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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. Alyzarin Gets Sexual, Weird Bicycle Tube Deflated (SDE Pt. 2: Day 13 Part 2)

      by , 10-17-2012 at 09:19 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Bicycle Tube Deflated (Non-lucid)


      I took a nap from 11:40am to 1:15 PM, which I really needed, and managed to remember twos dreams. I set a countdown timer for 15 minute intervals before the whole hour and a few minutes of nap was up, which was probably key to recall a dream.

      I'm riding a bicycle somewhere in an environment that's similar to the Circular Road at the Clock Tower where only half of the road is the right way for the left and right side. It seems that I'm riding a bicycle, but I actually end up driving a typical white Ford Truck.

      It feels really weird riding a truck with the feelings that I'm riding a bicycle....I end up pushing the White Truck around the ring road around the Clock Tower, and I wanted it to stop. I guess I had more power to push it so easily and quickly than I thought I would have.

      Then I focus on a bicycle, probably this same one I was riding while riding the truck at the same time

      So much confusion here.

      Anyway, I check the tire of the bicycle the front one specifically, and I realized that it's starting to loose some air. There's only one way it could've done that, something must've punctured it. I slowly rolled the front tire to check for any nails or sharp objects. I saw that the valve that would receive the air for the bicycle was inverted.

      What I mean by that is that you know that little nib that gets the air for the bicycle usually goes through the metal to secure the tubing and tire? Well, it ended up being ON the surface of the tire.

      There was also two valves on the tire, which was weird. It could've been two nails or black metal objects, but it was hard to tell, so I presumed it was the valves with the cork screwed in.

      That's all I can recall
      Alyzarin gets Sexual....Even more (Non-lucid)


      Yeah, not really going to include it.

      Updated 10-17-2012 at 11:13 PM by 47756

    2. Eyedropper Enema & Riding Crop, White Horse, Smelling Food and Almost Tasting it!

      by , 10-05-2012 at 03:48 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Buying Eyedropper Enema and Riding Crop Stick? (Non-lucid)


      So I downloaded an mp3 file of a Binaural beat that lasts for one hour, and is supposed to aid in Astral Projection. I set it on repeat for the whole night, and at some point, probably moved. But when I woke up and slept again, I finally recalled a few dreams while the beats are playing.

      I'm inside of a store, and it looks like any regular supermarket like Walmart. I'm at a section where there seems to be some BDSM items at the end of the aisle. I noticed a Riding Crop is there along with what seems to be an eye dropper. It really looks like some cheap enema at first, and I get closer to get a better view.

      At the same time, I felt afraid looking at it because I was worried people might look over at me to see what I'm doing. So I tried to do this whole process slowly as I could, and there were several moments where I tried to grab both items, but failed because I would jump a bit if I saw someone pass by. I finally get the two items and put them in the cart.

      The dream shifts where I'm watching some people inside of a lab class, and one person seems to have a huge ass eye dropper that's probably the length from the tip of his fingers all the way to his wrists. For some weird reason, I would use that as an excuse if someone asked me why I have such a big eye dropper myself.

      The guy with the eye dropper looked like your classic southern Caucasian male, he wore a red mixed with some dark color striped dress shirt where the stripes were going horizontally and vertically. He had a light gray shirt underneath this opened dress shirt, and his hair is messed up.

      It's short and curly hair, and it look like it's regular brown hair, or dirty blonde hair. His visage obviously slows he's a bit chubby, and this is sort of augmenting him to look like a Larry the Cable Guy or Hardcore Hillbilly Truck Driver. He's talking with some people that I can't recall at all, and it seems he and the rest of the people are waiting for the experiment to start.

      The dream shifts back, and I now have the Huge Eyedropper in my hand again, but no signs of the Riding Crop
      (I don't really need to whip myself, so makes sense).

      I take a closer look at the eye dropper, and noticed the transparent tubing is way wider than it was when I first bought it. I could make a ring with my index finger and thumb, and that's the width of it. I also see there's anal beads, and each individual bead has a different color ranging from green, orange, and purple.

      I assumed that you could pull out the black squeezing material for the huge eye dropper and use it on someone, but I didn't. I went to the bathroom with it, and the rest is history.........................

      Actually, I don't know what I'm going to do with that, but I sure hope that it's at least a female and not myself I'm using it on.

      White Horse Rolling in Shallow Water (Non-lucid)


      There's a fairly big white horse, very majestic and beautiful, that ends up resting on its side on shallow pool of water that looks like a fountain as well. It has long and pretty white hair, and it seems to be trying to get up, and it looks awkward seeing the whole thing happen.

      I can't remember anything else.
      Smelling Food and Almost Tasting It!!!! (Non-lucid)


      I'm riding a bicycle fairly quickly on what seems to be a freeway. Most of the area consists of a lot of green trees passing by, and several gray roads with yellow dashed lines between them. There's another road branching off to some different area, and the whole path seems that it'll make it curved.

      I end up going anyway, and the large green sign you see in traffic says something about. "Farmville"
      (looool, weird name to have that reminds me of the game on Facebook).

      I really get lost and try to find any paths to take me back to the freeway to get to my apartment I'm assuming that I'm going to. I stop, forget about the bicycle completely, and walk around this random area. There's a red sign with white text that says "AMT" or something of the sort.

      Then I go up to some wooden white gates that seems to be the entrance to get into some restaurant that has the format similar to "Denny's" in waking life.

      It has some fairly racial content on the gates, and I think it was stating something along the lines of,

      "Black Women Before they were Oscrzd"

      I'm assuming the "Oscrzd" was a horrible abbreviation for "ostracized." I felt afraid going inside of this area, especially if it had weird text on the gates hinting it could be a racist restaurant. I go in anyway, and I see some Black people anyway, so maybe it's just my mind trolling on me. I'm on a deck that's covered by some shade, and there's round tables with white cloth on top and chairs organized neatly.

      There's some food on the table, and I look at it, and I get a BURST of all these wonderful smells! DAMN IT, I could presume that my tongue was watering in the dream, because it's smells soooo good that I could literally almost taste what was there.

      I saw Peace Cobbler or Apple Pie, and mostly just other dessert type of stuff. There wasn't anyone around outside here except for one random Black person wearing a swamp-ish green shirt and probably gray shorts eating something at a table.

      I look around, and feel tempted to just take a bite of the stuff on the empty tables, but choose not to. I looked inside, and noticed there are more people eating, though it's barely noticeable. The wonderful smell of food was too overwhelming to me,
      and I forget what happens next.

    3. Prince of Tennis Shape shifter, Father & Medical School, Novak Statistics, Bike, Food, Asian girl

      by , 10-01-2012 at 07:09 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Evil Prince of Tennis Shapeshifter (Non-lucid)


      I woke around 2:41 AM in waking life....

      I'm in a round hallway with orange-yellow lights saturating the area, and Prince of tennis players are watching what's outside through the windows. To name a few that I can recall on from the top of my head, there's most of the Seigaku team, most noticeably Fuji, Tezuka, Kawamura, and Oishi.

      Kirihara, who is from team Rikkaidai is also there, and there's probably more of various teams there as well, but I can't remember all of them.

      Fuji has a towel on his head, and his eyes are opened
      (that only happens when he gets serious in a tennis match or sees something amazing and tense from watching a match).

      Apparently, the Seigaku team and random members in other teams are having a dining out party, and I see Ice tea drinks in the usual Restaurant cups with lemon slices on top of the edge of the cups. Oishi is showing the back of the Seigaku jacket I believe, and there's a digit on one of the long sleeved sides with the number "68".

      It seems Oishi declared that this was the average height of the Seigaku members, which is about 2.23097 feet.
      (What the hell? The shortest regular member there is Echizen, and he's at least like 4-5 feet tall....that's impossible).

      I'm mostly watching things in first person perspective, and I'm pretty sure I'm not a spectator floating around, and I get a feeling that there's a poser, or shape-shifter in disguise with a weapon, I can just feel my dream body tingling with negative vibes. I try to avoid this negative frequency, and I warn as many player's as possible that there's a spy/poser/shape-shifter.

      I immediately hear gunshots, and Kawamura is preparing to duck, but I don't know why.

      Maybe because of the gunshots were coming in his direction. While I'm seeing Kawamura on the floor taking cover, I realize that I have my whole body curled up next to an L-shaped wall (the enemy would have to move over a bit to see what's between the gap).

      There's a door to my right, and it has two gray locks on top of each other, and I quickly turn them horizontally and opened the knob to quickly dash out of the door.

      The environment outside is similar to my Aunt's in South Carolina, and I go through the small path that would lead to the entrance of her house with the tropical kind of bushes on the sides of the small walkway.

      I go to the driveway, and a Black Jaguar car comes out of nowhere from the neighbor's backyard.

      It comes onto the driveway somehow, it just magically passes through the small metal wired fence that's like 3-4 feet tall that would lead to the backyard. After the vehicle passes and goes it's own way on the road perpendicular to the driveway, I turn back quickly to see the shape-shifter point a gun at me through an open window.

      He fails to shoot me, and I get more tense, and then he tries to shoot again, but he still fails to do so. I try to run, but I'm doing it very slowly, and frankly, it was pretty damn irritating because I have no sort of weaponry on my body, at least one that's apparent. I go to the right side of the road perpendicular to the driveway in this familiar neighborhood of my Aunt's, and the shape-shifter comes out.

      He takes the form of a little kid who looks like the toddler version of someone
      (nicknaming people again) named Mo (a tennis freshmen when I was a sophomore in HS).

      He's preparing to ride purple bicycle to get a beach ball with red and white colors (they are forming into a spiral) to hit me. Apparently, he declares to me that the beach ball is explosive, and he rides the bicycle down the small slope on the driveway, and the ball comes right at me, but I quickly dodge it.

      Despite me not being able to run quickly, the ball came really slow. He tries to get a few more balls and random objects thrown at me by ramming them with the bicycle, but he fails to do so. I'm still feeling tensed up and can only run very slowly. This is where the dream resets or shifts to another point I believe, and I'm back at the driveway that looks like my Aunt's.

      Another car comes out through the backyard of the neighbor's onto to the driveway I'm on, probably the same Black Jaguar with a female inside riding it this time. I remember she had a ponytail, looked like she was Indian, and she had glasses with the black metal rim on the sides.

      Mo aims his gun at me again, but he's just making himself the epitome of a Crappy aim. I get to the right side of the road YET again, and Mo this time comes out with a Pit bull by his side. The shape-shifter has a baseball bat in his hand, and the pit bull has a white face and a brown body. It looks like it's about 2 feet tall, and the pit bull gets ready to come at me, but the pit bull betrays Mo and barks and tries to bite him.

      Mo gets scared from this, and the pit bull was probably irritated with Mo ordering him around to try and charge at me. The pit bull goes back to focusing on me, but it's still just standing there, slowly walking a few steps and stopping. Mo comes at me, and I stand my ground. I focus on the incoming pit bull and Mo, and Mo comes first.

      I grab Mo by his collar (sorry, the kid has a baseball bat and is mostly likely wanting to bash my head with it) and kick him out of the way, and then try to deal with the pit bull.

      I managed to get both pushed back far enough to give me ample time to calm down, and I honestly don't know what I did in retaliation to deal with them both, but it must've been extreme.

      I slowly elevate my top torso up again from having to bend my back while doing the fighting move that I couldn't see clearly at all, and after that,
      I woke up with intense feelings, and felt shocking sensations for a while.

      Oh and, the 68 cm on Oishi's Jacket from before, that's about 2.23 cm tall, and the pit bull seemed to be around that height, maybe a bit more......WHAT?!??!?!?!

      Coincidence or some vague foreshadowing? I don't know.

      Father Studies for Medical School (Non-lucid)


      It seems I'm a little child in this dream, something like that, it's really hard to verify this. There's some tennis match being displayed on a very large screen outside, and people from away on the huge grassy hills with other people sitting down are watching the match. The two people sitting down are apparently my parents, I could barely seem them, but their body contours from far away become clearer to identify.

      The dream shifts to where my father is hugging me while I'm resting on the right side. He tells me that he has to study hard to get into Medical School...

      That's all I can remember, and looooool, he did accounting...nothing related to medical school, at least as far as what he told me. Accounting was at its peak during his time, not medical...pfffffft what a stupid dream.
      Novak Djokovic takes Statistics course? (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a lecture room, and the professor asks if anyone is interested in taking Statistics in the future, probably to replace taking Calculus 3, which is similar to the options I have for Biochemistry in waking life. I raise my hand along with a few other people, and I'm sitting at the section to my left closest to the entrance.

      The room is sloped deeply to maximize the number of seats, and someone who looks like Novak Djokovic mentions he's taking Statistics.

      Someone asks how he got in it, and he declared that he had to get one of the highest scores, probably from a math placement exam, to get in. I see a value divided by 5 pop into my mind as soon as he declared that.

      Then after that, the class goes back to paying attention to the random professor again. Then I realize I'm with a group of three, including myself. A random girl in the corp cadet outfit, which is a faded type of Khaki color, and she has a plump face, most noticeable on her cheeks. She has brown hair where the back side is balled up, and she has a device that looks like an iPad.

      She has some weird extensions on it that's on the top and bottom layers, which leaves the rest of the screen available in the middle. The top section seems to be a keyboard type of extension for the iPad counterpart.

      The next person in the group is some random dude next to her on the left side. He's chubby, and is wearing a dark blue hoodie jacket, light gray/white shirt underneath, and seems in a passive demeanor overall in class.

      I can't remember anything else.
      No Riding Bicycles in Building (Non-lucid)


      There's a class I have to go to that starts around 1:35 PM dream time, and the time now in it was 1:37 PM, and the apartment that I'm in, I could get to the class in maybe 2-3 minutes alone just by running as fast as I can. To be honest, it felt like it could've taken 30 seconds or less to get there, and even faster if I used a bicycle.

      I get to class, and fortunately, the quiz or test we were going to have, teacher's assistants were still distributing the exam/quiz packet and Scantrons to fill in the answers for the multiple choice section. The lecture room has white walls, and there's dark blue carpet everything....on the steps to get to the rows of seat and where the professor's desk and and large table were as well.

      Again, the class was formatted like that last dream, it was sloped down, to maximize seating arrangement, and I'm looking for a TA (teacher's assistant) who is handing out the blue scantrons, and then wait for them to finish the last row of seats so that can give me an extra one. I head for a random left handed seat all the way to the left side of the room. The room was structured to where it was it was curved, and it reminds me of my current math class room in waking life.

      I go down to the seat, and I can't remember what I did next, so I assume there's another dream shift....

      I ride my bicycle to get to class somehow, but I'm 1-2 minutes late again, but I don't think the professor cares about anyone being tardy for class. I looked at my Blackberry Curve phone, and realized I'm actually early, so the time changed dramatically from 1:37 PM to 1:07 PM, and then to 1:21 Pm without me doing a reality check.

      The room actually had a different professor, but I didn't realize this until later on. She didn't seem to mind me being here, and I saw more students coming in to fill some empty seats for the next time, so I assumed this current class was almost over.

      After my class is done, I ride my bicycle again, but inside a building. An old man wearing glasses, has gray hair, and is wearing a dark yellow dress shirt and Khaki pants tells me to not ride in the building. I feel embarrassed by this, and I stopped, and spent around 5-10 seconds lifting my bicycle so I could put it on my right shoulder. I walk like an idiot in front of everyone.

      While I'm walking on the black tile flooring in this random building, two people seem to be having a conversation over something behind me, and I started to take interest of what they're trying to say. My audio starts kicking in and augments on their conversation, and I heard words that sounded like they were talking to me, even mocking me.

      I get irritated to a point where I stopped, turned around, and told them that I know I shouldn't have had my bicycle in the building to ride on, and wanted them to stop making fun of me. They were two fairly tall African American males that looked like the counterparts to waking life versions that I had for a Comm App class in High School who were basketball players.

      One of them immediately told me,

      "We're not talking about that...."

      And I turned around quick in more shame for me assuming they're talking behind my back, and now I'm going down an escalator with the bicycle. I trip and land on my rear somehow, but I managed to get up, and it's probably because the bicycle made my body out of balance.

      It's weird thought, I thought I was holding it just fine when walking.....

      Then I meet some person who looks like "Nin" (nicknaming again) in waking life. I don't know why he's here, but I figured I'd be nice to say "Hi" to him before he thinks I'm ignoring him or something..
      (you know those people that look at you, seeing if you get the same reaction of surprise that you know them as well, but haven't met in a while? Yeah...)

      We have a general conversation, and I ask him how's college going for him. He takes a while to answer, and before he could respond, I immediately said his words for him.

      "Oh, you just wanted to take some time before you do anything right?" (Meaning he wants to do some kind of other work before he goes to college I'm assuming).

      He nods his head, we say our farewells, and I go back to my house to get something to go to another class, probably the same one in this new dream shift....there's an assignment that involves turning my vote on a worksheet, and I needed proper MLA citation, and it doesn't seem I didn't even do the assignment.

      Eventually, I get the paper finished, and someone outside of the class before I go in has examined how the class is for me, and they're wearing a fancy suit and motorcycle helmet. I can't see their face at all, and the helmet is white with a black layer to cover their visage. They're resting their back on the wall with their arms folded, and told me that the class shouldn't be too much of a problem for me.

      I go into the class, double check the worksheet I had to do with the proper MLA citation,
      and I can't remember what happens next unfortunately.

      That person concealing their face with the bicycle helmet, it reminds me a lot like Light Yagami's father from the Death Note Movie where he wore a bicycle helmet during some small festival....

      I know it couldn't have been him, the person felt familiar in terms of their energy signature, but now I'm not so sure....

      Food in the Kitchen (Non-lucid)


      I'm in my apartment, and it's fairly dark inside. There's food left on the kitchen in various spots. Roast beef cut into circles done by my father I assume because I get an image of him when I see it....it's probably made for sandwiches I guess.

      Then later on, I find fried rice in small to-go boxes, two of them, and there are a few ants crawling around.

      Awesome Asian girl (Non-lucid)


      I meet an Asian girl who looks like the counterpart in waking life that I had for geometry in High School. She's a positive girl and is open to me, but it seems she wants me to start the introductions and conversations.

      She's skinny, has a slight tanned skin, and she has black hair that's a balled up ponytail. I meet her outside some area with brown brick buildings. She looks down on her phone, and she tells me she works 6 side jobs....

      I couldn't believe this chick, she's this happy and has 6 side jobs? To the left of me, there's an Asian guy who looks like Tim that I had for tennis class as a Junior, and the girl is still a few feet away from me.

      I tell Tim that it must be her free day, because those are a lot of jobs...and I realized I think I should help him go out with her, rather than me taking her out.

      I guess what I did was just help him get a date with her,
      and that's all I remember.
    4. Zune HD Smashed Into Pieces, Biology Professor and Facebook (SDE Day 08)

      by , 08-22-2012 at 07:41 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      My Zune HD Smashed Into Pieces (Non-lucid)


      Thank goodness this was a dream.

      I remember talking a few people inside a fairly small building, I couldn't tell if it's an apartment entrance or a small store or coffee shop. I don't know how, but when the conversation was coming to a close, I told them how I had 150 videos on my Zune HD....

      That's waaaaaaaay too many videos dream self!

      I tried to pass what I said off as a joke, and even tried doing a fake laugh. The others fall for it, or are probably just being nice and laughing as well. There's more that I know that occurred before this, like meeting someone, and all I can feel from that is disappointment from the person. It was a female, she had some weird but positive aura in her.

      The dream setting was hard to tell, the area I'm in feels slightly dark, but there is still a little bit of sunlight. It could be the sun setting or rising.

      Then I find myself riding a bicycle, but I don't really pay too much attention to the details of it. It's a very ominous setting now with dark turquoise clouds and a cool atmosphere. It seems I'm riding on a new black tarred road and on each side, there's open fields everywhere, very beautiful. Even though I didn't pay too much attention to this large and expansive area, I could just feel how that despite the gloomy setting, it was still amazing.

      It seems I have my earphones on, and I guess I'm playing music on my Zune HD while riding my bicycle. I start riding a little faster, and then the earphones get caught on something below. I quickly look down and they get between the spokes of one of the bicycle wheel.

      Damn, and I knew I couldn't do anything about it, but I still tried to stop.

      That was the worst decision I could've made at that time.....

      The earphone and the wires connecting it start dangling rapidly through the spokes, and then I realize....

      Crap, the plug that usually stays firm inside the Zune plug-in must be out by now. I hear several clanking sounds, and decided to just press the brakes even harder because the last attempt was just just a progression rather than a complete one. I get off the bicycle, let it drop on the around, and I'm looking at metal trails along the road.

      No no no no no........

      No no no............I get closer and I look at my Zune HD, smashed to pieces. I start shaking the bottom of my mouth in shock. I really believed this was the actual Zune HD I have, and I start walking slowly thinking of how I made over $180 go to waste(probably more than that now that it's a discontinued product).

      I could do nothing but walk away, there's no pointing picking it up.........

      You know what's funny...it could just be coincidence, but I was watching a video on my Zune HD where a camera gets smashed into pieces because someone accidentally fell and crashed into it.

      Ha....Ha....Ha.....*starts getting paranoid* Don't LEAVE ME ZUNE HD, I NEED YOU TO PLAY MUSIC.

      Music, when you close your eyes and listen to it, and depending on the theme of the song, can really help with imagination.....Anyway, done with that dream.

      Biology Teacher and Facebook (Non-lucid)


      Finally we're getting somewhere related to the password experiment.....because there's no way in hell that I want to even be near that professor I had...ever...again...

      I go inside of a classroom, the size of it alone feels like I'm in Middle School or High School. There's the dark blue carpet mixed and drowning other small colors, light colored walls, and adequate lighting on top. I look over to someone on my right, and it's him.

      Let's call my previous professor "M." M looked over to me, started to lighten up his mood a bit, and he's actually enthusiastic to see me. Ha ha ha......right...

      I start putting on that horrible facade of tolerating others that I cannot stand to be around, and decided I might as well be nice around the guy. He was telling me a few things, but I was being distracted holding two sheets of something.

      It looked like tracing paper, it had the slight opacity that you would see in them, but it could've been overhead transparency sheets as well. There was something written and drawn on it, and it looks like==================== that I wanted to show to the participants in my attempts to find them.

      After going through the two sheets back and forth, I put them down, and M asked me if I could log onto Facebook for him. I wanted to ask him why, but just gave a questionable expression on my face and went around his desk. I think he already has the site open for me,
      and that's all I remember.


      Oh, and about the Zune HD dream, I was headed for the Biochemistry Department to send a letter for my adviser, and my sunglasses fell off while I tried to put them on while riding my bicycle. The moment that happen, I chuckled to myself on how this was just like the dream, except it was hot as hell out here.

      Updated 08-22-2012 at 07:59 PM by 47756

    5. College Appointment

      by , 08-05-2012 at 07:08 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      College Appointment (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a room, and it seems to be a hotel, and not my apartment. It seems my mother and father are both in here as well...looool.

      Anyway, while I'm looking through some random papers, I think it somehow reminds me of the appointment that I can set up to switch my classes before the year starts. I think I'm going inside of a room to change or something, and my father passes by, and I tell him that I have to go somewhere to find what classes I need to change.

      I thought he would say something negative, but it seems he keeps clear and just nods. I think my mother gets worried about the funding that I'll be getting for college. I get annoyed by this quickly, and I find some small random video clip that should convince her to ease her paranoia.

      The same clip involved Elie from Rave Master, and then some random female voice declaring that college funding isn't really all that bad or something like that. I tell my mother to listen to that video clip when she can, and she leaves.

      I noticed the carpet is red, and there are two beds as well, and the walls are white as well.

      This is the part below I'm confused on whether or not it belongs in this dream plot.

      It automatically changes to night time, and I'm riding my bicycle along the bicycle lane slowly. I reach an intersection, and look left and right for any cars coming, but it's clearly obvious that this place is empty of traffic.

      Even the traffic lights have shut off, but I still make sure to check. There's a few randomly generated DCs walking on the sidewalks as well, and for some I had a weird hunch would look similar to people in waking life if I paid attention to their presence.

      I turn to the left, and keep riding until I get on the street that will lead me to the Sbisa building. The dream setting suddenly gets brighter. I go into a random building, and it's a long stairway going up. I go up a few levels, and then see a girl with black hair. She's wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, she's petite, and is Hispanic.

      She looks a lot like a girl named Olivia that rode the same buses I did in Middle School and even in High School. She's chasing boys, literally, but I don't know what factors she's using to do so in the first place. I feel bad for her in a way, and I quickly went up to her, put my hand slowly on her shoulder and declared that she shouldn't put herself in a position like this.

      I know I felt bad for her, but I don't think my words matched to the situation, but either way, I smiled at her, even though she didn't look at me, and I walked away.

      After that, I can't remember anything.

      Updated 08-05-2012 at 07:36 PM by 47756

    6. Kicked in the Chest, Bike Riding, Horse Riding and Torso Healing, Tennis Courts and Indoor Garden

      by , 07-21-2012 at 11:05 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Kicked in the Chest (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a house, and there's a beautiful dark skinned woman. She's wearing an orange shirt long sports pants, but they are so baggy, she most likely was wearing them to hide her actual curves. I was trying to be nice to her, but when I got closer to her, her face turns from normal to pissed off within a matter of seconds.

      I believe she kicks me in the chest and mouths me off, and I'm just resting there on the floor wondering what I did wrong. The dream resets, and I see her again, and it takes a few resets in order for her to calm down.

      When I meet her one more time, I told her quickly that I wasn't going to do anything sexual to her at all. She looks at me carefully, but she finally turns around and doesn't consider trying to hurt me again.

      She was so beautiful though that it was very hard trying to refrain from being sexual around her. It's like she had a strong sexual aura all over, and it started to become torture for myself if I continued to be around this beautiful and sexy woman.

      Ugh.....first time I've seen a woman in my dreams pissed off at me and assaults me, and I slightly feel the pain from it as well....

      Why do you have to be mean to little old me? T___T

      Bike Riding (Non-lucid)


      It's hard to know which dream came first, but a gut feeling tells me the bike riding came first.

      I'm riding my bicycle at a section of my University, and maybe 15 feet away from me to my left is a section to lock your bicycle at the bicycle rack. It seemed it already rained, because as I'm riding near the curb before reaching the bicycle rack, small streams of water start bursting out, and the surface was wet all over.

      I kept my left foot on the left pedal, and stood up really quick to shift the right side of my body to the left side of the bike. Then I decided to bend down, while still having my whole body on the left side of the bicycle, and then pressed the handbrakes as much as I can.

      I finally get off the bicycle, and I think someone tries to talk to me by first saying, "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!"

      But I ignored them for some reason.
      Horse Riding and Torso Healing? (Non-lucid)


      My torso feels weird in this dream, it's as if I'm going through stages of getting it healed and stable if that makes any sense?

      There's a flash black background with words in yellow font with a red outline I believe that shows how close I am in getting my dream torso region stabilized. I'm also riding a majestic white horse, and it takes a while for me to get used to riding this thing, but I start feeling connected with this horse for some reason.

      I decided to put my faith into it that it will carry me where I needed to go, even though I don't know where I'll be going. There was a small rope like material that I would tug a little bit if I wanted it to speed up a little.

      I did this a few times, but the horse did not make any changes in its speed, so I tugged it even harder, and it finally complied with my action. I think I rub the horse gently to show that I'm glad that it followed my request for it to go faster.

      I can hear the sounds of it beating the ground while I'm resting my head on its warm neck. After a while, the horse stops, and I get off, and someone asks me if my torso was alright.

      I said "Yes," and even told them that it was completely healed. They were surprised, but they responded that this was good.


      I don't remember how this person looked like who asked me the question.
      Tennis Courts and Indoor Garden? (Non-lucid)


      I believe I'm with someone, though I'm not sure who they are until later on, and even then, it was hard making a decent glance at them. The person I'm following is already way ahead of me, and I realize that I'm between two tennis courts.

      To my right is two men playing, both Hispanic, and both wearing black clothing, or at least some type of dark clothing. It's dark outside, but there's decent lighting inside this weird Indoor Garden/Tennis Courts hybrid infrastructure.

      The light sources are at the top corners of the building, like the corners of a square.

      As for the guys' skills, they looked like they just play Tennis for fun. One of them literally pushes the ball when serving, or tries to randomly smash it down hard, only to put the ball off in a tangent away the service box.

      They both turned around to realize that the tennis balls were outside, and they asked me if I could help they get it. I saw one tennis ball was still inside, and pointed to them to pick that up. They said thanks, and I just ignore helping them get the other one.

      There was someone on the left tennis court who could help them, and it looked like their tennis buddy who was picking up the tennis balls for them while they're playing.

      When I get closer to the person I'm following, I believe it's my mother. The material that supports the composition of the building is very weird. It's made of a very thin plastic, like when you buy those water bottle packs and try to pierce a hole with your thumb.

      (That's actually a bad idea because I recently tried that and I made some weird movement with my thumb and it hurt a lot. :c )

      I use my fingernails to pierce the plastic material of the building in order to climb up a little to get some plant or vegetable hanging on top of some small surface. My mother suggested that we go outside to make sure I'm climbing on the right section.

      I go down to surface again, go outside, and it looks like I can just jump up or something to get whatever vegetable that I needed.

      I don't know why I needed to get the vegetable in the first place.....
    7. Obama and Sneezing, Jumping on Panels

      by , 07-05-2012 at 04:31 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Obama and Sneezing (Non-lucid)


      I'm walking in a High School, I don't have a shirt on, and I feel kind of disturbed about this, but I never really looked down to see how my stomach looked like. I'm passing through a small hallway on the side of a cafeteria.

      I think I went to get something from my bicycle, not sure what it was. I go back inside the school with a shirt on, it was white and the pictures and words were a bit degraded. I would say it's exactly like the white shirt I have in waking life that has some of the plastered picture chipped off.

      I go upstairs, walking at a reasonable rate, and once I reach the top, I see Obama. I pretty much treat this as a normal thing and continued by going left. I think I had to go to the bathroom to blow my nose or something.

      There's a small dream shift to where some dream character who looks like he's a bully is showing me something. He isn't trying to bully me, in fact, he looks like he's trying to become friends with me. He was a little creepy looking for me, but I didn't really mind him being around.

      He eventually goes away, and then I get some brown paper towels, and I start blowing my nose really hard.

      Surprised I didn't wake up with snot.

      I get more paper towels because I feel that most of it didn't come out, even though I had the sensation that most did come out already. Guess I wanted to double-check.

      I look at myself in the mirror, but not my whole visage. I already had my head up to see what's inside of my nose. There's this huge white blob inside, and I wanted other people to see it for some odd reason.

      And then I see Obama again at some point in this dream again, but I had the same passive reaction as before.


      ...................................what a shit dream.
      Jumping on Panels (Non-lucid)


      I only remember jumping down on some panels, and some moved around a bit. The bottom was an abyss, and I had situations where I almost get into the abyss itself.

      When that happened, I think the dream resets to a certain point. Then I remember seeing someone like Spike from Cowboy Bebop and I think Naked or Solid Snake from the MGS series.....


      Updated 07-05-2012 at 05:52 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , nightmare
    8. Sasuke's Ultimate Attack, Riding my Biycle, Age Regression, Wolf Armor, Age Regression Part 2...

      by , 06-20-2012 at 04:20 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Sasuke's Ultimate Attack (Non-lucid)



      Lol, this Ultimate Attack was so funny....

      Alright, I'm watching Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto Shippuden face Orochimaru again, and he already has Orochimaru trapped in some kind of Susanoo hand that's starting to form from the bottom of his feet.

      The hand gets bigger and bigger and eventually contains Orochimaru almost completely. As the hand or whatever part this glowing violet aura is getting close to reaching completion, I think I stepped on a wire.

      The Susanoo starts degrading......LOL, it needs a power outlet.

      LMFAO, what kind of ultimate attack is that if you need an electrical outlet???

      Instead of almost rolling on the floor laughing, I quickly plug the plug back into the outlet.


      I forget what happens next, but I guess Sasuke succeeds.
      Riding my Bicycle (Non-lucid)


      I'm riding a bicycle, and it seems to be the one I use in waking life, but I didn't pay too much attention to verify that. Someone says my bicycle is for little kids basically, and I get a little mad because the size would be too much for little children anyway.

      I ignore the person who tells me this, and I continue riding until I reach an intersection. I wait for the Walk sign to turn on, and I go on the wrong lane (left side). Someone else was doing it, which prompts me to do so as well.

      I didn't hear any honking from the busy traffic, so I guess the logic of the America road system was eradicated in this dream. I continue riding my bicycle on the left lane, and see a car coming up.

      I quickly shift to the extra lane to the left, and let it pass. After that, I presume I continue riding on the left lane.

      Age Regression? (Non-lucid)


      I'm following some tall male in the dream, but I can't see him at all. Seems we're at some party, and it's very dark outside. There's quite a few people here as well. Some are already leaving to come home, and some are coming through the garage that is open to enter through the door where one section of the party is held.

      While I'm following this guy, I think I see some small hairball with a small piece of transparent tape on it. I don't know how it appears, but I quickly throw it somewhere else. The guy I'm following says we're going to get something to eat, probably because the food in the party sucks or some weird excuse, not too sure.

      I think I see my mother, lol.

      Okay, she's wearing a black dress I believe, and I can't see much of her visage because it's dark outside, but the guy said she was my mother, I think.

      The car we go inside of is dark red, and it seems the seats were flooded with water a little, but it didn't bother either of us. I wanted to ask this random dude I still don't know who I'm following where we are going to eat, but I kept quiet.

      For some reason, I felt like I was a 6 year old child in this dream, it's like some kind of age regression occurred at some point here.

      I think the guy said I could go anywhere I would like to eat, and I made a joke and said,

      "Let's go to Canada and eat at Tim's." (The Tim Hortons place)

      I don't know how I came up with that as an initial joke, but I acknowledged to the man that I was merely joking. I have my elbow on the side of the door of the passenger's seat, and look through the window as the night starts to fade away and early morning makes itself apparent.

      That's all I remember.

      I don't think the male was my father, it was definitely someone else. But the fact that I didn't even see his visage or any signs of obvious physical attributes annoys me a bit.
      Wolf Armor (Non-lucid)


      It seems I'm playing Runescape, but how I'm experiencing it is weird. It feels I'm controlling the character while moving at the same time simultaneously.

      I think I'm killing some Greater Demons, or some kind of weird dark red monster that was way taller than I was, at least for the character I was playing.

      Then I see someone wearing a Wolf Mask, along with some weird looking armor. It was black and had gold trimming, but this armor was only placed on the elbows and the needs of the person. The person had a wolf-like body, a skinny torso and slightly wider hips.

      You could say that it was like a Lucario from pokemon, just for the body structure, not the face. The person in this wolf form was attacking another player who was trying to kill Tormented Demons in Runescape.

      Wow, that would be a horrible experience for the player being attacked because Tormented Demons uses all three forms of attacks: Mage, Range, and Melee. Just keeping track of which protect prayer to use to make yourself invincible to the attacks of the Tormented Demons is one thing, but if you add that player attack him, it makes it even more complicated.

      I don't know what happens to the Runescape character, but I assume he got destroyed pretty quickly. I remember the wolf-like character doing constant verticle flips and even floated in the air while rotating when he attacked the player.


      Age Regression Part 2 (Non-lucid)


      Seems I feel like my age in this dream now, and I think I see the guy I'm following a little better now. I believe he's wearing a blue dress shirt with black slim corporate type of pants.

      He's shaking his head about something, and I think I tell him that there's some other way we can approach the matter that I forgot about.

      Updated 06-20-2012 at 04:23 PM by 47756

    9. Just walking and Chilling, I just want to sign my freaking signature!!!!!!

      by , 05-15-2012 at 07:45 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Just walking and chilling (DILD)


      I'm walking in the back alley or some remote and quiet area was what seemed like a city beyond my view. I start spacing out a bit, and as I'm walking, something doesn't feel right. I nose plus reality check,
      and I can breathe through my nose.

      Instead of getting too excited, because I know there were so many things I could've done, especially with the city that would be apparent if I had been able to stabilize a little bit longer.

      I believe I was wearing dark or blue jeans, alone with a white dress shirt with short sleeves, and there really thin black lining on it going vertically or horizontally.

      It could've just been the shade, but yeah, I saw myself in third person view for a while, like seeing myself and looking up from the ground, and then I established a first person view again.

      The area I'm in, it had a huge contrast compared to the city that would appear if I moved a bit further.

      I'm going to take a moment to describe the feeling and the environment around me, since there's not much going on except me focusing only on the external.

      When I realized that I was dreaming, my hands were extending out in front of me, and my eyes slowly opened. It was completely dark at first, but I could still see the city from beyond exhibiting a very bright energy.

      The place I'm in had this sense of calmness despite it being a little dark, it was just dark enough for it to be considered as shade compared to the city out there.

      There were small hues of purple on the skyscrapers I was walking through. When I looked up in third person view, these skyscrapers were huge, and I literally so the point of view from above as if I'm zooming in my perspective at a certain point.

      I said that now because in waking life, it isn't like that, normally, I would only see this rule being applied loosely in things like How-To-Draw that include a section on perspective and everything.
      I just want to freaking sign my Signature!!! (Non-lucid)


      This dream happened after the lucid I had. I heard the alarm play the two times I set it for the late morning.

      I honestly don't know how I'm remembering all of this, but hey, if my mind is giving me the experience back again...no use complaining!

      And I really need to start describing my dreams more and more, really helps with linking things back together.

      I'm riding my bicycle at University Drive in College Station, and I believe I'm wearing something related to the sleeveless cardigan sweater I was wearing in waking life
      (because it was kind of cold in the morning, and I didn't want that to interfere with me trying to go into a dream).

      I also had a orange shirt under it as well. In my mind, I was wondering if I should head over to Jin's Asian Cafe around here, but I already passed the road to get to it from University Drive.

      Then I decided that I should just go ahead and go the extra length to get there. I stop at the intersection at University Drive, turn to the right, pass through whatever eating areas were there, only focusing on going to Jin's Asian Cafe.

      I believe at one point while riding on the University Dr., I was waiting for a few people to
      pass by, but I got impatient, and there was a round curb.

      There was the metal pole that would be the support for the stoplights above on the left, and I saw that there was a little space I could ride my bicycle through, and if I timed it right, I could dash through the people walking slowly without bumping into them.

      I managed to riding into that tight space, and then....I saw this girl.

      Not your ordinary girl, compared to the rest of the dream characters in this dream, at least the females, she was completely different, and although I shouldn't focus too much on her, seeing as I didn't really care about anyone in the dream because I was hungry
      (talk about biological needs....hahahaa).

      Anyway, she had black hair, and it had a shine to it that made it looks so realistic and full of depth. I believe she was wearing black lipstick or dark red lipstick as well. She wore one of those Black trench coats, probably because it would be better at resisting the slightly cold weather in the environment.

      I know I started to feel cold the moment I saw more dream characters wearing jackets as well, not all of them did though.

      Anyway, back to the girl, when I almost ran into her with my bicycle, she freezes and is in a slight shock.

      We both gaze into each others eyes for a while, and even though it only happened for a split second, something tells me that she was trying to get my attention by randomly appearing and accidentally bump into me, go through that whole "Oooh I'm so sorry" phase and introduce each other like how Mako had the Moped accident with Asami in the Legend of Korra.

      I just know those two characters are going to reach a conflict and have some kind of dramatic breakup...the potential is just SITTING RIGHT THERE!!!! No chick that hot would just randomly go up to a guy and go out with him without having some kind of mischievous plan....right?? /legend of korra rant

      But nope it wasn't like that, I managed to just barely stop myself from accidentally ramming into her with my bicycle by stomping my right foot on the ground, since only one side of the brakes (the right side I'm presuming) was working.

      (And it's like that for the bicycle I have in waking life...).

      I just treated her like she was just a random dream character, I get on the bicycle lane, and then as I'm going to head right, (sorry, I'm back tracking again because I remembered more events as I was typing this out) I have to stop AGAIN to wait for another slow walker going through the lane for walkers when the light showed up for them.

      I tried to restrain myself from getting pissed off, but this dude was being slow, and I don't know what's up with random people like the lady in the black trench coat suddenly being in my way.

      But I couldn't take it anymore, I screamed,


      I knew the guy registered my rage towards the general people, but I was trying to indirectly tell him that, and I knew he heard me. Yes, you fucking heard me, but he looks down the ground and tries not to look at me.

      I look at him in rage, then shifted my attention back to turning right from University Drive (again, sorry for the back tracking there). Anyway, as I'm riding down to another stop sign, there aren't a lot of cars around the small intersection, so I immediately take a right.

      I'm riding, and the road itself to the right had a slight slope to it. It wasn't bothersome, but I felt that was I'm trying harder and harder to pedal the bicycle, the gears might make that weird shift, and that sound where you know it's trying to go to the right level might occur.

      But I kept going, despite it being difficult to ride the bicycle. I finally reach Jin's Asian cafe, and now, I had to find a place to lock my bicycle in place. There weren't any bicycle rails to do so, and I saw one bicycle on my right lock their bicycle around some small pole.

      I turn to my left, and I see some weird furniture on the parking lot, but I ignore this, like I normally do. I can't remember where I lock my bicycle, but I'm sure I found some area, because I wouldn't be caught dead without my bicycle if I'm using it.

      I go inside the restaurant, and I see an Asian lady who looks similar to the one I normally see there at the store, the shy and quiet type. She's not really all that enticing, but she has a nice and kind behavior in waking life.

      However, the one in this place was kind of cute, though my recall on her complete visage is slightly blurry.

      I take a moment to sit down, and there are other people who are waiting for their To-Go meals as well. The environment was kind of tricky to analyze and test my reality and all, since I'm not really used to the area in waking life because I only went there a few times recently before leaving to go home.

      It takes me a while to realize that I didn't order anything To-Go as yet, so I quickly get up to the counter, and tell the lady that I would like Sweet and Sour Chicken with Fried Rice.

      She asked,

      "Anything else?"

      I respond, "Ummmm, how much would it cost if I wanted to have the cheesecake as well?"

      She inputs some information down on the cash register,


      Not to make myself look like some guy who knows too much about the prices of this area, I do know that cheesecake was definitely not that cheap in this restaurant, it's actually $3.99 in waking life because I remembered the pink menu I got from them in the mail.

      I find it funny that I'm aware of that in waking life, despite not being aware of other things....I guess when it comes to food, I have a better awareness for these things, hahaha....hmmm that could be good practice for dream awareness, but again I might be oblivious and ignore those subtle alterations.

      Anyway, instead of doing a reality check, I said "Okay" with a slight smile, and she tells me the price for everything in general, and I forgot how much.

      I would assume it's over 12 bucks in total, at least, since the Sweet and Sour Chicken would be $9.65 including tax alone, again, there I go again with remembering the exact price in waking life! XD

      I check my wallet, and it looks exactly like my wallet, except my debit card isn't there, but I wasn't too worried about that since I knew beforehand in this dream somewhere, that I had over 20 bucks. I know I had at least one ten dollar bill, 2 five dollar bills, and a few 1 dollar bills as well.

      I take a while to decide I'm going to give my money, because I wouldn't want to use a ten if I could use the the two five dollars along with the several one dollar bills. I forget what I decided to do, and just hand the lady the money.

      She inputs the amount on the register, and takes out the receipt and I have to sign it.

      That's another thing I didn't pay attention to, because I would only have to sign it if I used a debit card, but not cash....oh well. Something to work on next time, I guess.

      I go ahead and sign it anyway, and I'm doing pretty well signing my name in a dream on a receipt, except when I tried to sign my last name. I wrote something completely different in cursive.

      Instead of asking the employee for another receipt to sign, I cross out the random last name I put, and tried to put my actual last name this time, but the pen started to run out of ink.

      Ugh....DAMN IT!!!! Always happening when I really freaking need a pen...I changed my pissed off demeanor back to a neutral state and told the cash register lady that the pen isn't working. She looks up at me, and I give her the empty pen, and she gives me a new one probably.

      After this, things start getting a little TOO dramatic. I can't remember much during the transition phase, but there's some old man who is wearing a light brown suit along with a white dress shirt underneath it, and he's also wearing a light brown cowboy hat as well. As for the pants, I can't remember how they looked, and prefer not to look down there anyway.

      It seems he's annoyed that some order of his isn't getting through, and he's a little TOO angry, because there are other people waiting for their To-Go orders as well....man...old people....

      I don't mean to disrespect them or anything, but wow, after him getting pissed off, it was kind of annoying because it was distracting me from getting this fucking signature signed on the receipt! After indulging in the moment with this man's rage, I turn my back, and then I heard a cock of a weapon..

      Are you fucking kidding me old man...you're THAT impatient over an order that hasn't gone through for you as yet?

      He's not aiming the gun at me, but I silent turn my head and see that he's holding an old-school revolver. He starts getting more confident, obviously since he has a gun. I'm not sure if I had a gun in my dream, and I would assume I wouldn't anyway since I'm going somewhere remote and humane like this restaurant.

      The guy starts threatening the staff members, and I'm just like......annoyed by this point, even though I should be scared because this guy was being a bit sporadic and could've sublimate some of that rage towards me.

      God damn it, why can't I just sign my fucking signature!!!!!@$%@#%$

      That's all I remember unfortunately...I know I had another dream after or before the lucid I had at least, but it really doesn't matter...I hope..

      Updated 05-15-2012 at 08:18 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid
    10. Long Road, Mall, Chemistry Final Exam, Laundromat Closed Down...

      by , 05-08-2012 at 10:20 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      I took a nap today, and took 51 milligrams of Melatonin too before hand. Not much of a difference, at least for me. Guess I should've saved that for tonight instead of sleeping for most of the day.

      Long Road (Non-lucid)


      I believe I'm riding my bicycle on a very long road. It's afternoon time, no surprise there, seeing as I'm sleeping during the day. There's a lot of construction going on, which makes me have to shift to left and right lanes a lot.

      I remember going down some mini hill with some sand, and it seems there was a person's footprints on it, and that kind of bothered me for a few seconds before I went down the hill. I presumed it must've been a construction worker walking when there wasn't as much traffic to go down the hill.

      Mall (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a mall, and the overall setting is blue, or turquoise if you want to be precise. There's this black female in a red dress that appears as I'm getting closer to one of the stores, and she asks me a question, but I'm not planning to go into any store.

      This leaves her in an awkward position, and her smile slowly turns into a neutral form, and goes back into the store. She wasn't mad at me or anything, just in an awkward position.

      Chemistry Final Exam (Non-lucid)


      This dream is kind of funny because when I woke up from the alarm from the afternoon nap, as I was drifting to sleep, the dream sort of came just like that, but I wasn't aware.

      I'm sitting down, taking an exam for Chemistry, I'm assuming it's my final exam since I took it today.

      I'm sitting at a different seat than I was in waking life, which was supposed to be near the upper regions at a column of seats for left handers, but I'm shifted to the bottom left side of columns for left handers.

      I'm sitting next to a girl, can't really remember the facial details and all that, and a few people are asking the professor a few questions before they take the exam. The professor was exactly like the one I had in waking life, and she was wearing something that was light pink as a shirt or a vest over a shirt.

      Some questions were about theories, but I can't remember what exactly, and most of them weren't even related to the course work, but I wasn't even bothered to do a reality check. I was just too worried that I'm taking an exam.

      I looked down at the sheet to see a random question before quickly looking up to see the professor talk about a few things on the large screen in front of class. There was a girl who finished her exam, and she got up to ask the professor if GPA matters for her major to apply for research.

      The teacher said, "No," since she was was a Socioeconomic major, some thing along those words.

      I can't remember much after that.

      Laundromat Closed Down (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a Laundromat, and it resembles the one near my area. It's shut down, and I don't know why I'm inside of it, there are no lights turned on or anything. There were some clothes in the dryers, but not a lot.

      There were two females I believe with me, and they were wondering if the place was closed down as well, and then we all went outside. I think I asked one of them where I could find another laundromat, and they said something with the name "wood," can't remember unfortunately.

      I acknowledge their response, and I can't remember what I did after.

      Updated 05-08-2012 at 10:43 PM by 47756

    11. Hiding, My Dream guide is Brian?, Naked Women

      by , 04-29-2012 at 04:06 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Hiding (Non-lucid)


      I'm in the darkness, I don't know where I am honestly. I start to move a little bit, and I see some light somewhere.

      I realize that I'm obviously hiding from someone, be it guards or something. I'm following somebody, but I can't remember who. I'm on the left side of this dark room, and I look outside because a door is open and portrays that it's afternoon or so in this dream.

      It feels like we're somewhere tropical......

      And Hawaii seems fitting for that, right Kaomea? I'll even throw out the possibility that it was some kind of Calypso related environment.

      I try to follow the person, who is wearing a dark green shirt and jeans, but there's this random person using some kind of detection machine where if it feels the slightest human contact, it will inform the person holding it. Think of it as a metal detector that finds humans.

      I think it was a female that I was following

      I assume it's for that function because I'm trying to back away from it getting closer to me. I thought the person would give up, but since they're in the dark, they have to rely on this machinery.

      I slowly get up, trying to avoid the machine from touching me. When I see it stop, I relax a little bit and wait, and the person continues to go a little bit further, which forces me to stand up completely.

      I feel my left hand touching a bicycle, which then forces me to be even more silent until the person gives up. They finally do so, and they head out to the door in front of me.


      The bicycle falls over to the left, and the pedals were moving a little bit.


      But the person looking for me and the other girl didn't hear this some weird reason, despite being at least 5-8 feet away from me. I wait for the person to finally get out, or at least be halfway out to where their peripheral vision wouldn't see me moving.

      Then a light to the left of me turns on.....and it's glowing a dim orange color...

      Are. You. Kidding. Me................................................ ......

      I decided to just remain still instead of making more noise to attract the person trying to find me. The guy looks pretty ugly to be honest with you, not to be narcissistic or anything.

      He finally passes to where his peripheral vision is going to help him realize that I was there the entire time, it's just that the light wasn't on for him to find me. I see no one outside, but I still stay inside the room for a while, doing some kind of abstract counting in my head to measure how far the guy went.

      But I had a weird feeling that he may have had one of those, "Wait a second....." moments.

      Either way, I wasn't going to risk him coming back to trace his steps over again. I quickly run towards the left wall near the exit to go outside. I have a gun in my hand, it's silver, and maybe it's Desert Eagle, since this thing was pretty huge for a handgun, but not too big.

      My back is facing against the wall, so now looking on my new left, I see a person on the other side. I quickly point my gun to him, he notices me, but remains pretty calm for some reason.

      "Shhhh....Is he coming back?"


      "How close is he.......?"

      I hear someone laughing outside, and I think I even hear a few gunshots?

      The dream bloody fades........

      My Dream Guide is Brian? (Non-lucid)


      I'm calling bull on the guy who claims to be my dream guide, but I'll post it anyway.

      I'm not being stubborn, it's just my own mental conflict with the debate over one dream guide showing in many forms vs several individual dream guides.

      I believe this is a continuation of the other dream in its own and unique way, because I'm still hiding from someone or something....

      I decided that I should crouch down somewhere, a small crevice, anything that would keep me hidden.

      The dream shifts again to where I'm looking down somewhere. I see someone downstairs headed for the exit somewhere, and I have a feeling it's that same guy that tried to find me and the other girl who was wearing a dark green shirt and jeans...

      Then I look to the right of the exit, and I see a person with their back against the wall, who is fairly muscular. He's wearing a dark blue shirt with some black jeans or something.

      For some reason, I said,

      "Thanks for helping me...."

      He looks like he's surprised or something, probably didn't expect me to say something like that.

      "You're welcome." he says.

      Then I think for a moment,

      "What's your name?"


      "Are you my dream guide?"

      .....................I can't remember what he said in response EXACTLY, but he said it in words like,

      "Yeah," "Bingo," "Finally....."

      I honestly stopped for a moment, but before I can say something else, my eyes go into shut down mode.

      You have to be kidding me right??

      And what's worse, I woke up with my eyes closed, giving me the opportunity to do a DEILD, but nope, I decided to open them up, even though I know I could've went into another dream and asked this guy more questions.

      I'm too lazy to sleep now, I can't spend the whole day bloody dreaming anyway.
      Naked Women (Non-lucid)


      I'll make this dream simple.

      Two naked women, cartoon versions, one blonde, and the other a brunette or with Auburn dyed hair are running from guards in what seems to be an airport.

      Their asses were pretty big, but not fat big, like just, damn............... for crying out loud, how could they possibly run so fast?

      The blonde is talking to the other girl who is ahead of her, and the girl says in a loud whisper to the blonde as they're close to going down an escalator,

      "Come on, the guards are starting to get more suspicious!"

      So I guess they try to escape.

      I don't remember anything else though.

      Updated 04-29-2012 at 04:17 PM by 47756

    12. Cranky Chemistry TA, Detour, Tennis talk, Pink Velour pants, Code Lyoko Fight

      by , 04-18-2012 at 03:47 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Cranky Chemistry TA (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a nearly perfect replica of a Chemistry lab at my University. Black top tables, gray vents to suck up chemical vapor and the such, perfect environment for me to not do any kind of reality checks.

      The experiment seemed simple at first, just get a graduated cylinder, and inside a fairly lukewarm water bath made from one of those huge beakers, probably the 500-600 mL ones. Once you put the cylinder inside of the beaker, some small reaction should occur to manifest some kind of "L" shaped figure that would be tilted in various positions for each person..

      I looked at the girl to my right, I didn't pay attention to how she looked like, since we were wearing goggles, and sometimes there would be a natural shine on them that would prevent you from looking into their eyes without things being awkward, but I guess the dream was really trying to fool me by even incorporating basic eye safety for once.

      Oh, and the girl was probably wearing a light teal green shirt, with some fairly tight pants that make her curves more distinguished, at least from the perspective I'm looking at her, since I'm taller than her. I think she was my lab partner, because she was looking at my materials on the table, but I couldn't remember what we were talking about exactly.

      I believe I looked at a female to the left of me, she was Black, and looked like the girl in my Chemistry Lab that was black as well. She was wearing a black shirt and really short Khaki shorts
      (which should've prompted me to do a reality check because they're really strict on us wearing only long pants or dresses in labs that cover our ankles at least).

      Then I realized the graduated cylinder I had didn't even look like one, it looked more like flask with a circular bottom, and it was filled with some type of yellow liquid. And the water bath itself was a bit odd as well, maybe it was the setting of the lab's overall color, seeing as its color was mixes of yellow, apricot, and light brown.

      Since I realized the object I have isn't a graduated cylinder, I go up front to replace it with one. There happens to be one graduated cylinder left, and I grab it, and I think I finally get the same results from putting it in a water bath just like everyone else, which makes me worry less now.

      After everyone is done, we all group up near our Chemistry TA, who is black. She's getting ready to tell everyone some helpful hints in finishing the Data Reduction Analysis worksheet for the experiment, problem is, there are a few people that are talking way too loudly for her to make a coherent speech.

      She stops in the middle of her talk to signal those talking to be quiet, and she continues talking some more, but there's still some idiot talking to another person. They were whispering most likely, but when everything is quiet, those whispers started to become annoying.

      Then the TA got annoyed and said that we'll just have to figure out how to complete the DRA on our own. Everyone's pissed of course, and I turn back to someone, probably my lab partner, to say,

      "Man, she really is cranky huh? Especially how red her eyes look right now"

      I believe my lab partner nodded, and I mentioned her red eyes because the TA looked really tired, like she didn't get any sleep at all.

      We leave the room, since lab was finished, and I walk slowly with my lab partner, or just by myself, but I'm paying attention to the idiot was talking too much in lab that prevented us from getting useful information in finishing the DRAs, since those are ALWAYS a b.i.t.c.h. to do in waking life.

      He's wearing a light gray shirt, and dark blue pants most likely, and he's pretty muscular, but I wondered if he was just fat that made it look like he was buff. Apparently, he has to get ready for some kind of jog or track meet, which is what he was talking about in lab before most likely.

      I asked myself how he could possibly be on the track team or anything that involves running with something other than his mouth....

      Then the dream fades
      Detour (Non-lucid)


      I believe the dream starts out with me getting closer to the Sbisa Dining hall, but there's construction going on in front, so it leads me to go to the detour instead like everyone else is doing.

      I was riding my bicycle at first, but because of the detour, I had to get off it and carry it, and I also think another reason I got off was because two females were in front, and they were only making things slower for me.

      (I should've realized that construction near the Sbisa was already done before, so there's no point setting up barriers unless the situation was serious).

      I follow the two females who were annoying in blocking where I wanted to go (they weren't purposefully doing it). The girl on the left was wearing a pure white jacket, blue jeans, and probably a light blue shirt as well.

      She was tall.

      She had black hair.

      Her skin tone...she looks Hispanic....

      I had a "wait a second" moment, and then realized the same girl looks like the one in waking life, Lyanne.

      She always did look at me when she thought I didn't catch her doing that in waking life, and the reason why I'm mentioning that here is that it seemed she was pretending that she wasn't seeing me, and using her friend as some kind of starting point to play the "Oh, I didn't see you there!" game with me to try and have a conversation with me.

      There are these white metal fences at the edge of each step going down towards this random path, and I had to wait for the fences to lower themselves for me to advance to the next step.

      I had to hold my bicycle at a higher angle because the fences sometimes were at chest level, and I wasn't aiming to hold the bike over my head, which made it a problem for me.

      I can't remember much after that.

      Tennis Talk (Non-lucid)


      The feelings I had later on in this dream was really a freaking laugh, I started to get all emotional for no apparent reason over people I didn't even care about in waking life.

      I'm inside a theater, and it seems the clip was going to start since the lights started to dim a little bit. I go up the stairs that had red carpet material on them, and I go all the way up to the top.

      I sit in the middle of the row, and I see a male coming up to my left, and a female coming up to my right. After a few seconds of looking, I decided it's best to just ignore them, and pay attention of the clip that would be showing eventually.

      Then the guy sits next to me, and not even one seat over to the left, he literally is close to me, and so is the female. This tempts me to ignore them even more, until the guy finally says,

      "Come on Brandon.....you know it's us."

      I had a feeling who it was, and just kept ignoring him while keeping the female in range of my peripheral vision.

      The guy looked like Adam, and the girl to my right looked like Kimmie (or is it Kimmy?) in waking life.

      Kimmy has her usual mascara, at least frrom what I remembered in High School. She's wearing a really dark gray hoodie, along with a white shirt. Then I turn back to Adam, and he's talking about something that leads me to break down emotionally in front of him.

      He asks me something related to what me, him, and Kimmie did in the tennis team in High School before.

      I don't know if this was a genuine act of me breaking down emotionally, or a pretentious act to get him to shut up, but I say something along these lines while looking at my hands and --> <-- THIS close from crying....

      "It's just......it's just that I don't have the time to do things like this anymore (tennis, mind you)...and the bond we had when played doubles (LOL LMFAO, WE HAD NO BOND, this is starting to turn weird now!!!!)......I just can't do that anymore because there are more important things for me to do now..."

      He talks some more, but by that time, I thought it would buy in to the sob moment I gave him.

      I think Kimmie just looks at me for a few seconds, and glances back to doing something on her iPhone.

      I've noticed that when I occasionally see Kimmie in my dreams, I'm always sexual towards her. I wonder if she appears once in a while to represent my repressed feelings for her.

      I've always looked her body, it was just....her rear was kind huge, but it was in the right places, and her delicate thighs were always so attractive to look at, especially when she would sweat from activities, they would always give off this shine.


      Pink Velour Pants? (Non-lucid)


      I can't remember much, but I saw a female in Pink Velour pants, white shirt.....

      Reminded me of Alyzarin because of the velour pants she wears, kind of a horrible association to go by, but it's better than forgetting the dream.
      Code Lyoko Fight (Non-lucid)


      I believe William, when he was controlled by X.A.N.A., is facing Yumi and Ulrich, and they're all at the supercomputer!

      I'm presuming they were in their specter bodies Jeremy created for them to destroy other supercomputers in the real world outside of the virtual world if Lyoko.

      But at the same time, they all looked like their virtual versions inside of Lyoko...

      Anyway, I believe Yumi tries to throw her fans at William, but he dodges them and give her a good hit from his large sword, meaning she gets KOd instantly.

      Now it's just Ulrich, and William takes care of him easily, I just can't remember what he did specifically.

      Then all of a sudden, Jeremy is going into the scanner, and he looks pretty serious and mad that William was doing this to Yumi and Ulrich.

      I can't remember anything else after that.
    13. Orange Towel, Rain and Puddles, DV newcomer

      by , 04-10-2012 at 04:05 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Orange Towel, Rain and Puddles, DV newcomer (Non-lucid)


      Dream 1: Orange Towel

      I believe I'm going back to my apartment or something, seeing as I'm heading towards the clock tower with my bicycle. The bicycle I'm riding is completely different from the one in waking life.

      It's black, and it has this weird support on the back of the seat that allows you to hang things behind it, and I think there was a black metal mesh kind of looking basket in the front to put stuff in. I was busy being conscious of an orange towel
      (it was either yellow or orange).

      The reason why I was worried about it was because I didn't want it to fall down while I'm taking a turn to the right from an intersection, and because I put it at the back of the bicycle that had the part to hang things, so looking back once in a while was inevitable.

      I decided I should just hold part of the towel with my right hand, and continue riding a long.

      I think while I was waiting for the green light for our side to turn out, there's this mini-scene of some program showing on the screen, and it basically helps with password security. The person speaking said that you have to type as many words as possible, while trying to remember the actual password.

      (For example, if your password was "LuLu," you would type something like "fsajgsdkjLsarjskfjdgksdgUfajdkfjaksfjaLsfadjsgksj kgsadfaskjfajsfkU" to trick whatever program that could be a keylogger or whatever.

      I'm just capitalizing the letters for the example, you wouldn't want to do that in reality, since it would be pointless )

      There's also another dream shift as a shuttle bus passes, something about some dude who is insanely buff and muscular, and doesn't even look like he has a normal body anymore showing off on a webcam.

      Not to sure why I had that part showing, but anyway, it lasts for a few seconds before I'm back to riding my weird but useful bicycle.

      Dream 2: Rain and Puddles

      I'm riding my bicycle in the rain, and I'm in this weird area that looks like an outdoors mall or something, combined with school elements. I say that because everything seems to be packed in together, to serve as a way of being efficient and conserving of the space given.

      I try to avoid these puddles on the light brown concrete road, but seeing as how I'm not feeling the water splashing on my skin, I forget about trying to avoid them in the first place.

      Then I go into a random class, and it's fairly dark, with a project screen being the only source of light emitting. I believe this is a dream shift from me riding the bicycle in the rain and puddles.

      There's one girl sitting in front of me, and one guy sitting behind me. The guy behind me is being annoying, rambling about some random crap, or just making random noises while a professor is trying to declare some things to the class.

      I have a feeling the guy is someone I had in a lab my first semester as a freshmen in college, let's call him "S."

      S goes on rambling again, and I decided to use my hand and cover his mouth without actually turning back to see him and make him shut up already!

      Then I let go after he's quiet, and he's STILL rambling on! I mean, it's okay to talk and all, but if it's during the time a professor is speaking, just be quiet until she's done!!!

      I found that the professor was pausing between her train of thought of what she wanted to declare to the class, and that was partially my fault, since I think I told S to just be quiet, but the professor wasn't annoyed by me.

      I think she was pausing in her speech because in a weird way, I expected her to stop when I was trying to tell S to be quiet.

      Then the girl sitting in front of me turns around, and guess what? She's a blonde who probably bleached her hair. I think I have some phone on my desk, probably an iPhone
      (which I don't in waking life).

      She's asking me a question about something, and since I was still in the process of turning back to normal after trying to get S to just shut up already, it takes a while for me to respond to her.

      Then I had a "lolwut?" moment and asked her,


      She responds, but I forget what she says.

      Dream 3: DV Newcomer

      A newcomer on Dreamviews comes in, and they're wondering why they met Nina and Tara in their dreams.

      The user was having a problem understanding how they met them......................

      I can't remember anything else.

      Updated 04-10-2012 at 04:14 PM by 47756

    14. Kaomea & Tie Dye Blue Shirts, Ophelia's Twin Sister, Wrong Prescription...

      by , 04-06-2012 at 05:56 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Kaomea & Tye Dye Blue Shirts, Ophelia's Twin Sister, Wrong Prescription...


      I remembered at least 3 dreams from the WBTB, but I decided,

      "Oh, let me just doze off again for a few minutes, no biggie!" Forgot most of them now, except one. I still have a lingering experience from it.

      Dream 1: Kaomea &Tye Dye Blue Shirts....
      Spoiler for Speculation and Insight:

      I do a nose plug RC somewhere in this dream, and just saying, "I'm dreaming..." a few times. Then after I stabilized for a little while, I believed I could start running fast to find Kaomea.

      "Okay...let's do this!"

      I started to dash towards some gray wide road, and then I see that I'm at a high level somewhere, and I needed to land.

      I go back a few feet away from the ledge, then I started to run as fast as I could and tried to jump far. I did a regular dash jump, and was feeling myself floating down.

      This was a moment where I thought I would lose lucidity, I tried my best to accept that I was dreaming as a means to keep stable , and looking at the ground still made me have brief moments of predicting how it would feel to land, including thinking about a horrible landing...

      Throughout the process of jumping from this high ledge, I believe I was rotating my arms in a weird motion, probably my attempt to fly or something. I landed safely, still feeling that rush from jumping from a high ledge.

      The environment....I remember it looking as if it was going to rain....the sky....it was light gray....and I see this weird looking building in front of me.

      I want to say it was probably a pyramid/temple....it looked a bit old (go figure...), it was dark gold I think, a little dirty and all.

      (Maybe it was a desert....maybe it was a construction zone...I don't remember, but I do remember another lingering experience after this).

      I believe I jump on top of this abnormal pyramid structure, and I go inside some dark hole on the top of it. I land and find myself in an area where there was several light blue shirts, kind of like tye dye shirts, but with just various shades of blue.

      There were these stationary clothes hangers with some plastic chest torso bodies like they're being put up for display.

      As far as lucidity goes, that's all I can remember for this dream. I did remember seeing a lady in red, and I would love to admit that it could've been Kaomea.

      Maybe she (or some other DC that probably looked like her...I don' know...) told me to go somewhere because we both to take care of a few things, but I'll just have to leave this dream for speculation, or wait until Kaomea makes an entry of a somewhat similar encounter.

      Just didn't want to give up on the bits that I remembered...

      Dream 2: OpheliaBlue's Twin Sister

      My whole experience of this dream was sort of hazy. I believe I'm sitting down near the edge of some high building, and there's a few people there as well.

      I see OpheliaBlue, she's wearing blue jeans and a a semi-transparent shirt that has this mix of dark pink and diluted red to it. Her hair is most likely black, and it was bundled up into curls, like one of her photos I've seen in a thread. >.>

      Anyway, she tells me that I should come with her to see her sister perform some unique talent of hers, I think it was balancing plates with thin light brown sticks, something like that.

      I acknowledge her response to me and get up, but it's taking a little bit for me to stand up completely. After she started to walk a little bit, I felt like I should rest again on the floor.

      I motioned a "Give me a moment's rest" type of action to Ophelia.

      I laid down to my side, my body feels so tired and weak. I look at the ground for a little bit, seeing the little bumps on each tile of the flooring outside of this building. Then I look at what's in front of me, and I see the edge, and I'm awfully close to it.

      And the floor outside of this building I'm resting on is slightly slanted, and I didn't want to roll all the way down there, because it felt like I was at a really high elevation.

      So I get my left hand and make a fist to the ground to help with getting up, I managed to extend my left arm to where it forms a slanted L shape, but I can't get up.

      I believe I rolled to my side to look where Ophelia's going, but here's the part that was really confusing to me.

      She told me her sister would come, but to me, it looked like she had twin sisters, or I'm seeing another image of her.

      Ophelia has the black hair, and the other person that is probably her twin sister has her hair dyed red, with a few traces of black.

      That's all I remember for that one.

      Dream 3: Wrong Prescription

      I riding my bicycle near some parking toll booth entrance. In my hand, I was showing the person inside the booth about a wrong prescription apparently.

      I guess they analyze and do customer service with pharmacy related issues as well.

      The lady was asking me a few questions, and I told her that I never opened the bottle before.

      Then for some odd reason, I open it, and take a pill, but I didn't swallow it immediately. I let my tongue make various forms around it, and it tasted a little bit like any regular hard capsule vitamin/pill.

      Then I realized what I did, felt depressed, and said,

      "Never mind........"

      Updated 04-06-2012 at 06:10 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    15. Meeting Zhaylin, Someone Tricks Me, Science Review Game

      by , 02-27-2012 at 02:31 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      Dream 1: Zhaylin???

      I was riding my bicycle randomly within my University, and I saw Zhaylin or someone who looked like her inside some huge vehicle, probably a Hummer or something of the sort. She was smiling at me, and I don't know what I did after that.

      However, the dream shifts to where I asked Zhaylin if she wanted to mix Dragon Bones with something. I think she didn't want to do anything else with me anymore, but I don't know the things we did exactly.

      The last thing I remember was thinking to myself that it would help get her Prayer up in Runescape if she did want to use Dragon Bones.

      I think she giggles and wants to get out of the area that we're in.

      Dream 2: Someone Tricks me

      Apparently, I'm choosing things on some screen, and apparently they were being saved, and at the end of the little test I had to do, I've been given a horrible score on one part of the exam.

      I've been given a 1, but I forgot what part it was, maybe it was on Morale or something of the sort. Then a DC that looks a lot like my father's friend. Let's call him "Rupe."

      He was explaining how what I entered would affect my performance somewhere, but I can't remember what exactly, all I know is that I was panicking like mad.

      But to make sure that the DC didn't pick up on me being paranoid to potentially saturate my mind with more worries, I immediately shifted to being neutral in my demeanor and asked him a random question.

      At first I wanted to say how long it would take for me to obtain a Bachelor's Degree, but I immediately pause before saying Bachelor, and asked him how long it would take to get another degree
      (I forgot what type I asked him about).

      He said that it would take me 7 years to get the degree that I forgot I asked him about.
      (Of course, this is assuming with undergraduate studying (4 years), I'll get it in 3 years after).

      I guess that might be a good thing since I'll be getting whatever it is early? But I'm also concerned about the validity of this random test that I took on the screen.

      I saw components like dream recall, which led me to assume that this was probably just how I remember my dreams and how I apply them to certain fields of writing/typing them down I guess.

      Dream 3: Science Review Game

      I'm sitting on the top level of a large lecture room with some random DCs. I see a blue screen in front of me, and the teacher that I can't recall their facial features, was about to start a review game for something.

      Some random questions came up and the teacher had a horrible method of verifying if a certain team got something right or not, people simply raised their hands, and I guess he took that as a right answer or something when he asked "Who had this?"" etc.

      I asked the DC to the right,

      "What team are we on?"

      He replies, "Blue."

      After that, I look at the environment a little bit before waking up.

      I was pretty glad the second dream was just a dream, because it felt like it was related to college, and I was this close from going insane for some reason, even though I tried to fake my calmness towards this DC.

      I checked the definition of Morale again just to make sure the dream wasn't too random:


      Noun:The confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group at a particular time
      Well that explains things, I guess this dream was basically telling me that I'm not motivated to do great things now.

      Maybe it's a sign or not, I'm not too sure, but I have been thinking about giving up a lot lately. I just don't see myself anywhere good in the near future.

      Updated 02-27-2012 at 02:41 PM by 47756

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