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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. Pissing off my Father, Party in Class room, Cooking in the Computer

      by , 07-12-2012 at 04:03 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Pissing off my Father (Non-lucid)


      I think I'm in a bedroom with my father, and I start to gradually piss him off by just telling him how much he doesn't pay attention to what he says to me.

      I don't know why there's any point in me doing this honestly, but the more I tell him off without him being able the respond, the more he starts bottling up his emotions. But I keep picking his brains some more, and he can't contain himself anymore. He doesn't do anything to me, all he can do is just stand there.

      I think he takes out a few belts, and I just stand there for a while to see what's going to happen. I have my hands to my hips for a while staying quiet, then I got bored and left him.

      I think I see my mother, lol, and it seems she eavesdropped on the conversation, and she remained quiet. I didn't really need to say anything to her, it's like she was just a filler for this dream or something. My father didn't say anything to me after I told him off.

      Party in Classroom (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting in a class that has seats set up on an upwards slope. It felt a little awkward, but the seats were securely attached to the slope. I sit there for a while doing something, probably listening to random students converse with each other.

      Then I decided to leave for a little bit for something. When I came back, it seems it's a party in here, I hear some music that's fit for some kind of mini-rave party, and I think I even see a disco ball floating around somewhere, or maybe it's just me.

      I had a mental map of which seat I was sitting in before I left, and someone takes my spot. I didn't mind, and found another vacant seat.
      Cooking in the Computer (Non-lucid)


      I walk into a classroom that I used to be in middle school before, and I see a group of people getting ready to play some cards. My middle school Science teacher was there as well, so I guess everyone was finished with finals for him to allow something like that.

      I get closer to these group of people, and then I think my Science teacher suggests I should try out some online Cooking Session, something like that. I didn't really pay attention to the computer monitor, and something about the teacher made me feel weird.

      Updated 07-12-2012 at 04:11 PM by 47756

    2. Gunfight, Infection, Herbs, Lucid Sex Attempt Fail, Take out, Getting a Job, and Airport Brochures

      by , 07-11-2012 at 04:39 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Gunfight and Fashion Assassination? (Non-lucid)


      I took two tablets of Halls Cherry Cough Drops, each containing 9.8 mg of Menthol. I woke up with an erection, so I guess that's because I had a REM cycle or something like that. I doubt it was the Menthol though.

      I can't remember any romantic or sexual dreams unfortunately, and I believe I slept for 3-5 hours. I slept around 1-3 AM, and woke up around 6:30 AM-6:45 AM Canada time. (So one hour ahead compared to Texas time).

      I'm sucking on two more tablets because I'm going to attempt an WBTB, each 9.8 mg of Menthol as well.

      In case anyone is wondering why I remember so much, it's because I closed my eyes and tried not to think about daily life (though it still was on my mind a few times, but I guess I can get away with that by trying to keep up a daily draem journal that helped with recall tremendously....even though I'm still a newbie compared to some great people with amazing recall like Hyu, Melanieb, Kaomea, and such.

      The color of the atmosphere was orange, so the sun must be now setting at the time in the dream.

      I'm standing outside in a field, the whole dream is blurry, everything is a rush. I'm frantically trying to avoid men who have costumes like the common enemies that I forget the name of, but the outfit itself was the black version of it.

      It wasn't exactly like it, but it didhave some features of it. The grass was very high in this dream, it was a faded brown, and looked like wheat. It probably was as high as to reach my chest. While I'm escaping, I have moments where I'm walking backwards and shooting at random people in the same black outfits.

      I'm using an Assault Rifle on one enemy, and I feel like I'm not damaging him at all. For some reason, I feel as if I get some logic in and realize I have to aim the guy at the guy instead of just firing out of range.

      The gun sounds were diluated and slow, probably because some moments of gun fighting were literally in slow motion. This created augmented pitches of bullets being fired, and I believe I die a few times in the dreams, but had a dream resets each time.

      I finally reach a dead end, and I quickly turn around, things get a little faster, but not too fast, normal-paced now. I see a black helicopter coming in my direction, and I feel like the person inside is trying to shoot me. I quickly aim my guy and the window, but I couldn't see anything beyond that.

      Then I did something crazy, I literally zoomed in to the window naturally. I don't know if it's because I'm still feeling the adrenaline from having to avoid and kill some enemies, random luck, or just a natural skill I never paid attention to.

      The insides of the window of the helicopter went from blurry to crystal clear. Things went in slow motion again as I'm preparing to shoot the man in the helicopter with my new zoomed in HD vision skill. I think the helicopter crashes, but it doesn't explode or anything, it just grazes the ground hard and is probably stopped by a wall.

      The dream shifts to where there are several men and myself inside of what seems to be like an old-fashioned garage. Things still feel sketchy for me at the time. I have a feeling I have to start shooting these men before they shoot me.

      There's a man looking in front of me, he has brown hair, looks like he's in his late 30s, early 40s. He's wearing a jacket, probably gray or a faded swampish green one that does all the way down his ankles or knees I believe. He's wearing some bland shirt and pants as well.

      I presume they were gray too, his visage is what I remember better, since I am aiming my gun at it.

      Back to his face for a moment, it felt animated, like a Oblivion/Skyrim-esque type of animation to it. I believe he had brunette hair, or a very dark red hair, and his facial composition was wide and cheeky.

      He was probably chubby based on his facial composition, but the jacket and everything gearing my attention towards his head instead made it difficult to analyze more before I shot him.

      As I'm getting ready to shoot him, he opens his eyes in shock, and I believe he says something like,

      "No.....he can't do that!!!"

      Too late. Bullet pierced right into his forhead. There's probably a 2-3 second delay time for me to collect my thoughts, and for the other men around us to react to this as well.

      I feel there's a dream reset here, because the man I shot in the head was in front of me again. Maybe I was shot somewhere after shooting him the first time.

      I aim my gun again, but this time it's a slightly different weapon. It's a semi-automatic I believe, and I aim for the guy's head again. Same reaction he gives me, and he dies.

      I don't see his head being splattered on the floor, just a bullet wound that gets pierced into his head deeply again. I believe the dream resets again at some point, but I'll just skip those because it'll just lead to confusion on the recall.

      After I kill the same guy in front of me, I believe I shoot the other one to the right in front of me as well after he heard the gunshot. There's one guy on the left of me, and I threw a cold water bottle at him as a distraction.

      I see that there's an open entrance to some random room within the garage, and as I'm getting ready to get out of there before things get sporadic, I lied to the man and said there's a bomb inside of it.

      I don't really wait to hear his reaction, but seeing as a lied, no explosion happened.

      This part gets weird, I'm in the mental conflict of whether or not I've shapeshifted (dang it Alyzarin!!!) or if I'm inside the body of someone else other than myself, or if I'm watching someone move around.

      The girl that I feel I'm the embodiment of looks a lot like Azula from the Avatar. She has the agility like Tai Lee, but then again, Azula herself is in a completely different league than Tai Lee with her tact and all that.

      I honestly believe I'm Azula right now, and this is still occurring in the same dream too. I'm trying to run away from whoever it is that's chasing me. I don't look back at all, and I have to move around these really small gaps that would require someone with a petite structure to even wiggle through fast enough.

      And Azula's body is the perfect match.
      I find it weird that I would take on a female persona....hmm, don't mind at all.

      There's definitely someone chasing me, and the person is a female as well. But now I'm confused on whether or not it's Tai Lee from Avatar: The Last Airbender, or another person taking on the visage of Azula.

      Both of us are wearing the red outfits in the episode of Avatar where Zuko, Azula, Tai Lee, and Mai were at beach for a temporary vacation while Ozai made plans for his world domnition thing.

      I'm moving around, and I feel very flexible and sexy in Azula's body. All the walls are gray, and the flooring is tiled and has either a very light gray or white color with a faded hint of gray.

      Sorry if I'm getting to specific with simple things like that, but I need to start paying attention to things like this more.

      I'm really high above the ground, and I'm going around corners in this really narrow route I'm taking. It feels like I'm in a maze or something, since I'm constantly going left and right, and having to go back to a certain location to create a mental map of where to go next. There's some areas high off the ground to walk and brace my back against to carefully sidle to the side to here and there during my escape.

      But I couldn't just stand there, or rather, have my legs on the sides of the wall to keep myself high off the ground for too long, because the same girl in the red outfit following me has tentacles as arms. These tentacles with really huge suction cups have a light pink color to it on the bottom.

      As for the top section of the tentacles, it was probably dark violet, or a very dark shade of pink. She extends her tentacles to my feet, very smart thinking there, and I believe I try to spread my arms out and hold on to the sides of the walls with my hands.

      I don't really feel a grip from the tentacles, I feel like I've shifted consciousness to where I'm just a spectator, and the body of mine manages to do some tricky moving to get her feet from the girl's tight grip with her tentacles.

      My consciousness is shifted back into Azula's body, and there's finally some surface to walk on, and I believe the female with the tentacle arms is gone now. I see the body that I'm in from a different perspective, and Azula slowly elevates her body upward from being on the ground after trying to get loose from the lady's grip. Then I'm back in a first person view again, and I see some kind of red dress in the center about 10 feet away from me.

      To the left of it had some black text on the wall or like the stands where a first place winner would be at the center and higher than 2nd and 3rd place being on the sides.

      Anyway, the words were "First .........." something something. I get a feeling that this is some kind of fashion company brand of clothing in front of me.
      I start formulating that the lady with the tentacles was trying to assassinate me for some reason when I woke up to recall this dream.

      DAMN IT! I know I remembered what was the rest of the fashion name brand when I woke up, but it started to fade away too quiickly...ugh......

      Something tells me that this was associated with someone I know here on DV....maybe someone is the daughter of some CEO of a prominent fashion company?

      Hmmmm, and the color of the red dress being the only set of clothes standing out in the middle reminds me a lot of Kaomea for some reason. But it's probably just all silly stuff, and maybe it's because I was glancing at Soap Operas like the Bold and the Beautiful and the Young and the Restless hours during the afternoon.

      Hm....I wouldn't think Kaomea is the daughter of said CEO, so I guess I'll just put this dream as random since I don't like interpreting non-lucids anyway.

      Wrist Infection (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting down with a group of people, probably all females, and the place is kind of darker than it should be if we'er in a classroom. I can't really pick out distinguishing features of people's visage, but I do notice my father is coming from the back.

      He goes up to a random girl that's two seats away from me. He's wearing a grey vest, and he has some hair under his pits. He's sweating a lot, and he has his glasses on.

      He's telling her about something on her wrist that she has, probably looks like an infection because there's slightly bigger bump on it. My father disappears, and then the dream shifts to where I see pictures of what I assumed to be the same girl. She was overweight, and I'm not sure if her face was like a mole or something.

      I'm sorry, but she wasn't attractive to look at in the first place.

      Most of the pictures involved her being in a forest, and her hair was dirty blonde as well. I would say her age was around mid to late 30s.

      She mostly wore a big white shirt, probably to conceal unwanted creases of her stomach from showing, and wore black sports long pants.

      Chopped up Herbs? (Non-lucid)


      Someone helps me chop up some herbs. The dream itself had a Runescape-esque kind of setting to it, but it still was a realistic setting for me.

      It feels like I'm walking around a house made of wood, and it's very fancy too.
      Lucid Sex Attempt Fail (DILD)


      I took another 2 tablets of the Halls Cough drop, so that's another 19.6 mg before the WBTB.

      I don't know how I do it, but something makes me do a nose plug reality check. I was able to breath through, and I had a "wtf" moment when I did realize I was dreaming.

      I think I was trying to call out someone's name before I was lucid. The room that I'm in is very bright and has white walls and floors all over. Things are a little blurry, but as soon as I rub my hands a bit, things become vivid now.

      For some reason, as I'm headed to exit through a door, my thoughts were,

      "Eva's Bedroom"

      "Eva's Bedroom"

      "Eva's Bedroom"

      "Eva's Bedroom"

      I kept doing this affirmation until I finally opened the door.

      No fucking bedroom, but I do get a garden. It's nice and green, bright and sunny.....DON'T FREAKING TELL ME I'M HAVING A HAPPY DREAM LIKE KAOMEA IS.



      Dream fades before I could decide to do anything else. I feel your pain Kaomea. This really sucks! I think I really was on the verge of a happy dream.

      Oh, and as I was waking up, I felt myself on the edge of the bed I'm sleeping on, literally. I convinced myself without thinking to not worry about it, and my body had this urge to just go ahead and lean over, but I knew I would hit the ground, I would most likely fall straight head first in waking life.

      But I think this was a false awakening, and I do a nose plug reality check.....but I think this was somewhere between the dream above, because the lucidity was very short, obviously because I was too damn horny to find a bedroom.


      Oh well, still have 5 Cherry flavored Halls tablets, and two more packs with 9 in each, so maybe better results tonight. n_n

      Ordering Take Out (Non-lucid)


      I think I'm driving some kind of vehicle, and my mother is to the left of me. I go to where you have to pay first when you made your order. You have to pay in quarters, and the paying medium itself sucks.

      It's this close from falling off, and when I do insert a few coins, the slot was in the wrong position, so the quarters were not recognized in the little screen that showed the price in increments each time you put a quarter or whatever small change inside.

      I grab the coins out of the awkward spot, and put them inside the right place, and it starts recognizing everything.

      I forget what I ordered though.
      Getting a Job (Non-lucid)


      I go up to another slot machine, and I wanted to book in confirming that I arrived at the place on time. It said "10:9" or something like that, and I assumed it meant I worked from 10 AM to 9 PM.

      But when I looked at my white card with various times on it, it said "9:9." I try to find someone to ask if there's some kind of mistake, and a person finally explains to me what it means, but it still doesn't explain the abnormality. Then I see some short man wearing glasses, a gray suit, a light gray dress shirt underneath, and some long black corporate office style pants.

      He looks Indian based on his skin tone, but he has a classic American accent. He elevates his nose and mouth a bit, and I just know he's going to be pissed off. He asks us with a slightly elevated tone on what we're doing here just standing.

      Obviously this guy is our boss, and I politely respond to him that I wanted to make sure the amount of hours I'm working is right. He goes back to a normal tone and realizes the situation I'm in. I eventually asked him if I can work part time.

      I think he's skeptical at first, but he smiles and says that I can. But I don't think he understood what I requested. I didn't mean part time just for the weekends. I mean part time for everything, and not full time for the week or anything like that.


      Glad that was just a dream.
      Airport Brochures? (Non-lucid)


      Bleh, don't really care much about this dream. I'm inside a building, with white tile flooring. The walls are made of glass, and I think there are some fancy stuff hanging on top, but I'm too busy looking at someone to get the details of what's above.

      The girl looks like someone I know in waking life, let's call her Am.

      "Am" apparently did something bad in college, don't know the exact reason, but her mother looks ashamed of her. "Am" has to go to the airport to hand out airport brochures, something like that.

      Too lazy to tell the rest.

      Updated 07-11-2012 at 05:36 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Father and a Child, Father and Pizza

      by , 07-05-2012 at 05:50 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      I had these dreams after I went back to sleep from a WBTB, but didn't remember them until now.

      Father and a Child (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting down, and I see my father in his prime, at least, that's what I think he was in. There's a child next to him, and he's playing a game with him.

      What the child has to do is try to hide from my father, and my father will go around the walls to try and catch the child. Kind of like playing tag, except that I'm helping the child know where my father is.

      My father is smiling throughout the whole dream, playfully running slowly to give the child a chance to hide between corners on the wall in front of us. The wall itself was either white or a really light and faded canary color, and it was really thin, maybe 3-5 feet side, and it was in the middle.

      Perfect for running around. After directing the child on where to go, my father starts to trick the child by making him assume he's going this path, but halfway, he quickly switches to the other side.

      Yeah, the dream continues on like that, I can't remember when we stopped and what we did after.
      Father and Pizza (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a random truck with my father. I have a Pizza box on my lap in the passenger seat, and my father has to find a place to drop me off because he's going to be busy doing something.

      I quickly suggested to him that he can drop me off at the Laundromat, since I had a feeling that I've been to that place before in a dream that I can't remember right now.

      He asked me if I'm sure, and I said yes, and he turns to the right off-road, and completely ignores the basic laws of driving. He goes over a curb and I open the door to go inside of the Laundromat.

      I don't really bother to wave goodbye to him, and I proceeded to go inside a section where people could find a seat and eat in the Laundromat. I think this was one of those Laundromats with a Restaurant or a small fast food chain combined. Perfect waiting place for me until my father comes back.

      I try to get into the section, but some lady obliviously blocks me to talk to someone near her. I try my best to be patient since I'm going to get to the section eventually, and she finally makes a path for me to pass through.

      It seems she was either flirting with the guy or just having a friendly conversation, but I doubt the way she angled herself would say the latter was what she was going to opt for.

      They were near the entrance to the Men's and Women's Restroom, which I find quite odd to be a chatting place for them, but it's none of my business anyway. The seats in the eating section had a turquoise color, but I'd say that green was a more dominant color mixed into it.

      The wood was a faded gold color with a decent shine on it. There are a few people around, but I didn't really focus too much on them because I felt a little shy. I just wanted to be quiet and get ready to eat my pizza.

      I slowly opened the box, and find there's a full sized pizza, but it's fairly small. I didn't mind, and I get up to get something real quick, but I forget what it was I was going for. I go back, and find that one slice of pizza is gone.

      Really?? REALLLY?

      I sigh and didn't really bother to check who took the pizza, but nobody in the room looked like the type to steal food like that if there's a fast food chain near them in the first place.

      I pick a pizza up and ate it, but I forget how it tastes.

    4. Give Me a Dollar, Small Flood, Middle School Again,

      by , 06-22-2012 at 04:00 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Give Me a Dollar (Non-lucid)


      Inside a random school building, and I believe I'm at an auditorium. I forget what is going there, but there are quite a few dream characters listening to someone.

      Whatever event happened ends, and I believe I get out of the building to go do something, then I forget I left something at the auditorium looking place.

      It was dark, so it was hard to tell if it really was one, anyway, I go back and I find that one guy that looked like Spencer from "The King of Queens" (the sitcom) is responsible of containing lost material.

      Apparently, some girl to the side of me that I can't remember too well told me about him, and as I'm going to speak to him, she interrupts me and says,

      "Give me a dollar."

      "Hold on," I replied while putting my up my hand. I talk to the Spencer looking guy, and he starts showing me what I left behind. I get the stuff back, and then I have a dream shift to where I'm near a school bus.

      It's pretty difficult trying to get inside of the bus, and I basically spend nearly 30 seconds or so looking like a complete idiot trying to climb up to the entrance of the bus. You literally have to take one arm, lift yourself up, and then find a place to plant your opposite feet just to get a small boost.

      The bus starts, which prompts the others to start as well, and I still haven't gotten inside the bus as yet!

      So I'm left dangling with my hands holding tightly at the edge of the entrance to get inside the bus. After a few seconds, I managed to pull myself up. This bus is really small, like build for only 2-3 people at most, excluding the bus driver.

      I glance over to see some lady trying to run after the bus, and apparently she's some kind of assistant for the bus driver since I heard her screaming at the top of her lungs that she's supposed to get on there as well.

      The bus driver ignores her though, and I only remember standing for a while inside the bus, but not sitting down.

      Small Flood (Non-lucid)


      I believe this dream goes with the first dream. I find myself shifted to a place that feels like home. I go inside, and my father invited a few of his friends to hangout and have a drink. There's probably 3 men I recognize.

      Let's just nickname them "W," "R," and "C."

      R is basically standing there relaxing, and probably speculating about something because he looks a bit spaced out from my view. W is sitting down, and he looks pretty chilled as well, and he tries to ask me a question, but like the other girl in the previous dream, I tell him to hold on a little bit.

      I go up to C, an adult I played tennis a few times with outside the realm of being in tennis teams in High School.

      Anyway, C tells me that I've lost some weight since the last time we met, which is probably just my mind telling me that I really lost a few pounds.

      I forget what I say in response, but the conversation eventually ends. Then I realize that the floor I'm walking on, it's flooded with water. It's as high as my ankles, and I decide to go upstairs.

      There hasn't been a house that I remember having a two story, except for one, but it was a really small area to be in, so technically it was still a one story house.....meh whatever.

      I have a few dream bits that somehow get incorporated with this dream. I see Kakashi when he was much younger from the Kakashi Gaiden arc or whatever you call it from Naruto Shippuden.

      Seems Kakashi is trying to protect something wrapped in white cloth, I would presume it's a baby safely contained with open space to breathe of course. Seems he and a few other shinobi are trying to send these babies or containers for them somewhere else.

      They're stored in what looks like a random house, and the most apparent feature of the place were the shelves with books.

      I think Obito was there as well, but things went a little fast for me.

      Demon/Incubus Version of Me? (Non-lucid)


      Seems I'm engaging in some kind of Call Of Duty: War at War-esque type of dream. I believe I'm a spectator most of the time, but I have moments where I'm shooting people as well.

      The area resembles the "Cliffside" map in COD:WAW, but the thing that makes it different is that the bases inside look completely new compared to old, dark, and ancient look from the actual game map. It almost felt like being inside a mini locker room.

      I don't recall myself dying at all, and I do some weird things too, like lifting dead bodies and using a person's weapon to kill a few people, but that itself is something I'm not sure of.

      I continue doing this until I probably get bored decided to spectate for a while. I'm inside from of the bases, and after I've seen that people aren't coming it as frequently, I see a woman come in.

      She looks a lot like a girl who was from my art class that I thought was really cute.

      It's call her "Allis" for my own sake.

      Spoiler for 18+:
      Middle School Again... (Non-lucid)


      I'm in a Middle School environment all over again, more specifically, Thornton Middle School in Texas. Some parts are a little different, but the section with different food selections and all that is still preserved like in other dreams I've had about this school.

      I wait in line to get the side meals for the foam tray we're using to contain it. One of the servers, who was a male, looks young, like he's probably still in college, asks me if I wanted another part of the meal added. I kept saying yes because all of the food looked pretty damn good.

      While I'm waiting in line, I arrange the food properly, and even took a little bite out of the french fries on the tray. It seems the line I'm in, the supply of the main meal is already done, so we have to move to another line, but there isn't anything interesting.

      I get out of the line, look around for other sections, and I see there's a soda machine. I get a foam cum and start filling it up with Sprite, even though the logo for the part that I'm getting the Sprite from said "Asian."

      In fact, all of the soda names were "Asian."

      I was this close from doing a reality check, but assumed it was just some prank.

      Updated 06-22-2012 at 04:18 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Taxi, Dark Knight Ingrid, Counting, Cute Blondes

      by , 06-14-2012 at 04:17 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      I took 10-15 pills of Melatonin last night (3mg each)

      Lol, WOW....stop trying to get into a coma Link!!!

      Anyway, slept like a baby, until I woke up 2 hours before the alarm was supposed to ring, and probably slept after I turned the alarm off too instead of staying up for a WBTB.

      Taxi (Non-lucid)


      I'm outside again, and I'm looking for some kind of transportation service, more specifically, a taxi. I believe I had the intention of heading to an apartment, probably to see the status of it.

      I felt as if I was going to my apartment, but later on in the dream, it wasn't the one I'm renting now in waking life.

      Anyway, I was in that cheapskate mentality and finding whatever service that was decent and not too much in terms of cost. I find that there's an Indian lady (she looked Indian) that was using her fancy white van as a taxi service.

      The door opens, and there's a long green cloth over the dark gray passenger seat. I believe she had a baby behind the back, probably her own, and I guess I told her that I needed to go to a certain location.

      She turns on the meter, and apparently, it's $6 per X amount of miles or something like that. I feel like I'm going to be ripped off, but seeing as I didn't really have a lot of time to think about that, I just went with it.

      I eventually reach the area, and I think I only had to pay $6 bucks to get there, guess it wasn't so bad.....and I also think she was probably waiting for me somewhere further away from the apartment I'm going into (but not too far).

      I go up a few stairs to enter the apartment complex, like the ones packed in together that you can see in most parts of New York. It seems the apartment that I'm looking for is to the left of me near the front section. There's a sign up that says that the Tenant has not paid their rent.


      I.....for some reason I felt that this was my apartment, but I know this can't be my apartment because it isn't like an indoors apartment

      (You know, where there are rooms inside a building rather than individual doors being located outside, like a complex...even though I said I was heading for one before just now).

      NEVER MIND, doesn't matter...

      I call my father, and then I realize there's a dream fragment where my father had $3,000 withdrawn from his bank account.

      I still wondered why I should care what happened in his account, because I was worried about my own account. Apparently, our accounts are temporarily linked together....sigh......

      Now back to this dream, I'm calling him to see if the money was transferred back again, and he said "Yes."

      Sigh....this means I'm going to have to go to the realtors or investors and tell them they made a mistake here......because I felt that I already paid the rent in this dream, even though it technically isn't my apartment, I just felt like it was.

      So I was stressed out over nothing, but still believed it was my apartment. I get out of the building, go downstairs, and the Indian lady is probably expected that I need a ride to go to wherever it is that I'm going to...

      Nope, I completely ignored her. She gets pissed that I don't need her taxi service, but she can't really do anything about it. She just flings her arms in anger and goes back to the vehicle to drive away.

      I can't remember much after that.
      Dark Knight Ingrid (Non-lucid)


      I only remember the lady from the Dark Knight Ingrid Series sitting at the corner of walls that were white all over. She was wearing that black costume like she did in a certain episode *cough* Episode 4 *cough*.... >.>

      I get close to her, and I have a feeling she has a few things to sell, weird vibe coming off from her. She looked like she was happy to see me, or maybe just had drugs injected to make her looked relaxed.

      For some weird reason, while she's sitting down, I decided to sit on top of her large breasts and I looked down, and she's just looking up at me waiting for me to do something.

      She's really doesn't mind me on top of her. Then I see a laptop is near her that looks like mine. I'm still on top her large breasts, and I think I open the laptop to check what's in it.

      So much for a potential breast job....you choose the freaking laptop over an anime female.....

      Counting (Non-lucid)


      Just a small fragment, I feel like it was associated with another dream that I most likely forgot.

      Basically some guy was spelling out parts of a word to me, and expected me to repeat after him. I think I even used my fingers to count up, but didn't really pay attention to how many fingers I had in each hand.
      Cute Blondes (Non-lucid)


      I remember being outside, it's daytime, and the sky is blue without that many clouds showing.

      I'm standing near the corner while a group of people are talking to each other, so I assumed I introduced myself to everyone else, and didn't have anything to contribute to whatever conversations they were engaging in.

      Okay, no problem, just stand there and wait and see what happens next.

      I also turn around a bit, and see an elderly Black man with glasses on. He has a beer belly, is wearing a dress shirt, and short pants. I believe he's a relative of whoever it is that is hosting the party, or maybe just a friend or neighbor.

      Then another elderly man, dark-skinned as well, comes in to shake hands with everyone outside, seems he came off from work or somewhere. He was wearing a gray shirt, dark pants of some kind, and looked like he was giving off as much energy as he could to make it look like he's lively and positive towards shaking his hands with everyone outside.

      Maybe that's just me....

      I feel as if I'm holding a video camera at times, but maybe it's just because my vision may have been faulty a few times. Me and the group of random people I'm hanging out with are getting ready to go inside.

      Guess everyone is tired of standing up, okay, I follow them inside, find myself a nice position to rest on the dark brown leather-ish sofa furniture. There was another furniture like it on the right that was perpendicular to it.

      While I'm sitting down, it seems that more people are expected to come. To my right is some female with an average looking boyfriend/finance/husband whatever, and I'm mostly focusing on what's in front of me, and what's to the right of me most of the time in this dream.

      The overall colors for this house are shades of brown, the flooring is either beige or light brown though, probably to show a bit of contrast compared to other elements of the house.

      Anyway, two blondes are out by the door, and not the one where we came into from the back, it seems that this place is like a large apartment, because I can see other doors for other apartments while the two blondes were outside.

      I believe one had a small cloth bandana on her head to probably prevent other regions of her hair from appearing in front of her. The other one had long hair hair as well, a little longer than the other one by maybe 5-6 inches.

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      This is the closest image I could find to somewhat describe how the freckled blonde looked like. Her face was a little paler, and her hair was little bit more bleached as well.

      Both of them were wearing a short jacket that went all the way down halfway reaching to their waist, and both wore jeans and a shirt underneath, probably a gray shirt for both.


      The one with the bandana covering some of her hair in front was looking at me, and both of them were waiting for these two females talking to each other in front of them to finally realize they're in their way.

      The one with the bandana continues looking at me....


      Not like creepy gazing, just probably to glance to see who's inside, but it seems she's only fixated towards me. She's cute, not exactly the type to be drop dead gorgeous, but I think it's because of how she layered herself diluted my perception of how beautiful she really looked.

      The other blonde girl with the longer hair, she was a little skinnier than the other one, but again, it's probably because the other one wore clothes that weren't as tight as the longer haired one.

      The long haired blonde was just waiting to the side with her face in profile view. I guess she was probably being patient and was looking down on the floor until the women in front finally realized they're blocking their way into the room.

      It was hard to tell if the long haired one had freckles and acne, or just a little acne. It wasn't too disturbing though, at least not after I coped with it for 10 seconds of gazing at her.

      The two women in front of the opened door finally realize they're blocking the two blondes way from entering. They do the usual apology, and it seemed the long-haired blonde was the only one planning to come in. So I guess the clothed bandana blonde was just there to drop her off, but there's something that bothers me about the long haired blonde.

      The other one was able to look at me with more confidence, while the other one folded her arms while looking at the side somewhere waiting, as if she was too shy to see who was inside, but at the same time, she looked like she would be the confident type of person based on her looks alone.

      Seems I was right, she starts heading near the couple that was sitting to the right of me, and I assumed she was going to sit at the couch perpendicular from them. She gives the guy a fix on the forehead, and the same for his girlfriend/fiance/wife.

      Nice save there kissing both at once.

      Then she gets near me and kisses my forehead or cheek as well (probably the forehead because all I could see from this view was her legs until she retracted again to sit somewhere.

      I look to the guy right the girlfriend/fiance/wife, and he's turning red. Seems he's more excited than I am that he got a kiss on the forehead from a cute blonde who's hair was slightly bleached as well.

      I look at him weirdly, then looked at my wrist, seems I'm perfectly normal and not blushing as much as this guy. While he's smiling, trying to hold in the moment of being kissed on the forehead, he looks at me and has that "What?" expression on his visage.

      He then has the audacity on how I wasn't as excited as he was when he was being kissed on the forehead with the blonde. And I believe he's interrupting someone else from talking too, because I heard abrupt pauses from a different sound source several times.

      The guy pisses me off, but I just use a passive aggressive demeanor and basically ask him what he means by what he's trying to tell me. Sort of like a "Pardon me?" type of question.

      Then he starts getting serious and essentially (paraphrasing here) declares that I wasn't as excited as he was, and even puts up his finger pointed upwards, and I already knew where he was going with this.

      He was using his finger as a model for a penis, LMAO, then he bends the finger downwards to imply how I wasn't excited to meet the blonde. Then he indirectly calls me a degenerate......

      "Wait, are you saying I'm a degenerate?"

      (Both of us were mixing up the term with something else, but it seemed that since we were both a little hot headed at the time that it didn't matter....we knew what both of us meant).

      I can't remember what happened next, other than me feeling slightly pissed off from this dude, and his wife/fiance/girlfriend isn't even saying anything about that matter on his rude behavior.

    6. Implings, Females Rule this World, AP Economics Police

      by , 06-08-2012 at 11:24 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Implings (Non-lucid)


      I believe things start out where my father is driving me somewhere, and we stop near this very quiet neighborhood. I get out of the car, and he's still on the phone talking to someone. He was asking whoever it is he's calling about needing help with some kind of handicap?

      I turn to my father to wait until he's doing talking on the cellphone, and he tells me to do something, though I can't remember what exactly.

      I'm inside of a room, the flooring consists mostly of red carpet, a table covered in white cloth, and most likely a fireplace as well because the ceiling didn't have or little lights on at the moment.

      It seems that I'm catching Implings from Runescape, but I'm not using my Account from Runescape to do it, I'm doing it with my own dream body....O.o I catch a few Magpie Implings until something else appeared.

      I see a Kingly Impling appear, and it looks a little different than the MMORPG's portrayal, but I could still tell it was one, and I wanted to catch it as soon as possible before someone else did.

      I tried to catch it, but it managed to slip out of my hand, and I tried to close the door to make sure it won't escape, because I can't even see where it's going at the time. When I closed the door, I can't find that little flying dude anywhere!

      So I open the door again, and see something floating around. This place is fairly huge, seems like I'm in some kind of fancy ball room, but I don't pay too much attention to this because I want to catch that freaking impling!!!

      I get closer and closer to the small object that I thought was an impling, and then I hear the sound of a fly buzzing inside of my afro.

      The fly is stuck inside of my afro....-.-

      I get a piece of paper towel, took the fly out of my afro and trapped it, and I hear it buzzing rapidly while it's trying to get out, but that only entices me to bend the paper towel even more so it can die.

      I don't know how I disposed of the fly, but I see a Kingly Impling to the right of me. It's maybe 3-4 feet floating above me. I look at it for a while to make sure it isn't some fly like the one I probably killed just now, and I turn around and walked slowly to get a chair.

      I continue walking slowly so the Kingly Impling wouldn't be startled or anything like that, and I placed the chair to the wall, and tried to reach for it.

      I can't remember anything else from that dream.

      I guess since I was catching a Kingly Impling, the environment that it would be in would obviously be fit for a king, as the Impling's name implies.

      Females Rule This World (Non-lucid)


      I believe I'm working on a worksheet, and I'm almost done too, and I when I'm finished, I believe I follow these men in line, most likely for conformity, and to see what's up with the long chain of only seeing men in line.

      Everyone is going inside this long building, and apparently, each and every men refers to each other as a Brother.....


      There seems to be a female guard that is handing out something in a Ziploc bag, thought I don't know what exactly. Everyone is taking it, so I take it as well. The whole flooring of the building is fancy red carpet over some dark tiles I believe. After going through a few levels of stairs, we stumble into a few more females.

      This time, there was one that was distinguished compared to the rest of them based on her tone of voice. It sounds like she already knows what's going on here, but I sitll don't know what the heck is up with this kind of movement where men are being lined up to go somewhere like we're pets or something.

      I believe the girl looked Hispanic, had a nice long black hair, and her skin tone was fairly dark-skinned, like light brown. I believe she's wearing a gray or faded turquoise shirt, along with dark blue jeans.

      Since she was the one of the few females here, she caught my attention. She tells us about something, but I can't remember what exactly, I think her voice is a bit diluted from this point.

      I continue staring at her, listening to whatever it is that I can't remember, then my hearing turns back to normal and the lady tells us while looking at me in the eyes,

      "And don't look so depressed...."

      We all continue moving wherever it is we're going to, and then there's a dream shift where we're all going downstairs this time. There's more stuff in Ziploc Bags that was handed out to us, but when it's my turn to recieve one, the female doesn't give it to me.

      COME ON!!!! Damn it....I don't know what it is, but at least pay attention and give it to me! I take the other bag one the side of her (she didn't mind at all) by replacing it one in my hand from before.

      Then she takes the one I had and gives it to the next person in line...

      Then I realized I had the worksheet from the beginning in this dream in that same bag that I used to replace to get the other one.....and now someone else has my completed worksheet.

      DANG IT!

      The dream shifts again to where I'm sitting next to a fairly short girl, the type you would assume is probably 13-15, but she's really 18+

      She has nice black hair, just like the other female that was talking to us, Hispanic as well, and probably wore the same outfit like the female with the profound voice....

      Hmm....but her visage didn't match with her though.

      We're both working on the worksheet again, and I think I look over at some of her answers while she's collaborating with me.
      AP Economics Police (Non-lucid)


      Not much to this dream other than my AP Economics teacher from High School (the younger one) is riding a fairly long police car. It takes me a while because I'm still surprised that my teacher is a police officer now, and I'm inside a vehicle while telling someone that's my AP Economics teacher.

      He looks so funny trying to be serious and all, not even sure he has to be serious in a dream neighborhood that was pretty much quiet and peaceful.
    7. Pizza and Vash

      by , 06-04-2012 at 11:41 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Pizza (Non-lucid)


      What is with me and these horrible recall of dreams?!?!?

      I'm walking with my mother and father to a store that sells Pizza, and before I remembered this part, something previous to this, I know that I had to do a lot of weird stuff just to get here, but my mind isn't giving me any hints of that unfortunately.

      Anyway, the place has two options like any other regular fast food place: To-Go or Eating while in the restaurant. It made sense to eat while in there because there was a buffet I believe, or you could set how many pizzas you think you could eat, and then add on from there if it wasn't enough for you.

      By this time, I don't think I see my mother and father, just a few random people. One female wanted to eat 90 Bite Size pizzas, and immediately, she sat down at a table once her order was confirmed and did her business.

      I wanted something like that, and I'm trying to find where I have to go first to make and order. I go into a room, and where are people sitting down, and since I didn't know what to do at all, I just made the assumption that this is where we have to wait for orders and such.

      At the same time, I wonder if this area was for people who already made an order, since being a line would make more sense than sitting down. Anyway, I sit down and wait, and by this point, I can't remember much going on.

      But something tells me the next dream shift was associated with this. I'm in a different area, and I see my grades in college are portrayed in a fairly huge projector screen. The grades are formatted in an Excel Spreadsheet, and my father is





      I glance quickly to see anything abnormal with my grades, because I could sense he was being a little slow reading the grades, and I saw one "F" on the screen.

      Are you kidding me......come on.....COME ON....

      Fortunately, my father didn't see this, and I managed to cover it up just in time. I think I even faked that I "accidentally" minimized the screen so I can say "Ooops" and try to think of something else to distract him from seeing my grades.

      Okay, I get what you're trying to say mind of mine.....and I really hate you for that.

      I forget what I do to let him see my grades, with the one "F" that was covered up of course.

      My mind is going to keep trolling me until I finally show my grades to my father. Sigh.....I better show them today or tomorrow at least.

      *Prepares to lay in the fetal position*

      *sucks thumb*


      Vash (Non-lucid)


      I have horrible recall of this, not even sure if the guy I met was even close to Vash.

      There's three men, they all look like mercenaries, with their fancy weapons and overly exaggerated gear and armor. I think I'm following them, and eventually, they all stop to discuss about something.

      I think Vash starts freaking out about something, but I can't remember.
    8. Father Calling Me, Monk

      by , 06-01-2012 at 05:50 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Father Calling me (Non-lucid)


      I slept late so yeah, not really good on the recall that night.

      My father is basically calling me over the phone to ask me a question that annoys me, and I scream over him on the phone, then apologized for it, then continued screaming.


      Monk (Non-lucid)


      I was helping Monk, from the show Monk, do something, can't remember.

      Tags: father, phone
    9. Mow the Lawn

      by , 05-25-2012 at 07:08 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Mow the Lawn (Non-lucid)


      My mother is nagging me on how I have to mow the lawn before my father comes. I tell her that I'll take care of it, and she shouldn't have to worry about it. Lol, why would my mother be there to tell me in the first place?

      Anyway, the time is around 2:02 PM or so in this dream, and I'm surprised on how fast time is passing, and I know my father might come early, I just had the feeling. So I decided to get started on mowing the lawn, and then he comes...


      Well, he didn't look mad for seeing me not finish it as yet, and then it fucking RAINS.


      My father sits down near the garage on a white chair, and coming off of work, tired, it's obvious that he's going to be pissed.

      He tells me why I didn't do it earlier, and I just take his verbal abuse at me. I even agree with him on my own incompetence for not finishing something so simple to do.

      I wake up, and it's not even close to that time....LOL, more like 8:04 AM.

      Man, I don't know how I took that abuse from him! Guess I'm still a piss poor wimp even in my dreams.

      Think I better start mowing the lawn RIGHT now.
      Tags: father, house, lawn, mother
    10. Lecture Room Urinal, With Alyssa, Drown him, Grenading like a Boss, Ada Wong and Wesker....

      by , 05-18-2012 at 10:44 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Lecture room Urinal (Non-lucid)


      I'm in a lecture class that looks almost the same as the ones near the BLOC area at A&M. There were probably two urinals at the entrance of the lecture. I take the one on my right (your right since you're looking at the screen right now), and while I'm getting ready to do my business, someone near the room tells me to close the area I'm in.

      I jump a little bit from them telling me to do this, but I do it, but it feels awkward closing myself inside the urinal, and I still do a reality check because urinals in a classroom is obviously not weird to me???

      Then when I'm done, I get out of the room (there aren't any sinks for me to wash my hands), and there are these group of women, three probably, and I think one or two of them are fat.

      For some reason, I'm bothered by this, but I didn't pay attention to them, in fact, I barely remember their faces because I had my back facing them the whole time. I think they were trying to talk to me, or luring me to get their attention.

      I start power-walking to make things less obvious that I'm trying to run away from them.

      I think some point in this dream, I met my mother and father, but I forget what I was meeting them for.
      With Alyssa (Non-lucid)


      No, not Alyzarin, a different Alyssa that I met in waking life.

      I'm in a theater, and I'm sitting near Alyssa, but not close to her, I think I'm sitting one row below her. The screen we're watching is just flashing white most of the time, and then I decided to come up to her row and sit close to her.

      That's all I remember.
      Drown him (Non-lucid)


      I'm with at least 2-3 people on my side, and we're trying to kill this entity that looks pretty scary, I can't remember exactly how he looked but he was after us. The environment was weird, it was like being in some kind of weird looking military base, with places you can jump off to get to lower levels.

      The guy was on a higher floor and was getting ready to jump down to come after that. Then I see his feet zoomed in, and cement or some kind of substance is being formed and hardened quickly to prevent him from moving.

      It seemed our main objective was to trap him just like that, create a stone wall so the only thing he could do was jump from a lower level, and then flood him within the small rectangular space.

      I forget how things turn out, but I remembered water coming out pretty fast to hopefully drown the guy.
      Grenading Like a Boss (Non-lucid)


      That area around 1:09 that Leon goes into is what the dream environment was like, only it was a little bit wider than that.

      I'm in an enclosed space, and someone that looks like Krauser from Resident evil 4 is trying to escape, or just being a retard by going around in circles. The area looked similar to the Lava room in Resident Evil 4 where there's some wrecking ball in the middle that you have to activate a few times to get to the blocked exit.

      The control room I'm in is closed, and he's trying to get out, but I'm tossing grenades at him like crazy, and he's not even trying to attack me. I throw a few grenades before he makes another cycle into the room, and then another timed grenade he he gets out.

      Ada Wong and Wesker (Non-lucid)


      The first part of this dream was a bit weird and random, but the second part made a little more sense, and seeing two dream characters that I've seen before in my dreams makes me wonder if they're.....nah, I have to become lucid before I assume that.

      Anyway, I believe I'm wielding some bows and arrows that look a lot like Krauser's from Resident Evil 4. The bow itself was pretty interesting, it had a compact structure. What I mean by that is that when you see it for the first time, it would look small, but when you grab it, you could extend it by grabbing the sides, and it would get bigger.

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      I hold it around a few times, and I think I shoot a few random arrows, they went pretty fast, and it was kind of cool holding a different weapon for once than a handgun or a small machine gun. I can't remember doing much other than screwing around a bit with the mechanics of the weapon, then the dream shifts.

      I believe I'm in a NASCAR racing arena that had a mix of Track and Field to it? It was weird, but anyway, I think I was riding vehicle, and I went to a pit-stop so someone could refuel something inside of it, it all felt like was being guided or something, or as if I was watching these things happen.

      There's a random DC in a dark blue wind jacket telling someone over some transmitting device near his ear to use the parachute if they crashed their vehicle. But when they used their parachute, it looked more like a glider.

      I think at one point, I'm using a glider as well.

      The dream shifts to where Ada Wong and Albert Wesker are talking to each other. In the mean time, I see a box in the middle open, and I take a look at it. It's seems to be another bow and arrow just like the one I had in the previous dream shift.

      I take it out, and start shooting with it a few times while Wesker and Ada are talking about some kind of new armor.

      It has vibrations that initiate whenever there's some kind of rapid frequency, meaning you can dodge something like an attack from the ground or things like knives, etc. being thrown at you.

      There were more details on the armor, but I can't remember them all, it was lightweight, making it ideal since it wouldn't affect speed and all that, pretty much an awesome armor to have.

      I can't remember much after that.

      Updated 05-19-2012 at 03:37 AM by 47756

    11. Political Science Class Moved, Girl with Tentacles, Dead Bear, Bunny Girl Porn?

      by , 05-16-2012 at 09:45 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Political Science Class Moved (Non-lucid)


      I don't really want to remember much from this dream, kind of boring and pointless seeing as I already took the class.

      I'm upstairs in a building with carpet flooring, it's dark blue or something like that. I'm following some blonde female in a pink tank top and skirt. I'm wondering where the Political Science Exam is being held, and there's nobody in the room I think it's supposed to be in.

      Then I found out it's pretty close by, and I follow the blonde I believe. By this point, I'm not even sure if it was an exam we had to take, because people were asking what they can do if they couldn't finish the assignment right.

      The professor said that he's willing to the person who asked start over again, and then tells everyone they can fix anything they think is wrong, and wants us to start doing it immediately.
      Girl with Tentacles (Non-lucid)


      Wait what? I saw this in my notes, and I don't recall ANYTHING from this lmao.

      I guess that's what it was....girl with tentacles...wow....I really should've taken the time to type it when waking up....

      Must've been those images I saw late at night.....

      Well...I already said too much there.....
      Dead Bear (Non-lucid)


      I'm going back to my apartment, I see the blonde neighbor that lives two doors to the left of me in waking life. She tells me "Hi," and she was busy talking to someone.

      I think I respond, then I go to open the door, go inside, and find a lot of changes to my apartment, but I didn't do a reality check....I'm not even at my apartment in waking life right now...

      My father shows up at one point, forget what he does, I go outside, I see a dead bear, or at least it looks dead. It's laying on its back with arms and legs spread out. I think me or someone pulls it in.

      Bunny Girl Porn? (Non-lucid)


      Click image for larger version. 

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      Uh....this was in my notes as a dream, but I guess it was just me watching some kind of Bunny Girl Hentai or something....
    12. Carrot and Anderj101, Talking to Carrot

      by , 05-13-2012 at 01:39 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Carrot and Anderj101 (Non-lucid)


      I took 6mg of Melatonin last night, set the alarm to wake me up around 3.5-4 hours of sleep.

      I had the alarm wake me up another time after that, and I typed up this dream in the mean time before going back to sleep to wait for the second one to ring.

      At first, it seems that I'm the only one in the backyard of a random house, but both my father and mother were there, they were just in different areas of the garden. It's really bright outside, but I don't necessarily feel too hot.

      There's this huge tree stump that I'm walking on, and I'm wondering when we're going to get out of this place. There's a random female dream character walking back and forth on the other side of the gate, which was kind of weird for me. I believe she had dark brown hair,but didn't get to see her face sadly.

      The place has fairly high grass, almost reaching to the top of your ankles. The dream shifts to where I'm on top of some really green hill with someone who probably is my father. He's wearing shades, and we're looking over at some people below.

      It's still a bit bright outside in the dream, and the area almost looks the same as the place near my apartment, except that there's a really huge peak somewhere in the middle this time. Some people look familiar, one person on the bottom looks like Anderj101, and I don't know what they're doing, but it looks like they're waiting for something to happen in the mean time.

      I told my father that these are people I know on the forums...

      Shit....are you kidding me? He wouldn't even be the last person I would tell ever about this forum, but I said it without feeling hesitant, so this is all the work of my sporadic non-lucid state of mind. He didn't really take what I said too seriously, probably to respect my own business.

      Then the dream shifts a bit to where I see this girl that looks like Ashley M--almost said her name
      (for personal reference: girl with light brown hair at A&M)....Anyway, Ashley wanted to get some guys to help her carry a mattress I'm assuming. It looks an awful lot like mine, dark blue, and having a gray bottom.

      I decide to randomly join in with carrying the mattress. It wasn't too heavy, and it was pretty small for a mattress, so I don't know why she would need 4 guys to carry it. Anyway, me and 3 other random guys carry the mattress while moving forward in a completely different environment.

      It seems like the setting is early morning, or early evening with the sun fairly close from being out of sight. The guys helping me carry the mattress, one by one, start to take their hands off it, and I'm still holding it awkwardly.

      It takes me a while to realize this, and then I tell and yell at time a bit, not too loud, just out of surprise. One I believe started to laugh a little bit, but I didn't see their faces, just the back of their heads.

      They started to run, and I started to run as well. It takes me a while to be cognizant that I'm still holding on to the mattress, and then I put it on the top of my head, and started dashing for those guys for being silly and not helping me out.

      I realized that they were basically useless, and I could take care of holding it myself. I believe I dropped the mattress at some point in this moment of running.

      Then, another dream shift, I'm in a fairly busy area, and most of the dream characters are Asian.

      (Just using this to remember how rushed the dream felt at this point)

      I didn't notice this yet, but I was holding my pillow on my left hand, and running like crazy looking for Carrot (DV member). Dodging people and trying not to cause too much of a scene, I finally see Carrot running as well.

      I don't know exactly why she's running, but as I'm running, I notice something barking, and I turn my face to the left, while still running, and see a black and brown dog.

      It had a mix of a German Shepherd, and the face of The Sulimov Dog.
      Basically, a hybrid between Lapponian Herders and Turkmen golden jackals

      It didn't seem to be after me, but rather, a companion? I ignore it, unfortunately, since it was a brief moment and was too concentrated on why Carrot is running so quickly.

      I take advantage of my environment with a fair amount of people walking in a city by blending in with the crowd, still maintaining a steady run after her. I see Carrot finally decides to take a break and walk a bit, and she turns to her left to see if whoever is chasing her is gone.

      She looks relaxed, and then turns her head back in front to walk. I come in casually, like nothing didn't even happen, and told her while having my hand on her left shoulder about something related to me and her having a party before I have to leave and go back home.

      The dream shifts to where I'm sitting down with a blonde female to the right of me at a restaurant, but I only recognized her hair with peripheral vision, and I didn't seem too interested in the table I'm sitting next to her.

      The reason being was that I was seeing that the dream was going to fade a little bit, and it sucks that I didn't get to see the face of the blonde to the right of me.....damn it lol, dream signs of blondes are getting a lot more frequent now.

      And I'm not even picking out random blondes, she was RIGHT there next to me, sipping on some kind of beverage. I believe she was also wearing a strapless Khaki dress, but it looked a little bit lighter in material, so that's the best thing I can associate with it, not really keen on the fashion stuff for women.

      And I noticed that the table cloth had red and white squares, but I didn't pay too much attention to that.

      I believe I was talking to someone in front of me, and even though the speech was diluted a bit, signaling a dream fading or something of the sort, I could tell that I didn't really want to engage in the conversation in the first place.

      The interesting part of this dream is that as I typed it up in a Dream Journal program, I was looking for breeds of police dogs on Wikipedia, and the Sulimov Dog was the BEST match for the face of the dog that I saw in the dream.

      And it's a Russian dog too (I think?), seems either it came to light in the dream because I read an entry of Sinoblak's where she met Eva and her playing Russian music (Eva that is), or it came as a coincidence.

      I don't think that's mere coincidence, homologous association at least, but not coincidence....because my mind likes to associate a few things late at night rather than during the day, sometimes.

      And another interesting thing was me holding a pillow. I never held a pillow before in my dreams....ever, at least, all the ones that I recalled. I wonder if it's because I watched the commentary and walk-through of "Catherine" for the XBOX-360/PS3 on YouTube.

      Spoiler for Vincent in Catherine:

      Spoiler for Random stuff about Catherine the video game:

      Talking to Carrot (Non-lucid)


      I decided I should sleep for 1-2 hours, I didn't really expect a lot to happen in that time, but it was good practicing to listening for the alarm though.

      When the alarm started to ring, I kept my body still, and dozed off to sleep was I was trying to recall the dream I had before it woke me up.

      All I remember is that I'm talking to Carrot, and probably someone else as well.

      Updated 05-13-2012 at 02:06 PM by 47756

    13. Pillow Cover, What's Cooking, Playing with Cat, Climbing Rooftops

      by , 04-23-2012 at 06:06 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Looking for a Pillow cover (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a store, and I'm talking to this female employee, she looks like she's an employee, and she's being fairly annoying towards me.

      I don't know if she's doing it to mask what she really feels for me, but it starts to irritate me a little bit. I don't know what she was doing with me, but my father comes in and assumes that I was flirting with her.

      He starts smiling at me, and leaves me with the girl. I try to convince him that I'm not flirting with her, but he's still smiling and presuming I am. After that, I look around the store a little bit more, and there's quite a few people in it looking around.

      The store overall is kind of weird, I think you could use a washer somewhere on the sides, because I do remember someone trying to take their clothes out of some kind of machine. Then I realized that one of those shirts had to be mine.

      It was a maroon shirt with logo of the university's name I go to on it. It takes a while, but the man moves the shirt a little bit out of the pile, and I see a ripped hole near the top right chest region on the shirt.

      I told the man that is my shirt because I know there was a hole on one of mine in waking life, but he quickly responds back to me that he had a hole in his as well. That leaves me in an awkward position, and I have to let it go.

      (I believe the hole was actually on the left side in waking life instead of the right, kind of a minor thing, but still, if I was that serious with all day awareness, that could've made me lucid instantly!)

      Then I tried pumping my pillow I think?? It was no use, the pillow, or whatever it was I was pumping was constantly deflating, then I decided I should buy a new pillow and cover. I believe my mother was walking with me on the right when we got out of the store.

      When I told her I'm going to buy a pillow and cover, she complains about something, but I try to ignore it.

      Then as I'm going to the other store, I see my father in a vehicle, but he's looking at something else from another angle, he's sitting parallel from our view, and I quickly go inside of the store before he gets the chance to see the other side.

      I don't know why I'm worried about him finding us though. I go inside the store, and I think me or someone said "Howdy!"

      (Wait.....I would only say that at the university....not a store...unless it was a store within the area...).

      There was an Asian man as a cash register along with a black female as well. They looked cheerful overall, but probably because the store didn't have many people, so they just appreciated whoever came.

      Then there's a female employee who is headed her way to me and asks me if I needed any help. I told her that I'm looking for a decent pillow cover. She acknowledges my response, and turns around for me to follow her. She shows me one that's black, but it's too girly because it was some weird stickers or some kind of girly girly stuff on it, no thank you, next item please.

      She goes to the front of the store, and tries to pick some random pillow cover, but I can't remember anything after that.


      What's Cooking (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a random house with my father......and even my mother. The house is fairly wide, and the walls I believe had a slightly darker due of canary yellow.

      Both of them are cooking something in the kitchen, and I go over to see what it was.

      Kind of a boring dream...


      Playing with a Black and White Cat (Non-lucid)


      I only remember resting on the floor, and some random image of a transparent and empty water bottle appears in the air.

      Things get pitch-black for a moment, and I can see all the edges and curves from the water bottle. I think I was moving it around, either with my mind or with some kind of device.

      Some cat was attracted to it, and I basically spent the entire dream trying to make the cat do random things while it was trying to catch an invisible water bottle.


      Climbing Rooftops (Non-lucid)


      I can't remember a lot from this, but I believe it starts out with me hanging on the edge of a rooftop and getting on top of it. Once I'm there, the rooftop is pretty big, and it's slanted as well.

      There are some random people throwing water down the rooftop to prevent me from getting inside the house. I had to do a bit of dodging, and I honestly don't know how I'm doing it, but I'm just going with what happened.

      I think I finally get inside the house, and I see some random people inside, forgot what I did after that.
    14. Kaomea as a Child????, Moving Away, Pharynx/Larynx, Obama and Homeless Tents?

      by , 04-16-2012 at 03:32 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Kaomea as a Child???? (Non-lucid)


      I put this dream first so Kaomea can hopefully see it, and the similarities between the child and her is waaaay too accurate, at least for my limited knowledge on how she looked like before.

      Before I go on to remembering the dream, the reason why I'm assuming a girl that looks like Kaomea as a child, even though I don't know how she really looked as a child in waking life, is because of the red tank top she was wearing along with blue shorts.

      I know Kaomea has worn a red shirt and some blue jeans, along with some red sneakers in her dreams, and probably does the same in waking life.

      I'm probably in spectator mode, just seeing how things play out at an area with a lot of greenery to it. If you looked beyond the area they're at, you could see there's a large and open field, and the clouds are light gray or light blue, couldn't tell exactly.

      The atmosphere seemed like this was in the late 1980s to the early 1990s (well obviously, since this could've been Kaomea as a child). It was a vivid dream, and it had that "old-school" film feeling to it.
      (Don't worry, Kaomea, I'm not saying you're old or anything, it's just the type of ATMOSPHERE that felt kind of weird.)

      There's an adult or two supervising a group of children. The two children that popped up to me the most were a girl and a boy.

      The boy was Caucasian most likely, and by the way he's smiling, I'm assuming everybody is taking some kind of group photo together.

      He's really ready to get his picture taken, and I think they had to move around a bit, so I guess they were testing to find out the ideal order of who goes behind who and such for the photo.

      Now for the girl. She had fairly long hair, and the children here are probably around the age of 4-7? She looked like she was from Hawaii like Kaomea is in right now.

      Her skin tone was a little bit darker than the skin tone I normally see Kaomea in, but only slightly. She's wearing a red tank top with some fluffy extensions near her shoulder, well, it's not that fluffy, but it was fancy looking enough for me to pay attention to her.

      I think she was wearing blue shorts, and probably red sneakers as well, presuming whoever dressed her would want her shoes to match with her tank top.

      After one of the adults and the children move around for a little while to find the ideal positions to stand, sit, or crouch on, I get a zoomed perspective on the child that looks like Kaomea.

      She has this sort of mad pout to her face, as if she doesn't want to be part of the photo....LOL, it was so hilarious! xD

      Anyway, it was kind of cute seeing her like that.
      (in fact, I was just putting my hands over my face and shaking my head and going "awwwwww" )

      Then I hear a random voice that said how she would like a certain someone someday? I didn't know what that meant, but I'm assuming who she likes now....but it could be someone else entirely different.

      I can't remember much after that, I was just focusing on the girl who could've been Kaomea as a child.

      Moving Away (Non-lucid)


      I'm in a random house, and I have my laptop with me inside of a dark room. I didn't know that me and my father were going to move as yet.

      There's a T.V. flashing, but I didn't pay attention to what was showing most of the time. I get out of the room, and I go to the garage of this random house, and I see my father with a vehicle that has this large attachment to it.

      It's like a mini red truck attached to a Jeep or something, and it had a brown color to it. The driveway itself was kind of weird, a small tree was in the middle of it, and there's a really small dirt slit going parallel to the driveway's path.

      I thought it would prevent my father from moving this weird mini red truck attachment he had for another vehicle, but after looking on how it's structured, it wasn't going to hit the tree at all. Oh, and the truck itself was probably a normal red Ford truck.

      There were also random people coming on the driveway, some were merely passing through, and then there's some that stop in the middle of the driveway and just look at me or at the garage.

      I remember there being a lady with copper red or burnt orange hair. Her visage wasn't appealing at first, and the fact that she looked depressed kind of bothered me, seeing as she's one of the people just standing in the middle of the driveway.

      She's wearing a black dress, and it stops near the top region of her thighs as well.

      I can't remember anything else from that dream.

      Pharynx/Larynx (Non-lucid)


      I'm in a lecture apparently, but the room itself is way too short for it to be a decent science lecture. In fact, it seemed that either I'm the only student here, or there were a few people behind me that I didn't pay attention to.

      I was listening to a lecturer declare something about how it's important to remember some figure he has on the projection screen. The room is dark, so the only think shining is the screen, so I paid attention and got something out to write on to copy what's on the screen.

      I believe he was talking about something about knowing which part represents the Pharynx and which part represented the Larynx. I think he wanted us to even draw the structure of it
      (I didn't even remember what a Pharynx and a Larynx were in waking life until I checked that it's related to the throat).

      I'm drawing what he's pointing us to draw, but it doesn't look anything like what I saw what those parts were in waking life, but I blindly draw and label them down.

      It seemed like there were extensions that looked like veins on these parts, and for some reason, I decided to look a little bit more on how they looked like so that I could draw out more of the vein-like structures.

      I think the dream shifts, but I'm in the same room, and someone is talking to me one-on-one. I can't remember how they looked like at all, seeing as the room is still dark. They were giving me some transparent object.

      It looked like it was some dried up gel to preserve something that was inside it. A message inside of it said
      (and damn it, this is getting ANNOYING now...)

      "You can still pass! But you need to go to the SI Sessions!"

      (SI Sessions are short for "Supplemental Instruction".....and that's basically free tutoring that the University gives here. It's pretty helpful, but like the meaning says, it's "Supplemental"....meaning it's not wise to actually rely only on it).

      After reading it, I wasn't really surprised about what it was trying to tell me. I think I had thoughts of it either being Biology, seeing as it's only of the only SI sessions I go to other than the Chemistry one.

      (I don't know why it would suggest I do that since I go to both when it's appropriate....like I wouldn't go to one after we took a test, since those sessions would be cancelled because they wouldn't know what's going to be covered if we just took an exam....

      I thought it could've been for my Political Science class, but again, I didn't see how that could be it seeing as the material I was looking at on the screen was related to Biology in general).

      The dream shifts to where I'm outside now, and this area feels like an abstract of where I live because there's a black road in the middle, and it seems I'm sitting down on a brown bench with someone.

      The person is on the other side, not next to me. I didn't really pay attention to them that well, and can't remember how they looked like since I had my face down somewhere else.

      They were talking to me about some kind of offer, but I can't remember what. They obviously wanted me to stay a bit longer and think about it, but I'm still a bit on shifting towards rejecting it, even though I'm having feelings that I should accept it.

      I'm assuming it's something that's a big deal, especially if I'm still there worrying about accepting or denying, but I just don't know what the hell they're offering me!

      Then I decide to get up, and I cross the black road, and to my right, there's a light brown dumpster that's about 3-4 feet away from me. Behind it was a bicycle that looks like my own in waking life, and I think there's a black motorcycle next to it as well.

      Obviously, I go with the black motorcycle, and it looks pretty nice too. (I wonder if that could've been the motorcycle that Kaomea rides in her dream? Or maybe it was the same motorcycle I rode a while back in another dream where I was riding on a snake-y sidewalk that seemed to direct me in possibly finding Alyzarin? Then again, those dreams happened probably a month or two before this one...)

      As soon as I get on the vehicle, the Cowboy Bebop Ending music plays, and I'm surprised that I was passively listening to the music, even though there wasn't anything external in waking life that could've transcended to this dream.

      (I like the song, but how it played as soon as I got on the motorcycle kind of bothered me when I typed this dream out)....Obviously a song like that means something depressing was going on.
      Obama and Homeless Tents? (Non-lucid)


      I believe I see President Obama walking in snow, and it was snowing very hard. I don't think he's even wearing a jacket, just a white dress shirt, blue tie, and black pants most likely.

      He heads towards a green tent, and it seems there's some activity inside of it. He crouches down and goes in, and I believe for a half a second, I was Obama in first person view?

      Someone inside of the tent crawls out and shows Obama what's inside the tent.

      That's all I remember.

      Updated 04-16-2012 at 11:25 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. That Guy, I don't build roads, Melanieb and Erii DV post, Stealing my thunder.....

      by , 04-14-2012 at 11:31 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      That Guy, I don't build roads, Melanieb and Erii DV post, Stealing my thunder(Non-lucid)


      Took a short nap, well a little too long of a nap around 12:50PM-3:55 PM, with at least one period of waking up and going back to sleep, so I'm going to start with the one I had recently.

      Oh, and I also realized that the DJ program I use collects all dreams from the same date when it makes a clipboard to copy the text from....didn't know about that before ( I just thought the clipboard copied separate entries, and you would manually have to click publish and close the tabs that appear to the DJ entry link, but that's not the case), at least I don't have to make another long title of my dreams except when entering a DJ title. I really feel like an idiot for not realizing that....oh well, learn something new everyday.

      Dream 1: That Guy....

      I'm inside of a classroom, probably a High School room because it was way smaller than a college lecture room. I believe it was a Chemistry teacher that had a review session with us.

      Everyone is dismissed, and as I'm walking out, I stop mid-way to put some things into a black backpack I have. I put some papers in, probably the review worksheet. Then I find myself holding a plastic bowl with a cover that's filled with water, or some other type of clear liquid.

      The bowl cover was kind of messed up around the edges because there was water dripping out randomly, and I didn't want to put in my backpack if it was going to drip on review sheet inside of it. The bowl was transparent orange, and the cover itself was an apricot kind of orange.

      I'm wondering what the heck is wrong with this thing, even if I seal it, it either drips a little, or just splashes a bunch of liquid on the floor. I decide I should just hold it in my hand instead.

      I stop again to listen to some girls talk about something, but I keep my back facing to them, and one girl says,

      "My grandpa (or father) gets more ladies than that guy...."

      At first I wanted to think that they were mentioning someone else, but then I get that vibe that they could possibly be talking about me. Then I'm sure I have the feeling that they're talking to me, because the girl pauses after her speech, and the group of girls she's with laughs with her.

      I just ignore them, get out of the room, and turn left to go somewhere.

      Dream 2: I don't build Roads....

      I'm outside of a house with my father, and we're standing on the front yard. This setting looks exactly like a previous house I've lived before when I was much younger.

      There was the pine tree in the middle, a small sidewalk if you walked a bit further from that. The atmosphere was neutral, and it was kind of peaceful because the weather felt perfect
      (at least it would've if I actually went that deep into dream senses).

      My father is wearing a gray vest, and some short as well, and he calls me to show me that I could use some type of material to build some roads.

      "I don't build roads, father...." I declared. I believe I also turned my back, just my back, and pointed to the main road that is completely tar black with yellow lines in the middle to help distinguish which lane is which.

      That abnormality itself should've made me do an RC, since roads like that aren't usually in neighborhoods, but focus my attention back to my father. I believe my mother was here as well, but I didn't pay too much attention to her.

      The dream shifts to where I'm in a different house, and it seems to be the one I went to most recently other than my apartment. My father is busy washing the dishes manually.

      Then out of the blue, when I see him doing this, I go up to him, smile, and say,

      "Let me do this....let me do this."

      It takes a while, but he lets go. I ask him if there's anything he wants me to clean that he needs now, and then he said something weird along with the word "knife."

      I was a bit confused, and asked him what he meant by that, and he picks up a butter knife.

      "Oh, okay."

      I only remember myself washing the dishes after that.

      Dream 3: Melanieb's Post and Erii

      I can't remember much about this dream....but it's worth putting anyway.

      I'm on the DV forums most likely, and I see Melanieb is posting something. Apparently, it was deleted by a mod, and I wondered why it was deleted.

      It was just a picture of some blonde wearing a black vest. I think she was holding her hair up, which would tempt your eyes to look at her cleavage since the long strands weren't as distracting.

      Then I decide to post the same picture to see what happens, and it gets deleted too, apparently.

      Then I asked some mods why the picture wasn't acceptable for viewing, but no one responds, and then I made a joke, and then Erii responds with something funny as well, but I can't remember.

      I also noticed when I saw Erii's response, her avatar had a green hue to it instead of the blue stripes...I guess I wasn't that aware in the dream.

      Dream 4: You stole my thunder....

      It took me a while to notice this, but I believe I was standing on a stage with a few females. All of them were anime girls, and I think I took the role of a random anime guy. He was wearing a fancy suit and pants, with some black lace-less shoes.

      It felt kind of weird, it was like I was shifting from first-person to third-person perspective back and forth for a decent amount of times.

      Whenever I had to speak, I would always shift to first person perspective. I hear a random voice ask me an awkward question, which leads me to transfer to first-person perspective.

      "I...uh.....I went out with, this girl! And that one too!"

      The anime girls were a bit confused, but they started to smile at me and advanced towards me. I believe even Elie from Rave master was there too. She was wearing her basic outfit from the anime series.

      Then some other dude makes a grand entrance, and even though I couldn't remember his visage, he was more attractive to the girls.

      All of them except one left me.....he totally stole my thunder, even though I was portraying bravado when I lied about going out with those anime girls.

      The girl who is staying with me, she kind of looks like Megumi Ooumi from Zatch bell, but the one in my dreams had black hair. She was probably wearing a long yellow dress with a green jacket. She had her arms on my neck, and I felt kind of happy that she didn't abandon me.

      I look at the other guy with the other girls, and that's all remember.

      Updated 04-14-2012 at 11:40 PM by 47756

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