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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. Where are we going to?....Tommo?, Bed needs an Oil change, Calling my Mother, Just Get Out Already..

      by , 03-23-2012 at 01:59 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Where are we going to?....Tommo?, Bed needs an Oil change, Calling my Mother, Just Get Out Already


      Dream 1: Where are we going to?....Tommo?

      I remember the dream starting out where I'm sitting in the passenger seat, and someone is giving me a ride to somewhere.

      It seems they stopped near a few stores are that linked together, and I asked them, "Where are we going to?"

      I can't remember if they responded to me or not, but we both get off, and I still have no clear image of this person who gave me the ride. I thought we were headed for Gamestop, seeing as we're parked close to it.

      I try to open the door to Gamestop, but I'm having difficulty opening it, the door is opening, but not even all the way.

      It seems the game store isn't even opened as yet, in fact, it looks abandoned and empty because it's dark and there are white walls that are not filled with anything. I decided I should just give up since I'm struggling to open the door, but the person that I'm not even paying attention too opens it for me with ease.

      I follow this person through this dark and empty area, and there's another door in front of us, and I just follow the other person's footsteps, and suddenly we're in another dark area, but it looks more like someone's house.

      In this area, there seems to be another door in front of us, but I think it was just a house bathroom this time, and the person goes in. After I'm waiting and staring at the partial darkness, I see a cockroach on the floor, and it is really huge.

      If you spread your index finger and thumb all the way, that's how huge it was (size may vary ).

      I didn't really panic seeing this cockroach, I was just looking at it and making sure I didn't make sudden movements because I wanted to kill this thing. It was moving its antennas freely, and it probably didn't even notice that I was there.

      What I said after seeing the cockroach is what really confuses me, I'm not sure if I really said this, but from what I remember, this is what I asked the person in the bathroom or whatever room they're in.

      I asked, "Tommo?" in a quiet voice to make sure the cockroach wouldn't try to move quickly. The person, who apparently is supposed to take the role of Tommo now opens the door quietly.

      He asks me, "What's going on?" and I tell him that there's a huge cockroach on the floor near us. I think he gets a blue broom, and slowly creeps behind the cockroach and slams the broom on it.

      I can't remember what else happened after that.

      Dream 2: Bed needs an Oil change

      I'm with my mother, and we're near some bed. For some odd reason, we treat this bed like it's a car or something, because apparently things like the oil gauge needs a new change, and the fuel ran out as well.

      I first checked the oil gauge of the bed, and I pour some random liquify contents from a container I didn't even pay attention to, I just assume it's going to help will filling up the oil gauge.

      I see my mother trying to pump air into what seems to be an empty lotion bottle,
      (now that I'm awake, what she's doing is clearly freaking stupid, especially using a mini air pump to fill air into it). She's trying hard to pump air into it, and I ignore her stupid interaction with this lotion and air pump, and I find the gasoline levels of the bed is empty.

      At first it didn't seem like it, but after fiddling with it for a while, it was clearly empty.
      I can't remember much after that.

      Dream 3: Calling my Mother

      I'm on the phone because I see my mother is trying to call me, and I pick up my Blackberry and started to ask my mother what is she calling me for in an annoyed tone.

      I can't remember what she asked me, but I responded in a raspy voice, and I tried gaining my normal voice, but I just can't. So I hang up the phone, and tried to call her again, and I'm still have a some trouble speaking normally, but eventually I get my voice back.

      (This was a slight improvement compared to the lucid yesterday where I completely failed in speaking to the a Ginger lady overall).

      My mother made fun of my raspy voice, which only made me more pissed off at her, and I told her something in a raging manner, and then hanged up the phone again.

      Dream 4: Just Get Out Already (DILD)
      (I did a mantra before this as I started to do a WILD attempt after doing a WBTB time for 30-45 minutes) I said a number as I'm inhaling, and "I am dreaming" as I'm exhaling all the way to 150, and then did the same thing from 151 to around 300, but this time, I said, "I will meet Alyzarin" as I exhaled.

      I thought this would be a useful anchor, but it seems when I'm getting closer to 300, I get irritated, because again, I wanted to get this WILD attempt done and over with so that I can find Alyzarin. I was listening to a few love songs before doing this just to relax myself.

      But I do admit that I was more relaxed, and by the time I quit counting, I turned to my right side and just focused on sleeping instead of trying to keep a small awareness)
      This dream was kind of weird, my eyes were closed, but I felt like I was standing. I heard my mother and father talking to each other about something, and it seems they're getting ready to go somewhere.

      I knew that I'm alone here at my University in waking life, so I knew something was wrong if I could see my father, or even my mother together. I didn't do a reality check or anything, I just knew I was dreaming.

      I didn't have the mindset to find Alyzarin in the moment, because I wanted to get rid of my parents first (but I know that if I could just get them out, it would come back immediately). I see my mother is wearing a black and white Nike sports jacket, and I advanced towards her to hug her because they're leaving.

      I told them that we're dreaming, but they don't really seem to pick up on what I'm telling them. Their faces are just neutral, but not blank to where they look like robots, but just being quiet for a while, and then resuming back to whatever role they serve in this dream.

      I tell the both of them they can go now. I think I'm pushing my mother a bit because she said she had to go back to get something, but she's clearly doing it to buy time or something, so I prevented her from doing that. My father is already headed out the door and to the vehicle, so I didn't have to worry about him.

      My mother is going inside the vehicle, and I believe the seating was obviously wrong in American standards. I believe my father was on the left side instead of the right side for the driver's seat, and my mother was sitting on the left side that was the passenger seat.

      (I didn't notice this until I woke up, but I don't think that's a really big issue, maybe the car was in different position to make me assume that).

      She is asking me to bring her something that she forgot, and I believe she wanted me to bring her a bag of chips. At first I tried to raise my left or right eyebrow because this seems like a random question for her to ask me, but I go back inside the house to check.

      What's funny about the arrangement of this house was that the kitchen resembled my apartment's model, while the living room resembled a completely different house. I check the mini doors on top of the fridge, exactly like my apartment's structure.

      And I also noticed that the blue trash can I have in waking life is a little bit too big than is needed, and it distracted me for a little while, but I eventually ignore it.

      The fridge wasn't even near where I was checking for the Potato Chips, it was probably behind me, so that's another alteration that was different from the actual model structure in waking life.

      I open the kitchen cabinet doors, and I find two bags of Lays Potato Chips. One is almost done, maybe half-way, and the other is an full one.

      I take the one that's half-full first to give to my mother, and decided I'll eat the other one for myself when I come back. I go out and I believe I give my mother the bag of potato chips.

      Then she wants something else.

      Are you freaking kidding me!?!?!? She asks me if I can get her some Ginger Ale for me and my father. I asked her, "Why do you need Ginger Ale if you don't have any extra cups or containers to store it in?"

      I couldn't really tell her facial expression after I asked her that, but I assume I went back to the house to get it.

      That's all I remember.

      Updated 03-23-2012 at 02:09 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid