept.
      Meanwhile this hairdresser is having fun – he has developed a prank spray. It works like this: he sprays people’s hair with it, it forms a kind of layer that gives hair a wet look, but later on when the person is on the street, the water layer collapses and showers down people’s face and shoulders. He just did it to a costumer and it’s quite fun when it bursts.
      So then I go with Rita to meet her celebrity friends and we end up on this grill-restaurant – looks quite low level – and these two guys are inside ordering from the menu. I hesitate going inside, because they have all sorts of dead animals in line to grill. A big octopus rolled up around two sticks is the next to be grilled.
      I stay outside where a guy is working for this restaurant grilling burgers to passing by people. I ask him if he has any veggie option and he looks at me as if I’m crazy. I wasn’t expecting a yes just wanted to bring his attention to the possibility.
      Then I give him some tips and he actually goes get the vegetables and makes really yummy veggie burgers that start attracting lots of people. In 5 minutes he is totally surrounded by people devouring his delicious creations and he feels like he just discovered his vocation. I’m happy for him.

      7:00 GMT

      I’m brooming my home but soon realise I’m not getting it clean so I grab the vaccum cleaner but it gets blocked by pieces of foam all the time.

      I remember washing my teeth with a key (the safe deposit key type, flat and square). Because it has a square surface with reliefs, I found it quite efficient to clean my teeth.

      My old primary school
      I am outside my old primary school, which left me a lot of nostalgia and is now transformed into private housing and hence I have no access to it for visiting. [in RL to] I see the old principal of the school. He now has his workshop and tools stored outside on the street, since he lost his school. I also see they covered the lovely terrace where we used to have our gym. Not even possible to look inside as there’s no windows. I feel sad.

      9:00 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-27-2010 at 11:21 AM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. 7 Sep: a portal and a long lucid (both wasted)

      by , 09-08-2010 at 10:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      In general, these last days I have been recalling fewer dreams and totally missing good opportunities when they arise, but we all go through these stupid phases, I guess.

      23:20 GMT – Sleep

      Can’t really recall a dream, but I woke up with obsessive thoughts about dream control and the serial dreaming RPG tasks, so either I was dreaming something related to that or not at all and felt frustrated on waking up.

      3:58 GMT

      Random fragments
      I’m with a group of kids, brothers and sisters and apparently we are very famous. There’s a huge group of fans stalking us and we just have time to hide in some house. Inside there’s a maid who becomes our friend and keeps our location secret. For some reason we stay there for the night and it is absolutely imperative that nobody find us there.
      Then I am on some balcony trying to disentangle something (?)
      Then I’m on top of a skyscraper in N.Y. I feel a bit of vertigo.
      Then I am with some blond guy and we are making a pact to help each other keep some secret only to ourselves.

      4:30 GMT

      From a train to a slaughterhouse
      I’m on a train station platform and from inside a train a friend calls me, says it is last call for this train and if I’m not getting there immediately I’ll have to go on the next. I don’t know where we’re going, but I hop in. I sit and realise that in the seat in front are my friend R., L. and some other person. They are bragging about their dreams. One of them says she can easily use the train ride to snooze a little and will surely come up with at least 2 lucid dreams. Initially I feel envious, but I shudder this feeling, don't want to give in to envy and just ignore them. I look through the window and I see bulls on some field. Half-lucid I start thinking which animal suffers the worst: the bull that roams free his entire life and is then slowly tortured and bleed to death in a bullfighting arena or a cow that lives an entirely miserable existence of pain in some factory farm but then dies supposedly quicker? My doubt lies now in the effectiveness of stunners that are used to leave the animals unconscious before slaughter. So I find myself in a slaughterhouse holding one of such devices to test it. I thought about trying it on myself, but I felt a bit scared of what I would feel, so I just test it on an apple – not a very clever idea, it just gets some burning marks on it. [chicken!]

      A portal
      I’m on some house of an old couple and their son. We’re in the middle of an empty room and there’s a portal open in the centre of the room. It just appeared out of nowhere. As it shines and waves in the air, in tones of blue, like water, we wonder what it is and if it’s dangerous to cross it and what it is on the other side. The boy gets behind it and throws something across it in our direction. It was like a piece of garbage. Instead of crossing, it just stays there, suspended in the portal, but it performs a strange mystical dance and then becomes a perfect circle form. Then I don't remember much, but I had no will or courage to actually cross it and think I just left this room and house and continued dreaming outside. [idiot!]

      Buddhists and new agers
      I'm in this foreign country and my mom came to visit me and I decide to show her around. I’m dressed in orange, top and long skirt and with my purple hat. I tell her lots of monks and Buddhist teachers are also in the city at the moment, for some gathering. We see a group of people waiting for a bus on the other side of the road and I tell her “See over there, it’s Mathieu Ricard with some other Tibetan Buddhist monk”. A bit further we pass by another group of monks, and I tell her “And see, look who’s in the middle of these monks, it’s Tich Nhat Hanh.”
      Then we see a large entrance to some place, like a garage, not entirely inviting, but lots of new agers gathered there. They invite us in, they are eating what seems to be lentils and vegetables, so we join them. After the meal they behave a bit childish, like when they start doing this clapping hand game I used to play in camps with other kids.

      5:30 GMT

      Alone in the city
      I am again in this foreign city and I know my mom is visiting, although not with me at the moment. I know it is quite far from home and I wonder how she enjoyed the flight. I feel that flying is becoming quite normal to me and I wonder if I’ll ever be afraid of flying. Then it occurs to me that maybe if I fly to Nepal, I might feel scared because lots of planes fall in that area as their flying companies are not so safe.
      While I think about all this I am entering a building, following two other girls who enter a public toilet. It is quite big with large mirrors on the wall over the sinks. The girls are mocking me or something, but I ignore them. I go to the mirror and I spend a lot of time there, looking at something in my face as I continue thinking. Because I’m abstracted, the dream transforms and I am now on top of a hill sitting with a guy and a girl on a few steps and the mirror transformed into a glass wall by my left side. Through it I can see a road down the hill and a city on the other side of the road.
      Me and this guy and girl are so packed together (don’t know way, as there’s lots of space around) and the guy is flirting me thinking I’m interested.
      But I couldn’t care less, I get up and decide to move. I go downhill and cross the street. From there I see than on the side of this little hill, there's a bigger mountain with a forest and old houses in the horizon, outside the city and for a moment I consider going there. But hesitated, and decided to just fly around the city. I am lucid but honestly can’t really tell when it started (think it was gradual, from the moment I moved away from this couple of friends).
      For a moment I find myself inside a house with a bunch of other people and I change clothes – now I wear a sexy transparent black shirt. Then I’m outside again and I’m a bit distracted and a car almost hits me. I pause on the sidewalk for a while, just looking to the sky and the buildings around. It’s all so luminous. Then I see lots of jets lifting off and I have this impression there’s a lot of rich business people on this city. The jets lift off, one after another, there’s maybe an airport nearby. But then they start behaving strangely, like they are not flying in a straight line, but a bit randomly and then they transform into giant metal birds, with colourful painted wings.
      A Russian guy wakes me up from my mesmerisation and tells me he will drive this car, which is parked right by my side and I’m sitting on the sidewalk, so he’s just warning me to get out the way. He is a bit rude, but he is actually concerned about my safety and I feel he is a nice guy. He is a driver, not the owner of the car.
      Then I cross the street on the pedestrian walkway. I didn’t look to see if it was green for pedestrians and a wall of cars comes in my direction from both sides. But I am not afraid. As they approach I think "cars keep coming at me but this is my dream and they can’t hurt me, I’ll be like Moises opening the red sea and crossing safely to the other side". It didn’t quite happen that way. It just happened that the cars would pass in front of me or in my back without ever colliding with me, very elegantly. That was nice, but not awesome, so I stay there and decide the cars will lift in the air and freeze and make a wall of cars. This time I point my hand to them to make it happen, but all it happens is that they started levitating, but not with the desired effect. I think “Oh crap, I really suck at this control thing.”, but it wasn’t that bad - at least it was a very sucessful levitation of cars.
      Then for some irrational “reason” when I am in the sidewalk I decide I’m not over with this gimmick yet and I walk a bit further down the road until I find a spot that for "some reason” looks good. There I decide to send a purple light ray – actually more like a laser, hard to explain - to the ground, marking an invisible line where the cars will create this wave or wall of cars, when they reach it. But by this time, the traffic diminished a lot. It’s already dawn and I also realised there’s very few people on the street. A guy coming out from a building – looks like a bank – just saw me sending out “laser beams” and with his eyes wide open he freezes on the sidewalk and moves back inside. I can’t believe he is afraid of me!
      I lean on some raised flowerbed outside a building, waiting for some car to pass, but nothing! They totally disappeared. Now I feel pissed. I was sure this time it would work! Then I feel so incredibly lonely, as if I was the only one of my kind in the world - nobody with whom to share my reality and my tricks. Then my cat appears by my side and I hug him, but I don’t feel much better.

      [Then I felt totally disappointed that I didn’t remember to do any of the tasks I was supposed to do!]

      7:15 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-08-2010 at 10:34 PM by 34880

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid