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    Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self"

    Important notes
    Ordinary dream

    1. Marek farting, Ministry of sound, toilet cleaner, old car

      by , 05-02-2011 at 02:56 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      *(I woke up laughing)... Marek, Martin and I are going to Prague to Botanical gardens. There is also Lukas Vrchovsky. Some woman comes to me and some gay man comes to Marek. Marek is farting all the time, long and loud farts. Then Marek gets txt message from internet banking services (???) that the keys he lost were found. As we go through the botanical gardens, Marek and Martin take shoots of various plants with intention to grow them at home. Marek is still farting out of joy that his keys were found. Then two Marek’s friends come. I think that one of them is Tomas Makara. They go down the stairs (????) and when they come to the room, they say “what the fuck”. (LOL)
      ** I am in a room now. There is some wooden balcony or walk around there. I have to climb up on it, but when I want to go down but I find some wire there. (???) There are some people under the balcony and they are talking about me. I can hear them saying how smart I am, that I just look in the sky and can see Proxima Centauri (!!!!!!!!!!!!). And how much knowledge I have. I tell them that it’s finding Ministry of Sound in London. (LOOOL I am not sure what logic is in this). Then the balcony seems to fall down soon, so I jump down.
      ***I am in the basement of some school. There are some other people, guys and girls. I go to the toilet and I notice that some girl is following me. I see some guy at the toilet. As soon as he sees me he puts on yellow rubber glows and takes a mop and starts mopping the floor. I feel he realises that this is his job, cleaning toilets. I also feel that the girl is feeling sorry for him a bit. Then some person shouts that they need more paper.
      ****I jump in the lift with some other people. But the lift is already pretty full so we are all squashed there that it’s impossible to press the button. So we go all the way to the basement.
      *****I can see some old man and a young guy arguing about a car. It’s a very old car. They argue about how much it was. The young wants to know how much it was, but the older doesn’t want to tell him. But the young one is fairly stupid so it wasn’t difficult for the old one to fool him. The young one apologises at the end.

      by , 03-19-2011 at 10:21 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      *I am at Bara’s garden, where all the little trees are. It is summer time. She is there. I look at her and I feel like I want to have sex with her, but I don’t want to tell her, because I don’t know if she is still with the guy called “Banana”. I haven’t seen her for long so I lost the track. We walk around the garden and it looks that we are alone there. I keep following her and I don’t like it much. I notice that she dries photos in the garden. Then I see her sister in the distance, where the drive way is, but she doesn’t look the same. She is blond. Then I hear some voice, so I turn around and there is Banana. He kisses Bara. I feel a bit angry as it means that they are still together. I think I am helping them in the garden with something. Then we go upstairs to her room, but I don’t stay long and go downstairs again. I see that in the corridor is an old fashion bathroom. I look in the sink and there is “solvina”. But then I notice its all over the sink. There is a kind of bowl made of solivna on the side of the sink with a soup put in it. I wonder what Jirina and Emil haven’t done something about it as they usually pick on anything possible.
      I see people gathering there. Different people that I don’t know, but I can recognize the band Cechomor, or at least I believe it’s them. Then I notice a man sitting in the bathroom, he looks little bit like Slavek Janousek. His hair is a bit funny. I try to remember his name, but cannot. It reminds me of the music that the Cechomor violinist plays in the lift in Rok Dabla movie. I really like the music. So I ask him and humm the music. He is very excited and says “yea its me, its me”. Then I go outside and see even more people gathering. Then Bara stops me and says that she is expecting some delivery. It is supposed to be some marble blocks and some wood for her new terrace or garden house or so. She describes in good details how its going to look, but uses terms that I don’t know, so I cant really understand. Then it flashes through my head, how advanced everyone is in terms of family and settling down. They are already building houses, planning kids and so on. An important though that went through my head was this – when I wash my hands with “solvina” the sink keeps blocking up, then I hear Barbara and Banan talking together somewhere on the stairs and I think that they talk about me. So I try to unblock the sink quickly, because if they walked in to the bathroom, they would know that I heard what they were talking about me. But most importantly, as I wash my hands, I think about Bara, what a great girl it is as she has the creative drive and certain ease. Then a thought of Serendipity goes through my head… and I am reflecting with Melissa.
      **I am in some kind of camp. I do not recognize the are, its just somewhere in a valley in the middle of a forest. For some reason I know that the next evening people give presents to each other. It is not Christmas though. I know I haven’t brought anything to anyone so I try to put some things together at the last moment. Then I am queuing up for some fast food sold at a stool. I think it’s a hotdog or something similar to it. They sell small and large ones. Marek is there with me and I joke with him that he buys the small one and he sais “mind your own business”.
      ***Then there is a time jump. Everything is under water. The whole camp. I can only see some walls sticking up the water. I see some drowned people around. I am running around trying to find some door to let the water out, but then the water starts to fall down. Most of the people survived but what surprises me is that everyone takes it fairly easily.
    3. Village, carnival cycle, Plane in a jungle, Party with Marek,

      by , 02-08-2011 at 10:03 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I am riding a bike down the road, through some village. I am starting to recognize that place, but cannot remember exactly where it is. It just feels familiar, as if I knew the place. I am riding, without peddling, as the slope is fairly steep. It must be spring time as there are patches of snow every now and then and all feels really wet, even the road. I look briefly around and see just a few houses scattered around. Then I notice that the road is turning sharply right soon and after a few serpentines it goes up the hill again. Now I realize I am wearing a mask. The one that has been used in the movie "Scream". I am also dressed up in a long, black, loose robe. For a second, I get worried that it may get to the wheels of my bike. However, this thought is quickly disturbed by another person on a bike that I am overtaking. I just balance and he (I feel it is a man), and nod as a "hi" (interestingly not realizing how absurd a perhaps scary would that be). But as I look at him, I see he is wearing exactly the same costume as I have, only the face mask is much bigger. He nods at me. I notice the smile on the mask, thinking, how appropriate.

      I go through the right turn, hearing and feeling the road metal under my wheels. I feel like I am rushing somewhere, but I don't know where. Here I notice another biker in front of me. He is quite far, but as I am getting close I can see more details. I am in awe!! The mask is so cool I am thinking to myself. It is mostly gray, plush whole body costume, with some pink parts, which meaning I don't really understand. That is about to change. As I get just a few meters away,
      I recognise it is some kind of bizarre mixture of Eeyore and Piglet characters from Winnie the pooh! The whole body part is more like Eeyore and on the top of the head, there is a small Piglet one, as if sitting on Eeyore's head! I am totally amazed by this mask!!

      Then suddenly someone on a bike passes by really fast, and I feel anxiety a bit, as I know that there is another sharp turn soon. The person reaches the turn and flies off the road. There is a big house, looking like a watermill. (I assume so as there is a river flowing right behind the house). Nevertheless, that biker flies right into the river, just where a huge water whirl-pool is raging. He is going to drown, I am thinking to myself. I am thinking we have to rescue him somehow, otherwise he is going to die, for sure. Then suddenly a huge rod with a hook at the end comes out of nowhere, pulling the man out of the water. There are some people around, clapping, humming that if I didn't call help, he would have drawn. I am confused, as I cannot remember calling anyone. It all happened so quickly.

      The next dream: 4am
      I am standing in front of a jungle. (I assume so, because of the kind of trees it is made of, not like in usual forest). I walk in. It seems that it is just a thin ring of trees, shielding a glade, from being seen from outside. I see a plane wrack, or something that at least looks like it. It looks like silhouettes of a plane, covered by moss and little trees, that must have been growing over for quite a while. I walk around, having the wrack by my right hand side. It is very peaceful there, just what you would expect from a place like this. Occasional sounds of birds and animals, echoing in the embracing silence. Then I go close. I climb up, on the top of it. Here, a man appears. Strangely, I am not surprised. As if I was expecting it. This man walks me around, showing me the place. He talks all the time, but I cannot understand (or don’t remember) what he is saying. We walk to the end of the right wing. It is all a bit slippery.

      There is another man standing, waiting for us. It must be captain of the plane (!!!!). We start to chat, in a very friendly tone. He is telling me loads of things about the plane, the surrounding, as if he was a tour guide. Then he stops. He is looking at me, as if he expects me to answer to something he said. I look at him. He keeps gazing at me, so I start looking around for a clue, what could have he asked me about. I notice little windows on a side of the plane, through which I can see as if half naked women. But nothing specific, just some silhouettes or so. I look back at him. Hi nods and says… “yes”. Then he says they film porn in here. I keep looking at him. He starts laughing and asks me whether I want to see. (at this point I am falling asleep again, and my words become totally random ((damn!! :-D)))

      The next dream:4:15am
      Mk and I are in some camp or a cottage village or so. It looks like the spring village from the other day's dream, but this time we are on the top of the village, on the top of the hill. We are walking and chatting. It feels like we are going to explore the place. Then a group of people approach us. They are all young. It seems like they are on some school trip. They ask us if we want to go with them for a party, where they are going. Mk and I look at each other, make that kind of face saying “why not”, and we agree to go.

      However, Mk says he needs to change his jacket. So we cycle home quickly. (I am not sure where we got the bikes, as we were walking initially, but hey, it’s a dream right?). Our house is somewhere in the middle of the ‘slope’ village. It is an old, cold house. It seems like my grand mum’s house I think for a moment. Then, Mk says he needs to “take a dump” (literally). I wait outside. I can hear him shouting something and laughing. 'Bloody hell', I am thinking to myself and laughing too. Then he walks out (from (as I now realise) a disproportionally small house) and says it stank so bad, that his head started to hurt! Well, I am laughing at it, obviously. :-D

      We are on our way to the party. It's quite a walk up the hill. I think it must take us some fifteen minutes. The road curves up the hill, but we are taking shortcuts that cut right through, straight up.
      When we get to the party, there are many people. We have to tell the security a code, which is “chicken fricassee” (!!!). Apparently, this is what is cooked as a main course there. The party is kind of boring, or old fashioned. It is in a huge village hall house. People are walking in one big circle to a rhythm of the music being played. We just stand there and watch it. Occasionally, we chat shortly with some random people. Then I wake up….
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Gallery

      by , 01-18-2011 at 09:39 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      M&M and I are going to a gallery. As we get there, we can see many people painting on the canvass. those are not any concrete paintings, ore of a modern, geometrical shapes. Its a large, complex building. Those people seem to be from the street, random people just being creative. It seems like a class. Then, some lady comes in. She is a professor. She advises these people how to paint it better and how much it can be sold for.
      Then I see a girl painting some squares. The professor comes to her and tells her to paint in lines from the right top corner to the opposite one. This will make it look dynamic. She starts to pint in to the girl's painting and totally changes/destroys it. The girl is just watching it, all upset. The girls pulls out some money and gives it to the professor. it is £40 or £55 per hour. The girl was there for about 3 hours. She tells us that she comes very often.
    5. Soldiers, skiing, maze,

      by , 01-02-2011 at 09:27 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      * I think I am in some kind of game. I am in a complex of old abandoned buildings. I know that there are black and white soldiers around. They wear futuristic armour, similar to the iron man or star wars one. I am going up on an outside staircase circling around a concrete column. Suddenly there is one of those black soldiers. Somehow I know it's my friend "El". I start shooting at her. She falls on the ground. I pick her up and carry her up the staircase and put her down behind a corner. I take of the Armour or scaphander. She wakes up. I am thinking to myself, that they must have it somehow timed up that she wakes up at the right moment. (this last bit doesn't make sense, but this is the way I remember it).

      * Wehave a New Year resolution that we are going to eat healthy. My friends and I meet up in our kitchen. There is"Mk" and "Rsh" and I. Mk brought three bags of salad. "Mar" is going to cook something. "Mk" wants to go to Tesco, but can't make his mind. He asks if I go too. I am thinking whether I need something as I know that when I go, I buy loads of stuff that I don't need.

      * It seems that we are around TateModern or similar kind of building. There is supposed to be a big balcony with a garden or playground. However, we find here just a massive hole with some columns erected in the middle. Something is probably being built there.... ((then I'm talking nonsense about Mk and Mr, New Years resolutions and news :-D)

      * I went skiing in my village. There were many skiing entertainments. There were snow dunes and. I jumped and spun on those. There was also big snow wall, as half U ramp. So I was jumping on it too, but towards the end, there was less and less snow to the point that I had to stop.I tried to sky though, but I couldn't. I had to walk.

      * I was in some kind of psychology experiment. I had to get through a maze. I was playing against other people. It was taking place in a basement of some large and old building such as supermarket. My goal was to find documents and money, so I could get out from the maze. As I walked through I saw draws and wardrobes everywhere. The documents and money were supposed to be in one of them. I had to run and search for them. I found some in one of the wardrobes in an old blue, flannel jacket. It was a valet with various documents and money. However, there was no ID that I needed to get out from the maze. (there was a woman playing against metoo. I thought itwas my neighbour " "Kourilova". One farmer asked her whether she was pregnant. She got angry and told him not to ask her that ever again! I don't know where is this last bit coming from or what does it mean. Bizarre)

      ** this was an extraordinary colourful night. Looking forward to more of those.
      non-lucid , memorable