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    Dream Warrior and Explorer of the Dreamplane

    1. 9 Jan: Flying lucid and dating my school crush

      by , 01-09-2022 at 10:09 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am taking pics and for the first time I got lucid from the always obvious dream cue that I can never take a photo. I look around and I am in a city, surrounded by lots of people. I start flying over them. I want to know if any of them is aware we are dreaming, so I tease them, but they all act like zombies who couldn't care less of someone flying, so just DCs with no reaction. I lose lucidity.

      In my teens, walking down the street with Big Bad Wolf, from school to home. We are adting but in secret. He wants to touch me badly, but our school colleagues are nearby and we don't want them to know. Anyway, he stops like pretending to look at something and whispers that he can't take it anymore. I touch his arm soflty and say "wait". Then he goes past me, inside a gate to some guys' farm, who sells fruits and goes buy something to take home, and use that time to clear his head. One of my female colleagues approaches me and with a smirk says "So, I can see love is in the air". I deny, embarassed, but she doesn't buy it.
      I keep going all alone. It's getting dark when I arrive at the main road leading home. I spot a couple rats running away and I follow them. They stop at some trash bags lying on the ground, looking for food. They find nothing but tissue and cardboard and start chewing on it. I try to stop them, worried about their health. Then I look for food in my bag, find a couple pieces of bread and give it to them.
      Finally at home, but not living with my parents. I am in the apartment I lived in near my mother some years ago. I recognize the kitchen, although it is like 3 times its real size and looks more like a supermarket. There are really long shelves on the wall with lots of food. I go check what's expiring, so I cook something out of it and find lots of weird foods I would never buy. Then my mom comesfor a visit and sees some cookies and powdered milk I selected and put on the table and she says she'll bake me a cake with it. Then I am looking for the trash cans and other itens in the kitchen and find a bursted water pipe leaking to the trash cans and all the trash flowing to the floor.
    2. 19 Dec: My parents foster a nordic kid when I am a teenager

      by , 12-19-2021 at 07:54 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am my current self but in my teenage body living at my parents house. They have adopted or at least are fosterimg some nordic teenager boy and I only know about it when he comes in to stay. He is supposedly a bit of a trouble, but I am very nice to him and he seems to respond well to that. He also has a black cat exactly like my cat Cuscus and they get on immediately, going around the house together and I think that's a good sign. I have to give the boy a tour. I show him my bathroom, that now is our shared bathroom and I find some adult man in there. My parents say it's ok, he is supposedly the father or tutor of the kid, which makes no sense to me. I thought the kid was an orphan. My parents say the man will be staying with us for a while too, until the kid is adapted. I tell him this bathroom is the kid's bathroom and the big one is for the adults and he says he likes this one better and ask if we can leave cause he is using it. I immediately dislike him and want him gone from my house. Then he tells me I should go help his son making breakfast. The kid goes in the kitchen and he is a bit lost. He is looking for the food and utensils and I kindly ask him what he needs and what he wants to eat. So far he is always humble, kind and thoutghtful when dealing with me. I believe we will be very good friends and I tell him that. Then his dad comes on and joins in eating bread with our margarine and immediately mocks it, saying he will bring real butter imstead of this crap. I tell him I am vegan and although my parents aren't, they are ok eating the stuff I buy without a problem. He shows disdain and I just want him gone again.