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    International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal

    This is the Official IOSDP Shared Dream Journal!

    The Rules for posting entries are the following:

    1. Only post dreams on the dates of the shared dreaming attempts. Please do not post your dreams you have on non-attempt days unless they have to do with the location or you believe they are significant in some way (if so describe why you believe they are significant). On the attempt days please post all of your dreams.

    2. Title the entry like this: # Shared Dreaming Attempt-(name's) Dream
    For example: 8th Shared Dreaming Attempt-Atras's Dream
    For non-attempt days, title them like this: Shared Dreaming Attempt-Name's Dream

    Title the Experiment entries like this: # Shared Dreaming Experiment-(name's) Dream
    For example: 1st Shared Dreaming Experiment-Katsuno's Dream

    3. On the first line in the place where you write your dream please put this: (Name's Dream) in bold and point 5 font and any color you want. If you have any confusion with this, just look at the entries I have put in for an example of how to head it.

    4. Do not provide a link to your entry, make sure that the actual entry is written down here.

    5. Do not post random things that aren't related. If you do this I will disable your access to the dream journal .

    The Link to the Results Thread is here:


    1. 38th shared Dreaming attempt - Floating head

      by , 10-01-2011 at 06:32 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Hotel California...

      I get a false awakening, I'm so tired I start to fall asleep standing up - I then think that this is a bit strange and do an RC,my usual method I can't do because it is too dark to see anything so I try holding my nose - but find I CAN'T breath, although I decide that this is really not a true way of doing an RC (for me) because it has failed many times in the past, but then I sorta just know that it's a dream and walk out of the bedroom. In the hallway it is still very dark (the dreams are only just beginning to form) so I shout 'luminos' to try and brighten the place up - all I get is a sputter of light and then darkness. So I walk downstairs and out of the front door into...

      What looks like a hotel (a mostly dark brown wooden interior), I know I need to get to Chichen Itza but forget what the best method to do so would be. I find the skeleton key in my pocket (which I found last week in my dream) and walk around trying to find a closed door to open (with the skeleton key) and use as a portal to get to Chichen Itza - I'm walking around what looks like the outside of the hotel - I expect to see a door - and do, lots of them - but all of them have windows in them so that I can see what's on the other side - and if I can see what's on the other side I can't get it to work like a portal (damn dream - I ve done this to myself before - or is it me, I don't know) SO then I decide to get out of the hotel and hotel grounds and fly to Chichen Itza. So I walk through the hotel, trying to search for the entrance, I walk past a woman behind a desk (I think she is wearing blue and is the receptionist) and walk into a revolving door - but the compatment to go into is very small and tight and just goes round and round and round and doesn't let you go out - DAMN! Then I wake

      (so the hotel wasn't in California but much like THE hotel California from the song!)

      Build it and they will come

      I'm falling asleep but very aware, this turns into a DIELD. I can see a whole mountain range scenary, I'm thinking about Chichen Itza and how I need to see that, and then decide to CHANGE it into Chichen Itza, I see my hand - a giant ghost like hand hovering over the scenery - I find that I am able to move it - shaping and forming the scenery. So first of all I decide to try and make the central mountain range into a pyramid shape - but find this much more tricky than I first thought, then the dream starts to take control and I decide on using a pyramid shape from zbrush computer program as a good basis, and then it fades and changes or I wake.

      Wake up!
      I'm aware that I'm dreaming (3rd time in the night - woot!) and am with my wife - I try to tell her that she is too, I pull and extreme face, first of all I pull my cheeks far apart with my fingers, and then I pull my jaw back, breaking it and pulling it into my chest - all so that she would remember the dream when she woke. The weird thing is that as I'm pulling these faces I see myself in the third person - behind my head - so I have no idea what these faces look like (though I was trying to go for that part in the film Beetlejuice when the two main characters pull there faces into ghoulish shapes)
      I then decide that I need to get to Chichen Itza - so I fly up into the sky. The scenery is amazing, I am so high and travelling so fast, I can see so much countryside and forest beneath me, hills and rivers and trees- it looks so beautiful - but before I get anywhere I wake. ARGH!!
    2. 36th shared dreaming attempt- whiterains dream

      by , 09-25-2011 at 07:25 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      whiterains dream

      short lucid last night. it was something like there was a ball dispenser like a bubble gum machine but big on the side of a road. it was sending out messages in balls and ideas and seemed to represent some part of the brain or something. i think it was also sending out trigger messages to be lucid and i think i ignored it briefly then suddenly caught on. it seemed like a good idea to somehow release the balls and charge the machine up. i held a ball and chaged it up somehow then smashed it into the machine to send more of these messages out. i remember looking at one of the balls and saying to my bro/mate as we left "see look at them all, some of them are ideas that we havent even had yet"
    3. 33rd shared dreaming attempt- whiterains dream

      by , 09-18-2011 at 06:09 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      whiterains dream

      can only really remember a brief bit of lucid flying from last night. also a little bit with a group of people talking about fighting techniques and teaching each other things. damn im sure there was alot more but i had to get up
    4. 31st shared dreaming attempt- whiterains dream

      by , 09-12-2011 at 01:30 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      whiterains dream

      few memorable moments from another random holiday dream. mostly playing football on an astro pitch surrounded by fence and losing the ball over the fence. got lucid briefly and had a really good fly by jumping from this platform inside this massive building. mostly just too obsessed by girls though to have any focus for anything else. i remember people moaning at me because i was flying past the windows and they all thought i was looking in. it was a kind of church like building with odd windows. towards the end of the dream was a really odd bit with me JC and JG all by these massive speakers they were playing just 2 notes, but i t felt like i had heard it somewhere else. we were all transfixed by how these 2 notes sounded so amazing yet so simple.
    5. 16th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Joshdamighty

      by , 08-09-2011 at 12:30 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Joshdamighty's Dream
      Started at home in my old house when I was in my early childhood. There were a lot of people over.
      After some socializing with the rediculous amount of people that were over at our house, I realized I was dreaming through my glasses. I don't know how but my glasses were fogged and I took them off and my vision stayed the same.
      Made stuff float to test dream control.
      I remember before trying to teleport I saw this odd mustached man with a monocle who was cuboidal shaped like minecraft.
      I tried to teleport countless times by spinning in a circle and using doors to get to the temple
      Finally a door worked and I was transported to a facility with space shuttles there (didn't count on that)
      I go and try to teleport again with all the doors but nothing works
      Then i find a room fool of mirrors and try those but still nothing.
      I then think maybe I can take a space shuttle
      I ask a dude how long until the launch he says 11 hours
      I then go to the terminal and can't find out how to get into a shuttle
      I then see this guy who tells me I shouldn't be there and I decide to try and teleport again and it works!
      I am teleported to the myan temple and then see lots of jungle around me.
      I finally see the temple and decide to fly up to it when I see the odd mustached man again
      He said your journey ends here.
      I fly around trying to dodge him who is now shooting fireballs at me.
      I fly behind a floating building (odd because there were many floating buildings above the temple including the tajma hall).
      He flew into the building and died and fell to the earth.
      I flew back to the temple and got to the top of it and looked all around and saw nobody. I laughed I was so happy I made it. I then started to realize my objective and started to light the beacon when I woke up.