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    1. Two Executioners After Me, Cowboy Bebop Final Episode Simulation

      by , 01-10-2013 at 02:41 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Two Executioners After Me (DILD)


      It's a Resident Evil 4 and 5 themed dream, and I believe I'm walking along with someone who's my partner. I ask them to be cautious of the Las Plagas enemies and any other random enemies; I even tell them that killing one enemy a certain way would be easier in the long run.

      I believe it was the Las Plagas enemy in the game that wears a red robe, and he wasn't wearing the mask in the pic below:

      I realized I'm all alone now, and I'm walking inside of a dark hallway with white floors and gray walls. It seems there was something in this hallway I was going to get, but I don't have really good recall of it.

      The dream shifts where I decide to turn around and get out, and there's two Executioners in front of me that have mid-ranged weapons connected by chains.

      The environment outside looks like a derived section of the Village section in Resident Evil 4, and the skies are dark brown with thunder randomly appearing. There are dark brown trees with no leaves whatsoever, and the surface is mixed with autumn leaves and a dirt trail in the middle.

      I try to see what they're going to do, and it seems they're going to take turns in trying to kill me, so it's basically a 1 vs 1 encounter.

      I don't know why the other one in the left is here, but I focus my attention on the one to the right because he flings things large metal start spiked object at me, and I'm deflecting it with something I can't recall too well.

      I hear the metal clanks, and I can feel the aggressive force this executioner is exerting when using the chained weapon at me. I bounce back, and I'm honestly having a hard time, and since he has two of these weapons, I have to keep myself aware even after I deflect one weapon.

      It took him maybe 2-3 seconds to chain the attacks together before taking a 4 second break to prepare for another chain, and there were two moments where I almost got injured.

      I keep deflecting the attacks, literally on my toes having to spatially expand my awareness. I don't know what I do next, but I get used to his attacks and I presume that I would make a final kill somehow before I have to deal with the one on the left.


      Cowboy Bebop Final Episode Simulation (DILD)


      I only remember being at an elevator, pressing the up or down button on the glossed dark brown panel.

      The elevator dings, and random men in black suits start aiming their guns at me from both elevator doors.

      I duck for cover somehow and kill them off, and I can't really feel myself being injured or anything like that. I try to press the button several times after dealing with this onslaught, and it just keeps going and going maybe 2-3 times....
      I can't remember anything after that.
    2. Kaomea in White Dress? Short Pink Dress...Alyzarin?

      by , 03-29-2012 at 05:40 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Kaomea in White Dress? Short Pink Dress...Alyzarin? (Non-lucid)


      Dream 1: Kaomea or Lady in White Dress?

      I can't remember much about this dream other than the fact that I think I met Kaomea in a white dress (I'm not too sure if it was her or someone else, never saw her in a white dress in a dream, mostly red or some outfit with a red color). I was trying to fuse with her, and when we did, we would teleport somewhere I believe.

      After this, there was this weird inter-dimension (like a medium to be between that had a really dark pink space time of background to it. There was this random floating surface that was light pink, and it was gridded, but I don't know the exact number of squares.

      The whole perspective in this shift was me spectating and see things in third person perspective.

      There were small little dream characters, and I believe I was on the square as well, and I was trying to avoid them because everyone can phase and fuse into each other if they stood on the same square, which would apparently let them have a shared dream.

      I think I managed to avoid them, barely escaping other DCs. They didn't move as fast, but it was like playing a game of chess, one move I made, would initiate someone to move somewhere else to get closer to me or someone else.

      I think somewhere in another dream shift, I met Spike from Cowboy Bebop as well.

      (I think this was because I was playing Chess on the computer because I couldn't connect to the Internet late last night).

      Dream 2: Short Pink Dress....Alyzarin?

      I was sitting down near a table with a few people. I know there was at least one female, and maybe a friend of hers who was also a girl.

      The first girl I mentioned, she was wearing one of these two variations:

      1. A really short pink (slightly dark pink) skirt dress that had the length of going all the way down where it barely covered her private parts. She was probably wearing panties, but the skirt was so short that if one was going under her, they could see whatever it is there.

      2. A really short skirt, with a pink blouse with thin straps for her arms to go through.

      She was also wearing a long black rain jacket (the one with that velvet kind of feel to it).

      She had black hair (with some shine to it, but that was probably the light bouncing off), it was short, maybe going all the way down to her chin or at least the bottom ends of her ears.

      Her skin tone, she had a peach color or apricot color to it, but it was a little dark, just slightly.

      She was talking to me about something, and things are first-person perspective for me when I'm listening to her talk.

      Eventually, I stood up moved a little closer to her, and spread my arms out.

      At first she's wondering what I'm doing, she's still sitting down, but she answers her own question and said something along the lines of,

      "Oh, because I stopped doing.......(something)"

      And she gets up and hugs me as well.

      I think the only people I would think about hugging naturally like that would be Alyzarin, Kaomea, or even Melanieb (but I already know how Melanieb looks, and Kaomea as well, and they didn't fit the description of the girl I met).

      Maybe it could've been Melanieb, since she does have black hair, but I doubt she has it short in waking life.

      And it definitely couldn't have been Kaomea...maybe I met the blonde DC Alyzarin met that had black hair instead.

      Updated 04-15-2012 at 08:45 PM by 47756
