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    International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal

    This is the Official IOSDP Shared Dream Journal!

    The Rules for posting entries are the following:

    1. Only post dreams on the dates of the shared dreaming attempts. Please do not post your dreams you have on non-attempt days unless they have to do with the location or you believe they are significant in some way (if so describe why you believe they are significant). On the attempt days please post all of your dreams.

    2. Title the entry like this: # Shared Dreaming Attempt-(name's) Dream
    For example: 8th Shared Dreaming Attempt-Atras's Dream
    For non-attempt days, title them like this: Shared Dreaming Attempt-Name's Dream

    Title the Experiment entries like this: # Shared Dreaming Experiment-(name's) Dream
    For example: 1st Shared Dreaming Experiment-Katsuno's Dream

    3. On the first line in the place where you write your dream please put this: (Name's Dream) in bold and point 5 font and any color you want. If you have any confusion with this, just look at the entries I have put in for an example of how to head it.

    4. Do not provide a link to your entry, make sure that the actual entry is written down here.

    5. Do not post random things that aren't related. If you do this I will disable your access to the dream journal .

    The Link to the Results Thread is here:


    1. 28th Shared Dreaming Attempt-Joshdamighty

      by , 09-05-2011 at 05:09 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      [B]Joshdamighty's Dream[/B

      Pirates of the carribean Dream
      Starts with me hanging out with Jwhitley and friends at a party at a restaraunt. Decide to go outside and find a pirae ship docked at the restaraunt.* We all decide to take the ship for a day and go on an adventure.* We get onboard and there is captain jack sparrow and will turner saying they are ready to go too.

      * I notice the ship is clean and meantion that the ship has all new glasses and plates to Jack.* I then say to Jack so this is what you spent your money on from*all that treasure you found and he laughs.* We get on and then Mr. Gibbs gets on and we set sail.*
      We get to an island not that far off for supplies and mr gibbs gives an eyepatch to a black lady in our crew and talks to her aboit why pirates wear them.* When everyone goes on ahead, i talk with mr gibbs about the girl asking if she is worth taking with is. Just about that moment,*the black girl starts rolling down the hill and she is a skeleton with no meat.

      * I was shocked and wondered what happened and notice some ants.* I go on ahead and see swarms of ants coming for me so i begin to run and shake and freak out like you do when you got ants on you and then my arms start stinging.* I check them and there are ants covering my arm with almost no skin showing.* I panic and swim off the island and see ants in the water swarming to me.* I run onto another island and roll around and run for help and they start leaving me.* Turns out they won't kill you if you have a will to survive and you will fight to survive.
      That's what Mr. Gibbs said after I was attacked. I then woke up confused and checking my arms.
    2. 27th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Joshdamighty

      by , 09-04-2011 at 04:45 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Joshdamighty's Dream

      So I attempted a w.i.l.d but had a hard time getting back to sleep after waking up at 6:00am (went to bed at 12:00am).

      I was telling myself when I see the colors and I know I'm going through sleep paralysis, I will immediately wake up and reality check. I guess I waited too long... I ended up dreaming of getting up thinking it didn't work and I did a reality check with my hands and they looked normal! That's odd that they were normal.

      So now I'm thinking its real. I go outside and want to see if the weather is windy and cooler here in Texas cause we have been waiting forever for this. I see the wind and then see my brother standing about 100 yards away from the house and he's watching it too. Then, the sky changes to a bright white. I see snow way off in the distance. I was really confused now but then heard a loud roar. I could tell from my years of playing monster hunter that it was a BLANGONGA.

      Blangonga is the big one, blangos are the small ones.

      I freaked out and yelled at my brother to get inside and he just stood there (why is it my brother always gets in these situations in my dreams). It starts snowing heavy and I see Blangos and then see a big shadow in the distance. Now I don't normally lose my cool in dreams but this time I went crazy.

      I ran inside to grab a sword or battleaxe and woke up.
    3. 26th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Joshdamighty

      by , 09-03-2011 at 05:22 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)

      It started on a train and I was with all the people from the Harry Potter series. I was Harry Potter and I acted like I was him. My wand was a short sword with a wooden blade sticking out of the handle. When we arrived at the station I learned I was in a tournament and had won the last tournament. Drako was at the station with his dad and started mocking me about how he had kicked me in the face in the past and how he was better than me. I then replied how I've beat him in every wizard dual tournament and won the previous one.
      I left to find my friends. We sat in a restaurant and the Malfoys sat right next to us. Drako was arguing with his dad and suddenly he dropped his wand and it rolled under our table. We tried to get it for him and then Jenny dropped her wand under the table and Drako complained to his father about how the wand was useless anyway. We were about to leave when I heard Voltemorts voice say someone will try to shoot Harry Potter. In this moment I floated out of Harry Potter and was like a spectator on a fps video game.
      Jenny got up and left for no reason and Harry decided to leave too but found Jenny's wand. He said he needs to find her and as he was leaving I heard Drako's dad say to Drako here son you can use my wand and Drako replied "It's about time." Harry Potter was leaving and I saw Jenny coming back and she had like an odd glare in her eyes and I saw her carrying a small pistol and I knew she was cursed. I hurried to get to Harry Potter and when I did he was going up some big stairway that led to the upper level of the train station that kinda looked like airport.
      Then, Jenny came through the hall way and had the gun. She pointed it at Harry and he tried to talk some to her and tell her not to do this but she wasn't replying. He pointed his wand at her and disarmed her pistol. She laughed and said I can just ask for another one. She looked up and held her hand up and said some stuff I didn't understand and black and red swirls of light started circling her and a gun appeared in her hand. She pointed it at him and laughed. He disarmed her again and started saying that she can resist him and needs to come back.
      She said Harry I was testing you. See? The gun was actually a black and red T.V remote control. They hugged and I thought maybe I could control him again and when he got to the upper floor, Harry and his friends sat at a table and I floated into him and I wad in control again. Nobody noticed...
      I gave Jenny her wand back and I looked at mine and was wondering what the blade on the side was for. I found out that it moved and there was a button on the handle. I turned the blade around and around and then pressed the button and it spun around like a fan and everyone at the table was amazed. I bragged, cool my wand is a wand, a sword, and a toy! A few people laughed but most were not and looked a little jealous. Then Hermione whispered "Harry, it would be better not to brag in front of your friends." Then there was some talking and then I woke up.
    4. 16th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Joshdamighty

      by , 08-09-2011 at 12:30 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Joshdamighty's Dream
      Started at home in my old house when I was in my early childhood. There were a lot of people over.
      After some socializing with the rediculous amount of people that were over at our house, I realized I was dreaming through my glasses. I don't know how but my glasses were fogged and I took them off and my vision stayed the same.
      Made stuff float to test dream control.
      I remember before trying to teleport I saw this odd mustached man with a monocle who was cuboidal shaped like minecraft.
      I tried to teleport countless times by spinning in a circle and using doors to get to the temple
      Finally a door worked and I was transported to a facility with space shuttles there (didn't count on that)
      I go and try to teleport again with all the doors but nothing works
      Then i find a room fool of mirrors and try those but still nothing.
      I then think maybe I can take a space shuttle
      I ask a dude how long until the launch he says 11 hours
      I then go to the terminal and can't find out how to get into a shuttle
      I then see this guy who tells me I shouldn't be there and I decide to try and teleport again and it works!
      I am teleported to the myan temple and then see lots of jungle around me.
      I finally see the temple and decide to fly up to it when I see the odd mustached man again
      He said your journey ends here.
      I fly around trying to dodge him who is now shooting fireballs at me.
      I fly behind a floating building (odd because there were many floating buildings above the temple including the tajma hall).
      He flew into the building and died and fell to the earth.
      I flew back to the temple and got to the top of it and looked all around and saw nobody. I laughed I was so happy I made it. I then started to realize my objective and started to light the beacon when I woke up.