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    1. Love, Fear, and Calea Crowds

      by , 03-10-2013 at 05:12 PM
      Well... this was an interesting night. The first thing I'd have to say I noticed was that all of my dreams took place at home. And not a home rendered wrongly or somewhere else perceived as home, just my regular old house. Doesn't seem like that happens too often with this many dreams, but it's probably just a coincidence.

      Anyway, this time I took 50 mg of zinc at 9:30 and smoked some calea at ~10:00, and then I smoked more for technical WBTBs at 5:22 and 7:40, according to my phone log. This night actually started out very unpleasant.... I passed out with my laptop in bed and must have fallen asleep on my arm at a weird angle, because around like 2-3 in the morning I had this odd hypnagogia of orange dots in a grid setup expanding to orange circles with a weird hissing sound, and then I woke up with a high level of anxiety and very extreme right arm pain. I freaked out and ran to the bathroom to inspect myself and my whole perception was going hazy and getting really bright, and I ended up taking a couple Librium pills as well, which are chlordiazepoxide, a close relative of diazepam, or Valium, hoping to calm myself down. Like half an hour to an hour after that, I woke up again with a lot of stomach discomfort and had a very uncomfortable bathroom visit, which I blame on all the pizza I ate yesterday and the day before.

      That was finally the end of the festivities though, and I hadn't had any actual dreams before all of that, so after I fell asleep again from that point on is where my night really began.

      #1 - I wondered when this would happen again. [Non-Lucid]

      I don't remember how exactly, but I met a girl and I want to say her name was Jessica (and I was looking up pictures of Jessica Rabbit cosplay last night, so maybe that had something to do with it?), and I invited her over to my house because I had some feelings for her. Once she came over, the dream continued on under the impression that we were already in a relationship together and this was the first time she was visiting my house. I can't remember exactly what it was we were doing... watching TV or playing games or something, but we were just cuddling and acting all cute with each other the whole time, and then later we were eating a meal and my dad and one of his friends were standing out on the back porch and he was peeking in to tell me some odd instructions for burying something in his room that my mom was purposely ignoring. Then I gave Jessica a tour of where our food was, the two fridges and the pantry, which were completely packed with all kinds of heavily-detailed food (influenced by the calea?), and she made some joke about the cereal that I can't recall now. I was really happy to be with her, she was really cool and collected and definitely my type, but then as we were headed to my room I woke up.

      #2 - I get the reference, but... Butters? [Non-Lucid]

      I believe I was waiting for a game to be delivered in the mail, when a group of policemen showed up at the front door. I barely cracked it open to talk to them, and after a little discussion they held up some chemistry glassware and told me that my dad and "my friend" (who I immediately perceived as Butters from South Park) are both hardcore cookers of random drugs and they were after them. This was very clearly influenced by the fact that I just started rewatching Breaking Bad with a friend of mine. They asked me to get him and tell him to go out back, and I went to tell him what was going on and then returned to the front door, and I started freaking out knowing that they were going to search the house because I didn't want them to find my stoner stuff too, but then I woke up.

      #3 - Well this dream was pretty dark.... [DILD]

      I was again in my house with my parents and a group of friends and there was some killer with a gun stalking us, she kept moving all around the house trying to get a good view of the inside through the windows so she could shoot us. My parents took my friends somewhere to hide safely while I just kept hiding around in the house in strategic places where I couldn't be seen, but where I could just barely peek out every now and then and continue to track the killer's movements. Eventually it seemed like she wasn't going to be able to get us easily, so I ran to my bathroom where there were no visible windows and met up with my parents there. I asked them where everyone was and they just laughed and told me that they weren't actually my parents, they were people that the killer payed to disguise themselves like that so they could get close to me undetected and take me out. My heart sank, and at least one of them pulled out a handgun. I had to wrestle with them until I could get one free, and then I managed to take them down and shot them both in the head multiple times to make sure that they were dead, because they kept moving. I headed back out and my memory gets a little blurry here, but somehow I managed to track the killer down from the inside and shot her too before she could shoot me.

      At that point a few of my friends and some family members came out from hiding and we all were celebrating. But then this TV show came on in the living room with lots of shooting going on and will still perceived it as people coming after us, so I pick up this big machine gun out nowhere and start shooting at them, but just one shot at a time. I managed to shoot one guy and felt good abot myself, but then my cousin A, who's birthday party we went to last night (and ate pizza), just rolls her eyes and takes the gun from me. Somehow (I'm not sure if I looked away and back at her or what) she had actually entered the TV show completely and was rapid-firing at everyone and easily takes down all of them. Around this time I randomly
      became lucid. I actually managed to remember that I had smoked all that calea, which is really a first for me, and I decided to try to jump into the TV screen as well which was now in the area of the living room where the corners of the couches meet for some reason. I just wanted to hug A, but as I jumped my perception just zoomed in and then floated around the room for a couple seconds before restabilizing, and a couple DCs (I want to say they were my parents?) just looked at me like I was weird. I looked over and the TV was now back in its proper place and there was some Star Wars game just sitting there on the startup screen. I decided to try again with entering that game, but just as I was about to go for it I woke up.

      #4 - Why couldn't we have just watched it in person? ._. [Non-Lucid]

      J and Z, this girl I just met recently, came over to watch some sort of Lincoln play that was going on somewhere in my house, but we were going to watch it through random TV screens around the house instead of just seeing the actual thing. I can't remember exactly what it was about, but I know that a lot of the speech Lincoln was giving was based on that clip from a show I really can't remember the name of right now, but it's the one where it starts with the girl asking a panel of politicians why America is the greatest country in the world and the one guy goes off on this long rant about how it isn't. Unfortunately we kept changing rooms trying to get a better reception or a bigger TV screen, and we basically missed all of it. Afterward everyone was leaving, because there were a lot of people here, and J hitched a ride back to his campus (in another state ) with some girls who were going to some bar or club called "88" that was supposedly right next to it. This other big group of girls was about to leave too, but some random guy came in the house and told them that their car got towed because they didn't have a parking permit to park on the street in front of my house when there were already so many cars there, and they would've known that would happen if they had just listened to him before instead of just brushing him off. One of the guys still at the house volunteered to drive a couple of them home, and I asked where the rest of them were headed, but before they could respond I woke up.

      And that's it. All of these dreams were actually pretty vivid too, so I suppose the supplements did their job.

      Updated 03-10-2013 at 08:34 PM by 50803

      nightmare , lucid , non-lucid