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    Tales from the sun chaser.

    1. swept away

      by , 02-25-2013 at 11:05 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm in my bed trying to go to sleep, when all of a sudden SP kicks in. I feel like I can't move or breathe, and I'm trying to convince myself not to break it. Finally those feeling subside, and then I feel myself floating out of my bed. "ZOMG epic flying dream incoming"I think to myself, as I feel my soul is leaving my body.

      The problem is, no dream really starts. I think I'm just probably in a NREM state, because I keep seeing shadows, and shades of blackness....nothing is really materializing. Suddenly I'm awakened by a sharp pain in my ribs.


      I'm at the supermarket with some guys, and I see one of my classmates. She's looking beautiful, and I don't hesitate to let her know....I'm about to have sex with her right there, and of course I woke up.

      Stealing cars

      I'm at car dealership in a corvette, and I'm thinking of ways to steal it. I drive it outside of the lot, and try to replace it with another blue car. When I came back to the corvette, it was a different car. I opened it up, and there was some venomous snake there. I was thinking it was a Pigmy rattle snake because I didn't hear the rattle at all, but I saw the fangs. I backed off slowly, while facing it, and then once I got away from striking distance I took off. All of a sudden it starts chasing me. "This has to be a dream" I think, but I'm not going to take my chances.


      I'm in my room. I get out of bed, and head to the bathroom...I think I'm dreaming but not sure. I do a nose pinch....no pressure, but can't breathe. Still not sure. I check the mirror. Boils are on my face, and other things don't look right. I do another RC...it doesn't work as expected but I know I'm dreaming. The damn dream fades.
      Tags: car, dild, foreplay, snake, wild
      lucid , false awakening
    2. Vacation

      by , 01-03-2013 at 05:35 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was on vacation with my family, and I had my daughter with me. We had to swap out cars...one was super small or something, almost toy like. Also, I remember going up to the gas pump, and the hook was still up....so free gas for me. I think I was in South America or something. We all wore a lot of old clothing to blend in. I also remember D's dog washing his paws in the sink. It tripped me out, but not enough to RC.
    3. Zombies and Kaomea

      by , 11-21-2012 at 09:54 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      So I'm at this war torn area that has been over run by zombies, and there are several factions there that are fighting....mainly for their lives, but each other too.

      Random Civilians: it's their city, and they plan on defending it
      A group of secret security: I'm pretty sure they're related to what caused the outbreak in the first place.
      Random mercenaries: They're trying to help out the remaining civilians and get a little target practice. I think I may be with these guys.

      I'm walking down a road in the middle of this huge city, debris is cluttered everywhere and it looks like something out of the end of a transformers movie minus the robots. I see one guy wearing Vietnam era cammy's and it has all this writing over it. He's talking to himself, about things that's been going on. We started talking, and he said he only wanted to find out the truth behind what happened there. We came across some important documents, and took them to one of his hiding spots. There were weapons laying on bed, and it actually reminded me a little bit like a room in my grandmothers house. Anyways, the guy starts reading and he says the project started when they decided to build 45 houses underground. It's not really safe here, so the guy tells me to grab some weapons and roll out. I grabbed a shot gun, and some sort of submachine gun and draped it across my back. I was so disappointed that this guy didn't have any katana laying around....they don't run out of bullets.

      But there's no time to dwell on that. One of the secret security people rushed in the room. He was wearing a black motorcycle helmet and all black leather. He shot at me twice and I dodged both times, kicked him in the shins and shot him in the face. Apparently I was dreaming in pg, because he died, but there wasn't any gory damage done. We got separated and I got infect some way. I met up with A, and someone else. They didn't want to kill me, but I told them they would half to. A was talking about finding a cure or some crap, and I slapped her in the face as hard as I could and said "just get it out of the way". She still didn't want to. We were at the city limits of town, and supposedly it had some sort of invisible force field around it, but I was able to pass through.....

      Meanwhile in a total unrelated dream

      I'm talking on the phone to Kaomea, and we're talking about what should we do when we met up. I think we were bouncing ideas off of each other, but we didn't come up with anything set in stone. All of a sudden I asked "what if things got sexual?"..."cause you know, I get like that sometimes". She told me she didn't mind. I didn't mind either, but I didn't want to make it a goal, nor did I want to get her upset about something that could have just randomly happened out of force of habit (can't even count how many "plan B moments" I've had).

      Something happens here....because we're in the same car, and I don't know who's driving, but we're both in the back seat.

      I want to say it's a white girl driving, but again.....I can't really picture it that much anymore. We're having one of those general "get to know you" conversations at this point, and she asks me about music. There's rap music playing at the moment, and I told her I could give her an example of what I like. I pulled out my cellphone and opened Pandora. I played an instrumental song that had rap influences, but the beat was more complex. My phones speakers were filling up the car like it was connected to the sound system. I stopped it.....waited. Played it again, and I got the same results.
    4. Guilty thoughts

      by , 10-19-2012 at 09:31 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm talking to two girls and were going back and fourth flirting, and I had the biggest erection. I let them know, and jokingly asked them to check for theirselves. one girl gripped it and realized I was telling the truth. Then she rubbed it a bit and let the other girl touch it. They left and I was supposed to meet them some place else for some action.

      I get outside and hop in an old school 64 impalla vert with D and tell him the situation. We don't even get down the block when I get pulled over. I can't find any papers that tells him its my insured car. I assumed I bought it from D. The police officer asked for money instead. After some scrounging for some change I finally came up with enough cash, and he was now a older blonde she.
      Tags: car, foreplay
    5. friction

      by , 10-09-2012 at 02:09 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I don't know why, but I'm at Sh's house. Inside it, and she's telling me to leave. Before I do, I tell her "I need to know one thing". She tells me "okay". So I asked her if she still had any feelings for me what so ever...she says no.

      Her husband pops up and he's obviously enraged. He starts yelling at both of us, and before I could say anything, he heads to the back room...I don't know what this guy is going to get, and I don't want to see it, so I high tail it out of there.

      I'm running and he's chasing me with an electric pole saw. We ran for about two blocks and I was thinking "well I'm glad I parked desire so far away...maybe he'll tire himself out". Dang it...this clown isn't giving up.

      I see Desire in the distance, and make a split second decision to open the driver's side door (it was closer, but I was thinking about opening the far side one due to the added protection) Soon as I put my key in, it bends....that's when I start thinking "maybe it's a dream".....too much to risk trying to find out.

      I ran to the other side of the car and said "hold up hold up hold uop". He stopped, and asked me to give him a good reason to why he shouldn't mess me up, and I told him because I wasn't trying to go in there behind his back, and that I knew he was in there. "Not going to cut it!", he yelled. Then I told him that I just needed to know something, and that she still loves him. I only needed something from there. He started to calm down. I told him I had no other reason to ever come back.

      I straightened out my key, almost breaking it in half and headed off. Before I even have time to think about what I did, I'm in this area that seems to be cop city. I know my license aren't good so I try to take an alternate route. I end up ditching my car and going on foot. I explore a bit until I find the best route out of this area, and head back to her......but I can't find her.

      I end up walking through buildings and I saw my family in one of them. Some court related issue was going on. I met up with my sister in a room. Her daughters were there, and I was hungry....I kinda wanted something...she said she didn't have anything for me. I opened the fridge and there was a ton of free stuff she got. I told her that it was messed up to have all this stuff and not offer it to me. We were going at it for a while, and I said I might as well leave...but before I did I gave her a kiss on the cheek and told her I loved her.

      I want to say I had one other dream...but it's slipped my mind I guess.
      Tags: car, court, family, sister
    6. The veldt

      by , 04-24-2012 at 04:21 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember being in this guys room with D, and he had a modded PS3 that played all kinds of sega games. For some reason I wanted to play left for dead. I guess it was to see what I missing out on or something. Anyway, we headed out, and this place was some resort. There were multiple pools lined up side by side in this huge long room. We had to get past all of them if we wanted to make it to the veldt. They were different shapes, sizes and depths, but all of them had blue tile floor. Eventually we came up to a sandy area that was supposed simulate a beach I guess...we were almost there, but the dream ended.

      I'm at a gas station and I see two cars floating about a half a block away. They're just floating there, with electricity pouring through them. Then theres a boom, and they both turn into SUVs from the 80s. Everyone who was looking was like "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH SNAP". I made a joke to someone who was there, saying that's what happened with my car. She didn't get it, and said "just be happy with what you have". I started talking to some of the people who were there are the time and they were drinking in their car. I opted to get the next round, and entered the store. I saw some huge boobed girl behind one counter, and nearly tripped over the girl who was sitting on the ground. I think her boyfriend was kinda mad, but he was joking at the same time, so I couldn't tell. Anyway, they only sold singles for some reason, and I wasn't going to buy six individual beers like that....and the dream ended.

      I also remember trying to go fishing with my pops, but the boat was too small, so I decided not to go. I walked down the road, and there were all theses kids there. I couldn't help think "man I wish that many people lived here when I was their age".
    7. us against the world

      by , 04-21-2012 at 08:18 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm in a random bar, so I'm a little unsure about my surrounds and what not..and I call myself putting an 8 ball back on the table, and it rolls off onto another table where people are playing poker at. I apologize, and head elsewhere. Someone shows me something on their phone for a second, but I forget what it was. I remember bending over to to get something, and then I felt something in my back pocket. I turned around and there was a guy going for my damn phone!

      I started chasing after the guy as he bolted outside, sliding over hoods of random peoples cars. I yelled at a guy to help me, and we both were chasing him but we couldn't catch up. I thought about getting in my car and running him down/over as I saw him in the distance throwing my phone up into the air and catching it.

      "I bet you wont come and get it where I'm at now", he taunted. I went over towards the run down section of buildings with overgrowth and trees, and noticed several black wolves. I decided it was best to just take my car. I got in, and drove over there, and the guy was no where to be found. I said to myself "fuck it", and got out. The two biggest approached me, snarling and showing teeth. I quickly looked in my car for any scraps of food, but I didn't find any. I grabbed a twig off the ground and put it up to the dogs mouth. It ate it and relaxed. WTF, okay whatever. I got a bigger stick and tossed it and it retrieved it for me. Looks like I'm no going to get mauled by dogs after all. I played with them for a while longer, and named the biggest one "mad dog" and the other one "killer".

      There was a old lady with a shot gun that was hanging outside of a trailer who was ready to kill. I told her I was looking for a guy who stole my phone. She said if I could escort her kid to a different bus station then she'd tell me. You see, this place was getting evacuated for some reason, but the numbers were limited or something. So, I really didn't have a choice.

      We came up to this patchwork of barbed wire, wood and other crap put together like a maze or something. It looked like we were heading through something out of fallout. I told Mad Dog to take the lead, because I had a bad feeling. We continued on down this narrow pathway when all of a sudden we were surrounded by dogs. All breeds, all looking blood thirsty. Some kind of way they had us separated. I mean it had to be like 50 dogs in this narrow ass pathway seperating me, the girl, mad dog and killer. I tried to move and stay calm. They just growled.....noting was happening, so I continued. One of them bit the crap out of me and I yelled "attack!". All of a sudden, we're in this gladiator styled arena, and the dogs are humans. It's complete carnage at this point, and I'm running to find a weapon. I see a chain on a pole and I leap up and grab it, wrap it around someones throat and break their neck before I even hit the ground. A few no-hands cartwheels later I'm in full "come at me bro!" mode. I was just owning DC's with that damn chain...and soon as I thought about mad dog, he shows up unscathed. The battle was brutal and we basked its glory. We never did make to that bus station. Oh well.

    8. Skittles

      by , 01-10-2012 at 02:34 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Goals: Went to sleep wanting to have some continuity with the demon slaying dream I had, or see Kaomea. I spent most of yesterday thinking about my dreaming life more than my waking.

      I remember being at some area and seeing BJ...it was the first time in forever. I don't think I've seen the guy since elementary, but we caught up briefly, and he was asking about what I was doing now a days and whens the last time I've seen x, y, and z. Then he asked me when was he going to get seen in the back.

      I told him if we skipped him our doctor would probably get fired, and our rules is to bump anyone with an emergency up before the non-emergent people....ugh...freaking ER dreams.

      I'm with D and we're at some warehouse...I remember walking barefoot all around this place. The area had water all over the ground and I was trying to avoid it. I don't know why I didn't have any shoes on, but there was a splattered rat on the ground that I wasn't sure if I stepped on or not. It also had tape worms in it.....ugh.

      Now we're at some store, and we need two huge bags of pineapples and one case of them. I have no idea what for. We take them, and I end up talking to some kids in the gaming section. There's this one game that's compatible with a remote control race care. And someone tells me there's a tournament that's going to be held there. I told them I might make it, and left. D was contemplating filling up his car with reserve fuel he had strapped underneath his car. I told him to go ahead, because the stuff that's out now at the moment is higher. The other D didn't want him to do it.

      I'm in a field...then I'm traveling around my block. I see some shrubs with onions growing on it. The people who live there have long moved out, but I tell myself not to grab them at the last second.

      I'm at my house with D and J...we're talking about ownership of a pool table. I tell them a false memory that this one girl who I dated left it there for me...so it was technically mine. We started playing this fighting game. One character had something about "rainbows" on her shirt, and she was supposed to be a grappler with easier moves. I know she had a suplex, and some move where she removed the entrails out of the character. But everything was looking real cartoony.
    9. My effing car

      by , 01-08-2012 at 01:49 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Had a frag where I was about to cook but I realized I had been eating chicken and mixed vegetables for three days in a row. Nathan made an appearance and borrowed a 5 for the snack machine.

      I'm in the desert and I'm trying to park my car. For some reason I do it with a remote from someone else's car. The controlls get jacked up and the car goes flying down the interstate. Micheal Strahan is there and he's telling me some hind sight crap about how I shouldnt have done it.

      I also remember seeing Acatalephoc...I just don't remember why.

      And watching a SNL skit that involved lots of sex and coke.
    10. dreams glaore

      by , 12-05-2011 at 02:10 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember being in this dark room with a huge couch/bed. We were going to watch a movie. Me and this one guy were on it, and all these girls came over and laid down right between us. Then there was sort of a mixed crowd on the other end of it. Sarcastically I said "we chose the worst seats in here huh".

      Back in time
      Then I'm at a store, it looks like a store you'll see in a 1970s strip mall. There are people lined up to get on these computers, and I noticed most people were waiting in the wrong line. I spotted one that was immediately available.

      In that same store, I walked off into another room, and it had this bootleg version of "Back to the Future: The ride". I forgot my 3D glasses, but was able to get on right before it started. It took us to the 1970s, and I remember being on foot, and some crazy mexican mercenaries were out there. We was doing this all in order to stop this skater guy from drinking. Oh and at the end of it, we arrived in the future. It was an obvious gift shop that looked like a line of stores set in the future. We rode a conveyor belt as it took us where we wanted to go.

      I remember something else from that too....Like it showed what his future would have turned out in both scenarios, and I remember all this crazy animation....swriling around. I think it was one of his music videos.

      Broke down
      I was driving, when my tire went out. Cop came up, and he was acting like he was going to help me. Started asking me random questions about it. I arrive at this house, and Charlie Sheen is there. I have a bath towel on, and I'm looking for a place to actually put some clothes on, but people are in every room.

      Field of Dreams
      I remember being in the field with my pops. There were fish in the ground. I decided to keep them there as fertilizer. I think we were arguing about something too.
    11. Nothing like recalling a dream in a FA

      by , 10-26-2011 at 04:18 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember laughing really hard and chatting with some girl, and then telling her about it in a FA. That jacked up my recall.....

      In another dream, my sister had to borrow my car, so I was stuck at the house. Then Some guy for a rental company comes by, and has to use the bathroom. The guy is in there for a minute, and then he comes out with no pants or underwear on, and looks for a news paper. He grabs one and heads back in the bathroom. All while D's kids are there. As soon as he was finished I cursed him out and told him to leave.

      I think there may be something that was related to the movies as well.
      Tags: car, girl, wtf
    12. Careful with that car

      by , 09-14-2011 at 07:33 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was at some automotive place, and someone was asking me about cars. I Think the guy wanted to know how to lift on up. I looked out the window and I saw K's wife in a red compact car. All of a sudden I see this guy who sounds just like K, but he has long dreads and stuff. He told me he was K's brother, and someone put a car on one of those lifts.

      I just told them to make sure they had everything lined up, and they did, and after that, they lifted it about six feet off the ground. I said "that should be good". And some kind of way, they were able to lift the front end of it only, and the car slammed off the racks, and kept rolling backwards.

      We ended up chasing this car through some forest, and we had to jump inside it to stop it from rolling before it crashed through the neighbors fence. Some kind of way, I ended up in the middle, and by the time we were all inside it, it was a van. The center console had the parking break, but someone else ended up operating it. Things started looking really sketchy, and i started to catch on....but the dream ended.
      Tags: car