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    Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness

    No order or method to the madness, just random dreams that I found interesting and worth keeping track of.

    1. Snowboarding Tricks and Perfect Timing

      by , 11-08-2014 at 03:15 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Standing in the street with a bunch of friends, we are all going to a skate park of sorts, but it is far away. They suggest I levitate to make the trip easier. I'm jump up in the air, and lay horizontally, levitating above the ground and slowly moving forwards through the air. I ask them how to go faster because I could walk this fast normally. One of my friends shows me that I can bang my fists together while holding them out in front of me to go faster. It works, but I only go a little faster. I keep doing it, and keep increasing speed, but only slightly.

      A large crowd of people are walking in the street, and start tugging on me as I float past them. I think maybe they're jealous, so I stop levitating, and walk with them so they don't feel bad. They settle down when I do this, and we all walk together toward the skate park.

      When we get there, it turns into a snow/ice version of a skate park, and I am on a snowboard. People look at me, expecting some fancy tricks. I realize I'm dreaming, and this seems fun, so I drop into a big half pipe type thing on my snow board.

      Suddenly, the dream is in 3rd person, as I watch myself doing tricks. But physically, I feel myself doing all of it with first person tactile sensations. I manage to do lots of spins and flips in this way, and people are happy with the performance. I also retain a physical sense of observing all this from about 30 feet away, standing on the packed snow. I go full tilt with spinning super fast, and doing every twist and rotation physically possible.

      Now the audience becomes loads of Buddhist monks and nuns, who all look at me at once and tell me it would be a good time to wake up now. I recognize that it's up to me, but I trust them, so I concentrate my mind on waking up. I feel a peaceful tingling, kind of dull and soft, as the dream fades back into my subtle mind, and my waking sense of my body in the dark room gradually exists again in my awareness.

      About 30 seconds later, I get out of bed, and walk over to the desk to check the time on my phone. As soon as I pick up my phone, the alarm starts to go off, and I silence it before it wakes my room mates :-)
    2. The Noise of Angels

      by , 09-03-2014 at 11:03 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Visiting a monastery with my meditation teacher, someone mentions "The Sound of Angels". And then we hear it - a noise so high pitch that I don't actually hear it with my ears, but rather, I feel it in my head. Deafeningly loud, it pervades my whole perception of sound until that's all I experience. Then it stops, the maker of the noise pausing to take another breath before continuing. I join in with the noise making because I don't know what else to do really.

      Everyone stops as a well respected woman is now inside another building, giving some rare advice. I open the door before I can really think much about it and see just one person sitting with her. This person is very nervous and doesn't look prepared to take the advice and use it, so I sit down with them. The woman has a hard time with English, but there is a book she is reading from that we all have a copy of. I gently read along with her to encourage her that she's pronouncing it right. We come to a spot where a bunch of pages are missing. Maybe 20 pages. My book has them all torn out, and so does her book. She looks at me, not knowing what to do next. I tilt my head back toward the heavens and start making "The Noise of Angels". The woman is astonished that I know how to do this, and I figure out from her that it is really rare to be able to make that noise. To me, it is like a cry; a wailing; not really very pleasant, and yet very calming at the same time...

      The monks nearby join me in making the noise, and I appear to be the noise making leader at this point. For no other reason than I know how to make it easily. I do it as I breathe in and also as I breathe out, so I can sustain it with only minimal gaps during the transition of the breath. It also feels like I'm flexing my ear muscles in order to make it - the ones that affect your hearing and ear pressure.

      My meditation teacher and Shiela start to talk about the noise. Apparently, ever since Shiela has discovered that it exists, she has found several movies about it and has not been bored since the discovery. I follow the two of them upstairs in a big house. Shiela turns off to go into her room, then my teacher turns to go into his room, leaving just me in the hallway. I see my friend D in the hallway. We smile and say hi. Seeing a bathroom, I realize I really have to pee. But it's the only one nearby, and I don't want to take it from D, so I leave in search of another. At the top of the stairs, I see a rather exposed bathroom. Waist high walls, and a shelf that makes it really hard to tinkle into the drain because I can't get very close. I try anyway, using my precision accuracy I've developed with the tinkle cannon, but part way through, get a feeling that Shiela will soon come this way. I stop part way through, and flush, then go down the stairs.

      At the bottom of the stairs, is a sink. The base of the sink begins to leak from my flush, and spreads across the wooden floor to a thick rug. I run over and grab paper towels, soak up the wet rug area, then wipe it up back toward the sink. I recall the sink had been leaky for a while, so I am happy to have finally found the source of the leak - the toilet above. J-Rad is also happy we found the leak - I see him in the other room.

      I wake up to find the same frequency noise emitting from the chime bar on my alarm clock!
    3. The "Adrianna Effect"

      by , 06-22-2014 at 03:45 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I go into a house, and get bit by a diamond back snake, grab it and throw it across the room. It bounces off the wall, but comes back fast to bite me again. Running out of there, unsure of whether or not they are poisonous, I pass a few people I know, then end up where I started before. This time, I decide not to go in the house again.

      I go up a hill in the woods with lots of old, some dead trees, and see someone sitting behind a fallen down wall, inside the barely recognizable remnants of an old house. He tells me to not make any sudden movements, as he's discovered a rare molecule that has never before been found. Using a microscope that's about a meter long, and as thick as a pineapple, he stares into it while he talks to me. I congratulate him, but this seems to distract him from his work, as he now uses the microscope as a telescope, and tells me about all the things he can see far away. My head is next to the middle of the micro/tele scope, and for some reason, I can see what he sees through it, even though I'm not looking through it, but next to it. Kind of like that illusion where you can make it look like you have a hole in your hand if you hold a tube next to it and look past both with both eyes, only with magnification, and without actually looking through it.

      I then notice that I can also hold my hands in front of my eyes, and still see everything past beyond them. The scientist guy tells me that this is the "Adrianna Effect" which gives all this a legitimate sense of normality to me. I play with this as I walk back down the hill and find myself in a temple with a few monks. They are wearing karate belts for some reason, and ask me to help color in one of their stripes with a permanent marker. This turns into a big scene with a river and I'm shading it in using colored pencils very nicely.

      I get offered some free coffee, but don't really want it. Going back into the temple area, I sit down in front of a tiny table, with a tiny house on top of it. Inside this house is an enlightened being, radiating pure energy. I decide it is better to focus on this than on the picture I was going to draw, and just take it all in.