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    Dream Warrior and Explorer of the Dreamplane

    1. 29 Jul: Dying tortoise and salvaging stuff from a market

      by , 07-29-2022 at 03:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP[/B]

      Some place with a large table in the middle of a garden. It has pots and plants and all sorts of clutter and then I spot a large tortoise almost looking like clay, in the middle of it. I realize it is a real tortoise, but she is so dehydrated, she is turning brown. I open up a path through the stuff on the table to access the critter and immediately it moves toward the edge of the table and plunges her head in a tall vase with wated that is below the table. The tortoise drinks tons of water, seems to regain some vitality. I wonder who trapped the poor bugger in there.

      On a bus returning from a day on the beach or something. Seems one of my childhood memories when I used to go with other kids on a kind of open summer camp, in which we returned home at the end of the day. I am accompanied by my school friend Mara and her nasty brother. I am taking a ride home with their mother who is picking us up on her van. While we wait, I find a box with some used sneakers by the side of the dumpster. Ricardo mocks me for picking it up but I tell him I sell hundreds of items like these every month and make a buck from it. He doesn't seem to believe, but he shuts up and goes away. Then I notice that there are a couple dumpsters full to the brim with pairs of shoes, used and new. I wish I could pick them all. Then their mother arrives and I ask if she has bags on her van. She has a blue plastic trash bag and a blue IKEA shopping bag. I ask her to wait for me while I fill them up. Then someone points out that there is a street market just behind the dumpsters and someone just abandoned an entire workbench with new and unused baby clothes for anyone to take home. I go grab them first and stuff the two bags with it. Then my mother appears out of nowhere and tells me my friends had to go to the toilet at a café, so we can spend a bit more time here. She also finds another abandoned workbench full of handmade bijouterie and artwork inspired by cottagecore and elves, fairies, etc. The bijouterie is all in large boxes and she stacks them in order to carry it all to the van without bags.
    2. 30 Jan: Keanu Reeves on the bus and guest at Audrey Hepburn's house

      by , 01-30-2022 at 10:01 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am sitting near the back of a bus. Keanu Reeves comes in and goes sit in the last row. I play cool and just make sure he sees me and notices me, so I try to engage later. I don't wanna annoy him for no with a rushed approach. Then he drops something and doesn't notice, so that's my cue. I pick it up and give it to him. Apparently it is something important, because he thanks me a lot and says he wants to reward me somewhow. As he looks through his bag looking for something, I say "You know, we have a common acquaintance." "Oh really, who?" And I say "DJ K. You worked together at a film." And he is like "Whom?" I didn't expect him not to remember, so I insist and say maybe he forgot because it was a long time ago, but they were pretty close and I even have pics of them together. He is curious and wants to see the pics but I don't have them with me on my phone. I tell him I can send it later. He asks for my number and I feel like my mission is accomplished.

      I visit a botanical garden and check a little corner that I loved very much. There are two guys there making some sort of inspection. One asks for my opinion about the flowerbed arrangements. It looks gorgeous, very colorful and diverse. I say I have never seen it so gorgeous. We talk about the evolution of the garden. Then some rich guy, a movie star, arrives in a big SUV, stops in front of us and very theatrically, comes out with an entourage. One of his bodyguards puts some sort of key inside a stone carving in some stone steps on the opposite side of the path in front of us. The stone stairs pull in magically and reveal another set of stairs going underground. Then everyone around goes in and since I am curious I go after them. Someone questions if I am supposed to be allowed in, but no one seems to care. A the end of the stairs we walk down a corridor that looks like service tunnels, with art pieces stored in storage rooms or hanging on the walls. It is an access to some house of an artist. The house itself has a really exotic decoration. Finally we arrive at the main area and I learn it is actually Audrey Hepburn's house. It is huge. Although we entered via an udnerground tunnel, the house actually spreads up through an entire building several storeys high. We head for the top terrace, where there are two indidivual houses on top of it and get to see we are in the middle of other city buildings. The terrace has different levels, one looks like a normal rooftop with a pool and direct access to the house we just came from. But then we go down a few stairs and there is another level that looks like a restaurant, with rowns of tables outside in front of another building which is a kitchen and another level with a private cinema. I meet Audrey, she is so nice, but I tell her I am not so sure about her house. Seems cozy but also just too much and so kitsch with weird art everywhere, which makes it overwhelming to the senses. I even find a pot in the middle of the way with some Buddha ststues and jewels inside, just abandoned there and I take them out and put the budddhas on top of a boulder that is on the side of some stone stairs. Then try to untangle a necklace to also hang it there but I fall in love with it and I put it on me. It is made of a dark metal, deep blue stones and peacock feathers. Some security guard looks at me sideways and I say "Don't worry, I wont leave with it on, I'll just wear it while I am here." Then everyone starts heading to the cinema because there will be some movie preview. There is a lobby where guests have to leave bags and coats and check-in and I get in the line. In front of me is a girl with a baby in her arms, and she seems a bit stressed, because the computers crashed and they can't log us in. I get her a chair and offer to hold the baby for a while, which she accepts after a while. The movie started and we are stuck outside but the baby is adorable and I am ok, don't even know if I want to watch the movie.
    3. 20 Feb: Weird prank, art heist, silly debate

      by , 02-20-2021 at 09:05 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I go to my car outside my gates, to get some bags I really need the bags, but I am a bit afraid because it is night already and I am alone. I hear strange noises, so I look around and see some small boars, not so far from me. One has a chunk of bloodied meat hanging from his mouth and I feel a bit concerned. But they don't seem like they want to attack me. I look over the small cliff they came from and see a bunch of boars and cats apparently eating some corpse. One of the cats is my cat Buda. I go there and all the animals run away from me. I realize the dead animal is a giant pig, the size of a very fat human. The animal has tied feet and has burned skin like it had been cooking over a fire. But it ain't dead, it still breathes. At this point, there are other people around who also came to see what happened and all are in shock about the poor pig that was being cooked alive and somehow escaped. They can't handle it, but beg me to film and post online. Turns out there is a restaurant really nearby that is famous for cooking whole pigs but nobody expected them to cook the pigs alive.
      I am confused that a lot of it doesn't make sense. How is the pig alive after everything, including having cats and wild boars eating his guts? And how did it get here with feet tied up? Then I see some guys who look familiar, some famous comedians. They admit to have set up a prank to promote the said restaurant, and that the pig is actually a man in disguise, but once again it makes no sense and I find it all absurd.

      I am with a group of international friends at an hostel in some foreign country. We did a heist and stole a bunch of lesser known paintings of famous painters worth millions. We are saying goodbye to each other, packing bags. I am also saying goodbye to the hostel cats and I feel really heartbroken to leave them behind. Some became really fond of some of us and I ask if nobody wants to adopt any cats. They say no, that they will be fine. The owner of the hostel feeds them and they are used to see people come and go. But I am looking for one in particular that got really attached to us. Our rooms are in the basement with access to a garden where I go look for the cat. Then the police comes into the hostel and raids our rooms. I see some of my friends being arrested, others fleeing and being caught on the street. But I was out of sight in the garden and manage to escape to a back alley that zigzags through neighboring buildings. I leave everything behind, only have my wallet on my pocket. I see police starting to spread out and look for the ones who escaped. I got to another neighborhood and see an entrance to a small shopping center. It's basically closed with only a couple shops open, so I plan to lay low and wait. I go down some stairs to a lower level floor and find a kind of auditorium with people seated and watching something on a screen. I presume it's some movie so I seat down among them. Turns out it is an auction and the items are being shown on screen. I spot one of my partners in crime among them, trying to sell his painting even for some bucks just to get rid of it and make some money to leave the country. But there were some agents in the audience and they catch him. Then they start looking around and also checking bags, trying to find more of us. I don't flinch and since I only have my wallet, they let me go.

      I am at some kind of charity event for an animal shelter or similar and a reporter comes with a couple vets and start asking if we consider vegan feed safe and healthy for cats and dogs. We find that a bit odd but the organizers of the event all says yes. Then the reporter gives the word to the vets she brought along and they start raising questions about longevity and biology and I get into a really heated debate with them about it. I present scientific data and they question my authority on the subject. I then pull out my credentials and one of the vets looks me down, claiming I have a low paid job and no credit. So I exaggerate a bit my professional history, to prove her wrong - no lies, just a bit of embellishment. I then feel so bad for having fallen down through this ego trap.
    4. 22 Sep: Boring stuff at a swimming pool and an office

      by , 09-22-2020 at 01:22 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Heading to a swimming pool, I never get past the locker room. I want to pee but the toilets are all occupied with kids. Find one available, but it is really dirty. I get my clothes dirty from the toilet dirt and I have to wash it on the sinks. The sinks are weird, really tall and made out of a slab of stone with water falling to a drainage, like a waterfall. I have to climb on top of the slab of stone to reach the faucets. As I wash my clothes, I notice two people sitting nearby watching what I am doing. One of them is a priest.
      Afterward I go to an office. There is a guy there who is seen as a hero, because he did something brave and reckless, like skydiving or something. But he is now completely afraid of something totally harmless, but I don't know the whole story.
      There is a lady in a table at the back of this office who is serving delicatessens and also teaching culinary arts to those interested. I am totally amazed at her dumplings. She makes them very artistically. In fact she is also an artist and she paints everyday objects with beautiful drawings. She also has some of those pieces on display. I tell her her paintings look like Lolita Lempicka style.
      (Something sounded off about my comment, so I did some research and Tamara de Lempicka is the artist I meant, Lolita Lempicka is the name of a perfume, but I was close enough )
    5. 4 Aug: Robert Mueller at nudist swimming pool, terrorist at nerd convention, friends in Lisbon

      by , 08-04-2019 at 09:21 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      At a nudist swimming pool with my mom. We go take a shower before going to the pool and it's all genders mixed. Robert Mueller is taking a shower there. He is to friendly and gets to close and his penis touches me. I feel very uncomfortable but my mom seems to like him... until he kisses a younger guy that arrives and then she feels a bit shocked. He asks if we are ok with it. I say I am (now his dick touching me doesn't affect me much) but my mom is suggesting it isn't ok by her. We have a bunch of stuff to put in the lockers, but they are all taken. She decides to just leave stuff on the ground over a towel, but I go back because I think some one will steal it. I find a Chinese and an Indian or Pakistani dude putting prices on our stuff and trying to sell it. I have an argument with them, they get a bit scared, asks me for proof it is my stuff. I raise my voice and say I am ready to fight and they back of. (sorry for this sort of racist dream)

      In a nerd convention with Riverstone. We are sitting at a table, eating and drinking. I won some contest but it's because I followed a hint from him. Something about a quote that I guess it's from Star Wars. They call half a dozen winners to the front of the stage to hand the prizes (several electronic items). They are all marked with our names but someone used a marker that disappears on touch causing a chaos. Meanwhile, some Latin dude in a camouflage jumpsuit is walking among us, and someone yells he wants to kill someone. I look back and he has an electronic command in his hand and points it over all our heads to a nearby stand. There is an explosion. He is pinned down by people and some of us run to the stand to help whomever needs help but luckily everybody is ok. There were also some kittens on a box for adoption and even they are ok. I pick them up and kiss them gently. Then I meet Riverstone who had lost me in the chaos and is sick worried.

      Lisbon is very changed, lots of tourists, even more than nowadays. I am taking a tour under the theme of urban art. At the Anjos area, some guy spots me at a distance and starts yelling announcing me. I don't remember his face but I go check if it is someone I know. It is some guy from my activism days. And he was yelling at his friends, but a bunch of them has already left in a car. They get however suck in traffic not so far ahead, so they wave at me. They aged, some are fatter, other grew beards. The one guy left behind takes me to visit a girl who now works in a fancy restaurant of a famous chef. She looks like Guiomar. She shows me around, the chef is baking some cakes and I say I am hungry but are they vegetarian? The chef says no.
      Then my friends have some gifts for me that they say I must absolutely take: a kind of wooden centerpiece with colorful paintings.

      Then I get to see through the eyes of some guy who robbed a museum with some friends and he is now on a wheelchair. He wants to revisit the place and a friend says not to or they'll catch him, but he is not worried. They do catch him but he doesn't feel so bad about it. Asks what's in the menu in the prison. I think he actually wanted to be caught.
    6. 26 Feb: Sports and art competition

      by , 02-26-2019 at 09:01 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Participating at some kind of triathlon competition and doing very well. I am quite ahead of some men who are favorite. But the tests range from swimming, escaping simulated war games to going to a studio and produce some works of art. I see others painting authentic masterpieces, but all very similar, as if they all came from the same art school. I don't have their talent so I draw a mandala and also make some kenpo fighter doll with materials available. My sensei is in the jury and he is both impressed and amused.
    7. 22 Jan: Reversing time

      by , 01-22-2014 at 11:42 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am revisiting my kindergarten. It is now fully modern and totally different. I see one of the teachers from my time. I avoid her before she sees me. It connects directly to an art school. It feels familiar, but why should I know it? When several guys in the common room start looking at me, like they know I don't belong here, I hide behind a book shelf and pick up a large comics book. A boy appears and talks to me. He knows me, says he didn't expect to see me there again, I do feel like we've met before.
      We go for a walk. A semi-rural area, it's pretty, but he says the surprise is still to come. At the top of a narrow street sided by old stone walls, we encounter an entrance to an old castle. He introduces me a couple of hippies who have reclaimed this abandoned site and are slowly making it their home and reconstructing it.
      I leave and find myself floating through the air down to the urban area. I become aware and watch an open area, with concrete floor, a few trees, people walking in a hurry in different directions, heading to their jobs. It's a grey, rainy day, people look somber and mindeless. I am lucid and don't have a clear goal, so what I decide to do is reverse time. Don't know why, but I do it. I watch people walking backwards, the wind blowing backwards, the clock moving anti-clockwise. Then I stop it and time resumes it's course, forward. Most people don't react to what just happened, they do exactly what they had done before, repeat the same steps. But something amazing happens, a few of them remember! And whatever they are feeling changes their perception of everything. A couple of friends who is crossing paths again, they walk slowly to each other, with lucid understanding in their eyes, they stare with a smile in their faces and then they hug, with no rushes. Others stop walking and swirl around, like dancing, or stare at the sky or look at others admired that they haven't seen what they saw. They experience a small enlightnement with the realization of the relativity of reality.
    8. 2 Oct: Portal to 'wonderland' world

      by , 10-02-2013 at 12:25 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      (...) With some friends, we're invited to enter a fabulous property of a colleague. with an old palace-house and abandoned gardens around. He explains this house belonged to a writer who created a novel like "Alice in Wonderland" and argued it was based on real experiences he had on the property. He describes to us the world that guy wrote about and it sounds awfully a lot with my plunging into the dream worlds and lucid dreaming experiences. So I do believe the guy really lived those things. And then I become lucid.
      Then our friend reveals that he had also encountered the actual place where the writer said was the passage to this other world. He takes us there and it is a stone paved patio, with columns around and when he touches something, the columns move and create this strange effect on the air, like a mirrored surface and we realize a portal is opened. A giant spider pulling a wagon appears, covered in ants on her back. The ants move to the ground and open a kind of hatch on the back of the spider, where they insert a hose. They are pumping organic matter to serve as food to the spider, just like fuel to a car. Then they close the hatch and hop on the spider again. We're invited to sit on the wagon and off we go through the portal. We pass by the most incredible landscapes and I try to absorb everything I see, but it's just too much. I can only recall a town where people were pink bunnies in suits and then as we approached what seemed like a worm hole, the landscape became completely geometric and abstract, like a patchwork, moving rapidly around us. We get sucked into a funel made of this patchwork and start free-falling. The others are freaking out, but I enjoy every minute of it.
      When it stops, we are back to the starting point, or so it seems. It is again the old palace, but I notice it has some differences. It is quiet as if time didn't pass over here. There is an eerie golden light all around. I enter a room whose walls are covered in beautiful and varied pieces of arts and crafts, from pottery, to fine ceramics, to glass and iron, to paintings. They are so different, yet form a very harmonious ensemble. I try to memorize every detail, but the one thing that strikes me, is a bege colored painting of what seems to be Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus, but in which Mary and Joseph are grey aliens and baby Jesus is a radiant disk, which leaves me wondering if it is a sun or a flying saucer.
      We go outside and the golden light is shining over the trees, so beautifully. We head for the nearest town and I feel a bit disappointed because it looks pretty normal. It's like a 50's town with futuristic touch, but very chaotic and messy. The only thing I find appealing it is a public transportation system similar to a monorail, but with individual bumping cars in which people hop-in
      . I wake up...
    9. 4 Nov: Taken to an alien planet

      by , 11-05-2012 at 03:07 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      To get a bank account, or anything official, people are required to identify themselves with DNA fingerprinting. I'm applying to a job or something like that and they take a drop of blood for DNA sampling. I'm sitting in an uncomfortable chair for too long before I get any feedback and then without a warning the chair locks me in and I feel a needle on my back. I feel scared for a bit and then become aware I'm just dreaming and decide to play along and just memorize every detail of the story as it unravels.

      I am drugged and transported somewhere. When I get back to my senses I'm with some other persons, rounded up on some fenced place with red dirt floor. A guy who befriends me says we're on another planet, a red planet and we've been selected due to something in our DNA.

      He invites me to escape with him. He says we have to face some giant guy who protects the gates. At the end of a long open ceiling corridor, we meet him. We fight and I recall I can fly and do all my kung fu tricks, so we win.

      We escape and along our path we meet someone who offers help. Says we must go alongside the river until we find a bridge. We should not cross it. Just meet there some guys who will take us underground.

      But when we arrive, there's no one there. We admire the beautiful iron bridge. It leads to a gorgeous palace on the other side of the river.

      Then we see an abandoned boat and a floating body. We get in the boat and rush up to grab the body. It is a woman with dark straight hair. We bring her inside the boat and do CPR. She is alive! Then we see a chain pending from the boat and on the other end of it is a dog fighting for his life. we pull the chain, he offers some resistance because it chokes him a little bit, but soon he is also on the boat with us and looking very thankful.

      We seek help in the palace and we find that the woman and her dog live there. We are taken in as heroes. She had went for her usual boat promenade and the guys who we were supposed to meet with, had decided it was much more interesting to assault her and rob anything she might have of value. She didn't had much so they reacted with anger and decided to kill her and the dog. Luckily we appeared on time.

      We were given jobs in the palace and we stayed there.

      Now I start seeing life through the youngest girl in the family, a gorgeous teenager with a thing for art. Her father spoils her with everything she wants, as long as she doesn't get out of her golden cage. She surrounds herself with paintings, sculptures and all fine arts she can ask her father to put his hands on. But she is frustrated and unhappy. One day, the palace and the gardens are super busy with people preparing some big event, and she hids on one of her art galleries. Looking at those marble sculptures of naked bodies she feels so horny. She touches them as she masturbates furiously. She is going crazy that she can't reach an orgasm. I am her but I am also the guy who is now working in the palace, so I feel her horny despair and I also see her through his eyes and feel his lust.

      Then I realize again I am just dreaming and I wake up.
    10. 29 May: Dream warriors ambushed

      by , 05-30-2012 at 03:21 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      (...) I meet some guy at an outdoor café. We talk about the lucid plane. I think I say something about reading Castaneda's teachings at the moment and ask him some question about my awakened hyper-lucidity experienced during the day. He is some big head of the dream warrior elite and is handing me out some important info and answering some of my questions. I only became semi-lucid at the middle of it, so I don't recall much.
      Suddenly we are approached by two menacing individuals with swords and this guy tells me to deal with it and please cover his retreat. I agree, because he is to important to be caught. He hands me a sword I hadn't seen before and I stay behind to fight the two attackers. The first one is easy. Just demands some brute force. The second one is harder and I have to pick up the weapon of the previous one and fight with two swords. It feels awkward, because I have a katana on one hand and an european sword on the other hand. Somehow I manage, but honestly I feel that he gives up very easily and I don't know why. He simply runs away when he still could keep fighting.
      I then had a rendez-vous with a group of dream warriors at some hideout I just learned about (from the other guy). It is some sort of cave. I enter through a round hole on a wall, like an air passage, which takes them by surprise. They point out that there are a bunch of other entrances, like normal sized doors. I tell them I thought they kept all the entrances locked, so I had to find a way to break in. They reply that the entrances are never locked, not even closed, as there are no doors at all. I find that strange. They say it is a much bigger security to simply never allow the secret of this place to be revealed. And if it is found out, why bother locking behind doors? If any enemy wants to confront them, they are always ready to battle, no point in running or hiding and avoiding the inevitable. I find that very brave and valiant. But then it proves to be shitty when we are suddenly surrounded by a bunch of the bad guys. I had been followed and the hideout had been discovered. My fellow dream warriors couldn't be more pissed off with me. I couldn't be more pissed off with me! I prepare to fight alongside them, but they tell me to go get WakingNomad to help out. I think it's a good idea, but I also feel that they use it to get rid of me for a while.
      Following their instructions, I go look for WakingNomad and I find him at some art studio looking beyond some canvas, seemingly spaced-out. "Hey Nomad, remember me?" Nothing. "Hey man, you're needed to help some dreamers in trouble." Still nothing besides a vague look, like "Really?" "Hey, you really don't remember me?" (While I think to myself "we had sex on our last dream encounter, bro")
      I walked around a little bit, but he wasn't really responding. I think I gave up.(...)

      Updated 06-01-2012 at 08:48 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    11. 27 Jan: Failed Psycho task

      by , 01-28-2011 at 11:51 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)


      Lost love found and lost again
      On some inner patio, interacting with some lady in her 40s. We are both heading for a toilet, which has just been cleaned and she passes in front of me saying she must absolutely use it before anyone else. I guess she is a germ freak. Then two persons who seem to be her husband and son, come through a side gate telling her it’s time to go. They seem worried and in a hurry. Either they’re in trouble or something bad is going to happen and they know about it. Anyhow, I look at the boys eyes and we instantly recognize each other as lost lovers from a past life. We hug, kiss and cry. I tell him he doesn’t need to go and can stay with me but deep down I know it won’t happen. His parents are impatient to leave and he follows them.


      Kidnapped by terrorists inside a movie
      Watching a futuristic movie with Jeff Bridges as some detective who chases a supposed group of terrorists. They are solitary and he catches them one by one after locating them. But this time they all came together for a common action. I am then inside the movie, walking around a more deserted area of this futuristic city. I am passing in front of some closed warehouse when these guys come out from trees and rooftops and what have you, like ninjas, and they sequester all the people they see on the street, me included. First I thought about fighting back, but I have 3 or 4 of them pointing guns to my head, so I get down on the floor as they ask. Then they line us all and ask us to walk in line to inside the warehouse. As I walk looking down to the ground, I start seeing beautiful stones all around and get down to grab them. By now my mind has decided I don’t like the kidnappers dream, so they just disappear. Now all the kidnapped people are girls that are interested on the stones I’m finding and also looking for stones themselves. I find an amazing quartz, naturally shaped in a lotus flower shape, with a rose colored core. As I am focused on its beauty, the scenario around me changes and now I’m at some gallery of art and archeology. I see amazing little sculptures from ancient civilizations among beautiful modern paintings on the walls. I see some people I know on some conference hall doing some workshop. They invite me to join in, but it looks weird, with all of them dressing the same outfit. I say no, I am becoming lucid and floating around. I think I’d better do my Psycho ToTY.

      Failed Psycho ToTY
      I look around for mirrors or doors. What I see is an ancient coffin on a crypt and somehow I think it is a good idea to use it, so I get inside it, it moves down (sunks on the floor) like an elevator and once it stops, I open the lid again and I’m inside a cathedral. Humm... I got out from this coffin right from a tomb on the side of the central area where some people are praying. They look surprised but not scared. I get out of the cathedral and I see a big Germanic castle on my right side, up some really high hill. I have the feeling I’m in Bavaria. But why?
      I walk down this street from the church to center village, wondering how I am going to do the Psycho task around here. Then I see two bad looking guys, one with a gun and the other with a wooden club, getting down from a bike and heading to a little adorable Inn by the road. People are running from them. They are up to no good and although it ain’t Psycho script, I decide to interfere anyway. I stop them even before they enter the place. I fight with the guy with the club and steal it from him. But the other guy had a gun and once I was separated from his friend, he started shooting at me, so I had to take cover. They entered the place and made a girl hostage. Then I gather a team of two other people to help me. We are discussing strategy on the back door of the Inn, when they open it from the inside to take something out and then my memory is fuzzy on what happened, but I remember fights and one of the bad guys full of splinters in his back (from the club, probably?), so I guess we kicked their asses.


      Chivalry on the race track
      Some kind of parallel universe where I also know Marco Polo and we have a similar life story from my RL. I am passing by some foreign city and find out he is on a conference that is taking place there. It is my last day here and I decide to go say hi before leaving. I’m with two friends who know our story and they tell me I should make myself noticed, but not take the initiative to say hi. I agree. They also think I should go scandalous and topless, but they must be kidding, right? I agree not to polish my look to a more high-end professional look to impress him and fit the surroundings, so I go with my relaxed ponytail look to provoke him, but not half-naked! I enter the conference room precisely when he is on stage making a presentation. I walk down the aisle to find a sit and he sure notices me. He chokes and interrupts his presentation, visibly disturbed by my arrival. Cool. In the coffee break I go meet my friends outside but we make sure we’re on a visibly place where he will see me. He does, 2 or 3 times, but he pretends he doesn’t. I also pretend I don’t see him, although much more convincingly. Then at some point I bump into him at the coffee table and he looks and says “Oh, hi!”, “Hi, how are you?”, “Fine, why didn’t you say you were in the town? We could have meet.” I was thinking “Really?” but he was already in the move and disappearing to the conference room again, just making a bye bye sign. Disappointed I tell my friends we can go now. They have tickets for something I don’t even know what, but it’s our last stop before going back home. As we go up the street, I switch views to Marco’s perspective. After he turned his back on me he was immediately regretting and went after me. Outside he could only see me disappearing at distance and run after. He followed me until this other place, which looked like a race track. He had to buy a ticket to enter, which he did. His ticket was prized and they inform him at the ticket counter he was the lucky winner of the jackpot and just won 1.777.000 EUR or US$. But he is not really concerned about that right now he is wondering how to find me in the middle of all the crowd. Then they tell him that as the winner, he is invited to be on stage to officially receive his award during the break of the race. Then he gets interested! This way he can be seen by every person on the precinct. He plans to call for me and declare his feelings for me on that stage. It’s perfect! Then they ask him to fill in some paper and give them his account data so he can receive the money and while he does it, some bad looking guy appears at the desk and asks to locate such and such person (he says my name). He is surprised – “Oh, I could have just asked?”. They tell him I am sitting on the seat 32. But Marco feels bad vibes and knows this guy is up to no good, so he rushes everything to go inside and save me.


      Updated 01-28-2011 at 11:54 AM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , task of the year
    12. 5 Jan: Riverstone alternate version, H.G.Wells museum and totalitarian regime

      by , 01-12-2011 at 03:17 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)


      Watching on TV or reading on some mag about some cute cars to rent on Seattle to see the town. I see an image of it and then I’m there walking among lots of people. Then I seat on a bench and my dad appears by my side and we discuss stuff about my trip to Seattle.

      Weird souvenir shop
      On some walls of a castle and I am watching scenes from the past as if they are happening right then. But there’s an off voice explaining the events and describing the place, like a documentary. I learn that these walls have secret passages inside that few people knew about and through which soldiers would move to defend the city. Then I’m inside these passages. Then I find a souvenir shop inside it and a glass showcase with CDs and DVDs as well as small figurines for sale. One of the DVDs is about some knight saint that for some reason looks like a mason to me. Then there’s also a figurine of Smith from The Matrix, although very badly designed. I also see some DVD about Tibet. I don't see what's the connection between this stuff.


      Family meeting
      At my mom’s with her and my cat. We go from there to my grandparents country house where we meet with more of the family. We’re already late, but not the last ones arriving. As my aunts finalize the lunch or dinner, I check out what they are cooking and find the most strange and delicious things, like some filled yellow pastries and kiwi puddings with egg white filling. Then my cousin João, which I don’t see for years, also joins us. We hug for a long long time while we inform each other about what we’ve been doing these past few years. But we don’t want to let go of each other. My father seems to find inappropriate that we’re hugging so much. I don’t care.


      Meeting an alternate version of Riverstone
      I get lucid when I’m in front of the mirror in my room. I cross it too soon, before formulating where I want to go, so I get lost in the wormhole/tunnel I cross and almost wake up. I hold on and find myself back in the room. I try a second time this time formulating that I wish to enter Riverstone’s dreams. I cross the mirror again and get out on a room that looks symmetrical of his real room, plus, instead of the posters on the wall, it is covered in real paintings with amazing abstract and surreal art. I focus particularly on one representing a princess with a baby, tied up in a rope and free falling from the sky with the Disney castle on the top of a mountain on the background. Creepy. I then notice that a slightly changed version of Riverstone is sitting on the bed. It looks like him, but a bit more geeky and with a very short black beard. He looks surprised, but not too much and invites me to sit on the bed with him. I accept, but his energy is a bit disturbing. I was going to ask him the meaning of the painting of the princess, but someone calls him and he has to leave the room in a hurry. I go after him and when I cross the door I find an amazing painting on the front wall, stretching to the concave ceiling, inspired on the Wizard of Oz. It has many dogs on the background, of several breeds. It’s a realistic yet naïve type of painting. I then turn to the left and at the end of the corridor I find a large hallway leading to many different studios where young artists work. I see works of art everywhere.
      I see Riverstone disappearing to some basement and I follow him. It is a printing office and there’s some kind of emergency there he is trying to solve. I realise he is the boss and his employees step aside while he solves the issue. I see gigantic maps they print on a large printer and one map is being printed right now and it was coming out wrongly so he takes the matter in hands and makes it work. Besides the more “arty” work they do, they also do prints of several sizes for all sorts of clients. He is explaining me his business and then he asks me about me, who am I and what I’m doing there. I tell him about Riverstone and that I was trying to enter his dreams and seem to have ended up meeting instead some sort of alternative Riverstone – maybe one that lives inside his own mind, I don’t know. He tells me the other Riverstone is lucky to have me, but then I see a strange glow in his eyes and he starts telling me that if I choose to stay with him, he would make me even happier. I reply that it wouldn’t be fair to the other himself. But the guy is really becoming fond of this idea. I decide to leave when he is back to his work. I run to the room to enter the mirror again, but he runs after me. He changes the mirror, which now is smaller and closer to the ceiling, making it hard to jump through it. But I try. The crossing is harder and the guy is grabbing one of my arms, not allowing me to go.

      H. G. Wells museum and a totalitarian regime
      Finally I get rid of his hand around my arm and I land on the other side on what seems to be the exact same house. But this time there’s nobody there and space-time seem to be distorted. I am floating like there’s no gravity at all (not because I want) and I can only move in slow motion. I decide to leave this place immediately so I face the mirror again to cross it. My hair is all spread out, like a medusa and my cheeks are red from the effort i have to make on every movement. I enter through the mirror again and this time I exit on some narrow street, which looks like Lisbon. I see a group of young people in front of a designer shop. They are all wearing similar yet different pieces of knitted wool clothes in very lively colours. I peek at inside the shop and the thing that gets my attention is a large basket hanging from the ceiling with some light brown knitted balls that look like beans and a sign saying “soya”. A piece of art, I guess. The group starts walking up the stone paved street. We pass under an arch. I follow them, because I’m curious to whom they are and what they are going to do. They seem to be on some kind of silent demonstration, but I don’t understand what it is about – something about non-conformity.
      Then they split into pairs and I follow a couple that enters some museum. They don’t go beyond the museum shop and I get bored of following them so I decide to exit through some back door. It’s dark outside and they come warn me that it is dangerous outside. I ignore them a bit and walk through some alley, just to be confronted with armed men who will shoot first and ask later. They start shooting their automatic weapons in our direction. I think the young couple is hit but the bullets don’t harm me, because I remind myself I’m dreaming. I fly high until the clouds. They keep shooting and they hit a bomber plane whose wrecks almost hit me on its fall. I descend from the clouds a bit further away. The day is breaking. I see an amazing complex of buildings and machines, ranging from Japanese temples, to oil derricks to steam-punk machinery, etc. I go closer to check what it is. I see people walking between these buildings and machines and then I spot some tour guide explaining some machine and I find out this is an open air museum dedicated to H.G.Wells. The funny part is that when I hear the tour guide I realise this is a society under tyranny of a totalitarian regime which has no place for free will or free speech. The tour guide is trying to explain the concept of free thinking without really going into free thinking and people who listen to him seem confused and afraid that he is even daring to mention such heretic thoughts. He asks forgiveness and explains he is just trying to tell a story of how things were but in no way promoting it. I come down and sit by the side of some visitors on a bench. Then some desperate guy enters this place with a gun and shouting provocative slogans. He takes some people as hostages and forces them to shout slogans with him. People are scared of him and they do it. Then some intervention forces arrive and start shooting as soon as they step over a bridge facing the unwilling group of “demonstrators”. They don’t care if these people are innocent; they are only care about shutting them up. I get caught between them and the bullets. When they start shooting, I wake up.


      Knock out
      I’m going through some kitchen drawers looking for some home textiles. I find a green translucent cloth that serves my purpose and then I hang it on a nearby door, just to see if the size fits. Then I feel a strong blow on the back of my head and I fall on the floor. I feel dizzy, but I think I’m ok. I look around and seems like a wood beam fell from the ceiling and hit me. But soon I start feeling vertigo and I ask some girls I see behind a counter to call for help. Then I watch them discussing ho too call. I tell them there’s no possible discussion there, just call 112 (the European 911). They still aren’t convinced. I black out. I later wake up lying on the floor and I see my mom looking at me. She complains that they took a long time calling her because my personal contacts’ agenda is not well organized and they didn’t know who to call. I insist there was no confusion possible; they just had to call 112. Apparently nobody did. I don’t care, I feel better and I get up.
      [In the morning, I thought maybe my cat jumped on my head while I was asleep and that's why I dreamed this]

      Playing ball

      I then am in the atrium of a train station and I see some kids playing ball. The ball comes to my direction and I kick it back to them. They like me and start throwing the ball at me on purpose. I play some tricks and they love it. Then some kid finds coins on the floor and he hands it to me, saying it’s 500 cents. I smile and I see it’s only 1 euro and something. I say for him to keep it, but he says that all the kids would agree that I deserve it. I find it cute. Then he starts cheering for me and all the kids start cheering and saying my name out loud. I feel embarrassed.


      Updated 01-08-2012 at 02:41 AM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    13. 30 Nov: Art inspired by meditation and lucid Reiki

      by , 11-30-2010 at 10:01 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:30 GMT

      Group trip on a van
      (Potential SD)--> I was interacting with some group in a van. Like a 9 seat van. I was outside of the van but talking with some guy sitting in the middle row. He is handing me over something. I think there are two girls by his side, but anyway he was in the middle seat. He had a very strong and sexual presence and I felt both intimidated and attracted to him. Then he tells me to hand over or say something to the guys on the back row, so I slide the door to see who's there. At first it’s undefined. I just notice some younger girl near the door but the other people are not yet clear to me. But as I focus, the person in the middle becomes Marco Polo, my ex-boss, ex-crush. Behind him is a guy from the board of his organization. I’m doing whatever I was instructed to do by the other guy and it puts me in a position power towards Marco Polo. He looks me in the eyes and I see he hasn’t forgotten me and he is hoping I also still nurture feelings for him, so I ease the whatever pressure I’m putting on him. I look cold and distant, like he doesn’t mean anything to me anymore, but inside I feel glad that he misses me. I ask them to get out of the van, which they do but he is using his diplomacy and charm to try to soften me. He asks me if I know about the latest project his office is working on and I say no, that I read their newsletter regularly, but either haven’t read the last one or I just missed the news. But I don’t show any interest in knowing anyway. Then the other guy that gave me whatever mission I was accomplishing was also outside the van and we go arm-in-arm guiding the group to some place. It’s some sort of company building and I can only tell it’s in Japan, because they ask us to take off our shoes and put them in a locker they have in the lobby. I had just picked some brochures from the front desk trying to figure out what this place was. I noticed they were written in Portuguese but before I manage to read anything the lady guide really pushes us to take our shoes off. I tell her I worry my feet might smell and she says there’s nothing to worry because they have refreshing wipes in the toilet room for cleaning the feet. Much better.

      00:30 GMT

      So much wrong put together
      At some house with some guy, my dad’s friend I think. This guy is abusing me, he pulled my pants down and he his touching me. I don’t know how I allowed it to happen, I just was there in the middle of it when I became aware of it. My dad comes in exactly on that moment and sees it. Unfortunately he seems to be more embarrassed that I’m half naked, than with the fact this guy is abusing me. The guy loses his grip so I run and cover my body. The guy then leaves and my dad goes to sleep. I play with the dog. To my horror I notice that the dog has his jaw dislocated and I go wake up my dad to take the dog to the vet. But then my cat is also in the picture and I find out he just broke my dad’s chess marble pieces he kept under the bed. He says I must discipline the cat and then I see more broken pieces. On his bedside table I find a particularly weird object – a crucified Buddha - beheaded by the cat.

      02:00 GMT

      Book of memories
      On my way to some classroom (not in school anymore, something for adults) but I want to arrive there flying to impress everybody. Inside the classroom I see Benny, a co-worker with whom I have a communication problem. I want to use the opportunity to break the ice, but I chicken out and first go to toilet. Inside it I enter the first toilet compartment, but I almost can’t move inside so I get out and try the next one. Better, but then I’m being pressured by some lady who’s also in need to use it. Back in the classroom I see some books that were left on a table – I guess related to our class – and I find one which includes a detailed report from a camp retreat where I was as a child. The date on it is 1995, but I know it was even before that, more likely 1991. As I go through it and see the pictures I am immediately transported to those days and I relive the events. Then I realise this book is from Nighthawk. I didn’t even know he was around. I ask him why he has that book and if I can keep it. It includes group pictures where I appear and it’s both embarrassing that others see it and I would also like to have it for myself as a souvenir. But he says no, he won’t give me the book. He knows how much this upsets me.

      Daycare lady
      On a bus or train with my BF and with my cat on my lap. My BF wants the cat to get fresh air from the window, but I say this is no dog and he might jump out, so I actually ask everybody to close the windows that are open. Some people only then notice I have a cat with me and come to cuddle him. One of these persons is Dulce, a lady that took care of me in the daycare when I was a kid and that keeps showing up in my dreams. I never spoke to her on dreams before, so this time I say hi. As I say hi, she seems to notice me also for the first time and makes a big smile and asks me what have I been doing all these years.

      5:00 GMT

      A mystical surreal painting
      I just remember the dream from when I became lucid. I was at a empty room, with a big window with no glass. Outside is a golden light shimmering through the leaves of a tree. I decide to sit to meditate and there’s a pillow right there in the middle of the empty floor. I sit but I don’t feel comfortable. I ignore that and focus on visualizing a Buddha I'm supposed to visualize. I face the naked wall, so it becomes easier than on previous occasions. I see his contours starting to form on the wall, like an ethereal coloured outline. But never a solid figure. Suddenly it becomes a ball of light that hits me and knocks me down. I have this freefall sensation I get when I am falling from the dream but I hold on and I get back in. Once again facing the wall, I visualize this Buddha but his outline figure gives rise to a painting, a perfectly drawn, detailed and clear surreal painting. I feel so surprised that I try to memorize it in all details. I go from the centre to the left and then right trying to memorize the figures, the tones and the words written on it, but it’s not easy. It’s in beige and mocha tones. In the centre a bit tilted to opposite sides are the Pisa Tower and the Eiffel Tower. On the side are the names of European cities, like Paris, Rome, etc. Below a giant pair of eyes and this is landed on a flat terrain with a sea on the left. On the right there are buildings and people, like scenes from an urban landscape and on the left facing the sea is Obélix a bit slender than usual and Astérix with a donkey’s head and wings, hovering above the floor. There’s a black guy in the first plan and on some rocky island in the middle of the sea are some nymphs with wings. Sparse along the picture are what seem to be random words, which I tried to memorise, but forgot. I woke up before I got to memorize all the details.

      Doing Reiki to my mom
      (FA)--> I slide in again but I get convinced that I woke up for good, because I “woke up” on my bed on side position as I had fallen asleep and I do a RC to confirm. I conclude I’m still dreaming. On the bed by my side is my BF, but as usual he is just to inside the dream and kind of dragging me down. I almost wake up again but I hold on and find myself lying down again on the bed. (FA)--> Once again I do RC just to be sure and I find out I am still dreaming. I get up and realise this time I’m not in my room, but in my mom’s. I see her on the bed. She woke up and I go to her side and tell her this is a dream and ask her if I can do Reiki on her. She is again not believing me this is a dream but she agrees with the Reiki. She turns belly down and as I channel energy to her body I wish and visualize that all illnesses and bad energies are cast away, that all obstacles to her health and life are removed. But I strange that I’m not feeling any actual energy flowing, so I decide to do an experiment. I ask her for her flask of vitamins she has on her bedside table and she hands it over to me. I try to energize the pills so they become more powerful and they start moving fast inside the flask as if stirred in a washing machine. It’s so crazy to watch. I try to channel energy to objects and that’s what happens to all of them. So I go back to her and do more Reiki, confident that there is energy flowing, but she is very quiet, as if she fell asleep and then she totally faded away, leaving only the clothes behind. I guess she probably woke up, into the RL. I also slip into waking up, but then slide back in. I find myself in some place with other people, like the empty room where I was first lucid this night, but now is full of people and there’s some event going on. I don’t feel interesting in whatever it is taking place so I decide to keep working on my chi. I remember I did a kamehame in some dream before, but now I want to do it in a serious, non-cartoon like version. Just projecting the chi, not balls of fire. So I target objects that are around in the room and I try to knock them down with chi projections. After a while, the objects started to shake, hit by something, but none actually fell. The blasts were too weak. I felt disappointed and thought that at this pace, I will never actually be able to do this in RL, if not even in dreams I master it.
      I fly through the window, pass by the tree branches of that tree I had seen before through the window, but on the ground a guy I know, Fernando, is calling me. I stop and ask what’s up and he introduces me to some geeky guy he says needs a tour around the town. I agree to do it, just so he would let me go. From above the tree I see a fantastic landscape with green hills and valleys. The sun is already setting and it is becoming dark, but on top a hill I see a flat garden and decide to land there to sit a bit more and continue meditation. But when I arrive there, some blond lady jumps from out of nowhere and tells me this place is closed and I must come back during the day. Then I woke up for good.

      7:00 GMT

      NOTE: Good news is my mom felt the effects. I asked her once again if she had anything to tell me and she just said "I don't recall any dream, but at 3 am I went to sleep full of pain in my shoulders and at 6 am I woke up so refreshed and inspired!" She wrote a 5 pages letter between 6 and 7 am, which she was delaying for about a year (delicate issue with a friend) and she said the words just came out flowing like a river, with no hesitation or corrections. Good for her! Then I told her about my little experiment, she was thrilled and asked me to do some more

      Updated 11-30-2010 at 10:09 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    14. 22 Nov: Naked and robbing a temple again

      by , 11-25-2010 at 10:42 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      Well, the quality of my dreams changed a lot lately, but I'm cool. These things work in cycles. Now for some reason I'm having these steam-punk themed dreams and I'm kind of a Lara Croft type, stealing gadgets from secret societies and being "approached" by some really weird dark forces... Let's see where it takes me.

      03:00 GMT

      Naked in public
      I am at school or some public place surrounded by old school colleagues. I’m wearing a tiny skirt which looks more like a tiny towel wrapped around my waist. And I don’t think I have any underwear. I don’t feel uncomfortable though. I feel sexy. But then some of my colleagues start harassing me and it’s becoming too unpleasant so I leave the place. I take an elevator and notice two male colleagues (luckily not the harassers) also took it and they are also wearing only towels around their waists. Then as the elevator doors open, we’re taken to the middle of the street and I am now certain that I just have a towel around my waist and I'm also topless! I wonder how this happened. I still feel sexy. I think other people may be way more embarrassed than me.

      Vintage shopping

      Then I’m with my mom shopping at a really cool vintage clothes shop (I guess I really needed to buy some clothes, right...), but she is complaining that all the amazing dresses we see are 75 to 100 EUR. But I tell her they also have cheap stuff, we just need to look around. We then find a corner with stuff just 5-10 EUR, but nothing looks really interesting. For some reason she adores an outfit made of a top and a tiny plaid mini-skirt, in a red and white stripped fabric. I can’t even imagine myself wearing it, but she insists I must have it. I think, well, if it makes her happy, I might try it out with some red leggings.

      Stealing again from a temple
      A chase scene on a very old building which vaguely reminds me of a temple.(...) I and a few others are trying to escape our chasers and we run up and down stairs, we cross corridors and finally we lose them in this labyrinthic place. We get inside some room to catch our breath and we discover we just got into the office of whoever is the big boss around. We see a series of really cool gadgets – steam-punk kinda like machinery. On the desk I see what looks like an old-timer alarm-clock, but it actually indicates the perfect time, according to cosmic alignments and conjunctions, to do... whatever! The machine indicates whatever is the perfect activity to develop at certain moments in time – like... gardening or getting married or... rule the world, whatever! Really practical! It looks like those snow-flake globes but inside there’s a copper-coloured mechanism with pointers and gears. I grab it and put it in my pocket.
      Then we sneak out and we find a connection from this place to inside a museum. We try to cross it and get to the exit, but there are security guards looking at us suspicious – I guess because they didn’t see us coming in. A lady guide – I think she is the museum curator, but she comes to us as if she is a simple guide – comes to ask who we are. We say we’re a group of art students. She doesn’t totally swallow it so she asks us to comment some of the art works there. I use many expensive words to describe it but she then asks whose influences (from other artists) I think the artist picked up. I bullshit a bit more, saying the influences are there, pretty obvious, but so numerous it is really hard to pick one or two. Then I complete by saying the really important thing is that the artist mingled them all so perfectly and came up with something totally original, that his innovation is what bursts out more remarkedly. She makes a funny face but let us go. Actually she invites us to the next room, where there is a model of the temple – so it really was a temple! – they dug out and is still being recovered. She mentioned that only part of it was still up, the rest had to be rebuilt, or not.
      My sixth sensetells me that the alarm in my pocket is about to ring and I feel the urgent need to move but can’t do anything weird or they’ll notice. I excuse myself with something and go quickly to the entrance lobby. Many kids are there making a lot of noise and I keep the alarm in my pocket, so it rings, but nobody notices its sound. Because I’m standing in the middle of the lobby with a hand in my pocket holding down something firmly, the workers at the ticket counter are now looking at me, trying to figure out what I’m doing. Luckily a giant turtle passes by and I pick it up making it look like that's exactly what I was looking for. So I take the turtle to outside.

      8:00 GMT
    15. 29 Oct: End of the world, museums and art and a geeky teen all over me

      by , 11-04-2010 at 07:24 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      21:30 GMT – sleep

      Visions of the end of the world
      I’m again in Japan hanging with some friends and having fun: shopping, invading other people’s homes, etc. Then we notice a big commotion outside and we go check it out. There are red and pink northern lights on the sky and it’s quite a show. I remember I’ve been dreaming a lot about this and I know it means a strong solar flare has hit the atmosphere. “No, not now! I’m supposed to catch a flight later today!”. The day is the 16th but I can’t recall of which month. But what does it matter? I then see like telepathically what is going on on my home town. A huge boat, like the Titanic, is falling from the sky which is looking bizarre, in pink and red swirling clouds and electric storms. Then airplanes also start to fall. None hits my mom’s house but then a violent wind, like a shockwave from a nuclear bomb wipes out what’s left. I then see this repeating in many other places on earth, including the place where I am on that exact moment – some kind of marina. When the visions ends, I’m back to the place I was before and all seems well. Even the northern lights have faded away. Did I just imagine everything or we were given a second chance?

      Framed at the airport
      On my return home, I am leaving the hotel and it must be a 5 star one, because some guys are carrying the bags for me. But one of them is very annoyed, because my friends who just left, were not very civilized and he thinks I don’t deserve being at this hotel. At the airport I don’t pass the security check and I have to leave some objects behind. Then I notice I’m being closely watched and followed. When making time for my flight I am going up some stairs on the emergency staircase which is a bit deserted, when I hear a shot, then on the upper floor I see a body lying down and a gun on the floor. Security appears instantly, they look at me and I feel I just have been set up.

      1:25 GMT

      Visiting a museum
      On a foreign city on a mountainous area. Looks Italian and has really beautiful limestone buildings, canals and a view to majestic mountains around. I am walking through a path for tourists which is a bit challenging, along the main canal, but with some obstacles, like hills or abandoned buildings where we have to climb a bit. The sun is setting and I’m still in the beginning of the path, so I decide to go back and return next day to finish it. Then meet a group who is going to meet another person at a museum and they invite me to join. The museum is bizarre, because if you go to the right you enter a spa and if you turn left you visit the exhibitions. Some of them decide to go to the spa instead and they have to buy weird white shirts they need to wear to enter the spa. Usually on spas they give you a robe, but this is more stylish, artistic... Only me and another guy end up visiting the exhibition and I see nautical stuff, globes and maps and my attention is caught at a huge poster on the wall, explaining the light diffraction and there’s an object diffracting the light equally in all directions and making a perfectly beautiful wind rose compass of light.

      Bizarre under water backyards
      When I decide going back to hotel the guy offers me a ride and he has to park a bit far and then we have to cross on foot some backyards area with nice vegetable gardens tended by the old folks of the oldest part of the town. Then something bizarre happens. Above us in the sky are some translucent pinkish plants and the whole sky above looks strange, as if we were inside a pond with water lilies above us and were seeing the light crossing the water and the leafs and flowers of the lilies. I turn to the guy and ask how is this possible. I almost grasp the answer but it slips and decide to just enjoy the weirdness.

      Meditating among turtles
      Then I enter some humble guesthouse, which has a view over the vegetable gardens below. I guess it’s where I am staying. I go to the bathroom and notice there isn’t much privacy, because the tiny window has no curtains and is facing the neighbour’s window. Then I go to the balcony and find a small aquarium with turtles inside and three more turtles roaming on the floor. I notice other neighbours around also have turtles in aquariums on their balconies. Because the turtles on the floor seem in need of water, I fill the balcony floor with water. Then I go to the kitchen and from there to the corridor, when I see my mom entering through the door. Because that’s totally unexpected in this context, I finally get lucid. I think she is just a DC so I ignore her but she is talking and talking, so I lean her against the wall and say “I don’t care, you’re just a DC!”. She first looks offended, then she gets mad and finally she disappears. Then I recall what my guru told me to do during the day, and I visualize the Buddha, preparing to sit and meditate. There’s a gap in my memory, but I remember clarity and light for an indefinite period of time. Then I’m interrupted by the same DC as before. I look at her thinking “really?” and so she transforms into a younger girl and her attitude also changes. She starts crying, saying I have no right to eliminate her. She says she wants to live and that I must let her exist. She looks so sad that I feel compassion for her. I realise she is just the product of my mind, but I also feel genuine sadness for her ephemeral existence, so I hug her and also shed some tears for her. Big mistake! She gains strength and soon some big Italian guy (her boyfriend) and a small kid are also coming through the door. I lose lucidity and wake up.

      5:00 GMT

      Eating cookies at art gallery
      Doing more tourism. I see what seems to be a public toilet and go inside. There were two doors, for men and women but inside it’s a common space, actually a lobby with staircases going up and down and there’s a toilet just there, in the middle of this lobby. I realise it’s some kind of artistic joke and guess this is some museum or art gallery. I go upstairs and realise the art gallery spreads through several floors. Lots of nice paintings of different artists on each floor. In the centre of the building there’s a wooden staircase and an old elevator and the galleries go around this central space. I think it’s opening night, because they are serving cookies to the visitors. I am quite hungry so I take quite a lot of cookies from all plates I see. I am fascinated by an artist who paints in earth and green tones, plants and vegetables over abstract background. She uses juicy extracts of the plants or vegetables which are the theme, mixed with the paints. The information with the percentage of plant extracts mixed with the paint are on the labels by the side of the paintings. Quite original.
      But then they start gathering people to watch some film or listen to some lecture on a room and I decide it’s time to go, cause I’m not in the mood for that.
      I go to the elevator and see my reflection on the metal doors. I look like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I fill my pockets with Belgian butter cookies which are on a plate on a table by the side of the elevator.

      Geeky teen trying to get lucky
      On the street I arrive at a huge square with an enormous imposing building from a famous architect from this city. It’s an old building but quite visionary for it’s time. It reminds me Gaudi’s architecture, because main façade structures is in stone and iron with huge glass walls allowing to see to the interior and then a huge tower structure rises from its interior - its legs are human legs but its top, which rises above the building’s rooftop, is just like the Eifel Tower. Wow, that’s dauntless!
      A geeky teen approaches me and offers to take me a picture in front of it. I agree and offer to take a picture of him in return. He then didn’t let me go. He was quite chatty and I let him come along in my walks. He tells me everything about his life, including that he broke up with his first girlfriend just before summer break and would like to get an older girl to gain experience. I think he is joking and didn’t take him seriously but as time goes by I notice he really thinks he can get something from me. I’m having fun having a younger fan stalking me around while I visit the city, but I tell him he chose the wrong older girl, because he wasn’t going to get anything from me. He then starts trying to kiss me whenever I’m distracted. I’m amused with his attempts. One day I allowed me to kiss me in the face innocently just for the picture so he could tell his friends he had gotten lucky with me. But he moved on quickly to suck on my neck and hugging me tightly. As I try to get rid of his arms around me, he rubs against me, I feel his erection and I think he came. I feel embarrassed, so I get up and say it’s time to go. I cross a road and he is still after me. We continue talking although I’m more distant now. We then pass by some door and he says it’s his music school and he needs to go inside to check something about the schedule of his classes. I wait outside and then notice the next door is a designer’s shop. I go inside and she has amazing boots and shoes in recycled and natural materials, bags and so on, all totally original and so cheap – boots 9 EUR, no way! I really wanted to buy this stuff and then had the slight feeling maybe i was dreaming...
      Then I woke up.

      7:30 GMT – wake up

      Updated 11-04-2010 at 07:26 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
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