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    Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness

    The "Adrianna Effect"

    by , 06-22-2014 at 03:45 AM (457 Views)
    I go into a house, and get bit by a diamond back snake, grab it and throw it across the room. It bounces off the wall, but comes back fast to bite me again. Running out of there, unsure of whether or not they are poisonous, I pass a few people I know, then end up where I started before. This time, I decide not to go in the house again.

    I go up a hill in the woods with lots of old, some dead trees, and see someone sitting behind a fallen down wall, inside the barely recognizable remnants of an old house. He tells me to not make any sudden movements, as he's discovered a rare molecule that has never before been found. Using a microscope that's about a meter long, and as thick as a pineapple, he stares into it while he talks to me. I congratulate him, but this seems to distract him from his work, as he now uses the microscope as a telescope, and tells me about all the things he can see far away. My head is next to the middle of the micro/tele scope, and for some reason, I can see what he sees through it, even though I'm not looking through it, but next to it. Kind of like that illusion where you can make it look like you have a hole in your hand if you hold a tube next to it and look past both with both eyes, only with magnification, and without actually looking through it.

    I then notice that I can also hold my hands in front of my eyes, and still see everything past beyond them. The scientist guy tells me that this is the "Adrianna Effect" which gives all this a legitimate sense of normality to me. I play with this as I walk back down the hill and find myself in a temple with a few monks. They are wearing karate belts for some reason, and ask me to help color in one of their stripes with a permanent marker. This turns into a big scene with a river and I'm shading it in using colored pencils very nicely.

    I get offered some free coffee, but don't really want it. Going back into the temple area, I sit down in front of a tiny table, with a tiny house on top of it. Inside this house is an enlightened being, radiating pure energy. I decide it is better to focus on this than on the picture I was going to draw, and just take it all in.

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