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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. Meeting Biochemists And Geneticists Females, Peeing, Mother Closing Garage, Party Time Calendar

      by , 02-04-2012 at 01:38 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      I was going to nap for a little while, but when I woke up to the alarm, I seemed to dozed off a little bit after I turned it off, and slipped into an accidental nap.

      OH, and I changed the format of the dates labeled on each dream, I'm used to the typical M/D/Y format, and it was getting annoying seeing D/M/Y from the default setting of the dream journal template that's available on the older dream journal settings thread I believe.

      (Just keeping this as a note so I won't think that I didn't have any dreams on February, since seeing 01.02.2012 would be Jan, if I go back to glance at my older entries and having it at 02.03.2012 might make me think it's from March if I kept conforming to the D/M/Y format instead of the M/D/Y format...just so those who read won't get confused.).


      Dream 1:

      The dream started out with me standing near a few sets of Buses belonging to the bus system at my University.

      They had variation in shapes and function. One was a classic and old school version (apparently), and there was an old lady trying to get the light to turn on, and it seemed she was trying to radio in to the maintenance or whatever to say the lights weren't working.

      I immediately ignored going inside of that bus because the old lady was having a hard time. I believe there was another bus in between, but I go up to the bus in front of it.

      I go in, and I find this bus is really short inside compared to the others. I believe it had 8-10 seats or so inside, excluding the driver's seat. Here's how the format the bus was.

      When you go up the steps to get in, there's going to be four seats or so on your left. And when you turn left to sit on the left side, in front of you is two to four more seats (that are on the opposite side of you), and if you're still sitting on the left side from where you entered, you'll see that there's two or more extra seats placed perpendicular of where you're sitting as the back seats.

      (This picture pretty much explains what I said, with those two guys sitting on the side(but just replace them with females), and I was the one sitting on the left. And there were windows on the sides compared to this picture).

      I couldn't remember if I was the first one to get on the bus, but I stumble upon mostly female DCs coming in. Of course, there weren't going to be many people, so I see a blonde come in, and the dream shifts to where there's probably 3 females on the bus, excluding the female driver.

      I introduced myself to them, starting with the blonde who is front ot me. I put my hand out to her, and she tells me her name, it starts with an "S," but I couldn't remember it. I do remember that I had to ask her twice though.

      Looking back on how she looked like, she was your classic MILF, I knew she had a lot of intelligence within her, and she was just so sexy to me. Her body build was so appealing to me, she was wearing the typical light blue jeans, and I believe she was wearing a blue sweater, almost like the one I wore today.

      How old are you?-cougars-cougar-life.jpg(Just putting this in because it matches to how the DC smiled at me when I greeted her, and she basically had the same upper region as the one in the pic too xD)

      I think she had lip gloss on, because I do recall a shine to her lips, probably was trying to attract me. She told me that she majored in Biochemistry, and then I realized she looked like professor (a really hot one that's probably around her late 20s and or early to mid 30s).

      I believe I greeted another lady, who was probably a younger blonde, I think she had really curly blonde hair, and probably had freckles as well, but I forgot the first letter of her name compared to the older one that was sitting to the right of her. And the younger one looked shy and timid.

      Then I turn left, and I see a Black female DC, I greeted myself to her, and she said she was a Geneticists. She started to tell me more on how she regretted not having Biochemistry as her major since Genetics majors would have to do more work if they wanted to switch or something.

      I agreed with her, but then something in my mind told me that something was wrong with that logic she was declaring to me. I explained to her that both Biochemistry and Genetics are about 95% related to each other, so the small percentage that makes them different wouldn't have made any huge changes in whatever she wanted to be.

      And I felt myself talking while explaining this to her as well, in fact, I would've became lucid if I was wondering why I'm on a bus when I'm actually taking an accidental nap.

      She agrees to my explanation and is like "Oh, really??!" in a surprised tone. Then she tells me she has to speak with one of her advisers to give her a piece of her mind or something.

      In my mind, I thought that it would be already too late for her to complain about how whoever advised her to do Genetics instead of Biochemistry since she looked like she was the same age as the blonde MILF.

      Then after a while, everything gets quiet, so I guess we're all just planning what to say next. Then I started to say how I wanted to major in Biochemistry because I felt I could also do small research on sleep cycles and dreaming, and all three of them looked at me and nodded their heads each time I explained a reason at the end.

      I talked about how Dream research is a science that remains untouched because people are afraid that their beliefs will suddenly be just a method of faith they placed on to define their reality, and other basic things you would say to people who don't look like they focus on dreaming and attempting to become lucid.

      They had that curious facade, and it was cute.
      (Even as I'm typing this, I'm still lured by the blonde MILF, she just had this aura that I could just hug her and smother my face all over her breasts while she gets her hands and holds my my head in excitement, just thinking about it gets me excited too...but let's move on).

      The bus stops I believe and we get off. This is the part where the dream transitions I'm not to sure of what occurred first or last.

      But from what I remembered first, I was inside a bathroom that was mixed, meaning that there was a section combined with male urinals, and you could walk a few steps to go to the female area.

      Of course, I assumed the area with the toilets that were concealed was for females, since I saw the blonde teenager's head that I met inside the bus getting ready to do her business. I think there was another female DC outside the concealed toilet waiting for her.

      Then I go to the urinal, and I took a really long time urinating, I'm surprised I didn't wake up feeling wet down there since I felt the sensation getting stronger and stronger as I urinate more. I wanted to be careful not to urinate too fast because I didn't want the liquid to splash back at me.

      Then the dream transitions to where we're inside some classroom, and we're all going to leave. I only see the teenager blonde I met in the bus with me, and she was doing her own business.

      I think I was searching the desk and drawers to make sure no one left anything. I think I found all sorts of things ranging from deserts, etc.

      That's all I remember for that all. I'm still having an attract to the blonde MILF I saw though. Maybe she wanted my attention, and I gave her it, but I just wasn't lucid.

      Dream 2: Mother Closing Garage Door

      All I remember from this dream was that my father was having difficulty closing the garage door, and he called a DC that looked like my mother to close it for him.

      I look at her try to close it, she detaches the right side of it, and slowly links it back to the grooves to slide it down, but by the time she did that, I ignored her and went somewhere.

      Dream 3: Party Time Calendar

      All I remember from this dream was being giving a calendar of estimated dates of when there was going to be a party that a specific group of older adults called the "Guyanese Club" I knew about in waking life.

      As I'm reading this, apparently some DC is telling me how one DC didn't tell the other DC about this calendar, and it was pretty trivial and petty things that I didn't want to listen to.

      I think I saw some numbers moving around the calendar, but that's all I remember.