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    Dream Warrior and Explorer of the Dreamplane

    1. 13 Sep: bloody union with the guru

      by , 09-13-2014 at 02:45 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      This one is both erotic and gross, so be warned.

      I am attending my guru's teachings but it turns into something else. He is performing something like an empowerment and then he directs his attention to me, by making a reference only I understand. Then he throws a kind of ritual cover with buddhist symbols over my lap. It seems random or accidental, but I am starting to think maybe not. Then he recites something nysterious and a lady on his left side, who is helping with the ritual, finishes with a sort of wishful phrasing like "may your wish be fulfilled" meant for the guru.
      After this event, as night falls, I feel light headed and eerie and an urge to go somewhere. I feel fluid and like walking on clouds. I move like dancing, but I don't know where I am going. I feel like I'm being drawn somewhere until I actually feel like a real hand guiding all my movements. It's a warm and gentle hand. I submit willingfully.

      I arrive at a place with a couple of guards by a door, but the door is wide open and there's someone descending a staircase. It is my guru, but a god-like version of him, skin so flawless as made of metal. And he is completely naked, using only adornments around his waist, neck and head. On one hand he has pointy silvered fingernails. He embraces me, I feel his warmth and smoothness. He removes my dress with just a touch and turns me around. We're both naked in front of a mirror. He kisses me and caresses me. I feel horny like crazy, I'm panting with desire. Then he pierces my left ear lobe with his silver fingernails and starts sucking my blood. At the same time he penetrates me from behind. He says calmly "I'm in". I'm lost in ecstasy, I have never felt like this before.
      I am about to explode with pleasure when he tells me "do not come". He pulls out of me and tells me to simply let the blood come out. I'm not sure what he means. I know he means blood coming out of my "secret place", I just wonder why. Then he disappears, leaving me in an indescribable state. I feel drained and exhausted, yet, in a climax like no other I've ever experienced. I feel like he went to the deepest inside me and became part of it. I feel like I died and I am reborn again.

      When I wake up, I still linger on that feeling and emotion and feel exhausted and exhilarated at the same time.
      Meanwhile, my period came. Odd timing.
    2. 26 Nov: Buddha is a teenager in blue jeans

      by , 11-26-2010 at 10:07 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      01:00 GMT

      Wrathful deities
      A chase, confrontation with some wrathful deities. I escape some place through a narrow window and deliver something to someone.

      05:35 GMT
      Cookies and kids
      One of my last days on some very nice sunny city. It’s already end of the day and when passing a street I find this amazing bakery selling traditional pastry from this country/city. There is a lady baking the cookies on some open kitchen and selling them directly to the passer-by. Because these cookies are so famous, you have to get a numbered ticket and wait ages for your turn. I see my number and the amount of people waiting and I decide it’s not worth it, but then the baker tells all the other people to wait because she will take my order first. Really? Why? The other customers are not happy about it... It’s really hard to choose the best cakes and cookies so I ask for two of each, hoping they will still be ok in a few days when I get back home. Some cookies are still being baked and I have to wait a bit. Meanwhile I am allowed to enter the kitchen and I start talking to some ladies working there and I help them with some tiding up of the place. They have some old food in the fridge and I throw it away. Then they kick me out, because apparently they have to bake a huge load of cookies for a kid’s excursion next day.
      On the next day me and my BF join this excursion and help take care of the kids. We go in groups in vans and we stop at a parking lot in front of the ocean. The kids are being taken to the beach. For a brief moment I wonder how we got into this? I don’t feel like taking care of dozens of kids all day. I then have this underlying feeling that I’m not obliged to actually do it
      I’m half aware this is a dream - so I turn around to see what else is there to do. I see a green hill with a zig zag earthen path going up, flanked by Buddha’s statues of different sizes. I tell my BF “Let’s go there:”, but he won’t turn his back on the kids, because he doesn’t have this intuition it’s a dream. Divided between two dreams, I wake up.

      08:00 GMT

      Buddha is a teenager in blue jeans
      At some bookshop I see a magazine, like Times, with a cover story on Tibetan Buddhism and it has pages and pages with amazing photos of teachers and famous practitioners and incredible Himalayan landscapes. I so want to buy it. On the cover it says £2, but I ask the cashier how much it costs in EUR. She tells me it’s 8000 something EUR and I LMAO. I ask “Are you nuts? It’s like 2.5 EUR.” And she replies that it’s not a simple conversion of prices, there are taxes and whatever. I still say “Are you aware of how much is 8000 EUR? Even if you’d say 8 EUR, it would be too expensive! Can you please just pass the mag under your bar code scanner to check the price?” But she says no and that she will call a colleague to ask. I’m about to give up. She comes back and tells me “If you come after 20h, when we’re closing, we can make a 50% discount on the mag, it would only cost 4000 EUR”. I say nevermind and start realizing this must be a dream.
      Then the store becomes a bus and I think “Hum, why don’t I just materialize a lot of cash to pay for the stupid mag, just for fun?”, so I visualize I put my hand in my pocket and come out with 10000 EUR in cash. There’s someone by my side, not sure if still the same lady, surprised that I can do that and I say “Oh yeah, it’s just dream money. How much do you want? Just say it and I’ll make it appear.” But then my pockets are also filled with crumbles from cookies and lots of dirt. I empty them to find out what more is there, but then realize I’m wasting my precious lucid time. As I walk to the front of the bus I throw everything on the floor – money, magazine, bag, even a coat and I feel so light. The bus driver doesn’t know what I want to do, I smile and I cross the windshield – he and other passengers freak out. I lift of and fly high to see where I am. I see a road ahead of me, flanked by houses, up above a beautiful blue sky, down below a sea or a lake to my left and green hills to my right. I see a gate for what seems to be an amazing property with a park and decide it’s a good place to sit and meditate. But when I arrive there I see families with noisy kids all around. Oh well, I’ll have to endure. I look for a green spot to sit, but then all of the ground is muddy and uninviting. I recall my need not to drift or feel discouraged. I focus on the Buddha. I don’t visualize the Buddha image, but I sense Buddha’s presence and hold on to it. Then I find a covered passageway between two houses and in the middle of it there’s an amazing tower-like covered veranda with a central low pedestal with a base to sit on which is perfect. I sit there and it has a view over the whole park and the sea in the distance. The sun is setting and beautiful golden shades reflect on the water. But I realise all this is also distraction and as I am getting lost on it, I feel myself waking up. I hold on to the dream and I slide back in. I try to visualize the Buddha, but it’s not working. I feel myself waking up again, but I still hold on and slide back in. This time in front of me is my black kitten hugging another yellow kitten and I find it extremely sweet, but remember I must stay focused. Not trying to visualize the Buddha anymore, I instead try to just feel the Buddha’s presence more strongly. I do and then imagine that this presence becomes a ball of light that enters my body through my crown chakra. I feel a very powerful effect, like a force field around my head. I start to hover, feeling this amazing radiant light coming out of my chest, but then I see again all these people on the park, playing ball and whatever and this slight distraction was enough to call it off. I start to wake up again but slide back in one last time. Now I try again to really see the Buddha, so I summon the Buddha and wish that he is there on my back when I turn around. I turn around and there’s this round faced oriental looking teenager, who looks just like a Buddha, but he is wearing jeans and a checkered shirt. He looks just like he is just another kid in the park, but very lonely. He looks bored and just sits on a tree log watching the others playing. I’m like “WTF? Not what I had in mind.” The sun is setting and people are then leaving the park. Some lady comes with a couple of other teenagers and tells them to keep the Buddha-boy company. They look extremely bored by that, they don’t feel like baby-sitting. But then the Buddha-boy tells them not to worry, because he won’t be any burden to them. He’ll either stay quiet if they want or just be as interesting as they want. The other kids feel bad for their first reaction, ‘cause they feel he is actually not that lame and they tell him they are actually not that cool to hang around either. Then the Buddha-boy says “Then I’m sure we’ll get along, ‘cause I am myself a dick.” And they all laugh. I watch them leaving and I wake up.

      9:15 GMT
    3. 16 Sep: Dream within a dream, kame hames, Nighthawk’s dream

      by , 09-23-2010 at 11:33 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      I had a sleepless night (work reasons) on the 15th Sep (about 36 hours without sleeping), so I went to bed early in the evening of the 16th to compensate.
      I have something important to tell about what I’ve experienced on these days when I was sick, traveling and not sleeping much. During these days, although dream recall was kind of shitty, waking life was incredible, because many of the dreams I had dreamt a few days before manifested during this time and led me to strange places. I will write about it later.

      19:50 GMT – Sleep


      3:00 GMT

      Dream within a dream
      I was looking at a bus – probably to get inside it, when in front of my eyes this image started to form - a guru I know that passed away years ago was sitting in front of me. He had his face painted and had a hat and ornaments. The vision slowly became more clear and detailed until I became part of it – I had passed into another dream (and when it ended I went back to the same place of the previous dream).
      This guru was surrounded by lamas and I sat in front of him. I didn’t know what he was doing, some kind of ritual I could not follow. But in the end he gets up – he is gigantic, I mean he was 2 mts tall when he was alive and I am now sitting at his feet. He approached me, leaned forward and with a big warm smile he told me something like this wasn’t really a dream and then he told me something important about inspiration that unfortunately I can’t remember well. It was a very clear and profound message that did inspire me for something, but I can’t recall. Then the vision started to fade and I was back in the initial dream, confused if I was actually awake having a vision or dreaming within a dream.

      Holographic advertising
      I was in the future, walking the street and being bombarded by 3D holographic advertisement – if you think advertising now is intrusive... wait to see that one! Not only this advertisement was 3D, if you decided to interact with it, it would actually become semi-solid and you could touch the holographic objects, sense their texture, shape and weight. It was also possible to manipulate these holograms on this particular advertising, so just for fun I transformed this object that was being announced into a pair of boobs and put them in the hands of my boyfriend who was by my side. I laughed, then I picked it up again and designed a heart-shaped box, with a beautiful reticulated lid. I gave it to him again and as he grabbed it, inside it appeared a symbolic representation of whatever he keeps in the centre of his own heart. For me this was like a revelation and I thought that this would be a great instrument to find out what’s inside people’s hearts – made a mental note to myself on this “extraction” technique. Of course, by now I was lucid.

      6:00 GMT


      7:00 GMT

      Kame hames batlle
      I was inside a garage in some villa at dusk when I realise I am dreaming. Made some stunts, like jumping from wall to wall, to celebrate the return of lucid! Then decided to get out and fly somewhere. As I hover houses and trees deciding what to do, I see on the horizon this Dragonball character – I think it’s Cell [did a search on the web] and he is preparing to kame hame me. This settled my priorities immediately: I tried to create a fireball in my hands (which I have failed to do so far). I see only a tiny spark arising and just as if it was a fire, I blow it to make it bigger. That’s the only way I manage to do it and I throw the fireball at him. He throws one at me, which I can easily get away from. But he immediately throws another and another and I am still struggling to fire another one, so I decide I am not ready for this fight and run away. Actually I wake up briefly.

      Entering Nighthawk’s dream
      I force myself into dream again and immediately enter a new dream. On this dream I am just awaking at my grandma’s house. I was apparently sharing the bed with my cousin C. who is still asleep. I go out for a few seconds and when I come back in the room, the bed is now smaller and already tide up (no cousin sleeping on it) and I realise it’s a dream. The lucidity is faint so I rub my hands and look at all details, trying to vivify it. I lose and gain lucidity a few times until it becomes strong. Then I decide I’ll use it to meet Nighthawk. I close the bedroom door and wish to enter his dream by crossing the door.
      When I open the door I see a different house on the other side. I enter it. The look is totally different – while my dream was whitish and cold, this one is yellowish and warm. I step on a corridor and right in front there’s an open door to another division. I see his mother and lots of family members gathered around, listening to her. I believe it’s some kind of family reunion. Then I go to my right and I find another room, a quiet room where I see Nighthawk sitting on a couch with his grandmother. I have this impression that I’ve seen this dream before...
      He is sitting with her and it is clear that she is a safe harbour, a big source of love and care. I feel bad to interrupt his nice dream, but I need to say I’m there, although very gently not to disturb too much. I pass quietly through the back of the couch and as I do it, his grandma says “Is it you xxxx (my name)?” I am caught by surprise, how does she know my name? But then who looks back it is actually him. I never get to see her face and I realise she is just his DC and is expressing his own words. He looked at me, with his eyes full of emotion but also a bit confused. Like, this is a recurrent dream and I’m not usually part of it, so what the hell was I doing there?
      I get to his side, I bend over against the couch side arm and gently ask him if he is lucid. He seems confused, looks sleepy or dizzy. I hold his hand, he is warm and I am freezing cold. I cuddle his arm gently. And then he says a bit spaced out “Oh, we kissed, didn’t we?” He was slowly connecting the dots, but the dream was faint and losing sense rapidly. He was still looking very sleepy and he lay down on the sofa (the granny was now gone) and the dream started to disappear. I didn’t lose lucidity but I was kicked out to another dream and I found myself in the middle of a very busy street, somewhere in some Mediterranean country, almost being hit by the traffic. I decided to try to go meet him again on some other dream of his, and wished it as I tried to teleport me there, with no success. Anyway I knew it was time to wake up and got to work, so I called it a day (or a night ).

      7:00 GMT – wake up

      Updated 09-09-2011 at 10:50 PM by 34880 (correcting spelling mistakes)

      non-lucid , lucid
    4. 4 Sep: Jews and Palestinians, mystical encounters, lucid in Poland

      by , 09-06-2010 at 02:49 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:30 GMT – Sleep

      Mystical experience
      I think I fell asleep thinking about trying to have an O.B.E. I was lying on my back but think I fell asleep and got caught up between dream and waking state, I was sleeping, don’t remember being on any dream, I guess I didn’t feel any of the O.B.E. triggers so I just kind of entered this meditation state, focusing on my breathing. I was asleep but I could also feel my body and hear the external sounds. I wasn’t really fully lucid, but naturally I focused on body awareness. I felt an extreme discomfort and focused on that. I felt it multiplying. I can’t really explain what it was exactly that was multiplying, it just became multiple.

      2:30 GMT

      Visit to Jewish neighbourhood
      I’m in a Jewish neighbourhood in the middle-east. I’m foreigner and I am escorting a small group of tourists. They are jewish-portuguese. Among them is a young boy who sees this young girl in the middle of all these bearded men from this neighbourhood and asks her something in her language but with a very bad pronunciation. She also speaks Portuguese, as she is Portuguese descendant and replies in his language, to which he replies happily. But the family of the boy scolds him and insists he must train his Hebrew.

      Occupied land
      I am part of a group of observers on what seems to be Palestine. We are keeping an eye on the occupying army, seeing if they don’t commit abuses of human rights. On that day we follow closely two cases that could have ended badly. First, some kids entered a military off-limits area and they barely escaped being shot by militaries chasing them on a truck. Later, a couple with a small young girl are trying to evade from this occupied area and they pass over a concrete wall, when they are spotted by an helicopter right when they are about to break free. Luckily they find some big sewage pipes, leading underground and manage to escape. Nobody else knows about them anymore.
      At night I’m in a terrace, looking at the cityscape and the stars, hoping for the end of this violence and persecution.

      Mystical ceremony
      I then see in the sky and orb of light. I try to figure out what it is and decide I have to follow wherever it is going. I find myself entering a swamp on the outskirts of the city. As I go through the bushes, I find this open area and I see a gathering of enlightened beings and a few gurus. My main guru is taking part of some kind of wedding ceremony with his own mother. I have no idea why. Then another guru sees my enquiring look explains to me that it is only symbolic. That she has some important transmission to pass on to him, from a female tradition and to receive it, he has to symbolically marry her first.
      There’s some other students of these gurus around and I hear one asking this one guru if it’s true that they can enter our minds as they want. He responds in a joking way, saying “Of course, we're like the boogy man and we will haunt your dreams. So beware.”

      4:00 GMT

      Fairy and deity
      Me and Riverstone are by some lake, looks shallow, safe and pleasant, but we don’t dive until some guy appears – like a forest guard – and tells us is totally fine to go inside the water. The lake is actually composed of 4 lakes, connected with each other and with an island in their centre. I just wet my feet, feeling the water is warm and cozy but then I see a chameleon and it gets my attention. He is red but turning yellow as he approaches me. Then I find him amidst a bed of white flowers and he turns completely white. Then he actually transforms into a butterfly-like fairy, all white with little white orbs around it. As this fairy sits on a flower, a beautiful exotic lady, with dark skin (not black, but very tanned) – a deity? - comes hovering and blesses this fairy. I kind of receive her name on my mind but recall it very badly – something like Aedis Abba ???

      5:30 GMT

      Mystical insight
      Something about reincarnation and non-linear timeline. In the dream it was so clear and obvious but I couldn’t make sense of it to write it down.

      Wedding on an island and alien invasion
      I’m on an isolated island on some facilities carrying on some secret projects. Due to some failure, there’s an alien or whatever on the loose, that we failed to contain and it will start mayhem out there. Fortunately we’re on an island where nobody lives and we hope to contain it before it finds a way to go to mainland. I’m on a boat around the island and I cross another boat with a colleague of mine, also doing his round. Then I find there’s a bunch of people who entered the island illegally. I go check what is going on – it’s a bunch of rich kids who came on a private jet. A couple is marrying and they wanted to do something original, so they had this fucking great idea of sneaking secretly into this island without permission. I wondered how they manage to come without being seen, but since everybody is looking for the alien/monster, nobody was paying attention to that detail.
      Apparently they were already detected and a jeep with armed men are coming in their direction to evacuate them, but they see it and just run to the plane, managing to fly before being caught. Let’s just hope the “being” is not already with them!
      Then I go back to the facilities and I meet Ugly Betty with a boyfriend who came to say that the “being” escaped and the invasion started. Then she starts preparing her weapons, which apparently were slates with loving words on it??? (very effective, for sure...)

      Wounded dog on the road
      I’m on a car with my mom, who’s driving. We’re on a long road crossing vast planes, but we see a dog lying down in the middle of the road. We think he’s dead so my mom just moves around him, but I have decided not to ignore the animals and people who are potentially in need of help and not necessarily already dead. So I ask her to stop and I walk back to check on the dog. He is bleeding but he moves his head slightly. I feel such despair. I want to carry it to the car, but he is bigger than he looked and I’m afraid of hurting him even more. So, I’m deciding how to carry him, when I wake up.

      6:20 GMT

      Lucid in a Polish village
      I’m going out of a house, apparently trying to escape from being seen by some lady. I pass by these two guys sitting on a tractor. The youngest guy looks at me long and deeply and I find it strange. He seems so real! Then I get lucid. I think maybe this guy is not a DC but actually a dreamer and he also sensed that I was a dreamer. But I don’t go ask him, because meanwhile I kept moving and I left him behind. I realize I’m in this eastern-Europe like village. The roads are in stone, buildings are small and beautifully painted, 18th or 19th century like.
      But I look around at other people trying to find some other dreamers, trying to find a very distinctive mark that someone is not a DC. Just for fun I go around asking people how they are enjoying this dream. They couldn’t care less. But then from my left appears Andrzej, this polish guy I know. He looks damn real. I can’t say what it is, but I feel it. Maybe he is also a dreamer. Anyway, what is he doing here? I guess we’re maybe in Poland and that’s why he’s there.
      I ask him if he knows he is dreaming but he doesn’t react to the question, just asks me something else. I keep insisting and finally get his attention. I stop in front of a shop window and melt the glass, then a wall. He starts believing me and funny enough, some other person who was inside this shop gets amazed and apparently also goes lucid. But I didn’t know the person and she just disappeared, probably to explore her own lucid dream.
      My friend is lucid for what seems to be his first time. He is so excited that he starts becoming really focused on really small details, like reading a poster that is on some street light post, amazed with the detail. I have to snap him out of this fascination and tell him, details are good, but don’t focus too much on only one or you will lose lucidity fast. I drag him to the wall again and tell him to try dissolve it. I don’t know why I was so pushy on this, but I guess I wanted to keep him busy to prolong his state.
      He tries punching it and gets hurt. I tell him it’s not about brute force, that he has to imagine the wall is made of soft material that dissolves with touch. After trying a little bit he manages to leave a hand print on it, which is a good start. At this point is totally exhilarating and I tell “You know, there’s a bunch of people who do this often, and we organize groups and plan dream adventures together. Maybe if you could develop this capacity from now on you could join me, be one of my dream pals.”
      As we walk, we end up on some dark alley and I feel some bad vibes there and decide we should go somewhere else. But a few ugly looking guys are already enclosing us and I decide our only escape is lifting up, flying. But my friend is not yet skilled on that area. I decide to try to carry him but when I grab him he transforms into a glass of juice and everything starts becoming absurd.
      I did fly up and saw this kind of terrace with an entry door to some house only accessible by the air. It is a tiny place and I find inside a very needed black family, with lots of kids. They sleep all in one division. I feel a protective instinct towards them and go check if the kids are sleeping well. I cuddle them and they are now little back kittens. I wake up.

      7:30 GMT – Wake up
    5. 3 Sep 2010: skyscraper, underground city and introduction to “the game”

      by , 09-06-2010 at 12:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      I joined the Serial Dream RPG challenge and I think this night I started engaging in it. Some lady introduced me to the game and I started working on the look of my character, although officially it hadn't start yet


      22:50 GMT – Sleep

      0:00 GMT
      No dreams recalled

      1:10 GMT

      Discussion with dad
      I’m at my mom’s house with her and my dad. My dad enquires me about these “things” I am involved in (namely Buddhism, spiritual practices and dream-stuff). As he is enquiring me about this, I am on the laptop just finalizing this thing on the DV forum or something like that and I start responding him by exemplifying what I was just dealing with on that moment.
      He is a hardcore atheist, materialist, for whom nothing like shared dreams or reality being product of the mind is acceptable. He therefore becomes more and more stressed as I go explaining all this. My mom understands more or less what I’m saying and as usual, she is eager to learn, so she is quiet in the background. My father gets up and starts moving around a bit angry. He says I am completely off tracks and lost my reason. I try to show him that’s not the case, it is merely him who is narrow-minded. But he gets really pissed. He asks me if I trust more these “people” (I guess my fellow dreamers, my Buddhist sangha, my gurus?) than I trust his judgement. And I clearly say a resounding yes! That no matter how much that hurts him, I would more readily follow any advice from my gurus than from him, whose judgement I always had very little trust. He goes ballistic! He starts shouting and my mom now wants to intervene but I tell her not to. I tell him that I am an adult independent woman and he no longer controls me or decides for me what’s best.
      My dad leaves the room, then opens the front door, but sits outside in the stairs, groaning about it. My mom then laughs and makes really nervous mockery about his reaction. She always gets upset with this frequent clash between me and dad. But I was expecting this exact reaction and I know this is a dream and therefore I was not afraid to push him to his limits – I am planting the seed. With time he will see, understand and accept that I make my own choices.

      4:00 GMT

      Hovercraft ride
      I’m with some group of people, like we’re on an adventure and we’re by the side of a road waiting for transportation. Two vans arrive and we divide in two groups. The van I go to, then transforms into a hovercraft. The lady driver seems to be a bit crazy and as soon as she starts driving, she steps on the gas. We go through dangerous roads through mountains, on top of cliffs and we are a bit scared with her driving – on one point, we almost fell off the road – so we tell her to go slower or she we’ll damage the hovercraft as the road is quite bad. That’s the only argument that works to convince her.

      Surreal bathroom landscape
      Later I’m in a tall building, like a skyscraper. At this point for some reason I am entering a bathroom expecting to find someone there and I find these two black ladies, mother and young daughter, in the bathtub, very relaxed. The floor is wet. So wet, that actually it looks like a lake. I climb onto a sofa that is on the left side of the room and as I sit there, I am actually like on the edge of a lake. I see aquatic plants and I see an animal approaching. It is a bison! He is coming out of the water and the only way to do so is by also climbing to the sofa. I find this just too damn weird, the bison is huge and will for sure crush me, so I decide to leave this room and wait for whatever is supposed to happen to come to me instead.

      Skyscraper fall survivors
      I am now on a room with bookshelves and there’s a window where I can see the outside. We’re on some high floor and I see another building in front, as well as a viaduct a bit to the left side. Then an earthquake strikes and this building we are in, starts bending forward, like a tree. It hits the building in front and lies suspended diagonally. Before the whole thing collapses I manage to get out through the window and others (still the same group since the beginning of the adventure?) follow me. We end up on a kind of platform, which I think is part of the collapsed viaduct that was nearby. A bunch of people gathers here, looking around seeing the destruction. This black girl that was on the bathtub is exploring a bit more and her mother calls her back, because she is doing some acrobatic stunts in some other suspended platform, on a level below us. It looks very unstable but she insists in looking for survivors or something. She then returns and all together we find some way down to the ground level.

      Ice-creams on underground city
      After walking some time under the debris, we find an entrance to an underground part of the city and this seems to be intact and fully running. There are some guards at the door, but they allow us in. This underground place is like a city within the city, it looks like a giant mall, with cafés, shops, galleries and even hotels. I am sitting on a café table, crying. Two ladies from the group appear again by my side and order ice-creams. I feel disoriented, how can they be so cool, eating ice-creams. I decide to get up and leave but they just give me an order to go get an orange ice-cream for myself. And I go and when I am trying to pay, the cashier asks me if my money is new and good. I don’t know why he asks me that but I look in my wallet and I have lots of foreign money and some chips with insignias on it, I have no clue what they are. The ice cream is only 20 cts, which I manage to pay and ask it to be delivered at table two.

      Rules of the game and entering my character
      Then there’s a gap, but a lady (one of the previous ladies?) is now explaining me “the game”. She shows me a large text, like a roll of parchment she starts unfolding in front of my eyes. It’s an introduction and rules of the game. But it is so dense, so long, that I just give up after a few paragraphs and lose my interest. I continued looking at it, but at a certain point I was no longer reading it.
      Then there’s another gap, but I remember starting walking through these large hallways – where everything is luxurious, like an underground avenue with hotels on both sides and fancy restaurants and art galleries. I feel I have a new different look, so I stop by a large mirror on the wall to look at myself and I look weird but cool at the same time, with long black hair, dark sunglasses and an avant-garde red dress with a stylish hood over my head. I feel I look awesome but maybe a bit too much Lady Gaga for my taste. Everybody is looking at me and I feel I need to tone down a little. I take the hood and the glasses. And adjust the dress – it actually becomes sexier, with a cleavage and tighter. Then I think I look more like what I should look like and keep going. I find this exit doors to the outside and end up in a square with a fountain. I remember lots of people moving around, coming in an out of the underground city, the outside being a bit grey, then... I don’t recall the rest of the dream.

      7:30 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-06-2010 at 04:16 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. 29 Aug: lucidifying others, auroras, dreams about dreams, matrix-like tested by my guru

      by , 08-30-2010 at 11:44 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:20 GMT - Sleep

      Dream of dreams
      interestingly, my fist dream of the night has often been about dreams themselves. I dreamt something about having special dreams and thinking about sharing them with an audience [as if it wasn’t already happening, LOL].

      1:30 GMT

      Natural landscape
      Don’t recall the story, but remember being on top of very high cliffs, seeing a huge waterfall, flying around a bit over the intense greenery of the valleys and then photo-shopping the landscape – no idea why, but I was applying the blur and smooth tool on the waterfall. For fun, I guess.

      Experiment with tigers and people
      I was watching some wicked experiment in which there were two cages linked by corridor in between. In one cage there are 2 people, on the other there is a hungry tiger. In one experiment, the doors were open and the tigers run to devour the persons. Hideous. On the second experiment there was something put in the middle of the corridor to distract/attract the tiger and then when the doors opened he didn’t eat the persons. It didn’t make much sense.

      Lucid and making others lucid
      This time I was waiting for someone to open a door of a building so I could come in. I was ringing the bell, but nobody was answering. It was night, so I just sat there waiting. Then a black couple appeared and opened the door for me, saying they were sorry having left me waiting outside. I was ok with it. I entered the building and pushed the switch for light and it didn’t turn on. I thought “Weird!” and let the couple do it – they manage to switch the lights on. I realise something is going on and I become half-lucid. I enter this house where I’m staying and I find my cousin S. there (I don’t see her for years). For some reason I go fully lucid and I tell her we’re just dreaming. I don’t think she ever was lucid on a dream so it’s like I’m talking totally absurd things. She ignores me and asks me something about missionaries, maybe for some research project she is doing. Her question also sounds like a total absurd to me, so I insist in saying “We’re dreaming girl! Forget that.” So to prove to her what I’m saying I float and fly around the room. She is surprised and excited and I tell her she can also do it. She then tries and not long after she manages to fly to! She looks like a kid in a candy store, amazed that she is dreaming and flying! I feel proud of her.
      Then my boyfriend comes in and doesn’t understand what’s going on. We tell him “We’re dreaming! You’re dreaming to, join us!”. He offers some resistance but he also ends up believing (at least considering the hypothesis) that he is dreaming but he doesn’t fly. Then my mother also comes in and I’m feeling ever more excited to have this opportunity to “lucidify” so many people at once. I also tell her that we’re dreaming but at this moment I’m simply lying on bed and she has some hard time believing it. I try once again to fly but all I manage now is to float above the bed. She ends up believing me, just for the sake of believing, but not because she knows, so she doesn’t get lucid. All this disbelief let the dream fade.

      5:25 GMT

      Flying to USA
      I am at the airport to fly to the USA. I didn’t tell anybody I was going. I am very nervous for some reason, I think because I am already late and confused about where to check-in. I go to the toilet to take some anti-stress pills. Try to find it on my bag, but I don’t see it. Then I see the today’s date somewhere and I have this impression I am one day too early and look frantically for my e-ticket. Then I realise “Shit, it’s only tomorrow!”.

      Strange phenomena in the sky
      I am at some foreign country (maybe the US!) for some meeting/conference and I am at a gorgeous somewhat retro hotel. I see there many faces I know, some work related, others more personally related. I have this weird feeling inside and go outside to look the sky. My boyfriend is with me. We see strange rainbows, like 3 rainbows on top of each other, but not necessarily parallel and also 3 other smaller bits and pieces of rainbows on each side of the 3 main arches. I think that must not be natural, but caused by some substance in the air that is making those strange light refraction patterns. I look to my left and there’s a mountain covered in thick grey clouds and in between the clouds I can see patches of sky that are intensely pink. I find all those things a bit disturbing but also incredibly beautiful, so I go back to get my camera. When I’m outside again I see something more amazing in the sky. Someone says “Look, aurora borealis”. Now I get a weird feeling that something is not right. I’m supposedly not so higher up north. I imagine solar activity must be really explosive for all this weird phenomena taking place. I think about the travel home and if it is safe to fly as it happens.
      I go back to the hotel and find M.S., this lady friend I know professionally and personally. She just arrived from city centre and tells me there’s a lot of mess going on there. She can’t really explain what it is, but apparently the city is full of people like us coming to events, all happening at the same time, therefore adding more chaos to the city. Later on the hotel entrance they are distributing “emergency bags”. I ask for one and want to know what they are about, but they don’t say and anyway the bag is empty. Big help!

      7:00 GMT

      Looking for a meal in the city
      Again in a hotel (may be the same, don’t know, but the story is slightly different). My guru is staying there to, as well as dozens of people who came to receive teachings from him. I haven’t seen him yet. I am with all the other people in a living room that is completely full. I try to find a seat and can only fit between two other persons in a balcony with view over some lake or river. I thought we were there maybe to have dinner but that doesn't happen and we all go out. We cross this beautiful suspended gardens with artificial waterfalls ending on a pool. I shortcut my way floating over the water ponds and then through the pool. I see a cute turtle and take a picture of it, wondering how I haven’t wet my camera yet. Then we continue walking to the city and look for some restaurant or place to eat. We pass by a huge veranda over an amazing garden and a tennis court – there’s a tournament going on and lots of people are sitting down there and in the veranda, watching the games. This veranda continues and merges with this kind of tunnel that then goes under the garden and takes me to the other side of it. There I find nice streets with fast food and souvenir shops. My companions decide to go to a burger house but I say no way, bye-bye and keep looking for something veggie. I’m not having any luck so I just go to this pizza place and try to get something meat-free. But first I go to the toilet (what else!?).

      Recalling dreams between dreams
      Then I had a strange dream that I was actually between dreams and found my boyfriend there and asked him if he could recall the previous dream we had shared – the one with the auroras. He tries to recall and he can only mention a few elements from the dream hotel that actually match the place, but he doesn’t remember the rest. I am still convinced we shared the dream and tell him that.

      8:30 GMT

      My guru puts me to a crazy mind test
      I am still in that town, walking around. My boyfriend is again with me. We hear some locals saying funny things about the group that is lodged in the hotel: “I’ve heard they’re Buddhists!” "Oh!"
      We smile at each other but decide not to make any comments. We go back to the hotel. It is our last day there, and we all leave just after lunch – this time the lunch is at the hotel.
      The hotel has a restaurant in the ground level, but for this group they’ve set up a room in the upper floor, with only veggie meals (I guess, that’s why the first day we had to fetch food somewhere else – they probably hadn’t yet solved the logistics of the meals).
      I’m looking for some familiar faces and I find my friend R. She is not a Buddhist but I don’t seem surprised to find her there. I ask if I can sit with her, since we have not been in such good terms lately, and she says “Of course, sit”. I don’t think we talked much.
      After eating I just go to my room to grab all my bags and bring them to the lobby. My boyfriend takes some to. Then I remember I forgot something in the floor where we had lunch. I find it already closed so I walk around a maze of stairs and corridors trying to find someone to open the door for me.
      Then I find this foyer where a bunch of buddhist practitioners are still chatting about the events of the past few days, the teachings and so on. I still find weird that I have no recollection of ever seeing my guru after all these days there. And as I think about this, a door opens at the end of this foyer and our teacher (guru) appears. Everybody gets stiff with surprise and respect for him, but he just looks at us and takes 2 or 3 steps slowly moving away. Then he passes by the side of my bag, which is on the floor now, and my cell phone starts to ring. It has a funny Indian music on it (it does, in RL) and the guru asks who's that phone and what is that music. I pick up my bag, take the cell phone out and explain to him it is an Indian ringtone and that I was sure we would eventually like it (I do think that, in RL) He picks up the phone, he is now really close to me and whispers on my ear that he is not really that into the music, but that he wants me to follow him, so that I please come. He opens the door from which he just came, he goes inside and I follow him. The others are just staring with many questions in their minds as I look at them one last time.
      I follow him down some stairs and then through corridors that are all bluish. The walls and ceiling and floor become more and more blue and then he disappears in this small lobby/foyer that is all blue tiled and has 3 doors. I wonder which one he got in and feel afraid that I lost him. I open the big one on my left, but it’s just a grey wall leading somewhere - I see some white light and mist - but I don’t feel attracted to it. Then a second door on my right has a tag name on it and I wonder if that’s the one, when the third door a bit more to the right, a very tiny one, opens up and I see him inside. I am totally surprised when I see it is simply a tiny toilet room! I am “What the hell....”, I was expecting some bigger room, something impressive, but I kinda get the joke. At least this one is immaculately clean. Blue tiles from floor to ceiling and one very white and virgin toilet in the centre. He asks me what am I expecting to go inside and to please close the door behind me. I am like...”Okaaaay”. It’s so tiny! He is close to the back wall and the toilet is in between us. The door is behind me. There’s no space for anything! I have this hope there's a secret door somewhere.
      Then he tells me that no matter what, I will just watch and go with it. No thoughts, no judgement, no fear. Then he plugs an USB plug into a tiny hole in the wall and I hear this loud noise, like electronic music mixed with mechanical sounds. I look up but I don’t see where it could come from. My teacher is dead serious and looks at me in the eyes saying to me so much without really explaining anything. I see trust, but also concern in his eyes. That’s when a blue wall comes out of the lateral wall from my right, in front of the toilet and starts closing him in, separating us. I feel disappointed. I think he is gone and what am I going to do now? That’s when I hear more noise, I turn back to the door and I see another blue wall closing in between me and the door. I freak out and put my arm on the door to open it and think about escaping. But in a split second I remember my teacher saying I must not be afraid of whatever happens! Although I’m shiting my pants of I pull my arm and allow the wall to close in. I am now in between four walls, not able to move. I can’t put my arms up, I can’t sit, I can’t turn and I can’t even breathe too deep. I try to be ok with it, but it's just too much. I panic, I scream and everything goes black. I guess I passed out.

      Then I wake up and stay in bed for half an hour digesting this. I wondered what it was all about and if I had passed or failed some sort of test, when I remembered from The Matrix: “Everybody falls the first time.”

      8:30 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-06-2010 at 01:13 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment