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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. Deactivating a Tower |Dreamed Using Restroom -> Real Wet Dream | MIC Makes $$$ Off of Runescape

      by , 11-17-2015 at 11:38 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Deactivating a Tower (DILD)


      All I remember is that I'm in the desert sector related to Code Lyoko, but I don't feel I'm actively participating in the mission of deactivating the active tower. I see, in first person perspective, some Tarantulas that eventually give up, and see that as soon as they pass a certain point near the tower, they disappear.

      It feels as if someone is destroying the desert sector.


      I Wet Myself IRL Because DC Stalls Me Using a Restroom In a Dream (DILD)


      I’m with some of the Code Lyoko: Evolution members in a classroom. It seems the setting is in a late afternoon where the sunset is slowly dissipating. The floor is white, and made of some kind of hard-surfaced tiling, and the rest of the room is white.

      I’m sitting in a dark-colored chair, and resting on a light-brown table that’s fit for at least 6 individuals. The teacher looks a bit familiar, and has a light complexion. He seemed to be a mélange of one of my boss’s bosses at a retail store, and then one of the principals from the Code Lyoko: Evolution show, and such.

      He’s doing something to stall time so students won’t be convinced to leave early until the bell rings. I’m wondering why he’s doing this, as I felt I had a good judgment of when the bell would ring. I looked at the clock at some point that’s white in the background, and has black tick marks and numerical fonts as well.

      It seems to be somewhere around 1:20-1:35PM or so; the equivocations with time just made things more obvious. When the teacher was counting down when the bell would ring, the moment he reached 0, he wouldn’t let everyone leave at once. He asked us if anyone of us wants to go to jail, in which we quickly said, or made a gesture of “No.”

      He eventually allows us to leave in this false imprisonment nonsense. I go out to the door, to my right, and we’re having a quick conversation over how the teacher was acting weird. I turn to the left, and I see a Hispanic female that I presumed to be in the class we were in as well. She looks like one of my co-workers; short ponytail, red shirt, tight blue jeans, and we’ll just nickname her An.

      I asked her why the teacher was so peculiar, and she shook her head in confusion as her retort. I get the strong urge to utilize the restroom, and immediately went into the closest one. Brown walls, white tiled floor, and a really clean restroom. I open one of the doors, sat down for some reason instead of standing up, and started to urinate.

      I was feeling a virtual experience of urinating that ended up translating into real life, and mid-way piss, I feel myself urinating IRL while still in the dream, and eventually woke up to take care of the issue.

      My first recalled lucid wet dream. Good thing it wasn’t #2.


      Manager In Charge Makes $$$ From Runescape (DILD)


      I’m inside a room that has a Wall Street vibe to it where others are congregating for some big event in stocks, or something like that. It doesn’t feel like that at first, but it seems so secretive, cozy, and there’s a gargantuan wide screen in front of us emitting some blue light.

      I see a Manager in charge at a retail store I used to work at which we’ll nickname “J.” He seems really enthusiastic, and is wearing a light gray dress shirt tucked in under a black dress pants. His sleeves are folded up to the top of his elbows, and is wearing black glasses as well.

      He’s holding some paper, and starts bragging about the success of whatever workflow he, and his affiliates utilized to make money off of Runescape, and maybe other MMORPGs. He eventually shows us the paper, and I quickly glance over without much interest; I could see some golden stars, and a quantity of at least $1 Million.

      Then, at some point in the dream that I can’t sequence into a timeline, I was going go into the Bandos section in the God Wars Dungeon in Runescape. I was setting up some overloads, brews, and things of that nature. I was choosing whether or not to use a Legends Cape, or the Bandos cape that seems fairly new. The latter seemed more advantageous stat wise for the Chaotic Rapier I had in my inventory, but there was still skepticism on my end.

      I forget what I do next, and felt I spent most of my time fixating on the ideal inventory set up.

      Updated 11-17-2015 at 11:46 AM by 47756

      lucid , memorable
    2. Big Store Event, Not Attending & I'm Too Over Powered in Runescape, Please Nerf

      by , 09-10-2014 at 07:10 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Big Store Event, Not Attending (DILD)


      It’s just one of those dreams where the virtual experiential reality is so high, that I’m slightly shocked for not having some existential questioning going on if this was a dream or not. One part of me wanted to delude myself into thinking it’s real, just for the sake of not being apathetic towards the dream characters, and the dream’s potential value in general.

      Judging by the body sensations that I’m experiencing, there’s a lot of tension, almost as if there’s some big event where me and the dream characters that look like some of my co-workers are going to participate in. It’s the type of feeling where all the other challenges you had to face creep up on you, but then you come to a realization, and a satisfaction that you overcame them.

      I can feel my feet tingling, traveling up to my knees, and finally near my stomach. I started to feel an emptiness inside that was oddly comforting.
      So I just let time pass by, letting the conversations from other co-workers become diluted, and slowly getting accustomed to this highly vivid virtual experiential reality. There was a female there whom I had a deep affection with, though I feel the word is too strong seeing how the relationship in real life wouldn’t really go that far.

      She still expressed the type of disposition where she would take advantage of her looks to fill the void of the insecurity that she has of not having something to love her; this dream character existed in a way where every single quality I could possibly use retrospect and analysis about her was clearly exhibited, and all she did in the dream was pass through the small lane in the middle of the bus to get out and go somewhere.

      I reign in these odd feelings of affection towards this dream character, most likely because I already have predispositions to avoid those kinds of interactions with them so that those feelings won’t bleed onto how I communicated with them in waking life.

      Everyone else just felt like random noise, and I did my best to show some interest with the existence of this dream characters. But when one of them stated that we’re not attending whatever event we’re close to, I immediately lost interest in the dream.

      Instead of trying to accomplish some goals of mine I’ve had on my mind for -insert x entity- knows how long, I just get bored, and just drifted back into non-lucid dreaming.


      I'm Too OP in Runescape (DILD)


      I realize I’m playing a MMORPG that has a Runescape-esque feel to it. I figured I might as well enjoy watching what’s going on. I believe I’m playing as some old man with a long gray beard, and all he’s wearing are some white desert robes in the cold.

      The overall color schemes consist of blue and gray, and I had a feeling that the area I was going to would be the God Wars Dungeon, seeing how there’s a huge pit with a rope hanging on the side. I had a feeling that if I’m only going into a pit with only a white desert robe, and a staff that looks like the Polypore staff, I’m probably really powerful in this dream version of Runescape.



      I go inside the pit, and I find myself in an area that’s a very spacious battle arena. I do a quick walk around, and I have to fight some purple tentacle creature that seems to be rotating its whole body, or tentacles vertically at rapid speeds. It’s pretty hard to comprehend the existence, and locomotion of the creature in general, and my initial reaction was to activate some prayer abilities like Protect from Magic, or something like that. I even see the Prayer screen as well, though it didn’t seem to me that I activated it at all.



      I believe I’m switching to a melee weapon since I got pretty close to the tentacle monster, though I’m pretty sure I used Mage, or Ranged on it. I’m paying close attention to my health bar, and it seems that I need to activate Soul Split, especially when I came into this place with no food whatsoever. I realize this before going into the pit, but it was already too late since I couldn’t really get into the dream that way to start changing the environment, i.e., I was too indulged in the task of playing this game.

      I hear the sound effects of the Soul Split, which I presumed was working, and fortunately it did. I manage to kill the tentacle monster with ease, and I didn’t even bother to check if I had a Prayer limit. I guess it was implied that I could use any Prayer ability without worrying about my Prayer points being drained.

      If playing as an old man with a gray beard and having to rely on a Prayer ability doesn’t imply religious implications unconsciously being expressed to me, then I don’t know what the purpose of this dream is.

      And just went I thought I could get out of this one, another weird creature appears. The overall composition of it is akin to a dolphin, and it has a light blurry violet color to it as well. It apparently can levitate, and shoot high pressed air at a high rate. Or maybe it was steamy water that was high pressured.

      I honestly don’t know how I dealt with this one, but I do know that I spent most of my time just running away from it, and dodging when it shoots the high pressured stuff at me. Whatever happened, happened, and the next creature is very hard to recall its overall body composition.

      I just knew that at that point, if I could handle the previous entities with ease, with only having a few moments where I thought I was going to die, then I’m obviously over powered in this game. I defeated all of them, and I forget what happens next.

      Oh, and there's another non-lucid dream where I tell one of my relatives (female) that I liked the Naruto Shippuden villains more than the protagonist, but again, not going to invest time in recalling this dream.
    3. Knives In Deltoids, Akashic Records Attempt, Clapping and Bellyslapping, RS Acc Hacked, Loose Shorts

      by , 11-07-2012 at 03:44 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Knives on my Deltoids (DILD)


      I have a false awakening, and I noticed that on my left deltoids, I have some kind of knife object on my arm. It's not causing any pain for me, and I slowly take it out, no kind of pain at all.

      I even take it near my mouth to see if I can taste something out of it. It's really dark in this area, I can barely see anything except for what's contained on my bedroom, which makes sense for the dream to have the same dark environment at night in waking life.

      I look at my left Deltoids once more, and there's another oddly shaped black knife object. I do a reality check,
      realized that I'm dreaming. I feel like I can't move the lower regions of my body, or maybe I was just too sleepy to care.

      I take the knife out again, and decided to not lick it this time, I took out several knives that appeared out of nowhere back to my left deltoids again.

      It got annoying, so I decided to go back to sleep.
      Akashic Records Attempt (WILD)


      I noticed I felt intense vibrations all over my body, I don't know how, but I guess that 5 hour sleep that I didn't want helped at some point. I guess I got around 10 hours of sleep last night, excluding the 1 hour unintentional WBTB I did.

      Now, if I wasn't so bothered on how lonely I felt in this dream, I could've found my Akashic Records, or the location of it, or at least, a guide that can help me access it.

      What a waste of potential, but I guess I have to take baby steps, considering how I was able to change my dream scene pretty well. Didn't really have to worry about stabilization, I just engaged into passive thinking while having some kind of focus of movement, since I could walk and run just fine.

      It's hard to recall how I was able to become lucid from this, probably from a micro-awakening that I just was fortunate to be cognizant of, or maybe through those same vibrations, but I have full control of my body throughout the course of this dream.

      The same kind of emptiness I experience when I pull off a WILD. No one is there, it's all me, this definitely doesn't feel like a lucid dream. It feels so different, no signs of danger, no signs of people, nothing, just me, and the environment.

      It's so quiet, that I found it a bit scary. It was a bit dark, but there was adequate lighting here and there. I'm inside of a fancy house, I'd go as far to presume that this was a mansion that had several empty houses next to it. I walked slowly, not at a reasonable pace throughout the dream.

      I ask in a moderately loud voice,

      "Is anyone there? Anyone?!?!?"

      No response at all, not even a cricket sound from outside, not even a simulated buzzing of the A/C in the house either. Complete solitude.

      I decided to go to a random exit from the house, and headed outside. It's still dark outside, and I noticed the surface is covered with autumn leaves all over. There's random slopes around the area, and I'm currently going down a slope of autumn leaves, and find that there's another house within my linear path. I can hear slight sounds of my feet crushing on the dry autumn leaves as well, and even a little friction between each one I step on

      The door is opened already, and there's even more lighting inside. There's all sorts of accessories and furniture here. To name a few:

      -Grandfather clock
      -China set within a Cabinet (or at least the cabinet to contain them)
      -White cloth over a fairly long dining table.

      It's like I'm at an environment with more than enough houses and a mansion, except there's no one to share it with. I start contemplating more on the deep solitude I'm in, and finally, took the initiative to try and change things.

      The thought of the Akashic Records came into my mind. Thank goodness I remember that. However, at the same time, I started to have other thoughts competing for my acknowledgment, maybe 3-4 thoughts in total. I decided to start things off by doing a lucid dream scene technique for once.

      I take my right foot out, then I put my left foot on top of it, and started to do a dream spin rapidly with my arms spread out. I can hear the SWOOSHING sounds and rapid lines forming around me that represent strong winds circulating around my field of vision. There's an orange background surrounding me while I'm seeing my arms go around with my body in first person view.

      For once, I do a dream spin for the first time that ends up in a successful dream change. The environment feels familiar, but it's definitely different than before. I'm on a set of stairs, half-way from getting to the floor of this big house full of items and furniture, but no people.

      That's what I thought for a few more seconds, until I looked down, and saw someone below me on my right next to the wooden bars supporting the wooden railing on the stairs. The man is wearing a black shirt, and in the middle of his chest, there's a red font bordered with a contrasting color from the black shirt with the letters "OT" on it.

      He looks up at me, and I realized he looks a lot like my previous Pre-Calculus teacher before I moved to my last High School before graduating. The visage looks similar, except he had a darker tone than Mr. S.

      He tells me to follow him, and I slowly go down the stairs, having growing suspicions on his slightly authoritative declaration.

      But since this is a dream, I just went with the flow, and from there, I forget what happens next. All I remember from this point is that I'm right behind him, and we're headed towards a beam of light within a room. Possibly somewhere that can help me find my Akashic Records....but I don't know...

      Clapping and Belly slapping (Non-lucid)


      I know this isn't the initial point of the dream, but I'm following a female, and we're both headed for some kind of Science Lab for class. We reach the building, and we presumed that there's no lab today, but then someone informs us that we should check the upper floors. So we go to an elevator together, and found there's people going inside a fairly large lecture room.

      Inside the same room, it's saturated with orange-yellow lighting, and all of the seats are dark green with a plumped cushion type of material. I go inside, and sat next at a random area out in the front. There's so much shit going on in this dream, I don't even know where to start.

      Okay, we're required to do some kind of simulation where we have to beat these girls in pink who are cheerleaders of the University/school/college/whatever. We have to slap our bellies and then clap after that, and we have to chain this for as long as we can.

      I end up doing pretty good, but the moment I screw up and have to pause, the points on the screen in front of me that's set up like an electronic voting booth goes down dramatically. I have to keep up the pace, and I know that somewhere, the cheerleaders are doing their part of the simulation just fine.

      Everything ends, class is over, and I'm the last student in there. My professor is an Asian man who looks like that guy from the new Hawaii 5-0 show. He took out a sheet of paper with my results, and I think it was a 314 or something like that. It was a fairly low score, at least to me, and I started to comment on how much of a failure I am.

      He begs me a pardon, and I said, "Oh nothing!"

      Then he starts talking about random things that I can't recall.
      Dioscar steals my Runescape money and items (Non-lucid)


      In short, Dioscar, a friend I had in middle school, decides to hack into my Runescape account. I don't know how he does it, but he tells me he does, and he starts running off like crazy.

      I started to have a memory that I had 30 million gp in my bank before, and probably a few other valuable items. I get pissed, but I can't get to him. I open the door to get into my room, and I see a Yu-Gi-Oh! character that looks like the bald dude with the black marking on his face who was probably a relative or servant of Marik.

      With the help of a good person in waking life, it's Odion. Odion has the purple robes, and has the hood over his head. He seems to be bending down near the bed, and turns around and looks at me. I look at him for a while to see who he really is. He doesn't seem to want to attack me or anything, so I close the door quickly and got out.
      My Pants are Loose (Non-lucid)


      All I remember is that I'm shaking hands with someone that looks like Jerry in waking life, and as I'm doing that, I feel like my ass is exposed for another guy to see.

      I can just feel it, and I noticed he was looking at my exposed ass, so I quickly pulled up my pants, which were black shorts by the way. I also was wearing a black shirt with a gray vertical line on the left and right side of the shirt starting from the collar until the bottom of the shirt.

      I tried to play this off like nothing happened, but the moment was awkward either way.

      Three Types of Woman (Non-lucid)


      I can't remember much, other than I have to meet three types of woman.

      There's two women, that I can't really describe, and the last one is a pre-op transwoman. For some reason, the moment I hear that, I had a mental image that she would be anally raped by men.


      Updated 11-07-2012 at 03:49 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    4. Disturbing Board Meeting, Runescape Clans, Young and the Restless Stabbings (SDE Pt. Day: 18)

      by , 10-23-2012 at 06:07 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      This was yesterday's nap on the 22nd

      Disturbing Board Meeting (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a vehicle sitting on the left back seat with my father in the driver's seat on the left. I had to do some fancy maneuvering to get out of the door. I had to twist my body in a very weird way, but I managed to get out.

      It seems I'm going into a large Board Meeting of some sort, and it's kind of like an auditorium you would see in a High School. The flooring is consists of carpet, and it's purple all over. I'm assuming the seats are all a very dark color of turquoise, or just Black. I go down, sit at a random chair, and after a while, the Q&A finally commences.

      There's one guy standing on the center of the stage. He's wearing a red shirt, black shorts, black sneakers, is Caucasian, and has dirty blonde to brown hair. He seems to be the one taking in the questions, and there's a few people that give him some questions that really gets him thinking. Even when he responds, they basically show him how much the University they're in is based on some kind of derivative of my University's funding.

      To make it easier to explain, basically Texas A&M University at College Station promotes some kind of propery management for Texas Tech University, at least that's how it looked like from the dream. The guy tries to avoid the question at times, and even tries to restate what has been refuted, especially he mentions the property management thing again.

      After a while, the meeting in the auditorium comes to an end, the guy on the stage looks like shit after the questions being slashed at him back and forth. I recall there being some kind of resentment for Texas Tech University students on Texas A&M University overall, but i've distracted myself for so long that I can't recall the details. All I know is the property management was stated a lot.

      As I'm going through the row of seats, I noticed there were pens on the floor, and they looked pretty random to me. Not many people were around at this point, so I decided to pick one pen up, and then looked at the others scattered on the left side of the Auditorium as I was trying to leave(right side if you were coming). I realized that these pens look familiar, they looked like the ones in waking life.

      One that I remember specifically is the blue ink pen with the gray cap, Black color base, and had a fine tip. I tried writing something random on my hand, but the ink is clearly on the verge of running out completely. I picked up another pen, this time, it had the Transparent dark gray base where you could see how much black ink was still contained, a black bottom base for the ink point to stick out, and a cap that can be pressed in and out.

      I looked up after picking up a few pens, and found that they were contained in a very small vase, or pot. The pot is kind of hard to recall, but I'd say it was a light faded teal color, or something along those lines, and that it was tipped over. It looked familiar as well, like one of the objects in waking life where I put in a lot of pens and pencils that were probably useless.

      I noticed some people in waking life were there as well. There was a lady who looked like Gem. She was wearing a Black and brown tank top or something with a black jacket over it, along with black dress pants as well. She's bending down, at least that's what the image of her keeps showing up in my head as I'm recalling this. After a while, everyone leaves, but I decided to stay near the entrance to the auditorium.

      Suddenly, the seat capacity gets over-filled, and all of them seem to be the Band and Choir of the University. I saw one distinct person that was the counterpart of someone in waking life. He lookd a lot like a guy named Robert S., except he looks a lot younger in this dream. He had the hairstyle where most of his eyes would be covered.

      Anyway, his face looks cheekier, and then I get bored of this event that happened right after that large meeting. I go outside, and see my father inside the driver's seat. The door to the back seat is vacant, and in order to get in, my father tells me that I have to go inside the front, and then slide my body on a small slope to get inside. It was weird, it's like he disappeared, and a light green slope going downwards appears.

      After that weird entrance to the vehicle I can't remember what happened next.


      Runescape Clans (Non-lucid)


      I was talking to someone about the clans I've been part of in Runescape. I talked about the recent one before I quit, then one before that, and then one more before that one. The last one involved me doing some Corporeal Beast killing, though I doubt I did that with the last one, or any of them for that matter.

      That's because I always had to go to sub-clans meant for everyone with the right stats to join temporarily if they wanted to do Corporeal Beast killing.

      Boring stuff indeed.


      The Young and the Restless Weird Killing (Non-lucid)


      Sharon from the Young and the Restless is posing as Adam Newman. She goes up to some woman that I can't even get a facial recognition of, and she starts stabbing and slicing her with a knife.

      All that shows up are cuts, and the other one is doing the same to Sharon I believe. There's several cuts on the two females stomachs, and chest region, it them not showing any kind of pain is frankly disturbing.
    5. Tennis, Code Lyoko Krabs, Laundromat, Killer, Alyzarin, and much more........... (SDE Pt. 2 Day: 08)

      by , 10-13-2012 at 06:09 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Damn, this took a while to type. I had to shorten the second to last dream, since you know, I have to do human things in this humanistic planet we're on....like taking care of laundry, then studying for math midterm, and finishing up any Organic Chemistry Lab homework when I come back from the Laundromat.

      Heh, had a dream about Laundromats....and since that came up twice in one night, I figure I should search a general dream meaning...and found dreams with laundromats are associated with trying to change your overall character, rejuvenation, enlightenment.....well I guess that's 95% right, considering I'm trying to see my difficulties and negativity in life in a different way that isn't going to cause a breaking point for me...

      Ryoma Echizen and Kevin Smith (Non-lucid)


      I see Kevin Smith from "The Prince of Tennis" outside near a random house or apartment complex. The building itself consists of a very very VERY light sky blue color, and the window frames on the outside are bordered with white wood-like material. It seems Kevin Smith was doing something in order to get accepted into a team.

      What the heck, Kevin's hair isn't blonde!! Whatever, only picture I can find with both of them, since I'm too lazy to post two separate pics.

      I don't know for what purpose, but after he gets accepted ( I can't remember how), the dream shifts where Ryoma is trying to get into a team too outside. There's no one to try and prove anything to get int, it's just them alone. Ryoma gets accepted, but he doesn't seem too excited about the whole thing.

      Then after he's gone, I think I'm near the side yard of the house doing something, but I forgot.
      Code Lyoko Krabs (Non-lucid)


      This whole dream has that futuristic Sci-Fi theme to it, it's so apparent that it's a complete turn around from my waking life related random dreams. I can't recall too well on this, but I remember facing a Code Lyoko Krab (yes with a K), and I tore all four of its legs.

      I did so (or maybe it was someone else, but it felt like I did it) by getting behind it and grabbing its two back legs and forming them into a V-shape together, and then somehow got the front legs to to form a V two along with the back legs. Maybe there was someone else helping, but it's hard to recall. I finally ripped out their legs, and head of the Krab tilts over and falls.

      The Krab also seemed to be in the color range of violet or something of that nature. The dream shifts to where I feel like I'm a flight attendant, but like in the future. There's a simulation on a portable screen on the wall. It's essentially giving me a checklist of what I need to double check on to make sure the pilots are going to have a safe trip, and enough food to sustain themselves.

      I had a feeling my mother became one of those future sci-fi pilots, and I was assigned to occupy her safety and additional equipment. The list is followed by a computer generated voice, and it did basic checks like what kind of food do I have in front of me, and if I have milk or something else.

      I look down, and I see there' two candy bars, and I had the urge to just take them for myself. I think one bar was a Payday peanut caramel bar, and the other must've been a Twix that was half opened and contained in a silver wrapper material, and had warm colored font for the name "Twix," which I think was red.

      I can't remember much after that.
      Tactical Laundromat Shoot out! (Non-lucid)


      Will I turn the knob to Permanent Press? Or will I put in a few more quarters to dry my clothes faster?!?!?!? Should I mix the whites with the colors and set them all to Cold?!?!?

      FIND OUT below!!!!

      I'm inside a laundromat, and there's maybe 4-5 rows of washers in front of me, on each side. The last rows on the left and right had a lot of dryers stacked up and down, and even all the way back from the rows in one long column.

      There seemed to be some weird situation going on in the Laundromat, there were these mini-figures that were causing havoc on top of the Laundromat. I don't know why, but I just had the urge to pitch in and do some Tactical Laundromat Eradication of the Enemy....

      Yeah...it's THAT random. It felt like a turn-based RPG game, where I would set out certain mini-futuristic figures on top of the huge washers, and hope that they can kill whatever "enemy" is on top. It felt awkward not knowing what's going on the top, because the washers are still too tall for me. So I just place my faith in my random selection of people with shotguns, machine guns, etc.

      I think I'm doing this creation thing from my mind, and throwing them up on top of the washers. I hear some small shooting it seems I'm doing pretty well. In the mean time, it seems everyone but me is clueless on the whole matter, and I start to wonder if I'm schizo or something, because I'm hearing all these small sounds, and yet these people are moving like they're lifeless.

      After a while, I can't remember what happens next, the small little shootings and sounds of the futuristic battle dies down, and I end up having a piece of shit on my hand. I'm not really shocked by this, I'm just focused on getting it off my hand and cleaning my hand. I don't know why I'm carrying shit on my hand, literally, but I am power walking, or jogging lighting around the Laundromat for some Water source with soap on the side.

      The dream characters are still retarded and just have the weird facial expressions. I remember seeing a dark-skinned female who was about 6''5' and wore a pink vest. She was kind of overweight, but like in a good way. Because of her height, it seemed most of her weight was distributed properly, so it's hard to presume she really is overweight.

      She also looked like she's in her 50s or higher, and yet still has an amazing body for her age. I think she ends up showing off her stomach to someone at some point, and it was flat, like six-pack abs flat.

      I remember some huge Asian or Hawaiian guy wearing a Burnt Orange shirt near one of the washers. I don't know what I do with him, but I do know that I passed by him at one point where I had poop on my hand.
      Baseball Bat Killer (Non-lucid)


      I remember things feeling overly dramatic in this dream, I'm trying to run away from someone is trying to kill other people with some form of club, bat, stick, etc. I end up seeing the other people get knocked out, or die from severe head concussions from the killer giving them hard blows with objects in his hands. I can't recall the killer's visage too well, but I do know he was in the form of a child.

      I basically spend the dream running at random points, there's a lot of dream shifts, so I guess that there's a lot of gaps in my recall of this as well. Eventually the final part that I remember, someone, maybe me as well, ended up jumping these huge set of stairs and to the ground safely. The killer can't reach us, because he doesn't want to take that big of a jump.
      Alyzarin makes Sexual DJ entry about me (Non-lucid)


      I'm talking to Alyzarin on MSN Chat, I'm assuming, and then she states that she wrote a long sexual dj entry about me. She mentioned it involved her sitting on my face, and rubbing her ass back and forth on me.

      I was like, lw43etuirwfode4er90dfowel45fowe9cvsdeioklr,edkfiw. @?!!@?E#?!$@RF....

      I forget what happens next, and there were other things she mentioned that would be on the entry, but I rather not talk about them......

      Riding a Skateboard, Sudevi, Laundromat Dryer of Ajna Chakra, Tran-sexual Store, Richard Cheese & Dancing, and Someone has a Mini-Heart Attack? (Non-lucid)


      Yeah, it's one big clusterfuck of a dream! And wooohooo, I honestly thought I wasn't going to remember ANYTHING, but I guess the recall is coming naturally now. And I did a WBTB this time, and this dream occurs after the WBTB+WILD failed attempt. So GO me for recalling all this shit! WOOOHOOOO

      How is it going to help me for math midterm? I don't know! But at least my memory is improving!!! So I guess that's a plus! I don't even know what I'm trying to say here................ANYWAY, on to the dream!!!

      I'm at an area that looks like it's fairly busy, sort of like a mini-downtown New York, except that there's not a lot of apartments and houses apparent, just stores and restaurants that I didn't even take .000043 seconds to look at. The whole area is kind of dark, but the whole setting itself still portrays that it's at least morning or afternoon time.

      I believe I'm wearing my brown leather jacket, and regular blue jeans. I can't tell what shirt I'm wearing, and it's kind of hard to see my face when I go in 3rd person view. I know it has to be me, I don't how, I just know. There's a lot going on, and it's hard to recall them all, since there's a lot of events coming in at once in this dream.

      I end up going in first-person view, and I'm now riding a skateboard going on an uphill. I'm on a lane that seems to be of a different texture to the one left of me, like you know the extreme ends of a lane on a freeway have more abrasive texture to keep you aware that you're going off the lanes? Yeah it was like that, except, I didn't feel anything at all, I just knew this texture was different.

      There was someone else with a skateboard to my right as well, but I felt that this lane that I'm on is too narrow for two people to be close together laterally instead of in a line. However, it doesn't seem to be a problem, because my skateboarding skills are like over 9,000.

      There's a red car to the left of me that's getting close, and I think they're being careful not to get to close because they didn't want to risk getting any damages on their car or myself I presumed. It wasn't a problem for me at all, I felt as if I was going to get off the lane, but I managed to do some precise maneuvering.

      After a while, the uphill slope gets higher and higher, and I naturally, out of nowhere, jump off the skateboard, and was able to get it decelerated enough to where it stops completely for me to pick it up. I think I was doing a tail drag, but I'm not really experienced with skateboarding terms, and the only time I rode a skateboard was when I had a Digimon skateboard when I was like 10 or even younger.

      I pick up my skateboard, and I put it under my right arm. I have some difficulty doing this, since I tried to get the wheels from the front and back of the skateboard to not touch my brown leather jacket. It probably takes me 2-3 attempts to get the flat side under my arm, and I proceeded to go to the right at the peak of the uphill.

      I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm just observing where I'm going. It seems that there's a bus shuttle that is coming soon, and I'm wondering if I should go ahead and take it, but again, I don't know where I'm going in this dream. The bus opens up in a weird way.

      Instead of opening just one door, or an automated side door for those to exit from the back, the whole right side of the bus opens and lands on the ground. It doesn't touch the ground, so it's probably supported electronically. The bus stays there for a while, so I guess it has a 5 minute waiting period or something, just like for my University's bus loading zones.

      What I mean is final stop for the buses to wait for 5 minutes or so before doing another run.

      I look at the inside of this half opened bus, and I see a few familiar faces of people I've met in waking life. There's that one girl who dyed her hair red, and is still a but chunky near the stomach. She's wearing a really dark blue hoodie, and probably some type of denim dress skirt underneath.

      I decided that I'm not going to get on the bus, since I don't know where the hell I'm going at this point. I end up going inside anyway somehow, and then I realized....WHERE AM I GOING TO STOP AT???

      There's some random man in the bus to the left of me I believe that tells me that I should check for the bus stop numbers. I do so, since any kind of direction in this dream would help. I eventually find one bus stop sign that looks a lot like my University's sign. The number for the bus was "05" on the sign, and I presumed this is the same but I'm on.

      Then when I looked at the random stores and restaurants passing by, I saw a Laundromat, and something quickly triggers into my mind that...oooh, I have to go to the laundromat!

      But why? I have no bag of clothes to wash and dry....

      I just let myself go with it, and waited until the bus arrives near the stop at the laundromat. I get off, and there's a dream shift where I'm in a dark area. It seems some people are fixing up this random place. I see two females together preparing some kind of wood glue, and I carefully walk over these spots of glue, since I didn't want to waste their efforts of doing so in the first place.

      I try to find the near light, no matter how less dim it would be compared to the rest of this dark area. I go towards the exit, or outside actually, and I meet Sudevi, the mystic that has a YouTube channel.

      I get closer, and it really is her! In the most minimum value, a projection of her, but a vivid and nice one at least! I told her that I've seen some videos of her
      (I actually watched about 2 yesterday of her for the first time), and how cool it was to finally get to meet her her. I don't think I declared how excited I was to meet her in a dream, just her being "here," which is probably that biggest "piss me off moment" for not being able to do a reality check in this dream.

      She seems to be a bit shy towards me, probably shocked that I'm exerting so much effort into portraying my amazement of her personality on the videos I watched her on. I presumed she owned the Laundromat in here, or at least is a frequent customer.

      I asked her, stuttering for a little bit, maybe 3 seconds (paraphrasing here),

      "How much does it cost to use a washer and dryer?"

      She responds by declaring in a questioning tone, and I mean that I couldn't tell if she was saying it in jest or being earnest about it,

      "The dryer isn't operable because of its Ajna chakra." I take a moment to absorb all of this, and I just stand there looking puzzled. She then puts on a smile, and I realized she's just joking around. She's probably one of the more lively dream characters with a sense of humor, which is why she kind of made me stumble a bit when she stated the joke.

      I look at some area in front of us, and I looked up to find a sign that stated, "Tranny Women" something something. I think it was like a hangout for Tran-sexual Women, but the derogatory term kind of turned me off a bit. Then out of the blue, I told Sudevi that I have a fetish for Transgenders and essentially Post-op Transsexual females (MTF).

      *cough* *cough* *cough* *COUGH* MOVING ALONG........No comment.

      The sign was in white rectangular form, and the font was dark blue for the name of the area, and there's an image of those pictures of silhouette women you see on a car front or something like that.

      For some weird reason, this area feels like Hawaii, or maybe it's related to the environment in a video I watched of Sudevi with tropical trees, gray clouds that are actually a beauty to see, and having a calm atmosphere.

      She then looks at me with a neutral facial expression of questioning, probably to see if I'm returning the favor with the humor, but I was actually being serious with her. So after that conversation killer, I just declared,

      "Ahh....I probably shouldn't have said that huh.........."

      I find something random to say to distract her, but can't remember what...
      there I go again, being serious...and then having to do something stupid to distract people...I swear this habit of mine in a dream is kind of scary.

      What if I said, "I love it when women put their ass cheeks on my face and rub it back and forth." And then try to change the obviously TMI awkward conversation with some random joke like, "Why is 8 afraid of 7?"


      She's wearing the outfit I put above, but I think it's mostly a green shirt or transparent dress with a red collar instead. After her little joke with the Dryer with a bad Ajna Chakra, she tells me the price for using a washer and dryer.

      "It's $2.00 for the washer and $1.00 for the dryer."

      For some odd reason, I thought that the pricing was outrageous, and asked her how much can the washer contain. She stated that it can take a big load, and the dryer the same, but just a bit smaller.

      Then I came back to my senses and stated,

      "Oh, it's just like the laundromat at my University....okay." and I tell her my thanks and left, probably to somehow magically find a bag of my laundry that I didn't have with me AT all in this dream.

      I wished I could've hanged around her a bit more. I know she's mostly likely just a projection of Sudevi, but she had the potential to be someone I could REALLY talk too...despite it essentially being a projection of myself in a vague way. Her sense of humor that shocked me is what entices me still when I'm recalling this dream. Okay enough of that slightly romantic attraction for a DC.

      The dream shifts, and it seems I'm either in the same laundromat, but with bright light sources, or a different one. There's a few Indian people coming in, and they all have Black trash bags stuffed with clothes or something like that.

      I remember that on my left, there's a fairly taller Indian man who is pretty skinny. He's wearing a dark blue sweater type of jacket, and regular long jeans. He seems to be taking out of his black trash bag some candy and other random stuff. I think the other people started doing the same, but I can't recall if they were taking out candy as well.

      The dream shifts again where my father comes into the laundromat, but here's the thing, he doesn't LOOK like my father at all, and yet I still had the conviction that he is my father.....

      He starts singing like Richard Cheese,
      here's a video below of his voice.

      I get attracted to this man's voice (not the guy mind you), and I didn't have any awareness of the name of the voice this supposed father of mine is doing an impression of until I texted Alyzarin this morning.

      He starts augmenting the tone of his voice, and I can't remember what the song was about, but it obviously altered the environment in the Laundromat from a white light atmosphere to one of a vibrant orange light.

      The dream shifts where I see Calvin from Tyler Perry's "House of Payne" wearing a brown leather jacket, and brown leather long pants. He's doing some weird dance moves with someone, and I'm not sure if that's even dancing.

      It's just sticking out his legs and arms in random positions....

      After a while, dream shifts again, and I see Ryoma Echizen from prince of tennis.

      At first, I see his legs, then it pans over to his torso and then his face. He's just standing there, and I think he's looking at me or someone else. Behind him, I see a blur of someone, and it looks like Nanjiro Echizen, his father.

      Nanjiro Echizen is wearing his default clothing in the series, which is just a simple black samurai type of robe (after all, he is referred to as a Samurai in Tennis in the series). Ryoma Echizen suddenly grabs the right side of his top torso, and is holding on to it very tightly.

      It seems he's having a heart attack, but he's grabbing on the wrong side....maybe just a reflex for him to touch the closest area on his chest?

      Anyway, he falls down slowly, and Nanjiro notices he is falling, and quickly comes over to him.

      After that, that's all I can remember. I think that same scene at the end of this long ass dream is an association when Nanjiro was trying to rescue his son from possibly drowning in the OVA episode 24 or 25 I believe.

      Runescape Waterbirth Island Dungeon Running (Non-lucid)


      I see a runescape character wearing a Proselyte torso and legs, along with some kind of Pope like hat with a layer that conceals his face. It was basically a white helm with gold linings on the side with a long point going upwards.

      He is also wielding an Arcane Spirit Shield, except the Arcane Sigil (white thing) isn't on it at all, and a Staff of Light as well.

      I don't know if it's me controlling him, but they're running inside the Waterbirth Island Dungeon.

      Heh, reminds me when I used to Tribrid solo Dagannoth Kings before....fun times....
    6. Non-REM Sleep Nonsense

      by , 07-26-2012 at 04:48 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Non-REM Sleep Nonsense (Non-lucid)


      This whole dream was full of nonsense, I honestly don't know what the hell I was experiencing here.

      I'm walking in a hallway of some sort wearing light colored, or slightly dark colored striped pants going down. They go a few inches (1-3) past my knee, and I believe I'm wearing my white running shoes that I use at the gym. I'm walking with someone, but I can't remember who exactly.

      I have a feeling that it was my mother, but due to the insane randomness and insanity of this dream with fragments as well (I think), it didn't really matter. Whoever it was, she was wearing some type of green outfit with a white female dress shirt underneath.

      I come to the realization that there are many people on the sides sitting down, just enforcing their roles of showing that humans are magically gregarious beings when something prevents them from moving forward.

      I don't know what's keeping these people from moving, and the reason I'm concerned is that I feel weird and have exaggerated thoughts of paranoia that they are probably making fun of me some how.

      I try to hide those feelings of insecurity with a healthy dose of bravado and randomly declared to the person I'm walking with,

      "I'm just going to walk in front, and not look back!" something along those lines.

      Some confidence booster that was..........

      I'm also smiling like crazy while I said that as well! I immediately look at someone on the left side with my peripheral vision, and noticed it's someone who looks like a High school tennis teammate I used to know that was #1 I think at our school.

      He's just looking at me, like he's trying to balance between being neutral and slightly weird of my presence.

      There's no point speculating about his thoughts right now.

      The dream shifts to where some redheaded lady, who is at least in her 50s asks me,

      "How's Sinoblak doing?"

      The lady is wearing a fancy white jacket that's a bit higher than her waist, has dark clothing on underneath.

      Then there's a dream shift where I'm playing Runescape, and I pick a world with the number 130 in it, I think it was "RunescapeGuild130," something along those lines. I feel as if I'm playing with my clan leader, Mellania, and we're basically just destroying the Corporeal Beast with two or three more clan members.

      We killed the Corporeal Beast a few times, and it dropped a Chaotic Rapier, and with my dream logic, this made perfect sense. I told myself mentally that I would have two Chaotic Rapiers to attack the Corporeal Beast.

      (If you're using a rapier on the beast, I think it only does 50% damage, which isn't worth the damage it will put on you).

      The dream shifts again, and I'm upstairs at some random house. The whole section is circular, so the stairs to go down were opposite of where I was. For a few seconds, the environment changes completely, and I have to face a monster with one huge eye.

      It was purple on the outside for it's skin, and it it just looked weird. A skinny body to support it's large head was completely unreal. I had to do more body formations than William Shatner high on sugar to bounce back this black energy ball it created.

      Then after that madness, I'm back upstairs, and some guy is humping a girl very very very very hard that....I don't need to go into those details.

      Then the same guy humping the girl turns around, looks at me weird, and suddenly wants to chase me. Since we're in a circular top floor, I basically have to try and trick this guy into thinking I'm going the other way.

      It takes a while, but I finally dash for downstairs, and I press the "Back" button as if I was on the internet or something.....

      I woke up immediately after that...LOL...I think.

      Updated 07-26-2012 at 05:06 AM by 47756

    7. Spectral Sigil, Alyzarin Sings?

      by , 07-18-2012 at 03:51 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Spectral Sigil (Non-lucid)


      I'm taking a shower, and as I'm busy cleaning myself, random items start coming out of the little hole on the bottom of the bath tub.
      One of them was a Spectral Sigil from Runescape.

      And with my horrible logic, I almost screamed like a girl because I thought I was going to be rich! It didn't really look like a Spectral Sigil, more of an Arcane, since it was white and transparent, while the actual Spectral Sigil is sort of a light violet color to it.

      What's funny is that I did a nose plug reality check, but I sort of half-assed it all. I wonder if I didn't breath all the way because I didn't want this moment to be a dream.


      The bathroom tub was white, and the lighting in the bathroom had a light yellow glow to it. This felt a lot like the bathroom of a house I used to be in.

      I'm heading out of the bathroom with my Spectral Sigil, just waiting to somehow sell it in the Grand Exchange in Runescape, even though it's physically impossible to transfer something in this virtual reality into a virtual game within a dream. Wait what?

      And even if I could, it would be Real World Trading....hahahaha (Real World Trading is where you use cash in real life to buy items or coins in the game, or when you sell the in-game cash for in real life cash; that's something Jagex doesn't want others to do).

      I know one person who's account is worth at least $1,500 USD, but this was maybe 2 years ago. It's probably up by maybe $3,000 USD, just from a game. O.O

      I think everything is going to be just fine, until the Corporeal Beast shows up. I almost fainted at the size of this thing, and it was a cartoon version of the Beasts, with some 3D structure though. It was focusing only on me, and for some reason, I turned on Protect from Magic....

      LOL, I can do all these things when non-lucid, but not when I am lucid....

      I'm running everywhere I can, trying to dodge the the white forms of energy blasts it keeps spewing out to me. And there were some parts where I see a girl in a towel, an anime look who has her mouth open and is running around instead of me.

      I think she looked like NANA, but I'm not surprised there, since I was watching a few episodes so that I could at least stop on episode 21.

      Lucky me, she takes the role now of hiding and dodging the Corporeal Beast. She tries to be clever and and find a way to go under it without being crushed by its claws, and she barely manages to do that. The Corporeal Beast's logic was a bit slow, but it started to pick up on its mistakes.

      Then some random anime dude with wings comes in to save Nana I think?
      I'm not sure anymore if it's the guy who saved her.

      I believe he wore some type of red outfit, his face was brown, and his hair was probably dark brown. Then I think a purple anime guy with long hair was his back up or something. This one wore a gray outfit with different shades of it, and he had more of an Apricot skin tone.

      Alyzarin Sings? (Non-lucid)


      I'm close to Alyzarin, but I still can't see her face, just a bit of her long and curly and wavy hair hanging over her breasts. What's funny about the face being cut off is that I couldn't see myself either, but I knew it was me though....

      I believe I held her forearms, trying to tell her something, but I couldn't hear her at all. I ask her to write on some paper, maybe for her autograph? xD

      I think she gets a microphone, and starts to sing. I still couldn't hear anything, but I think the expression on my face was surprised when she started to sing.

      Maybe she's a good singer? =P

      Updated 07-18-2012 at 03:55 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Almost Lucid, Alyzarin's Facebook, Playing Runescape and Mario

      by , 07-16-2012 at 01:24 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Almost Lucid (Note)


      I was drifting into sleep from waking up from the alarm. I remained still, and then I start seeing some illogical patterns show up, my eyes almost opened from this, but I kept them shut. I don't know what happens next.

      False awakening most likely, but I can't remember.
      Alyzarin has a Facebook (Non-lucid)


      Alyzarin links me to a random facebook account she made. She used some random photo of some cartoon, it looked like a chibi version of some random anime character. I added her, and then I saw part of what she looked like.

      She was wearing big black sunglasses, and the photo itself was cut off to where I only saw her right side, like just the top right side of her visage.
      Playing Runescape and Mario (Non-lucid)


      I'm playing Runescape on a PC rather than a laptop. I even see myself playing it as well. But then it started to turn into a different game, or a mix of a different game. It has some Runescape Elements, then felt like playing a 3D Nintendo Mario game.

      I remember having to click on a dark spot at a desert area. A large Desert Strykewyrm

      pops open, and I forget how I killed it. After a while the environment changes to an icy region.

      I didn't see any Ice Strykewyrms though, I only remember random players and magers coming in to get ready to mage them though. A lot of people were wearing Dark Mystic Robe tops along with other mage gear, and I didn't realize until later when I woke up that the small V like structure on the Dark Mystic Robe top (before it was updates) was green rather than red.

      Then I think the environment changes one more time, and there's just wood flooring. I think I'm controlling Dr. Mario with a keyboard again.
    9. Uncut Onyx and Oreo Cookies?

      by , 06-28-2012 at 07:14 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Uncut Onyx and Oreo Cookies? (Non-lucid)


      I can't remember much, but I think I'm catching Kingly Implings from Runescape in "real" life again. I loot what's contained in the jar I snatched the Kingly Impling from, and I get an uncut onyx.

      I didn't realize this yet, until I looted another Kingly Impling jar (and got another onyx). Then I started getting small mind orgasms on how I basically made 12 million gp.

      I decided to bite on the uncut onyx gem, and it ends up having the fragile composition of an oreo cookie.


      I quickly take it out of my mouth, and had the intention of selling it.
      Recall was horrible because I slept late. That's Runescape for you. >.>

      I need to find a way to make 28 million gold pieces.....ugh, guess I'll have to catch more implings, which is why this dream was experienced in the first place. xD

      Updated 06-28-2012 at 07:18 PM by 47756

    10. Birthday Party, Gambling Again, Supernova Banned, OpheliaBlue, Another Sneaking Mission...

      by , 06-27-2012 at 02:37 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Birthday Party (Non-lucid)


      I'm upstairs, and I believe I'm talking to some kid that looks familiar.

      Let's call him "Keen."

      Keen was talking to me about something, but I forgot what it was, and then he started to imitate his uncle in real life, and he's doing it really well! I tried to contain my laughter because I heard his uncle was nearby, like in another random bedroom.

      I believe the uncle was calling someone at the time talking about some birthday party, and then he asked something about the day of his birthday.

      Maybe he was trying to hint at the person that it's his birthday.

      The uncle finally comes out, and it really is like him in waking life.

      Keen goes downstairs, and continues imitating the accent of his uncle, and finally shifts his attention before he trips downstairs.

      Gambling Again (Non-lucid)


      I remember playing Runescape, and apparently I'm in a clan that doesn't mind if you gamble. I'm playing the hot/cold x 2 game again.

      (Basically you bed on what color flower will show up when a person plants, and if you're right you get double the money you gave them....have to watch out for people who log off with your money though, looool).

      Anyway, I believe I decided to gamble 6 million gold pieces to a player, and like always, I say "Hot" because I assume that a warm flower color will show up, but it ends up being a cold flower (purple/blue mix).

      I get pissed off at myself from trying to risk 6 million gp for 12 million gp, and the person who bet says, "aww."

      Damn it. I can't tell if I'm the one walking or if I'm still playung runescape, but anyway, I go upstairs somewhere as me I guess by now.

      There are white floors, and I see red chinchompas from Runescape walking around. And guess what I do.....

      I start setting up traps....LOOOL (Red Chinchompas can be hunted in Runescape with Box Traps, and it seems I was doing the same in the virtual reality of this dream).

      I decided to go south of the small section I'm in (there's a reverse-L shaped wall that takes up most of the space on the left).

      I set up the traps, and some random person comes up and starts talking to me about something, most likely related to how I'm setting up the traps. I see the person setting up traps near the same stairs I came up to this floor, and he takes the traps off.

      I decided to set the traps....or maybe I just gave up overall.

      Supernova Banned???? (Non-lucid)


      I'm outside of a house that feels like a replica of the one I'm at in waking life. The garage is closed, and I'm sitting down, resting my back on the garage talking to some guy doing the same.

      There's another guy that comes around the corner to add on to the conversation, and I believe our main topic was about old members or members who decided to leave Dream Views for a few weeks/months or whatever coming back.

      I get a flashing image that Supernova gets banned? Like, I see a random post, and I look at his avatar and signature, and they're all blank.

      Then after the image fades, I'm back into the conversation, and apparently this same person I'm sitting next to is a DV member himself who quit.

      How I knew was because the other person standing talking to us said something about him leaving DV for a while and then coming back. He said it in a surprised accent as a question to the guy.

      The guy looks at me for a few seconds, and I can't remember what happens next.
      OpheliaBlue and Digital Drawing (Non-lucid)


      OpheliaBlue has a deviantart, and she has a lot of colorful digital drawings up.

      In fact, while I was looking at her deviant art gallery, she was working on another digital art, and I could see her progress. I don't think she knew I could see it though. I tried talking to her on the IRC or some kind of messaging medium, but she's probably busy working on the drawing.

      I believe she's using gridded drawing, and she has several screens popped up for many of these drawings. The one that she's currently working on in the dream seems to be making rainbows and trying to add them together for something I can't remember too clearly.
      Another Sneaking Mission? (Non-lucid)


      Feels like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in this dream.

      It starts out with me following someone, and this feels like the mission where you use camouflage and use a sniper rifle most of the time.

      We're ducking for cover, and slowly walking into an abandoned house. There are some elements of this same level, but the enemies end up looking different, at least that's what I remember from not playing Modern Warfare campaign for a while.

      The guy I'm following tells me to plant some kind of grenade, and I just go by his word, and plant it to the wall, and then I think he prompts me to activate it.

      I did so, and expected some kind of loud boom, but it seems to be some kind of grenade specialized for electronic interference. And it seems that the enemy that's at least 10 feet away from us didn't hear us.

      I had a feeling that this mission was going to be bad-ass because the guy I'm following seemed to know what he was doing. He tells me to go ahead and crouch down to the dirt floor because an enemy is near.

      It takes me a while to get ready, and I turn my back facing the enemy, and I hear the enemy say, "Huh?"

      I quickly duck down, and the enemy quickly retreats to his position, guess he assumed it was just the wind blowing on the faded and brown grains or leaves.

      I slowly rotated, while still on the floor, and I looked up to see how the enemy looked like. Seems they are wearing a gas mask.....hmm.....

      I think we wait for the enemy to move somewhere else, or the guy I'm following kills him, not sure. Anyway, we both go inside the old house, and there's probably 2 enemies inside right now. The guy following me gets really close to them.

      I'm wondering how he can be so damn risky almost getting himself exposed like that. And since the floor is wood, I was worried it might move too fast, and possibly get one of the floors making the "creak" sound.

      But this guy seems to know what he's doing, and he's even sitting by the edge of one wall with his legs spread out. And the enemy is coming in the same room he's in, but they don't notice anything at all. He starts trying to have a little conversation with me, but I still feel uncomfortable talking right now because the enemies have automatic weapons while I think I still have a sniper rifle.

      Not going to risk anything at all, so I kept quiet. The guy turns his head to the left, but doesn't look at me, more like looking at what's outside from the house we're in. He's trying to see if I'm going to talk, and then realizes I'm probably still afraid to do so, so he gets back to business.

      I can't remember what we do next though.

      Updated 06-27-2012 at 02:44 PM by 47756

    11. Sasuke's Ultimate Attack, Riding my Biycle, Age Regression, Wolf Armor, Age Regression Part 2...

      by , 06-20-2012 at 04:20 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Sasuke's Ultimate Attack (Non-lucid)



      Lol, this Ultimate Attack was so funny....

      Alright, I'm watching Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto Shippuden face Orochimaru again, and he already has Orochimaru trapped in some kind of Susanoo hand that's starting to form from the bottom of his feet.

      The hand gets bigger and bigger and eventually contains Orochimaru almost completely. As the hand or whatever part this glowing violet aura is getting close to reaching completion, I think I stepped on a wire.

      The Susanoo starts degrading......LOL, it needs a power outlet.

      LMFAO, what kind of ultimate attack is that if you need an electrical outlet???

      Instead of almost rolling on the floor laughing, I quickly plug the plug back into the outlet.


      I forget what happens next, but I guess Sasuke succeeds.
      Riding my Bicycle (Non-lucid)


      I'm riding a bicycle, and it seems to be the one I use in waking life, but I didn't pay too much attention to verify that. Someone says my bicycle is for little kids basically, and I get a little mad because the size would be too much for little children anyway.

      I ignore the person who tells me this, and I continue riding until I reach an intersection. I wait for the Walk sign to turn on, and I go on the wrong lane (left side). Someone else was doing it, which prompts me to do so as well.

      I didn't hear any honking from the busy traffic, so I guess the logic of the America road system was eradicated in this dream. I continue riding my bicycle on the left lane, and see a car coming up.

      I quickly shift to the extra lane to the left, and let it pass. After that, I presume I continue riding on the left lane.

      Age Regression? (Non-lucid)


      I'm following some tall male in the dream, but I can't see him at all. Seems we're at some party, and it's very dark outside. There's quite a few people here as well. Some are already leaving to come home, and some are coming through the garage that is open to enter through the door where one section of the party is held.

      While I'm following this guy, I think I see some small hairball with a small piece of transparent tape on it. I don't know how it appears, but I quickly throw it somewhere else. The guy I'm following says we're going to get something to eat, probably because the food in the party sucks or some weird excuse, not too sure.

      I think I see my mother, lol.

      Okay, she's wearing a black dress I believe, and I can't see much of her visage because it's dark outside, but the guy said she was my mother, I think.

      The car we go inside of is dark red, and it seems the seats were flooded with water a little, but it didn't bother either of us. I wanted to ask this random dude I still don't know who I'm following where we are going to eat, but I kept quiet.

      For some reason, I felt like I was a 6 year old child in this dream, it's like some kind of age regression occurred at some point here.

      I think the guy said I could go anywhere I would like to eat, and I made a joke and said,

      "Let's go to Canada and eat at Tim's." (The Tim Hortons place)

      I don't know how I came up with that as an initial joke, but I acknowledged to the man that I was merely joking. I have my elbow on the side of the door of the passenger's seat, and look through the window as the night starts to fade away and early morning makes itself apparent.

      That's all I remember.

      I don't think the male was my father, it was definitely someone else. But the fact that I didn't even see his visage or any signs of obvious physical attributes annoys me a bit.
      Wolf Armor (Non-lucid)


      It seems I'm playing Runescape, but how I'm experiencing it is weird. It feels I'm controlling the character while moving at the same time simultaneously.

      I think I'm killing some Greater Demons, or some kind of weird dark red monster that was way taller than I was, at least for the character I was playing.

      Then I see someone wearing a Wolf Mask, along with some weird looking armor. It was black and had gold trimming, but this armor was only placed on the elbows and the needs of the person. The person had a wolf-like body, a skinny torso and slightly wider hips.

      You could say that it was like a Lucario from pokemon, just for the body structure, not the face. The person in this wolf form was attacking another player who was trying to kill Tormented Demons in Runescape.

      Wow, that would be a horrible experience for the player being attacked because Tormented Demons uses all three forms of attacks: Mage, Range, and Melee. Just keeping track of which protect prayer to use to make yourself invincible to the attacks of the Tormented Demons is one thing, but if you add that player attack him, it makes it even more complicated.

      I don't know what happens to the Runescape character, but I assume he got destroyed pretty quickly. I remember the wolf-like character doing constant verticle flips and even floated in the air while rotating when he attacked the player.


      Age Regression Part 2 (Non-lucid)


      Seems I feel like my age in this dream now, and I think I see the guy I'm following a little better now. I believe he's wearing a blue dress shirt with black slim corporate type of pants.

      He's shaking his head about something, and I think I tell him that there's some other way we can approach the matter that I forgot about.

      Updated 06-20-2012 at 04:23 PM by 47756

    12. Catching More Kingly Implings, Do You Have a Microwave?, Clan Leader, dead method, Jack=Immortality?

      by , 06-17-2012 at 03:23 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Catching More Kingly Implings (Non-lucid)


      I'm catching Kingly Implings from Runescape in real life, no surprise there, since I make a crap load of cash stuffing them into little jars and selling for extreme profits in the game.

      The Kingly Implings looked a little weird, they basically looked like mini-floating Rockhopper penguins wearing some kind of red cardigan.

      I recalled catching at least 5, and I think I had all of them in my arms because I didn't have any jars, but there were moments where I wasn't holding anything at all either, so I don't know how that worked out.

      I kept going crazy during the process of getting 5 of them, and in the actual game, they're like floating money basically, like 380k-400k+ gp per impling. I was so freaking happy with myself with catching all of them that I was screaming at people with joy.

      All of them just look at me weird, like I'm crazy.....loooool, guess I really am crazy for not doing a reality check there, too happy over imaginary things.

      If all of these Kingly Implings were caught so easily, this meant they had to re-spawn at some location, so I quickly looked at as many short gaps and holes that they could be coming out of.
      Do you Have a Microwave? (Non-lucid)


      I have a plate with a pancake on it, and I go inside an Asian Restaurant to ask one of the employees,

      "Do you have a microwave?"

      One of them responds that they don't have one right now, but I can use the heating pan if I wanted to.

      Not thinking about how clean the pan was, I put the pancake on the pan to let it sit and get heated up, and something told me I had to heat up the eggs as well, but they were somewhere else.
      Clan Leader (Non-lucid)


      I'm doing some hot/cold gambling in Runescape....LOL.

      Spoiler for What Hot and Cold Gambling Is:

      Anyway, I believe I was hosting a Hot/Cold x 2 game (x 2 means double the money if you win).

      Then I see a figure that looks like my clan leader in-game, and apparently, she gets one clan mate to tell and warn me about something. I ask them what happened, and I think one of our clan mates died in the game, and they need help getting their items back.

      I saw a stack of gold that was melted before, pick it up, and some weird things happened.

      I'm suddenly shifted to back to reality (like not focusing on a video game I mean), and I'm in some kind of museum. I follow this elderly couple, and the wife I'm presuming is putting a small piece of what seems to be a fossil on top of some empty monument.

      I hear the sounds of the rocks that I'm walking on, and some of the edges as my shoes scrapes against them as well. The sound hand that type of rock and sand kind of thing to it.

      I guess that same piece that was found completed the set.
      That Method is Dead (Non-lucid)


      I can't remember much about this, I was walking to some area where the floor is brown, and the whole area is empty. I queried some random character on what happened, and they said that the method of killing some kind of creature for cash is dead.

      I felt like this was a Runescape related dream too, hahahaha.
      Jacks = Immortality? (Non-lucid)


      What I mean by jacks is the object from the Marbles and Jacks game, yeah, those kinds.

      Apparently, you can twist them around, and they'll kill small animals and insects instantly, and it actually does when I see someone spin it.

      Then I up some small stairs, and see a fairly overweight female twisting the jacks on her breasts (she's wearing a red shirt and pants).

      I'm wondering why she's doing it, but apparently it's supposed to make you immortal or at least stronger than the human being.

      Then I see someone who looks like Cory who was in the tennis team I was part of in High School testing out this theory by letting his brother hit him with a mini green chalkboard very hard.


      I go down to some other small set of stairs outside, and some guy was talking about how he can use human toasters.

      I laugh and think it's absurd, but I don't tell him anything.

      Updated 06-17-2012 at 03:31 PM by 47756

    13. Party and Sneaking, Stephanie's 10 Mill Method, Stupid doors, Girl Party

      by , 06-15-2012 at 02:56 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Party and Sneaking (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting on a bed with my laptop on, and I have the Runescape Login Screen up as well. Though it's a bit different, it seems the female mage that's usually on there is wearing a different outfit, and it looks a little bit more of a fire element to it.

      I wonder if that could just be my mind predicting what she would look after the Combat Evolution update is finalized? That would be cool, her hair alone would match with fire and lightning type spells I guess.

      Anyway, I see a lady that looks like "K" in waking life. "K" sees the female mage on the login screen, and she smiles at me asking if I like that type of stuff.

      Lolwut? The female mage or the game? I just nod because I would be safe anyway. I get up and do something, can't remember what, but I do know I was at a party.

      The dream shifts, and I ask a child that looks like the son of "K" to help me find something, though I don't know what exactly. It was very late at night, and I someone managed to get into the house of "K's," but it wasn't like her house in waking life.

      The child deactivates the alarm system, don't see why he needs to do that, but okay, better than it going crazy at some random interval in the dream...

      I go upstairs with the child, and he takes me to the bedroom where he and his older sister, who is probably 19-20 years in waking life I believe, and his other twin brother.

      I didn't notice his sister was in there, and the child was showing me around the room. Then "K" wakes up, I can just hear some weird sounds fumbling around some place. The child told me I can hide under the sheets, which where fairly huge, and the perfect hiding spot.

      I go under the sheets and the child helps me, and I basically wait things out. Problem is, the kid didn't conceal me right, my head is still exposed...


      Dumb kid.

      But it didn't matter, because I felt "K" didn't mind having me around, and the fact that I was "sleeping" right next to her older daughter, I could've sworn I sensed "K" smiling, and then going back to bed.

      I don't remember anything else after that, maybe I did things with the sleeping daughter, who knows?


      Stephanie's 10 Mill Method (Non-lucid)


      I honestly don't know where I am in this dream, I just know that I'm in a place with several people inside, and this girl that looks like the Stephanie that I used to be tennis mates in High School comes up with a solution to make 10 Million GP in Runescape.

      The tennis coach announces this to the people in the group, and we all close in on her telling us what to do.

      Here's the funny thing, we're not playing Runescape, elements of it are appearing in the environment we're in. She summons some kind of creature, probably a Pack-Yak.

      I get a little jealous because I didn't think a girl like her would be playing Runescape and have that high of a Summoning Level. I think I told someone something about me having a Pak Yak as well out of jealousy.

      I don't know why I was jealous of Stephanie....
      Stupid Doors (Non-lucid)


      I'm in a house, and it's daytime. I'm trying to close the front doors, but I can't because they can't lock in place properly. I go outside, and there's a covered porch attachment to the house, which was pretty fancy to me.

      It had a wood flooring with a nice shine to it, perfect shade with the coverings, and all that fun stuff. Some random guy comes in, and then as he's getting closer and closer, he looks a lot like "Carl" in waking life. I believe he's wearing a brown jacket, with the feathery texture formed in a ring on the top of the jacket, and is wearing regular jeans I believe.

      He's reminding me of some site he wrote down on a small green piece of paper. I pretend to know what it is that he's talking about, and I turn to my right, and there's the green sticky note paper laying on a small table at the porch we're in.

      He leaves.

      I forget what I did next.
      Girl Party (Non-lucid)


      I'm probably the only male in this dream, I'm in a room with a bunch of females, and it seems that I'm getting ready to put the ceramic plate or whatever material it is somewhere to be cleaned. I follow a few girls to know where to put the plates, and apparently, it's just to get it soaked up.

      Then I have to turn back and go forward and I see "K" again. It seems "K" is checking marks down for each plate going inside the sink she's behind. I put my plate down, and I forget what happens next.

      Updated 06-15-2012 at 03:02 PM by 47756

    14. Birds, Oneironaut Zero Cycling, Telekinesis, Runescape Video Recording, Drive, Tower, Video, House..

      by , 03-31-2012 at 05:27 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Birds, Oneironaut Zero Cycling, Telekinesis, Runescape Video Recording, Drive, Tower, Video, House (Non-lucid)


      Dream 1: Birds

      Outside was really bright and sunny, I was sitting somewhere, I think near a cut off tree stump that's in the middle of concrete. I don't know what I'm doing, but it's attracting birds to come close to me.

      Then for a while, I see a construction worker trying to park a really weird construction vehicle. It was one of normal ones you see that could pick and drop things like dirt, grass, etc. The construction worker is failing when he's trying to park the vehicle.

      He was going so fast that I heard the vehicle go, "REEEEE ROOOO REEEE ROOOOO!" each time he went in and out of the small area he tried to park into.

      He eventually gave up and carried the vehicle somewhere else. However, he rode it like a bicycle, it had pedals and everything, but its composition was so abstract that the lower region couldn't have supported the large torso of the construction machine.

      I put my attention back looking at the birds really close to me. It was the typical brown ones you see here in Texas, and they're literally looking at me, and it felt so nice to have them around me.

      They were either really brave to be near me, or maybe I had a positive energy that made them want to be around me. Then after getting into birds surrounding me, more come, and they're small gray birds.

      I could feel some on my shoulder, and one accidentally flew into my right ear. I could tell because I heard some echoing with my right ear. It kind of tickled, and I basically spend the rest of the dream being around birds.

      Dream 2: Oneironaut Zero Cycling

      Okay, this time, I knew this was O in this dream. There was this huge gray fence with the holes in between each link, and I'm riding my bicycle.

      I see a person, who looks Black, wearing a white vest and long white sports pants. There were red stripes going down vertically along the sides of the vest and the pants.

      I couldn't catch up to O, he was going way too fast with his bicycle, which had yellow on the metal I believe, kind of like the bicycle I saw him use recently in post pictures of your everyday life.

      I eventually went to spectator mode, and I'm seeing things from above so that everyone looks small from where I'm elevating. O is just going crazy around the corners....is it even possible to drift with a bicycle?!??!

      He does this for a few laps around this huge barrier fence, until he stops near the entrance to get into it. My consciousness and/or body shifts back to the surface.

      He said something along the lines of saying this was a great workout.

      Then there's a laptop near the both of us. I wanted to log in, but I had to go somewhere in the mean time, probably to use the restroom.

      But when I looked at the laptop, it seemed that I had saved information at the log-in screen, so I wouldn't have to type my password.

      I wanted to leave, but I was worried O would log in into my account, so I just stay near the laptop. xD

      Dream 3: Telekinesis

      I was in a fairly large room, with a good amount of people, mostly females, actually, I think all were females at the time. The environment, the floor was dark brown, and it had a shine to it, and the walls I believe were gray bricks, the kind that has been painted over to make it smooth.

      There were several purple light objects, it looked like plastic table cloth jumbled up, placed on the floor.

      I was practicing Telekinesis with it by making them elevate about 5 feet or so from the ground, flip them over, and then put them back down. I do this for a while, having a bit too much fun with it.

      Then I sit on the floor near some table and some mini brick ledge. There were females sitting on the other side of where I am, with their legs extending outward completely, resting on the wall.

      One was blonde, that's for sure, and she's talking to another female that I can't make a good description of. I decided to use Telekinesis on one of their backpacks.

      The backpack was white I believe, with brown handles, but it had a slightly dark color to it, probably from small dust and it being on the floor.

      I moved it up a few feet from the ground, just like I did with the light purple objects, and I think the girl gets annoyed that I'm doing this a few times.

      I stop, and there's this girl next to me. She's petite in size, really beautiful girl. Her cheeks had this glow to them, maybe it was the make up.

      She had long black or brown hair, along with wearing a gray hoodie I believe, not to sure on that, but she was concealing most of her top region.

      She was talking to me about something, then told me,

      "Your handsome."

      It takes a while for me to try and respond because it came so suddenly, then I declared,

      "Thank you," and smiled at her. I noticed that when I said that, I was laying prone on my side, use my arm to support my head.

      Then we went back to another conversation, I believe we were talking about dissections. She later tells me that she never did a dissection in class before.

      I asked her, "You never did a dissection!?!?!?" and I look at her for a while, still surprised from this. She told me that she didn't want to overload herself with hard classes.

      I responded saying that I took a lot of AP and Pre-AP courses in High School during one semester that I can't remember I told her, probably my senior year, where I only had one regular class.

      I can't remember much after saying that, maybe seeing a person who is near us standing up talking with someone else, I'm not sure.

      Dream 4: Runescape Video Recording

      Apparently, I'm recording, or watching a recorded video of someone in Proselyte armor, Helm of Neitiznot, the old Dragonfire Shield design, dragon boots, whip, and even had a pair of dragon claws in their inventory as well.

      They were picking up some items in an area that had a turquoise setting it, maybe it was the Ancient Caverns. The video was running smoothly, didn't see any kind of static or lag from it.

      Woke up from those set of dreams for a WBTB, wanted to meet Melanieb in a dream, but that failed.

      Dream 5: Late Night Drive

      I'm driving on the slow lane in a car late at night, don't know why I didn't RC, because I only drove a car once in my life.

      Dream 6: Underwater Clock Tower?

      I remember having to swim underwater to fix some gears with a clock tower. It was pretty dark when I reached the gears room. Everything is flooded, so it makes things even harder because to relocate one gear meant putting more force.

      I get near some of the gears, and had to attach something for it to connect, some kind of magnetic object.

      The dream shifts to where I'm talking with some people, but I can't remember who, all I know is that I was in a dark blue pseudo space dimension.

      Dream 7: Facebook Video

      I posted a video as a comment on a person's status to add some humor to something, but it ends up being some guy ramming fairly huge objects into a women's private parts.

      I think some person commented below me and had horrible spelling, but I can't remember what he typed exactly, but I knew it wasn't a good response towards the video I posted.

      Dream 8: Searching Around House???

      I can't remember this one too clearly, but I was in a house looking for something. I was with somebody, but I can't remember their facial or body composition.

      Updated 03-31-2012 at 06:35 PM by 47756

    15. Party Upstairs, Just Freaking Die & Holding Ariel?, Exploring Dark Rooms

      by , 03-21-2012 at 04:08 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Party Upstairs, Just Freaking Die & Holding Ariel?, Exploring Dark Rooms (Non-lucid)


      Dream 1: Party Upstairs

      I'm getting ready to go to a party with a few relatives, one is busy using the bathroom, which gives me more time to get some clothes for the party.

      After a while, we get to the house hosting the party, and it's already starting on the bottom floor of the house. I head upstairs, which is something I would normally do at an adult party, since I don't really know anyone that well anyway.

      I believe I'm in the Master Bedroom now, and I see a Black lady that looks like "Joy" that I met a few times in waking life. She's just sitting on the edge of the bed, and I'm about to take my shirt off.

      Halfway from taking my shirt off, she's shocked and asks,

      "Tell me you're not going to take your clothes off??"

      I respond, "No, I just need to go to the bathroom."

      She declares, "How long will you be in there?"

      While she's saying this, I'm already halfway up the stairs to the top floor, and I respond,

      "Oh, I won't take long, Joy." She's smiling at me, and asks, "40 minutes?"

      I wanted to tell her again that I wouldn't take long, but I told her,


      (Now that I'm awake, I wonder if I was going to have sex with this woman after I was done using the bathroom if she's looking at me with a curious tone. It's like she was picking my brain in trying to know if I'm going to masturbate or something lol).

      I'm at the top floor, and I hear this weird buzzing sound, it sounds like an alarm. An alarm system just happens to be placed near the last few set of steps to get to the top floor.

      I go down a bit and look at it, and it seems there's a small fire going on, but the alarm is showing progress that it's already being taken care of, so I assume it's just someone cooking with too much steam anyway that triggered the alarm.

      Now that I'm on the top floor of the house, instead of going for the restroom, I went to sit near a table with a bench on both sides. Then I hear some people coming up the stairs, and I basically said to myself, "Oh great."

      It seems the party is now shifting towards upstairs, and there's two kids who sit next to me, and they resemble the twins I had to take care of while the adults partied. I was eating something that was really sweet.

      Inside of this pastry was like a small gel orb, and the children left of me are trying to take what I'm eating, I slap their hand lightly a bit to prevent them from stealing the pastries.

      One of them still manages to take a small part of the set of pastries, but I ignored them after awhile. I told them that I kept the small gel orbs because they contained Implings that I normally catch on Runescape (well occasionally before they ended up being a horrible money making method in the game).

      (Wait, really? You got to be kidding me...)

      Then I had a flashing clip of someone, probably my Runescape Character trying to catch Implings on Mos Le'Harmless, and I see that I'm having trouble catching Zombie Implings as well.

      (My Hunter is 99, and I catch Kingly Implings better than the Zombie Implings, and Kinglys are more difficult to catch! -______-)

      The quick clip stops, and then I finished eating the pastries on the plate. There were a lot of people upstairs, so I didn't bother to turn around to see a bunch of people near me. I guess I felt a bit awkward even though I already had a hunch of who would be there.

      Dream 2: Just Freaking Die And Holding Ariel?

      There are two guys sitting outside near the porch of a poorly managed house. They have a person between them sitting as well, but I think the person is dead.

      The dead person was wearing some type of dress shirt, and you could see that his heart was probably blown to bits since there's a huge red hole on his chest. The guys sitting to sides play it off, and an old man who looks like he's an undercover cop or something goes up to them.

      He's wearing a cowboy hat, and shades as well. He's probably wearing the country blue jeans with his dress shirt tucked in.

      He puts his finger on the blood around the man's chest, and licks it to see if it's fake blood or actual blood.

      I think he tells them, "This tastes like human blood." He tells them that they need to come with him, and I believe he's getting ready to arrest and handcuff them.

      While they're walking, I'm in spectator mode, and I can clearly see that both of them know they're in deep shit for doing something like that. I could just see the look on one of their faces as their eyes opened widely, and it looks like they wanted to kill the guy who was going to handcuff them.

      I see they're getting their handguns out, but they're walking around like a bunch of idiots, that the guy who is the undercover cop gets his gun out, and I think he even tells them, "Give me a second to put some ammo."

      (You're supposed to shoot the cop, not wait for him to shoot you, if you want to be a criminal, at least DO IT RIGHT).

      Then I find that I'm actually a partner with the undercover cop, and we're starting to shoot the two guys. All of a sudden, I'm shooting at two completely different people.

      As I'm shooting them, I clearly see that I'm shooting well, and I see the bullets creating bloody holes on their heads, but they're just not freaking dying!

      One is looking retarded as he's shooting at me, but I'm not really feeling any pain from the gunshots, so I'm assuming he just sucks at shooting, or maybe I'm just invincible. It was kind of funny see so many holes appear on the person's head, and they're stillll shooting at me.

      Then it gets even more random, I think Neji from Naruto Shippuden
      (Then again, I'm not really sure of the crap that goes on in my mind) try attack the person. (But whoever it was, they only appeared for 1-2 seconds at most)

      Then I see a variant of Ulrich's Triplicate move from Code Lyoko, but I'm not seeing Ulrich doing it at all, just some random DC showing up. Then they started to do the Triangulate move Ulrich does with his clones as well.

      (Triangulate is basically Ulrich using all three of his clones, along with his insane speed to confuse the opponent who is in the middle trying to pick which one is the real one).

      But there was really no point in doing the move, because there wasn't anyone there in the middle. After this randomness, I believe I'm on a bus now. I'm assuming the criminals are going to jail, but I don't see them anywhere.

      I'm sitting in the middle of a bus seat, and to my left, I think I'm holding a female with one arm, but I'm not sure who it is though. On my right side, it seems Ariel (the mermaid one) is close to me, and she's naked, with legs.

      My right arm is hugging her by her waist, and I think I advanced towards her lower region and start using my fingers to rub something. I honestly don't know what I'm doing, maybe I'm stimulating her clitoris, but I just know that my arms are being occupied by holding two women.

      I still have the mentality that the criminals are caught, so I asked the person in front, "Am I going to jail too?"

      I don't know why I asked that question if I was partners with the undercover cop, but they said no, and they added to that answer that they can't arrest people who are still in college because they have to pay their tuition still.

      A completely random reasoning to my question, but I guess it's better than nothing.

      So the reason I'm in the bus was probably just because the undercover cop was in it as well, so I guess I was there for added protection.

      While the bus is moving, I'm still rubbing Ariel's clitoris, or some part of her vagina with the other women to my left that seems to be sleeping.

      (Wait, shouldn't the criminals be dead if I shot their heads so much with bullets, that they can't see shit anymore? Oh well.)

      Dream 3: Exploring Dark Rooms

      I can't remember much about this dream, other than the fact that I'm basically exploring really dark areas in a random building. It seems I'm looking to find rooms of where certain people used to go to, and I think after that, I tagged along with someone or a group of people, but I don't know who exactly.

      Updated 03-21-2012 at 04:21 PM by 47756

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