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    Inner World حلم Gamma Waves

    1. GrandMother Of The Dreams DILD

      by , 01-05-2020 at 10:25 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I found myself in a false awakening and awoken again. I got out of my bed and was began talking to my grandmother who decided to check on me. She asked me would I like to eat any chicken and I replied with yes. She then ask me would I like anything else with that and I told her no. She insist on asking me again and I was like nah. So she made herself out the door so i could get myself together and head out of this crib.

      As I got myself out of bed and walk in to the living room. I could see my father in another room and saw my grandmother in the kitchen. I went in to the restroom in the living room. I began to look at myself in the mirror and notice my hair was definitely a mess after sleeping for so long. I began to put water on my hands and tried to slick my hair back but it wasn't doing anything. So I began to feel funny about all of this.

      I started to question stuff like who am I and what have I been doing all this time. That's when I didn't really trust where I was and the idea to check my fingers came to mind. I could hear my grandmother voice walking pass the door I am in saying the food is done in the kitchen. I look at my fingers to see it's all distorted and bent like. That's when I knew I was in a dream and that I needed to do different things.

      I got out of the restroom and could see my grandmother going up the stairs. That's when I ran to the door and phase through it and was outside. It was night , all of sudden I could hear my grandmother feet walking down the stairs and began banging the front door. She knew I was awake and I could her presence getting closer to me. I decided to try to fly but I felt it failed and I lost my concentration. That's when I experience another false awakening.
    2. Other Side DILD

      by , 03-09-2019 at 10:18 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      Dreams starts off with me having problems with my family. I felt something was off with myself as my head felt unusually active. And I felt unreasonably angry, I was arguing with my father and with my brother which escalated in to fight with him. As this happens I felt even more distraught and my head began to vibrate intensely. It got to the point that my entire body felt numb and weightless and I began to float upwards off the ground in a horizontal position about a few inches off the ground.

      I remember screaming and making random sounds that I could not control. I look at the wall and could only see words that were affiliated with the bible. It said something about God and saw many symbols of satan. I then feel body back on the floor, I was standing. Every word that came out of my mouth was unintelligible. I sounded distorted and focus my intention on my brother. I had pick him up and hang him outside attempting to murder him by throwing him outside the window. My father and some other person that I have no knowledge of yelled for me to stop. I somehow gain enough control to violently toss my brother back on the room floor. My family look at me in confusion and my brother began to speak by saying he would never forgive me. I couldn't completely tell what was going on but was then finding myself leaving the house away from them.

      I then eventually after the dream change began to show great signs of lucidity. I knew now that I had been dreaming but was still somewhat receptive to the feeling of fear. I went back to the old home I grew up in. I wanted to make sure that I had dreamt this and that it didn't happen in real life. I went to the old mirror and did the palm rc. Where my finger should go through my palm. I didn't several times while looking in the mirror but it wouldn't work. I began to feel sick to stomach. I knew that I was dreaming and that the dream must've not been working for the rc. I decided to wake up.
    3. What's Real DILD

      by , 01-25-2019 at 09:16 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      Dream starts out with some anime characters fighting and meeting up in some odd looking land. But then things started zooming up and I was no longer in third person. I found myself in a room that look like a restroom yet unfamiliar to me. That's when thing started looking more and more real and I became lucid. I look in the mirror and was pondering the realization that I was dreaming. As I am doing this I eventually start to wake up from thinking about it too much.
      Tags: dbz, mirror, real, zoom
    4. Table Urges DILD

      by , 07-07-2016 at 10:31 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I am at work talking to someone I am I do not know at my manager office. He leaves and I go check at the beo to see what needs to be done for tommorow. As I am doing so, I am interrupted by my mother who then walks pass me. I'm wondering why she is here intill the person who runs the human resources showed up and ask me how is my head doing. Before I can respond entirely I see she is trying to lift one of the 6ft classroom tables. So I offer to help lift it to her office. It felt way lighter than it should be I thought, but I decided to just go with it. I then enter her office to see my brother and father both sitting down. I attempt to place the table down but the table legs that are meant to hold it were bent for some odd reason. I told the captain human resources that I will come back with a better table. I walk out and notice all the tables were distorted or just plain broken. I lose track of my thoughts and just left the building walking outside on the side walk for a minute or two. Thinking about nothing at all in till it hit me. I felt like I should be doing something but didn't knew what it was. I stood there for a long good second and it hit me. I was suppose to be getting tables , the urge to get a table was too strong to the point where I woke up. But it was truly a false awakening. I look around and got out of my bed. I enter in my bathroom and notice my mirror is reflecting differently then it normally would. I look at my hands and did a nose RC. I knew I am dreaming but lost lucidity fairly quickly .
    5. Night Light OST + MILD

      by , 07-19-2015 at 10:48 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      The first thing I was able to see is two police officers in a SVU show talking. I must have been in third person point of view as I became in 1st person shortly after. My brother and I were seeing this cop show playing and we realize it had started from the beginning. So I told my brother I would fast forward the clips as there were some scenes I didn't care to see. The remote controller was refusing to work properly, instead of fast forwarding it simply pause. Not too long after I have an FA and during this transition I began to realize that I had been dreaming all along.

      That's when the transition had end and I awoken to find myself in the bed. I was in my father room and could tell a few things were different how it usually look. Outside was dim but when it shine through the window it made it darker than usual. I figure I must still be dreaming. There was a mirror all the way at the end of the bed. I can see an apple underneath my mouth near the top of my neck. I get off the bed, my dream memories told me that I had fallen asleep with this and apple and now it has become apart of me.

      With some effort I manage to pull the apple out. I rather eat apples not wear them. I then toss it on the carpet and found my way back to the bed. I notice that one of the covers I usually sleep in was missing. Suddenly I wake up. Lucidity Time: 52 seconds