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    Tales from the sun chaser.

    1. More than what it seems

      by , 07-04-2012 at 06:27 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm at this church and there's this lich up there saying some cazy incantation.

      (quick edit I had a dream about working at the old hospital and meeting up with someone I knew before this dream).

      I have no idea what this skeleton guy in purple and gold is talking about but I head up front to kill him. One of his guards swing a long spiked mace at me, and I grabbed it and took out the guard with it. I hit the lich with it, and he shrugged it off and said some garbage about how he was too powerful to be destroyed. Then I thought about love, and focused that energy into the next swing....totally destroyed him. I broke the mase in a way that it became a four section staff and went to work on the rest of the guards and woke up.


      I'm at a hotel and I think I'm about to change clothes and go out, but I end up spilling everything into the toilet. People show up and I hear that's it's J I lock the door and then wait a second and he comes in. Magically, everything is cleaned up. I started watching a show about how some woman died, and her daughter (who looked exactly like her) didn't want to go to the funeral because it made her think of her own death.

      I'm walking with that girl now and I get her a drink and myself a coffee (the drink had a really wierd name to it and it came in a green bottle, and I never drink coffee). It didn't have a straw, so I went into the store right next door and swiped one while telling the owner.

      I'm in some cave (same one from a dream today that I didn't write down) and some grey guy gives me a kill request. It's some lich who's at the end of the cave. I head down there while dispatching theses shadowy fools in black cloaks and when I turn around I see the guy I need to kill, but its the gray guy. He quickly transforms back to the gray guy so I don't fuck him up. I'm confused, and partially lucid at this point when the grey guy starts explaining things.

      He starts talking about rules of the Dreamworld and how nothing around me is what it seems. The woman who died showed up along with her daughter. They were disguised as well. He said he needed test me to see if I was worthy, and went on explaining the differences between the real world and the dreamworld. Everything faded and I wished I could go back to sleep
    2. Skittles

      by , 01-10-2012 at 02:34 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Goals: Went to sleep wanting to have some continuity with the demon slaying dream I had, or see Kaomea. I spent most of yesterday thinking about my dreaming life more than my waking.

      I remember being at some area and seeing BJ...it was the first time in forever. I don't think I've seen the guy since elementary, but we caught up briefly, and he was asking about what I was doing now a days and whens the last time I've seen x, y, and z. Then he asked me when was he going to get seen in the back.

      I told him if we skipped him our doctor would probably get fired, and our rules is to bump anyone with an emergency up before the non-emergent people....ugh...freaking ER dreams.

      I'm with D and we're at some warehouse...I remember walking barefoot all around this place. The area had water all over the ground and I was trying to avoid it. I don't know why I didn't have any shoes on, but there was a splattered rat on the ground that I wasn't sure if I stepped on or not. It also had tape worms in it.....ugh.

      Now we're at some store, and we need two huge bags of pineapples and one case of them. I have no idea what for. We take them, and I end up talking to some kids in the gaming section. There's this one game that's compatible with a remote control race care. And someone tells me there's a tournament that's going to be held there. I told them I might make it, and left. D was contemplating filling up his car with reserve fuel he had strapped underneath his car. I told him to go ahead, because the stuff that's out now at the moment is higher. The other D didn't want him to do it.

      I'm in a field...then I'm traveling around my block. I see some shrubs with onions growing on it. The people who live there have long moved out, but I tell myself not to grab them at the last second.

      I'm at my house with D and J...we're talking about ownership of a pool table. I tell them a false memory that this one girl who I dated left it there for me...so it was technically mine. We started playing this fighting game. One character had something about "rainbows" on her shirt, and she was supposed to be a grappler with easier moves. I know she had a suplex, and some move where she removed the entrails out of the character. But everything was looking real cartoony.
    3. Dogs and babies

      by , 01-08-2012 at 07:20 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      2 frags after failing a wild attemp (was gonna sneak up on Koamea)

      I'm at some random hospital and I'm helping deliver a baby. Hell I think I'm In charge. Anyways. The baby was really dark...like dark as me already. And the nurse was asking me about it. She had these luminescent blue eyes.

      I was at Js house and I think we were watching old Kung fu movies. Anyway. I headed outside and he had about four dogs tied up. I took one at a time and walked them around. I don't think they've ever been for a walk. They were pretty aggressive but happy that I was giving them a little freedom.
    4. notes

      by , 01-22-2011 at 12:53 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I had a DILD that originated from from a chase dream. The only thing I really remember actively doing was to jump through a fence by phasing through it. The rest of it I was pretty low lucid and just noticing that the dream was working to my advantage. IE...whatever I was running rum, I didn't really stop.

      I also had another military dream...I was at the hospital and I had just gotten off of leave. I was talking to this lady who looked like a combination of several people, but I really couldn't pinpoint who she was, or her rank. She was stressed out about something, and was telling us some story. She wanted me to send a picture text of myself to her so she could update her phone number.

      Also had another dream where I was supposed to get dropped off at my house, but instead my cousins saw a party going on a few houses before that. Went there, and couldn't get in the house because we didn't know anyone, but there was some more people hanging outside. We started talking to a few people over there, and it turns out they knew most of the people there.
      lucid , non-lucid