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    1. Stamping images on Lady's Ass, Riding Bicycle and Finding Kaomea?, In Car, Alyzarin's Garden??

      by , 02-21-2012 at 04:09 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Stamping images on Lady's Ass, Riding Bicycle and Finding Kaomea?, In Car, Alyzarin's Garden?


      I'm still looking for Kaomea, but I'm also looking for Alyzarin. Funny thing is....I had a dream where I SWEAR she was there (Kaomea).

      The other dream on the other hand....I don't know if it was Alyzarin or not, but damn did I wake up with an erection. O.O

      Dream 1: Stamping images on Lady's Ass

      Note: I just say it was a threesome because it seemed like I was recalling what happened AFTER we did whatever we did. Kind of like just cuddling and admiring this random woman's ass

      I was in bed with some lady, I couldn't get her facial features, all I saw was her ass, I think she was standing up wanting to get her butt stamped with some kind of logos (Like wtf lol, this doesn't make sense, it looked like a pedobear logo, but it's too small to assume about that lol). There was some other random dude, but I don't know what he was doing, he was probably just there to look or something.

      I'm wondering why the hell she wants that, but I see stamp somewhere near the bed, and I think me or the guy joining in on the fun just start stamping, but the logos weren't showing up (thank goodness it wasn't a pedobear logo ).

      Then someone comes in the room, and when I look quickly to see how it was, I saw that we were doing this weird scene near some place that looked like it was going to be a garden!

      Hajemimashite, Namae wa Seed desu-glass-wall-small-house-simple-red-exterior-design-germany.jpg

      There was this DC that looks like he's in his 30's, and he comes in and sees what we're doing I think. I quickly try to hide my naked body (I think it's naked) with a blanket. I'm not too sure on what happened next, except that the same person who came was apparently going to be interviewed or asked a few questions.

      I'm wondering why would he be asked questions after the questionable stamping of me putting barely noticeable logos of the something....or maybe it was the other guy who did the stamping....yeah I think it was the guy stamping the girls ass.

      Even though we were inside a room, looking beyond the glass structure of the entrance (glass door and everything), the ground was brown with stone and everything. The leaves of the trees were very green and lively.

      To be honest, I think I may have been closer to finding Alyzarin in this dream if I was lucid, but these are dreams from NON-REM most likely since I woke up around 4:45 AM (slept around 12:45 AM, but probably went into deep sleep around 1:30 AM I bet).

      Dream 2: Riding my Bicycle in Circles and Finding Kaomea again?

      I was riding my bicycle in circles. This dream, like the one above, is vivid (I'm wondering the reason why it's vivid is because Alyzarin smoked some stuff to help her make them clearer ....probably just me entering the deeper stages of REM, but I'll still be open-minded to that possibility).

      The environment represented the University I'm in, and I believe I'm at a dead end when I'm riding the bicycle. I turn around and see a figure that might look like Kaomea, but my memory of the facial features was hazy
      (but with shared dreaming attempts, I think it's better to feel their energy signature rather than speculating on what they look like).

      Hajemimashite, Namae wa Seed desu-dream-pic.jpg

      I don't know what I did after, but apparently I saw a glance of some meeting of random people asking how much of their time they spend working or going to class.

      I think most said they did 75% college work and 25% in having a job
      (but I'm not too sure on those percentages, I just believe it could've been related to Kaomea).

      Dream 3: Study Hall in High SChool

      I'm in a school setting again, and it feels just like the Study Hall class I took as a Senior my first semester in Mayde Creek High School. I'm near the entrance of the room, and it looks almost exactly like the class room structure. I'm talking with random DCs that I can't really pick up on facial features, but they were trying to tell me how to find someone.

      (Now that I think about it, they were probably showing me how to find Alyzarin....since this is the first time in a while since I had a school related dream....but I'll still be open to the possibility that this dream was just an association with waking life....but again...I feel it was created by my intention to find Alyzarin).

      I'm trying to pay attention to where they were pointing and explaining, but they were pretty much gave useless information, or maybe it was me not paying attention. I turn my back to see the small window on the classroom door to see if anyone was there, but I don't think I saw anyone.

      Then I turn back to the classroom again, and I try to move my head and neck to see who's in front of the class (the seating arrangement was where the desks where facing opposite of the classroom door).

      I know I saw random DCs, but it was too bland and simple for me to really know they're faces.

      Dream 4: Mother is Driving (DILD)

      I'm inside a car with my mother, and she's driving. Eventually, I know that I'm dreaming after we argue over trivial things (couldn't remember them, probably wasn't even an argument in the first place), and I tried to move, but I wanted to just looks at the traffic ahead of us. I saw the sign that signals people to walk or stop, but the dream starts to fade away because I stared too much at the view for too long.

      But there was NO way in hell I was going to fail this time....I woke up, but I believe my eyes were closed....I was sort of dissapointed that I actually knew I was dreaming, but I didn't want to move. It was one of those moments where you just sit and wonder....and you're like...holy $$$$. But I wasn't excited from this dream inside the car with my mother, I just had a realization

      Dream 5: Appering Inside Alyzarin's House? (WILD or DEILD)

      Again, this could be a WILD, but it was most likely a DEILD since I don't remember waking up again after Dream 4 to do a successful WILD. I apologize for the rambling, but I'm just PUMPED UP and excited from this!

      (I think the reason why I rarely became lucid in my dreams, it wasn't the fact that I just sucked, it's just that I didn't stay up long enough for the WBTB...I stayed about for about an hour and 45 minutes before going back to sleep....well....at least I know the rough estimate to be aware of my dreams quickly now!)

      And I know this dream wasn't pretentious since it's still lingering in my mind, and I sure as hell knew I was lucid because of the nose plug RC.

      I remain still, seeing the black of my eyes, still in the state of being half awake/sleep from the previous dream.

      I see images rushing through my head, and I swore I saw an image from a character from the avatar, and I heard music playing as well, and it sounded familiar like the video below. (The guy at 18 seconds to 19 seconds....and 38 seconds until the end of the video is part of what I experience (not exact, but it's a pretty accurate experience I had)...

      As I'm seeing more images flash before my eyes, I see this yellow background, and it turns into this wormhole kind of structure, and I'm just sliding along for the ride to enter the dream state.

      But before I'm literally being pulled into this wormhole/blackhole/whatever...for some reason, I said to myself "Alyzarin's Garden....Alyzarin's Garden....Alyzarin's Garden..."

      (We had the intention of meeting each other in a school related dream, but something just came over me that time, but I just went with whatever thought was in my mind to just go with the Garden thing...sorry about that Alyzarin!)

      Anyway, I'm being grabbed into the dream state, and then I wake up...but it's a False Awakening. I'm pretty sure I know I'm dreaming, but I just wanted to make sure since my eyes immediately opened (I wasn't able to gradually open them).

      I let myself linger a little bit while in bed to speculate, and then I decided to get up. I do a nose plug RC, and I'm breathing through. Definitely dreaming! YES!

      I stay calm surprisingly
      (since I'm long overdue for a lucid dream), and I'm looking around my bed a little bit in the dark, trying to take in th environment and stabilize the dream (but I knew I should've done more stabilization) I'm floating a little bit, and then I reach the ground (I wonder if this was an OBE/AP...since I'm usually always on the ground when lucid).

      I open the door in my bedroom, and I'm in this area that is very unfamiliar to me. The wooden floors had that shiny wooden polish to it, there were several windows to my right that helped me realize it's still night time or just early morning for me being inside this house.

      I think I even see a fancy white fireplace to the left of me as well, but I didn't pay too much attention to this.

      Hajemimashite, Namae wa Seed desu-white%252bfireplace%252bwith%252boval%252bmirror.jpg
      I had a hunch that I was inside of a house where there was a garden outside. I saw one of those fancy marble statues of some figure that I can't depict too well. I'm still wondering where the heck I am, and I just look around for a little while.

      Hajemimashite, Namae wa Seed desu-national-memorial-park-pieta-statue.jpg

      Then I decided to open the door in front of me to see to verify that I'm dreaming and am in someone's house. I open the door slowly, and I see the backyard of someone's house.

      The grass is really green and clean, but I didn't pay too much attention because the moment I opened the door, the alarm initiated, and it sounds just like the one in the other house I use to live in for vacation before heading to college.

      I quickly go towards the alarm, trying not to panic too much, so I thought that since this sound is familiar, obviously the code I use to deactivate it would work.

      Nothing works, I even tried switching the last two entries in deactivating the alarm, but NOTHING works!

      That's when I started to panic.....I'm definitely in someone's house. It feels quiet too, like no one is in the house. I didn't feel afraid or anything, it's just this alarm, and me wondering what I'm going to do in order to deactivate it that woke me up slowly.

      I think when I was thinking about going to Alyzarin' Garden, my mind honestly wanted me to be transported there, but just inside of her house (possibly)...I guess it's up to Alyzarin to see if she had a similar experience.

      But the backyard garden itself would've been a pretty nice environment to look at. I felt as if I was the only person in this setting, which would've been perfect for a potential shared dreaming with Alyzarin....oh well. Next time!

      Hopefully I can have another success with the WBTB by staying up for a while. Just have to sleep earlier.

      Updated 02-22-2012 at 01:08 AM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable