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    Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles

    So, this is my new journal. (Ask me about a link to my old journal, from 2005 - 2010) Not much to say, that my original intro didn't say. I began lucid dreaming as a response to vivid nightmares, as a kid. Over the years, I learned how to wake myself up, when I knew I was having a nightmare, which later developed into a curious resolve to stay within the dreams, instead of trying to escape. Now I practice lucid dreaming and dream control regularly (or as regularly as my undisciplined ass can stick with it). Most of my lucid dreams are still spontaneous, but I have my fair share of successes with induction methods, when I apply myself. Lucid dreaming has become a beloved hobby of mine, both for adventure and because of my deep-seated interest in consciousness, psychology, and the human mind, in general. It also just happens to be a hell of a lot of fun.

    So...that's about it. I guess all that's left on the agenda is the ol' disclaimer:

    In short; by reading my dream journal, you are hereby in agreement to forfeit the right to use any
    information or situations, herein, against me...for any reason...under any circumstances...

    (After all, they are just dreams.)


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    1. 12/16/2010 - Fragment

      by , 12-16-2010 at 05:15 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      Another ThunderCats dream, but all I can remember is seeing Cheetara whirling her bo staff around.
      dream fragment
    2. 12/15/2010 - "Captain Cockblocked", "Tygra's Tale", "Genetic Swimgineering", "Fish Memorial"

      by , 12-16-2010 at 09:04 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      (Pretty epic night of dreaming, last night. Wasn't feeling too good, when I came home from work, so I ended up going to bed early and actually getting a full 8 hours of sleep! Haha. Woke up a couple of times, throughout the night, take some notes on my dreams.)

      Dream One:
      "Captain Cockblocked"

      I was the Captain of a brigade on a huge, futuristic ship. The whole dream took place inside the ship, so I honestly don't know if it was a water vessel or a spaceship. But I could tell, from the our uniforms and technology, that it was definitely in the future. As Captain, I had a really hard time getting my unruly platoon in order. They were quite a band of misfits, and would only listen to me when I really came down on them. I'm really not sure that I liked all of the responsibility for such a wily bunch. There were two stand-out soldiers in this dream, though. Two women. It seems that there was something of a love triangle going on, between us. One of the women and I were definitely seeing each other, and the other woman (who looked a bit like a cross between Angelina Jolie and the Baroness from G.I. Joe) was vying for my affection.

      My official love interest and I were sparring on a large platform made of metallic grid-work, set high above the rest of the platoon. The "room" we were in was enormous - more like a hanger - and the rest of the platoon was watching from down below. The spar was actually pretty interesting. It was a strange dance of attacking/evading, without ever coming in contact with each other. It was quite graceful. If I was facing away from her, she would slide in for a leg sweep, and I would do a slow, precise, back handspring over her, landing on her other side. Then I would throw a high kick at her, and she would bend sideways, beneath it, and cartwheel away. It was a lot like Capoeira, actually, but more straight-forward, and with less dancing. It wasn't intense, in the slightest. It was kind of erotic, really, and we were just enjoying how connected we felt with each other, in being able to anticipate each others' movements. Apparently, though, this didn't sit very well with the other girl.

      During a move where I was about to throw/spin my lovely opponent away from me, the other girl had made her way up onto the platform with us. I tried to throw my lady-friend with enough trajectory that she might be able to pull herself out of the barrel-roll spin through the air, and land on her feet. However, when I saw that the 'other' girl was standing in the exact spot that I'd intended to throw my opponent...I fucked up. Having been startled by this other girl standing on the platform, I under-threw my sparring partner. She spiraled a couple of times through the air, directly toward girl #2, who was actually in a perfect position to catch her. Instead - after having initially put her hands out, to catch the oncoming person on instinct, girl #2 swiped her hands away, at the last moment, and allowed girl #1 to crash to the metal-grated platform, face first. The impact was so loud that it echoed through the entire chamber. I could practically feel it, myself. Girl #2 just looked at me with a sarcastic sort of "Oops" expression on her face, obviously not the least bit apologetic.

      Girl #1 was injured pretty badly, and I felt horrible. I went to her side to console her. She was holding her face, and it was clear that she was in a lot of pain. Eventually, the medics came, and helped her away to get checked on. While they hauled her off, I began walking to the other side of the platform. Girl #2 quickly caught up and kept pace with me. Quite adorably, she locked her hands behind her back as she walked, a huge smile beaming while she told me how we (her and I) never used to have 'accidents' like that. Trying to dismiss her, I barked that we never used to run drills like that. As if her response had been ready, she answered back that "we never had to." She said that we always just kind of "vibed, in the field." Through this, I get the impression that her and I had something of a thing going on, in the past, and she was trying to rekindle it. Still kicking myself over dropping my new girl, I sat down on the edge of the platform and actually held a conversation with girl #2, though, the whole time, I really wished she would just leave me alone.

      While we were talking, our Commander stormed into the room. A grunt yelled out "Ship on deck!!!" and everyone jumped to attention. Under my breath, I said "It's 'ATTENTION on deck, you idiot." The Commander wasn't very happy. He let us know that we were headed for a battle, and my platoon still looked like a rag-tag bunch of cretins. As if to prove his point, some of the grunts started mocking him, and copying the things he was saying. My mind was a mess of emotions at the moment, and I decided to stay quiet about it. The Commander then went into a spiel about how he started this platoon because of the potential he once saw in a 12 year old boy, who he knew would one day be a great leader. And he made it a point to say that he "did not see that 12 year old boy in this room." Even though he was facing the rest of my soldiers, I knew he was talking about me...and it killed me. After what seemed like an eternity, he left, and I knew that I would have to muster all the strength I had, to get my soldiers into shape, before our next battle began.

      Dream Two:
      "Tygra's Tale"

      I was a lonely, troubled, version of Tygra of the ThunderCats. I had an underground base, which looked much like the hanger/chamber in my first dream - a large room with metal walls and an obscure, blue "screen," which took up the entire front wall and illuminated the whole chamber. After pretty much just sitting around and sulking, by myself, I found my lair being invaded by an entire army of mutants and robot sentries. There was a massive battle; myself vs. the entire army, which had just kind of 'teleported' into my lair. I had Tygra's trademark bolo-whip, and it was just the most fucking awesome weapon ever. The three balls on the end would cause explosions, whenever they made contact with a target, and the whip, itself, was amazingly accurate and effective. I distinctly remember thinking to myself - during the battle - how amazing it was, that I was able to wield such a weapon with such extreme expertise. (I vaguely know how to use a whip, in waking life, but would be completely lost, using one in a battle situation.) The battle was very fast an epic - involving a lot of high-jumping and anime-styled dashing; moving around the area with a speed that pretty much made me a match for everyone in the room, and throwing all kinds of projectile weapons at my attackers.

      After some time, the fighting came to a stand-still. It turned out that I was being tested by this group. They were actually the rest of the ThunderCats, come to see my skill level and invite me onto their team. One of the smallest of the group was a young girl who said that she and I had the same mother or father. (Can't remember which.) By her markings, I could tell that she was a young Cheetara. She told me to check my records to see if we might actually be brother and sister. Forced with the decision of whether or not to join their team, I went off to be alone with my thoughts for a while. I found myself in a targeting range, flicking shuriken - rather sloppily - at targets. I was really apathetic about the target practice, and just kind of tossing shuriken everywhere; even sticking some of them in the ceiling. Above all else, they had just caught me at my most depressed, and I had a hell of a time shaking the sensation of hoplessness.

      Reluctantly, I decided to join their forces, officially becoming one of the "ThunderCats." I don't remember anything after letting them know that I would sign on with them, though.

      Dream Three:
      "Genetic Swimgineering"

      I was with some friends and family members, in a beach-side hotel. Standing on the balcony, we watched the water and saw some large, shell-like....thing move up toward the shore. It was about the size of a small yacht, but seemed completely organic. Some of the people down on the beach flocked toward this object, which began spewing water out of an opening at the top. This water mixed with the water around it, and soon coated the shoreline, and all the people on it. When the beach-goers started emerging from the water, it was apparent that many of them were much younger than they had been before. This water apparently had some regenerative properties, and once people saw this, they immediately began bathing in it. It was a veritable fountain of youth. Some of the girls/women in our group - my mom included - just could not resist the urge. They made a bee-line out of the hotel and down toward the water. I tried to tell her not to do it, because we knew nothing about this thing, or where it came from. She wouldn't listen, though, and neither could many of the other girls in our group. They saw the opportunity to preserve their youth, and literally jumped in it.

      As with the others, they came out looking younger than they previously had, and were completely happy with the results. I still had a bad feeling, though. My suspicions were then confirmed, when those who went into the water began mutating. Some of them grew scales. Others grew soft, mushy skin that seemed to hang from their bones. The girl I was with began to grow scales, as did my mother. While we panicked, they also began losing their memory, and were constantly having to be reminded of who they were, and what was going on. It was just a horrible situation, all around. Things just progressively got worse. My mom ended up actually turning into a fish - a very sinister-looking fish with large spines that came out of her dorsal fin...but there was still something very human about her.

      After a while, my dream skipped ahead. We were now on a large boat. We had figured out that there was a "mad geneticist" behind the whole thing, and myself - along with a large squad of friends and strangers - were on our way to storm his island stronghold, to put a stop to whatever the Hell he was doing. My mom, still in fish state, was in a water-filled bowl, on deck. Suddenly, in the middle of our voyage, she jumped out of the bowl and into the ocean. Without so much of a second thought, I jumped off of the boat and into the water after her. I remember being absolutely terrified, in the open water, not knowing what to expect might be swimming around with us. Reluctant to open my eyes, I did, grabbing my mom/fish and paddling for the surface. I saw the boat do a wide turn, eventually coming back around to pick us up. Something wasn't right, though. I had a - almost telepathic - feeling that my mom/fish didn't want to leave the ocean. She was being called toward it. The more I swam toward the boat, the stronger the feeling got. When I was climbing onto the boat, she began squirming in my hand, and I actually saw a very human tear fall from her fish eye. For all that she was, she knew that she belonged in the ocean, and even considering the circumstances, I couldn't deny her that. With a heavy heart, I tossed her back into the ocean, and we continued our voyage to put a stop to this mad-man's experiments.

      Soon, we were on his island. My comrades and I stormed the base, fighting through his forces and trying to get to the bottom of just what the Hell he was doing. I don't remember much of the battle, but it was fierce, and I ended up losing a couple of close friends in the fight. The last thing I remember was being drawn into the scientist's final hiding place - buried within a wall. He didn't know I had followed him in, and I ended up getting the drop on him, rushing him and tackling him into another room. The room was like a huge auditorium, and we were on the top flight of stairs. The villain was facing me, and away from the rest of the room. What he couldn't see was a horde of some of his failed experiments coming up the stairs behind him...and they looked hungry. Giving one final push, I shoved the guy away from me and toward his 'children,' slipping out of the room and shutting the door. Without even being there to witness it, I knew that he was being torn to pieces (and most likely eaten) by the monsters he had created.

      Dream Four:
      "Fish Memorial"

      (Which is hilarious, if you're familiar with Fish Memorial Hospital, which isn't far from my house.)

      I was coming home from work at night, and I saw that there were about a dozen cars in our driveway (only it wasn't my house, but my friend Kellen's house, from back when I used to live in Texas). When I went inside, my mom told me that she was having a memorial for Chris B. (an old friend of mine, who'd died in the previous dream. I would almost think this was the same dream, but I have the distinct feeling of having woken up, between the two). I didn't think too much of the fact that I had no notice of this memorial, but I did notice that I didn't actually see anybody in the house. Figuring everyone must be out in the back yard, I went to 'my' room to change clothes. Changing turned out to be one hell of a task, though. Nothing in my closet matched. Nothing. And even when I found something that could pass for a matching outfit, all of my shoes were de-laced and/or broken. I spent the rest of the dream throwing clothes and shoes around, trying to find something suitable to wear before going out to meet everyone.

      Updated 12-16-2010 at 05:37 PM by 2450
