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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    1. Time Is What I Need.

      by , 03-05-2015 at 04:29 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #418 - MILD - 5:13AM

      Coffee (Caffeine) 2tbsp brewed. 4tbsp sugar and about 1/8 cup milk
      I wake about 3:45am from a vivid dream and decide it's too close to my 4:00AM alarm to go back to sleep so I go ahead and get up just long enough to drink my coffee. I return to bed thinking about the dream I just had and what it would have been like if I had become lucid. I quickly drop into sleep.

      I wake my daughters up to get ready for school. There is some conversation and I randomly climb out a window in a hallway. The house is a two story and I come out on a low part of the roof. I am trapped because a woman who looks like Michonne in a Sonic uniform is on a ladder that is some how blocking my exit. I tap her on the lag and politely ask her to move. She tells me to hold on so I just find away to squeeze past. As I climb down off the roof I tell the woman and her associate that I am leaving for work so if they have any questions ask my wife. I tell them to just call for Janice (That's my mom's name... awkward.) I feel like this isn't the right name so I start to tell them they can just call for Mrs. Coon but I stop myself because they might thing I am trying to make an inappropriate joke. I wonder why they are here and what they are working on. Oh they must be installing tile. On the roof? Maybe it's something else.

      I as I drop down I land inside the house. There is a ladder on a wall that is made of tape measure. I fiddle with it noting how flimsy it is. I decide it probably won't hold my weight so I leave it alone. I remember that I should be getting to work so I check the time on my cell phone in my pocket. 11:25am. Wow I am really late!

      I look up and find myself at work. Robert M. is saying something about taking a half day vacation then says he better clock in. I think it's a little late for half day so I check the time again. 10:10AM. I become confused about the time and decide I better just clock in. I start typing my employee number and pause as I recall how I was just in my 'house' and suddenly I am at work. Then there's the time thing...Then, it finally dawns on me. I must be dreaming. I feel a wry smile come on my face and I step away from the computer. The dream collapses at this point, but I manage to get things back in order by focusing on what I should be seeing. Things are a bit unstable now but I think I can work with it.

      I wonder about goals, but when I see a bulletin board I think I should try reading it. I do my best read out loud the wobbly and changing words. [something][something] on a cob. That make absolutely no sense. Now the dream is really unstable so I try rubbing my hands then the carpet. I notice it has a red and gold pattern.

      Things get a bit more stable so I decide to walk outside while still rubbing my hands. I can't help but feel that I am literally holding the dream together by pure concentration. I tell myself there is plenty of time and I should relax. I feel my shoulders drop a bit and become at ease. Because of this the dram instantly fades away. I try DEILD with the phase method, but I am too wide awake. I decide to spend some time meditating before I get up.

      Updated 03-05-2015 at 04:31 AM by 5967

    2. What are you doing with that cat?!?

      by , 02-22-2013 at 01:46 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      WBTB 3:30AM
      Strong Mugwort Tea


      I am working for my old boss. We wants us to stay late. F is telling me about it. I tell F, "Well eff him. I am not staying any later." I turn around and see my boss. Busted. He looks at me and says something about how he just wanted every one to go to the amusement park and pick up a form so that the company can let us have the day off at the park tomorrow. "Whatever, I don't care about that. I don't even want to go. It's 3:30 and I am going home."

      I still feel a little pissed and find F. I ask him if he is going to the park. He says yes. I decide maybe I will go. I don't understand why I have to get a form but a free day off work sounds really good.

      I arrive at some place in the country. There is a black leather fainting couch with wagon wheels on it. I lye down and it takes me on a dirt path on it own volition. I slow travel through a peaceful country setting and I feel contented to take it all in.

      Soon I arrive at a booth. I ask the lady for a form and she promptly hands me one. I ask her how I leave and she points to another wheeled fainting couch. I lay down and it takes me back. It travels very quickly this time and I feel myself surge forward.

      I phone rings. I look and the words are distorted but I see my wife's picture. I can't remember what we talk about. But I realize that during the conversation I was transported to where she is. I feel like I am in a lying potion but I seem to be standing. She is on a small a bed with our son and a gray cat. I recognize it as the stray we temporarily took in last year. I point and yell, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT CAT?!"

      She calmly replies, "We found him and you said we can keep him."

      Finally I realize this is a dream. I feel half awake now. I feel myself in my bed but still totally immersed in the dream. I ask my wife, "This is a dream isn't it?"

      "Of course it is, babe."

      I feel like I am waking up so I relax for DEILD. I get vibrations and I hastily get out of bed. I am standing in my room blind. I am trying to take it slow and be patient but I am frustrated. I remember something I read about surging forward in the void until a dream forms. I do just that.

      I feel myself phase through the bedroom door and an exterior wall. I wasn't even considering that. I feel the G forces and the speed of my body as I go into warp speed. I can see a bright light from behind closed eye lids. I try to see a scene form but I feel myself destabilize.I get brief vibrations and then I wake up. Maybe that was the wrong time for this. I try to DEILD but the urge to enter this in my DJ was too great.