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    1. Eyedropper Enema & Riding Crop, White Horse, Smelling Food and Almost Tasting it!

      by , 10-05-2012 at 03:48 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Buying Eyedropper Enema and Riding Crop Stick? (Non-lucid)


      So I downloaded an mp3 file of a Binaural beat that lasts for one hour, and is supposed to aid in Astral Projection. I set it on repeat for the whole night, and at some point, probably moved. But when I woke up and slept again, I finally recalled a few dreams while the beats are playing.

      I'm inside of a store, and it looks like any regular supermarket like Walmart. I'm at a section where there seems to be some BDSM items at the end of the aisle. I noticed a Riding Crop is there along with what seems to be an eye dropper. It really looks like some cheap enema at first, and I get closer to get a better view.

      At the same time, I felt afraid looking at it because I was worried people might look over at me to see what I'm doing. So I tried to do this whole process slowly as I could, and there were several moments where I tried to grab both items, but failed because I would jump a bit if I saw someone pass by. I finally get the two items and put them in the cart.

      The dream shifts where I'm watching some people inside of a lab class, and one person seems to have a huge ass eye dropper that's probably the length from the tip of his fingers all the way to his wrists. For some weird reason, I would use that as an excuse if someone asked me why I have such a big eye dropper myself.

      The guy with the eye dropper looked like your classic southern Caucasian male, he wore a red mixed with some dark color striped dress shirt where the stripes were going horizontally and vertically. He had a light gray shirt underneath this opened dress shirt, and his hair is messed up.

      It's short and curly hair, and it look like it's regular brown hair, or dirty blonde hair. His visage obviously slows he's a bit chubby, and this is sort of augmenting him to look like a Larry the Cable Guy or Hardcore Hillbilly Truck Driver. He's talking with some people that I can't recall at all, and it seems he and the rest of the people are waiting for the experiment to start.

      The dream shifts back, and I now have the Huge Eyedropper in my hand again, but no signs of the Riding Crop
      (I don't really need to whip myself, so makes sense).

      I take a closer look at the eye dropper, and noticed the transparent tubing is way wider than it was when I first bought it. I could make a ring with my index finger and thumb, and that's the width of it. I also see there's anal beads, and each individual bead has a different color ranging from green, orange, and purple.

      I assumed that you could pull out the black squeezing material for the huge eye dropper and use it on someone, but I didn't. I went to the bathroom with it, and the rest is history.........................

      Actually, I don't know what I'm going to do with that, but I sure hope that it's at least a female and not myself I'm using it on.

      White Horse Rolling in Shallow Water (Non-lucid)


      There's a fairly big white horse, very majestic and beautiful, that ends up resting on its side on shallow pool of water that looks like a fountain as well. It has long and pretty white hair, and it seems to be trying to get up, and it looks awkward seeing the whole thing happen.

      I can't remember anything else.
      Smelling Food and Almost Tasting It!!!! (Non-lucid)


      I'm riding a bicycle fairly quickly on what seems to be a freeway. Most of the area consists of a lot of green trees passing by, and several gray roads with yellow dashed lines between them. There's another road branching off to some different area, and the whole path seems that it'll make it curved.

      I end up going anyway, and the large green sign you see in traffic says something about. "Farmville"
      (looool, weird name to have that reminds me of the game on Facebook).

      I really get lost and try to find any paths to take me back to the freeway to get to my apartment I'm assuming that I'm going to. I stop, forget about the bicycle completely, and walk around this random area. There's a red sign with white text that says "AMT" or something of the sort.

      Then I go up to some wooden white gates that seems to be the entrance to get into some restaurant that has the format similar to "Denny's" in waking life.

      It has some fairly racial content on the gates, and I think it was stating something along the lines of,

      "Black Women Before they were Oscrzd"

      I'm assuming the "Oscrzd" was a horrible abbreviation for "ostracized." I felt afraid going inside of this area, especially if it had weird text on the gates hinting it could be a racist restaurant. I go in anyway, and I see some Black people anyway, so maybe it's just my mind trolling on me. I'm on a deck that's covered by some shade, and there's round tables with white cloth on top and chairs organized neatly.

      There's some food on the table, and I look at it, and I get a BURST of all these wonderful smells! DAMN IT, I could presume that my tongue was watering in the dream, because it's smells soooo good that I could literally almost taste what was there.

      I saw Peace Cobbler or Apple Pie, and mostly just other dessert type of stuff. There wasn't anyone around outside here except for one random Black person wearing a swamp-ish green shirt and probably gray shorts eating something at a table.

      I look around, and feel tempted to just take a bite of the stuff on the empty tables, but choose not to. I looked inside, and noticed there are more people eating, though it's barely noticeable. The wonderful smell of food was too overwhelming to me,
      and I forget what happens next.

    2. Kicked in the Chest, Bike Riding, Horse Riding and Torso Healing, Tennis Courts and Indoor Garden

      by , 07-21-2012 at 11:05 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Kicked in the Chest (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a house, and there's a beautiful dark skinned woman. She's wearing an orange shirt long sports pants, but they are so baggy, she most likely was wearing them to hide her actual curves. I was trying to be nice to her, but when I got closer to her, her face turns from normal to pissed off within a matter of seconds.

      I believe she kicks me in the chest and mouths me off, and I'm just resting there on the floor wondering what I did wrong. The dream resets, and I see her again, and it takes a few resets in order for her to calm down.

      When I meet her one more time, I told her quickly that I wasn't going to do anything sexual to her at all. She looks at me carefully, but she finally turns around and doesn't consider trying to hurt me again.

      She was so beautiful though that it was very hard trying to refrain from being sexual around her. It's like she had a strong sexual aura all over, and it started to become torture for myself if I continued to be around this beautiful and sexy woman.

      Ugh.....first time I've seen a woman in my dreams pissed off at me and assaults me, and I slightly feel the pain from it as well....

      Why do you have to be mean to little old me? T___T

      Bike Riding (Non-lucid)


      It's hard to know which dream came first, but a gut feeling tells me the bike riding came first.

      I'm riding my bicycle at a section of my University, and maybe 15 feet away from me to my left is a section to lock your bicycle at the bicycle rack. It seemed it already rained, because as I'm riding near the curb before reaching the bicycle rack, small streams of water start bursting out, and the surface was wet all over.

      I kept my left foot on the left pedal, and stood up really quick to shift the right side of my body to the left side of the bike. Then I decided to bend down, while still having my whole body on the left side of the bicycle, and then pressed the handbrakes as much as I can.

      I finally get off the bicycle, and I think someone tries to talk to me by first saying, "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!"

      But I ignored them for some reason.
      Horse Riding and Torso Healing? (Non-lucid)


      My torso feels weird in this dream, it's as if I'm going through stages of getting it healed and stable if that makes any sense?

      There's a flash black background with words in yellow font with a red outline I believe that shows how close I am in getting my dream torso region stabilized. I'm also riding a majestic white horse, and it takes a while for me to get used to riding this thing, but I start feeling connected with this horse for some reason.

      I decided to put my faith into it that it will carry me where I needed to go, even though I don't know where I'll be going. There was a small rope like material that I would tug a little bit if I wanted it to speed up a little.

      I did this a few times, but the horse did not make any changes in its speed, so I tugged it even harder, and it finally complied with my action. I think I rub the horse gently to show that I'm glad that it followed my request for it to go faster.

      I can hear the sounds of it beating the ground while I'm resting my head on its warm neck. After a while, the horse stops, and I get off, and someone asks me if my torso was alright.

      I said "Yes," and even told them that it was completely healed. They were surprised, but they responded that this was good.


      I don't remember how this person looked like who asked me the question.
      Tennis Courts and Indoor Garden? (Non-lucid)


      I believe I'm with someone, though I'm not sure who they are until later on, and even then, it was hard making a decent glance at them. The person I'm following is already way ahead of me, and I realize that I'm between two tennis courts.

      To my right is two men playing, both Hispanic, and both wearing black clothing, or at least some type of dark clothing. It's dark outside, but there's decent lighting inside this weird Indoor Garden/Tennis Courts hybrid infrastructure.

      The light sources are at the top corners of the building, like the corners of a square.

      As for the guys' skills, they looked like they just play Tennis for fun. One of them literally pushes the ball when serving, or tries to randomly smash it down hard, only to put the ball off in a tangent away the service box.

      They both turned around to realize that the tennis balls were outside, and they asked me if I could help they get it. I saw one tennis ball was still inside, and pointed to them to pick that up. They said thanks, and I just ignore helping them get the other one.

      There was someone on the left tennis court who could help them, and it looked like their tennis buddy who was picking up the tennis balls for them while they're playing.

      When I get closer to the person I'm following, I believe it's my mother. The material that supports the composition of the building is very weird. It's made of a very thin plastic, like when you buy those water bottle packs and try to pierce a hole with your thumb.

      (That's actually a bad idea because I recently tried that and I made some weird movement with my thumb and it hurt a lot. :c )

      I use my fingernails to pierce the plastic material of the building in order to climb up a little to get some plant or vegetable hanging on top of some small surface. My mother suggested that we go outside to make sure I'm climbing on the right section.

      I go down to surface again, go outside, and it looks like I can just jump up or something to get whatever vegetable that I needed.

      I don't know why I needed to get the vegetable in the first place.....