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    SCPantera's Dream Journal

    1. Night of 9/17-9/18

      by , 09-19-2010 at 03:24 AM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      Just wanted to get this in before I forget. Had a short dream last night but woke up without any will to go record it. What remains is a fragment where I recall being in a lecture hall with Dr. Kelsch once more. The lecture hall was reminiscent of the larger of the two east rooms coming in from the south entrance to Sudro.

      I seem to be struggling with a diminished will for lucid dreaming. I really need to summon the focus to recover my will to lucid dream. It's somewhat discouraging that I haven't been able to get lucid all month. I'm not sure if this is bad luck or if I'm just getting lazy.
    2. Night of 9/15-9/16

      by , 09-16-2010 at 01:13 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      Had a dream that was kind of a weird fusion of the movies Accepted and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Or perhaps it was some kind of Accepted sequel? Anyways, it seems that the dream took place at a sort of run-by-the-students university. It was larger than the one in Accepted, and seemed more like a traditional university with large, old buildings. The main action I'm able to recall was that someone, a school board or something, sent a new teacher to teach and oversee the university (her appearance was reminiscent of the younger NP I worked with at IFD). She quickly instated some kind of tyrannical discipline such that nobody liked her. I was in a class that was in some sort of giant locker room. At some point I decided I'd had enough of this crap, stood up, and declared that she was no longer in charge of this institution. There were murmurs among he other students. Teacher lady came to the back to argue with me, when it was clear I intended to literally kick her out she walked towards a back table and tried to improvise a weapon from items there, needles and scissors. I followed her and disarmed her any time she brandished a weapon. She eventually fled once more to the front of the classroom. I took charge of the class and directed students to unload supplies and food from a truck outside and to clean out the refrigerator (?) in the classroom. Teacher lady started to object again, so I grabbed her in a bear hug in order to physically drag her out of the building. On the way I walked through another large, gymnasium-like classroom. There was a chime overhead and some guy started reading morning announcements. Towards the exit there was a confused-looking girl standing about. I asked her if she needed any help and she replied that she was here to attend the school. I asked her what she wanted to learn and she replied that she wanted to learn how to do morning announcements. Just then the announcements guy did some sort of interesting segue noise, so I asked the girl if she could do something like that and she nervously replied no. I laughed and assured her it was fine, and directed her to get filled in further in the building. Dream ended there as I continued to drag teacher lady outside.
    3. Night of 9/9-9/10

      by , 09-10-2010 at 11:20 AM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      I was trying out for my middle school's chamber orchestra again, but not as string bass for some reason; it seemed as though I was going through school all over again and had picked a different instrument (seemed to be either violin or viola judging from where I was seated). Afterwards I got on a charter bus to go to some camp, I suppose it was supposed to be reminiscent of IMC. The camp was just a large building in the middle of the woods that was kind of like a hotel, but there was no activities planned, we just had 2 person rooms where we stayed for a while and did whatever. It was raining as we got on the charter bus, so I was wearing my black coat, but I put it with the luggage under the bus. I got on the bus and as we were leaving I was thinking about previous times I'd been to the camp where I had been with a friend who didn't mind that I hooked up my gaming console and just played video games the whole time. I wasn't going with a friend this time, so I was figured whomever I was roomed with would probably want to use the TV, so I'd tell them to let me know if they ever wanted to. I fell asleep on the bus but woke up a little bit before we got there, so I listened to my MP3 player for a while. My dad was chaperoning the trip, and was trying to collect unusual amounts of demographic information (like fingerprints) from me and the others who had tried out for the chamber orchestra to forward to the middle-school-orchestra-teacher-whose-name-I-don't-quite-remember, but he was being really sneaky about it. I realized what he was trying to do; as he was helping me unload my luggage I told him that if they wanted all kinds of unnecessary information I'd rather not get in since I was planning to quit soon anyways because I didn't want to hang out with Mr. Italiano (heh, in my dream I nicknamed him Capitano Italiano). Also, in the dream I forgot I'd put my coat with the luggage and was surprised to find it there. I went to the kitchen area of the lodge and Megan R. was there, she accidentally spilled a 2-liter of Mountain Dew, but as it tipped over it poured into a series of containers that were lined up to the side of it. One of them was a tall glass filled with water but as the Mountain Dew poured into it the cup didn't fill up and spill over; it looked like the water was replaced by Mountain Dew as it poured in. I thought this was awesome, and pointed this out to Megan, who hadn't noticed she'd knocked over the Mountain Dew. Dream ends hereabouts.

      Edit: Just wanted to add that I keep thinking there may have been more dream that I'm forgetting on the front end of this dream. Also, that the impression I got during the dream wasn't that I was going back to school retroactively, but that I was reliving my earlier life.

      Updated 09-10-2010 at 11:54 AM by 35086 (Addendum)

    4. Morning of 8/29

      by , 08-29-2010 at 12:46 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      I'm evidently back in high school again, trying out for the annual play. It's some Sherlock Holmes play directed by Mr. Lucas, much to my surprise I end up with the lead role (I should note now after the fact that the fact I knew it was directed by Lucas should have been a red flag, he would never put me in a decent role). It's early in the week but I seem to think that the play will debut that Thursday so we're already in dress rehearsal and somehow I already know most of my lines (or am completely improvising them). My costume, heavily unfinished, is mostly large pieces of wool cloth held together by pins. As we get to the end of the dress rehearsal I line up at the end for the curtain call, but they wave me up to the front since I'm the lead. I apologize making my way up through the tight space--I'm not used to not playing insignificant shit roles. After my exit (I note a curious lack of Watson hereabouts), I hopped off the stage and left, eager to tell my dad about Fargo North High School's production of Sherlock Holmes.

      It seemed to cut to what was either me in bed at home; I suspect I may have gone there from the school in the previous dream but it feels more likely that it was a false awakening because I recognized that something wasn't right (I awoke in a strange room that was clearly not mine) and did a reality check. I was lucid for a moment, I closed my eyes and kept my nose pinched to try to collect focus but it dissolved back to my bed in real life--my hands had clearly dissolved back to my real hands which were nowhere near my nose and additional reality check confirmed it. I guess I'll add it to my lucid tally, but it was disappointingly short.
    5. Night of 8/19-8/20

      by , 08-20-2010 at 01:43 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      At first when I woke this morning I thought I only had one fragment that I'd managed to maintain, but when I was in the shower I had a bit of a revelation. Since I'd awoken this morning I'd been thinking in the back of my mind, "Crap, I cheated on my wife!" But when I was in the shower and the thought crept up I immediately realized, wait a minute, no I didn't, that was a dream! And then like floodgates a lot of missing detail from that dream came back into memory.

      The fragment, which I seem to recall being first, involved having a nosebleed. Oddly, it was coming out of both nostrils. I remember looking down at my chest and the blood was flowing down in two nice neat streams that curved symmetrically sideways and then back down in sort of a Y pattern.

      The earliest point I can recall of the larger sequence was parking in a parking lot on the south side of a block that would be across from my old middle school, Ben Franklin. It was night. I entered the school; inside it was dark. I went into a poorly lit room where 3 people were waiting: a female teacher of whom my memory is quite blurry, Dr. Biberdorf, and another girl whom I identified Bethany P. (though she looked more like Emily G.) and seemed to think was either a friend or colleague. We were there for some sort of awarding ceremony. At some point, a fire broke out in the building and my viewpoint switched to a sort of retro-video game 3/4 view floorplan of the building and I watched little flame icons appear where the fire was and spread. As it reached my location it went back to first person and Biberdorf yelled at us to escape. I led Bethany outside and back to the parking lot, where we paused to recover. In a bit of only-makes-sense-in-Hollywood, Bethany and I proceeded to have exasperated survivor sex, complete with Hollywood fade-out and fade-in without being able to see any of the juicy details. Afterwards I offered to drive her home. I remember driving, seeing a few intersections. She lived at a building that looked like a college building, but inside was kind of a wierd mall-with-no-shops/college dorm hybrid. We stopped at some office where she had to grab some papers and some other guys came up to me and asked me if I had sex with her. I confirmed it, smug and apparently proud, and they congratulated me. A few other students (all of them in green shirts with some small, unidentified white words on them) continued to gather and congratulate me. When she came out of the office I waved goodbye and then left. I went back to the middle school, which was again somehow intact, back to the poorly lit room. Biberdorf was still there. I started telling him everything I remembered from the dream, leaving out the sex part (for some reason even now I couldn't remember who the female teacher was), when some random black kid came in. They began discussing something quietly, when I suddenly panicked as I was thinking to myself, "Crap, I cheated on my wife!" Apparently I had thought this out loud, because Biberdorf and the black kid stopped talking and looked at me. After a short pause Biberdorf briefed me on the importance of keeping this secret. He turned to the black kid and told him that if there was ever any rumor that I had cheated on my wife that he would personally kill the kid (I realize now after the fact that this is a little silly, being as there was already a mall-with-no-shops/college dorm hybrid full of people who already knew). I think the dream ends there.