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    Dream Warrior and Explorer of the Dreamplane

    1. 21 Apr: Meeting Jon Stewart and befriending his supposed family

      by , 04-21-2023 at 06:44 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In the US, possibly in Washington, but later it feels more like NY. Anyway, I am at some important rally and the speaker's poll is in the middle of some staircase. The crowd is clearly mostly democrats but lots of republican trumpers are in the mix. The speakers are calling for peace and unit and trumpers are yelling "Trump for president". Then Jon Stewart comes to speak and everyone is listening and I wonder why people haven't started chanting "Stewart for president" so I try to start it. But the environment turns chaotic suddenly, with people running away down the stairs and I even see a couple pigs running among the people. People start disbanding. I take some route which leads me to bump into Jon Stewart in some back alley. He is all by himself, so I must speak to him. It's a quick encounter in which I express my admiration for him, but then he has to leave. Since I don' t wanna let him go, I stalk him and clearly tell him I wanna stalk him for a while, hoping he finds it funny and not creepy. I ask if I can walk with him wherever he is going or work for him and help in whatever he needs help. I am basically desperate.
      Maybe I look harmless because he agrees to give me a chance. When we reach some place with an elevator he tells me to take it and wait by the door of the 7th and I'll be able to meet his family and stay with them for a while. I am blown away and totally trust him, so I go inside the elevator. The elevator is really just a shaft full of spiders and other bugs through which a very shady wood platform descends. When it stops, I am covered in spiders and other unidentified bugs and creeped out, trying to get them off of me. I am in a hallway with lots of other people and some guys are mocking me but then a couple others decides to help em and they shake off some of the bugs. I am confused if Jon pranked me or was seroous, so I look at the doors with numbers looking for a number 7. There is an apartment number 7, but it doesn't even have a door and each room is occupied by extremely poor people sleeping in matresses on the floor. I don't think I am in the right place but I wait a little, to see how it goes.
      Everyone is staring at me, wondering what I am doing there, so I leave. I exit the building and realize I had entered it through a top floor that was street level and now this floor also exits to another street level. I go outside and look at the building number and it is 7, so I wait at this door instead. It is getting dark and I feel a bit uncomfortable, but soon after some nice lady with long hair looks at me and tells me to follow her. I wonder how she knows it's me or how I know she's the one I am supposed to follow, but I go. She walks me into a place that at first seems like a posh apartment building, but soon I realize it is some kind of company. There is a large lobby area with some people sitting on a sofa and a kid playing videogames. She points to them and says something about who they are, but I only focus on the fact their kid is autistic. I tell her I am too, allthough a "light" case. I wave and say high to them. The kid briefly looks but immediately breaks eye contact. Then we enter what looks like an open space office, but it leads almost directly to a very unusual toy shop. Not like toys'r'us, not childish, more like a modern space with designer toys, educational and creative toys and arts and crafts materials. I immediately get hooked to it but then realize I am supposed to be nice to my hosts, so I look around for the lady. She introduces me to a lot of family members, a girl I assume it's her daughter, some playboy dude that doesn't take his eyes away from me and others. But I still don't know how they relate to Jon. I feel like the lady is his sister, she doesn't look like his wife. At some point I sit on some couch in a quiet corner thinking and wonder about my goal here: do I just wanna be friends with the family? Am I trying to win them over? Do I wanna hit on Jon, despite knowing he is happily married? I do consider that and how I'd be okay if he fell for me. I justify to myself that maybe he'd be happier with me. Then I think how silly I am and I could not make him happy, he would just be someone really interesting and entertaining to have in my life, but I could not be up to his expectations, so I abandon that silly thought. I do like the family though and decide to become friends with them. A couple black kids visiting the store or friends of the family sit by my side and tell me their names. They are really cute and very alike, which I mention to them. They say they aren't brothers, just friends but recognize the similarities. Only difference is one has really dark eyes and complexion and the other has lighter eyes and complexion and is slightly smaller, but they look like twins otherwise. Then some younger kid comes deliver me a condom and says some gentleman sent it. He points to that idiot playboy I 've met before. He is waving at me and making supposedly seductive looks and gestures, but to me he just looks ridiculous. I tell the kid to take it back. He goes and comes back and throws the condom at me. I can't with the dude and give him the finger. Then I notice another guy by his side with some sort of mental development delay or cerebral palsy. He is incredibly tall and built up and clearly shares physionomical characteristics with the playboy, so maybe they're brothers. I see the playboy treating his supposed brother like shit, dismissing and ignoring him, and I don't like his attitude. Later on I see this guy alone and become his friend. When later the family gathers to have dinner or something, in private quarters, I walk him in, hand in his arm and he is smiling like the family has never seen him do. The lady that brought me in and her supposed daughter are looking at me smiling in approval and the playboy dude is absolutely ego crushed and not believing this.
      Later even, some gentleman of the famiky takes me on a tour to the company and shows me a large area that is not in use and I immediately design a sketch of how it could be decorated and used in extension to the existing shop. He later presents my idea to the family and they all agree they like it and ask me if I wanna work for them and implement it.
    2. 20 Feb: Watching a movie about an autistic girl and going to facebook to comment

      by , 02-20-2023 at 09:44 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am at a post office and there is aguy in front of me shipping some packages. The postal worker is in a bad mood and at some point yells at some colleagues. I notice another girl to my right that leaves in a hurry but I don't pay much attention. I notice though that the guy had been noticing her and is not happy that she left. He complains to the worker about her attittude and mood and then leaves. Then I am not really there, but actually watching this unfold in a movie.
      The guy comes back to the postal office area hoping to see the girl. One day he is lucky and comes across her at a park. She is wearing a rainbow colored baggy dress and looks quirky. They lock eyes and she approaches him slowly. It almost seems like she is going to kiss him, but she just does some quirky dance and off they go together.
      I think to myself that it is a cliché, but she definitely looks autistic. Then I start remembering all the details I had missed at the post office and realize she was having a lot of quirky behaviors and then she ran away because of the noise of the woman yelling, as she couldn't take it.
      I go to facebook looking for the autistic groups that I am in, wanting to share my thoughts about this film and I stumble in a post in one of the groups with the link to the said film. It's called "Breannis" and I realize it is centered on the girl and that she is indeed supposed to be autistic. Then I wonder how did I miss at first that it was about her and not the guy. Then I start writing down my opinion on the comments.
    3. 17 Oct: Paralell universe, kidnapped by terrorists and mad at my uncle

      by , 10-17-2022 at 07:48 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Blown by a strong wind, get KO and when I wake up I am in a parallell universe. I am with the same partner but all my pets are different: the cats are dogs, yet I recognize them all and I have quite a few more than the ones I know.

      Kidnapped and forced to detonate a bomb. Several people caught in the same situation refused to do it and blew the bombs elsewhere, hurting their plans. I want to do something similar, but I also want to survive it. At the last minute the bad guys realize my plan, so they send me with a handler to control me. I still manage to find the right spot, where blowing the bomb won't harm others and I manage to jump and throw the bomb away, so it blows while I escape it. I watch the bad guy being projected and his head smashing against a wall. I am only hurt but people find me and care for me. They know what I did and they celebrate. I get acquainted with the locals and I meet some autistic kid that I become fond of. We become friends and he loves to hug me and I love covering him in kisses.

      I encounter my uncle Filipe under the bridge in Alhandra. I throw a cup of nuts to his head and then try to hit him, but then he looks like my cousin Joćo and I feel pity of him. He also looks scared and I tell him I want to forgive him. He burst into tears and we hug, but he still says he can't let go of my mom's betrayals, so I yell at him that he is insane and all my mom did was being a saint and done nothing but favors to him and her siblings by caring for their parents. He understands I am serious. Still he is not entirely sure I am saying the truth. I then leave to meet mom who is calling me on the phone, worried. But as we speak, I find myself in Vila Franca, looking for a bus to get back to Alhandra. The town is full of highschoolers and college kids all tanned in bathing suits and party clothes, but there is also a bunch of nerds dressed as Halloween characters. For some reason I end up fighting with the nerds with a bat while they brandish fake swords.