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    SCPantera's Dream Journal

    1. Night of 9/11

      by , 09-11-2011 at 02:52 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      I had a very bizarre dream that I'm compelled to document. It wasn't quite lucid, but...well, read on.

      Early as I can remember, I was in heaven in what looked like a cross between a mall and a cathedral. It was very crowded. By chance I found the man who had murdered me in heaven also. I declared that I was going to kill him (smite his soul or whatever) and that the Angel of Vengeance was on my side. After this short monologue I was about to attack the guy, but before I could do anything he stabbed me, killing me. After a short delay I was reborn as an angel of vengeance, called a One (Something--I can't quite recall what, it wasn't "Winged", I think it started with an M) Angel, and not just one--it seems as I had spawned as a squad of armed angels. It seems that this rebirth had taken some time, since after returning the man had been long gone. I searched heaven looking for the man but could not find him. Instead I returned to Earth and, running out of patience, I began to kill anyone who looked like the guy (from the start of the fight to here, the dream passed as some sort of weird top-down camera strategy RPG). It seems that to end my rampage I was returned to Earth with no memory except the name "One (Whatever) Angel". The dream then seemed to follow me on a search to find out what this name meant. I began by asking clergy or people who seemed religious; they all either straight-faced denied that they exist or looked at me in shock and horror and told me to get away from them. As my search went on with no answers I began just asking random strangers (my search took me to a drink stand just as it was closing in what was some in-dream deja vu, as I'd recognized this even from a deep early part of the dream that I don't now remember). Early on in my search I'd come across a girl who had overheard me asking questions at some point and had taken an interest in me. She eventually explained to me that she could help me remember everything through a process that involved dreams (vaguely Inception-style); I seemed to have a vague understanding of this process already and was firmly against it for a while. As time went on and my search for answers grew more desperate I eventually agreed to try it. It was to take place in what looked like some sort of park. As I entered, I came in behind an old, black lady accompanied by a young child. I recognized the old lady as someone I had previously asked about the angel who was disturbed by my question. The child stopped ahead of her and turned around, he asked, "Are you sure you want to do this? It could be the last time..." to which the old lady responded with something about helping these troubled young folk. I followed them to where the girl was waiting for us (I'm going to give her the name Ashley, it seems to fit my memory). In addition to the old, black woman (let's call her Oracle, since she looked like the latter version from the Matrix), Jon Voight was (apparently) helping us. They explained that Ashley would have to sit/lay on top of me in order to merge our dreams and gave me a large bag to put over my butt since apparently the process had several unpleasant side effects (supposedly most people shat themselves upon coming out of it). I sat down on a bench and they gave me some sort of injection and then immediately I was in the back (left) seat of a car, with Ashley sitting to my left, the others in the front (Jon Voight driving). I explained to them that I was once an oneironaught myself and briefly described my first lucid dream. As if to reply and boast of his own lucid dreaming skill, Jon Voight turned his head into an inflated version of Ashley's head. We all laughed, but I noticed that the situation was rather strange so I did a reality check that failed. I quickly exclaimed, "Holy shit, we're dreaming already! That's amazing." Then I looked over at Ashley, who was looking at me also, however she appeared out of it or drunk. I noted here that despite the reality check failing I didn't seem to be able to exert any lucid control; at the time I attributed this to the process occurring in the overarching dream storyline but now that I think about it after the fact it seemed kind of weird. At this point I had a very brief false awakening (I only remember because I awoke to a lit room before actually awakening) which was followed quickly by an actual awakening.

      I'm not going to count this among my lucid dreams being as it fit into the context of the dream that my reality check would fail (maybe this also explains my apparent lack of dream control). It was a curious experience. I'm a little disappointed I didn't get to see the end to my search for answers.
    2. Night of 9/18-9/19

      by , 09-19-2010 at 02:43 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      Had a couple of dreams. When I woke up after the first one, my wife was awake and using my computer so I couldn't document it, but I tried to focus on retaining the memory and I believe I've still got everything from that particular dream that I remembered as of waking then (though I note even by then it felt like the front part of the dream is partially missing).

      I'm living in some different house or apartment and decide I'm going to bed so I go to my room which has just a lone single bed. When I turn off the light, I sense that there's some kind of demon was in my bed so I call an exorcist. The exorcist tells me they'll be over soon, but meanwhile I should put a clove of garlic in my pocket for protection. I didn't have any garlic at home, so I went out to the grocery store to buy one. The exorcist was there by the time I returned. The exorcist brought me into my room and pulled back the blanket the foot of the bed. There was a tiny demon that looked kinda like trolls from WoW, but it had horns. The exorcist explained that this demon was an "Ettin" and is not extremely dangerous but can be annoying. The exorcist showed me that you can stretch and mess with the Ettin's horns. Somehow this transitioned into the exorcist and me (who had both now changed character) walking around a war camp in a place whose art style resembled World of Warcraft (I wonder if I was perhaps just lucid enough that my observation on the Ettin's appearance warped the dream's progression?) We were walking around the camp while the former exorcist explained to me the situation; we were camped in an Elwynn Forest-like area outside of a large gate. I was told that this was the entrance to a fortress that was heavily guarded and we were having trouble finding a way to bust in.

      Now I'm reasonably sure I woke up there in that first dream, but there was what was either an interlude before I woke up that I'm only now remembering or the dream semi-continued when I went back to sleep. It featured a handful of characters from the Suikoden series. As it continued, I zoomed out to watch the action. The gate to the fort was the last major fortified objective between the protagonist army and their objective--a large castle in the northwest. As the attack on the fortress was renewed once more, Griffith led a large force out of the castle to the fort, where fighting intensified. Meanwhile an expedition led by Chris was deeper in the forest to the southeast, trying to find some secret weapon that would help them get through the fort.

      The following is what I remember from the dream I just woke up from. At first I thought this sequence may be separate, but thinking about it now it makes some sense in context if I argue that the first person sequence that occurs here is where I am part of Chris' expedition. As it went, I remember thinking I was in either some new MMO or some new patch for WoW where there's a new instance. It's inside of a cave in the side of a mountain cliff outside of a large grassy field. I go in with a party of people; the cave is wide but straight back. We fight our way back, but decide to stop and call it a night shortly before reaching the boss at the back; at the back there was a pillow that you were supposed to touch to activate the encounter. Outside I'm talking with some people, apparently mad that we didn't keep going when we were so close. I eventually decide I'm just gonna go in and pull the boss to at least see what they are. I enter the cave by myself but the layout has changed considerably. The cave is still wide and generally straight, but the pathway now winds back and forth and there are many more monsters inside. I run my way back through the cave, dodging attacking monsters. As I reach the end I jump across a series of small rock platforms in the water and then jump onto the final platform, where I continue by jumping onto the pillow. I seem to think there was a black demon that appeared in front of a mirror on the right wall, but I woke up right about here.
    3. Night of 9/13-9/14

      by , 09-14-2010 at 01:30 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      Two dream tonight, but unfortunately after waking from the first one I was way too tired to get up and write some notes. All I can remember now was a brief scene where I was up on MS5C (I recall walking down the northwest hallway of the wing towards and around the main nurse's station), only there was some other reason that I was there that had nothing to do with hospitals.

      In the longer dream, I was the leader of a group of fighters. There were maybe five or six of us staying in a room, but for some reason the room we were staying in was in the back of a biker gang's bar. Most of them left to pillage or something, but there was one that stayed behind; he burst into our room and started trying to attack us. There were more of us than him though, so we were able to hold him down and take turns beating him up. Somehow he managed to get loose and escape, just as the rest of the biker gang was returning. We were trying to figure out what to do now; one of our guys was small enough to get out the window, so we told him to go send word to our allies, but after he escaped he just waited outside for us to come out as well. The bikers managed to burst into the room again, but there was no immediate fighting. Instead, the leader came to the front and acted menacing. They grabbed one of my guys and were getting ready to torture him. We were hesitant to fight back at first, but as they were about to drive a nail through my comrade's hand I counterattacked. We all managed to fight our way to the door, despite overwhelming numbers of burly bikers, and we escaped and then scattered to regroup later to the north with our camp. I headed south at first, but then doubled back north to meet up with my group's camp (which was in kind of a swampy forest area), where we prepared a small force to invade southwards towards the area where the bikers' bar was.