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    1. The Sacred Stream, Incredibly Fragmented Lucid, Pitted Against One Another

      by , 11-05-2012 at 11:50 PM
      Just to catch up on a few dreams I missed recording recently....

      October 31

      Fragment - "Weed smoking at some school with creepy guy who wants cheese pizza, blue teddy bears on the highway? The rest of us eat pepperoni." All I remember about this dream is seeing those blue teddy bears, they looked very trippy and weird. >.>

      The Sacred Stream [Non-Lucid]

      I was with M and at least one or two other people (who I think was/were imaginary) and after driving in my car a bit and then getting out to walk around we fell way down over the side of this huge cliff. We landed on a rock formation around half way down that had a stream flowing down it and started drinking it, and I believe M who noticed that it was, in fact, alcohol. o.o I took some large handfuls myself and it was freaking delicious! Unfortunately, when we climbed down from it to the ground there was some "tribe" of people there talking about how they were pissed at us from drinking from their sacred river, and then they started shooting at us. (I can't remember if it was just guns or poison darts or what, it's been too long now.) My first car just happened to be parked nearby so we all ran to it and hopped in and I started driving us away, though for a second I got really distracted by the fact that the headlights wouldn't work (), but then they finally did (). We pull off to the road and finally get away, but then I start feeling odd so I pull off to the side and look at my cellphone. Everything on the screen is fluctuating wildly, letters, shapes, and colors start switching around and pulsing and I realize that I'm hallucinating really hard. (In actually, technology usually malfunctions like this for me in dreams. ) I felt like I'd ingested something toxic and M was trying to look after me while I felt colder and weaker, but shortly thereafter I woke up.

      November 1

      Incredibly Fragmented Lucid [DILD]

      "Stabilizing in a house...."

      How disappointing is that. ._.

      November 3

      Pitted Against One Another [Non-Lucid]

      I was part of some futuristic battle where people all fighting for their own personal causes were pitted against each other even though they had no hard feelings against each other, and I ended up fighting this one guy in a mall who was trying to set himself free of the hurt that he had because, apparently, he had taught every single person who died on a plane on 9/11 to read and speak English and he hadn't gotten over their deaths. o.o When I had to unfortunately defeat him, he, like, dissolved into blue code while telling me this story....

      I really wish I remembered more of that dream, but I didn't even write anything down when I woke up so that's pretty much all I've got now.
    2. Hanging Out With Family, Shady Diner, Taking A Vacation

      by , 06-29-2012 at 05:12 PM
      The Other Day

      Dream Fragment - R and I were just standing around in the middle of nowhere, and I was vaguely aware that we were both supposedly watching some kind of sex tape, though we could only hear it and not see it. There were people making lots of "-uh" sounds like, "fuh", "wuh", and "buh", and as I was hearing them, I could see, in a separate but equally full field of perception, an empty black space where these words would suddenly appear in large, white Times New Roman font (and all with their first letters capitalized, too), and then they would just slide off to the side and disappear.


      Dream Fragment - A friend of mine, I want to say M but I'm not totally sure, and my old acid dealer, S, were working as cocktail waitresses in a casino in Las Vegas, and all I really remember is that S's outfit was oh-so-flattering, omochikaeri!~


      All night I kept having these half-awake/half-asleep thoughts about the 5-HT2A receptor, but I can't remember what any of them were now. The other night it happened to me about D1 and D2, also. Strange... but anyway....

      #1 - Hanging Out With Family [Non-Lucid]

      My cousin P and I were at my aunt and uncles' house for most of this dream, and we may have ported here from a card shop or something but I'm not entirely sure.... I just remember that for a good deal of time the dream was dealing with Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. At one point I got really excited because I found a normal monster card with (I think) 10 stars and stats that read ATK/42 DEF/1000000. (In fact, at at least a couple different points in the dream I'm pretty sure it had gone up to 1000000000. Though, I think the (incredibly odd, for Yu-Gi-Oh!) 42 had also dropped down to 0. ) I couldn't stop thinking about how easily I could screw someone over by placing it in face-down defense position and having it get attacked. X) At some point P and I had ordered a pizza that looked like it was just cheese, but I recall taking a slice that had pepperoni and roma tomatoes on it somehow. I was really confused because I realized that I didn't know where I had put that card down, and I was pretty sure... pretty sure that it had now become a part of the pizza. ._. I was actively searching the pizza for signs of its ATK/DEF stat, but to no avail. I was saddened and walked off, and (still not having eaten it), raised my slice of pizza to my mouth but the toppings fell off. I reached down to the floor and picked them up, grease and all, and wiped them off on my clothes and put them back on the pizza and ate them. WTF, me! It did taste good, though. After that I walked down the hallway and briefly talked to my cousin AB, though I can't remember about what, and then when I went down the NEXT hallway I ran into her husband PB. He asked me something about the way that I was acting, and I pointed out to him that I wasn't really super drunk but I had been earlier, so I was still feeling pretty buzzed. After that he left and my cousin AD (P's mom) came in to the hallway and walked into the room through the doorway I was standing by, and started saying something about the lighting, but then I woke up.

      #2 - Shady Diner [DILD]

      Unfortunately I don't really remember much of this one because I'm pretty sure I never fully woke up after it and before the next dream. :T I was at some kind of a food restaurant, it looked like one of those tiny roadside diner places, and I remember that everyone was giving me weird looks. I don't recall much else aside from having either a tiny purse or a brown paper bag (or possibly both on different glances) and becoming lucid and realizing that there was food in front of me. I want to say it was a brownie or something...? Well, whatever it was, I ate it and it was delicious, but that was the end of the dream. >w<

      #3 - Taking A Vacation [Non-Lucid]

      I was on vacation, I want to say with M and ND (though I only saw them at different times, I believe). ND and I were walking around trying to find some guy and his girlfriend who I think was ND's friend who lived in the place where we were visiting, so they were going to show us around a bit. I remember that when we found them we started walking through these long halls of what seemed like tiny, tiny living rooms that people were living in like apartments, and we were waltzing right on through. I only really remember the last two, with the first being filled with people playing Wii Sports bowling, and a girl sort of half-heartedly saying "Let's play!", and the second being a room with just a guy sitting in what looked like a comfy sofa chair and clearly holding in smoke as to not seem suspicious. After we got out of there ND and I broke into laughter, and I told him that if we stayed there long enough I might try to find some weed myself since it seems like it'd be pretty easy. He says we might not be, but I say I might try to find some anyway. Somehow it suddenly started raining really hard outside and magically we all had hoodies or jackets on, so we ducked into this big building right next to where we were standing, which was I think by some kind of mini train tracks or something. Inside the building there were lots of those kids rides where it's the horse/rocket/tiny car/whatever (these were all various tiny cars) that you get in and it rocks back and forth as if you were actually riding it/in it. We were just inspecting them for a minute, and then I woke up.
    3. Fun With Mirrors

      by , 04-06-2012 at 08:32 PM
      Dream Fragment - "Porn of whatever guy wanted to watch porn of me??"

      Fun With Mirrors [DILD]

      I'm swimming at a really old friend C's house but constantly being interrupted by his family for stuff, though I don't remember exactly what now. His family was apparently unending because I kept meeting new people every time I was interrupted. I was really high and drunk apparently and just exhausted, and I was getting some weird effect where it sounded like my ears were surrounded by bubbles and all sounds were very distant and distorted. I decided to go home. Some kid stopped me on the way out and was asking me for something but I couldn't tell what he was saying, but finally I realized he was asking for the jellybeans I just happened to be holding. I gave them to him, then picked up a box of nachos Lunchables out of the trash thinking that this is what I'd been looking for the whole time, but was saddened to discover that all the food had already been half-eaten. :C As I head out the front door of the house my hearing is returning, and I notice that my car is gone. I'm really confused and distressed, and some little girls run out of the house to me complaining about something that Cleveland (from Family Guy and then The Cleveland Show) did, and I tried to figure out what they were talking about but couldn't, but then I suddenly became lucid. I walked back inside the house and there was a cop walking around, and he said something to me but I can't remember what now. I saw my mom sitting on a stool in the kitchen, and next to her was a mirror. I walked up to it and looked in it and it was amazingly accurate. Mirrors are usually really wrong for me in dreams. I decided to conjure up another mirror by turning around and just expecting it to be on the kitchen counter. I picked it up and as I looked up there was a third, even bigger mirror so I walked up and faced the mirror I was holding to it to create that effect were you can see the mirrors endlessly repeating. It looked like it worked but it also made the dream turn really fuzzy really fast, so I stopped and looked away. I turned around and it was too quiet, so I yelled "Say something!" My mom looked at me and said "Cool!" with this over-exaggerated smile on her face. I smirked and walked off calling for this girl L I knew in high school to appear, and it took a while and a bunch of incorrect DCs but she finally did. I'm not sure why I thought of her. She started talking to me, but the dream got really unstable and faded.

      False Awakening - I wake up in bed and I'm facing the wall that would be to my left if I was facing up. Without changing position, I reached out and grabbed my phone and started typing up my dream, and then I felt someone else moving in bed and I could tell it was a guy. I had a sense that it was N, who had spent the night here but was sleeping on big bed-like pillow in the living room. I got really paranoid, and then I felt a hand get placed on my left shoulder by someone who I could tell was another separate entity, and I perceived them as my dad. He said to me "You really should try using the stairwell.", and I was so confused and a bit frightened, but then I woke up for real.
    4. Interrupted, Shown The Power Of RCs, Odd Discovery, The Last School Of Magic, Caught In The Wind

      by , 03-18-2012 at 10:32 PM
      #1 - Interrupted [Non-Lucid]

      This girl A (who I haven't seen since first semester of college) is over at my house during a family party and we're in my room messing around in the dark. And by messing around I mean just playing, but in an overly affectionate way.... I could sense feelings for her and I'm pretty sure she had some for me, too. After a while it was starting to look like it might become a little more than playing, so I got up to lock the door to make sure we had privacy, but then tons of people, including this guy J I used to hang out with, just started waltzing on in and making themselves at home and playing some video game on my TV. >.< We tried to make the most out of it still () but it didn't work out, and A very randomly told me that my room looks like a spaceship. I got up to go into the bathroom to "do my medicine" but when I got in there I was distracted because I was wearing some really bizarre white top and a black jean skirt, and it was definitely something I've never seen before, I'm not even sure it followed the laws of physics.... After that I went to pee, and after I started I woke up.

      #2 - Shown The Power Of RCs [DILD]

      I was in a high school class with this girl S with whom I've had an extremely embarrassing moment, which I will not go into, and in the waking world I apologized over and over again, and in this dream I felt like it was finally totally in the past. (Even though in the waking world I barely saw her before and will probably never see her again, so it's really not that big of an issue anyway.) We're waiting for class to end, as it's apparently the last class of the school year. There's a video constantly malfunctioning on the projector and we're all just getting fed up with it, and I think to myself that class ends at 8pm (what a shitty high school!) and that it should already be around 7:40, but I check my phone and it says 7:10. I checked again shortly afterward and it said 4:00. Instant lucid. Holy crap, reality checks work! I got up and told everyone "It's already 11:00, school's over, let's go." (11:00? I still don't trust my lucid mind, it comes up with too many non-lucid things still. Like this....) There were objections but I just repeated "Nope, nope, let's go." and walked out the door. Some random DC girl was walking with me in the hallway and said something to me about how "It sucks for people who had plans.", or something like that, and my response was "Yeah, especially the ones of us who are melting!" Immediately afterward I proceeded to rapidly melt, which I felt completely realistically, all the way down into a puddle, and then the dream ended. Damn you dreaming mind!

      Side Notes - I had been forgetting to do my mantras lately, and I wondered if that's why my lucids haven't been happening as frequently. After this dream I started doing them again every time I woke up for the rest of the night.

      #3 - Odd Discovery [Non-Lucid]

      I got drunk with my old friend D (who doesn't drink) and spent the night at his house, though it was actually some fancy Asian-style house and not even remotely similar to his real one. His mom then woke us up in the middle of the night to smoke weed with her. (D doesn't smoke weed either, nor do I imagine does his mom. ) We smoke a lot of corn (medium quality weed) and chat for a bit and I'm just in awe at this discovery that they smoke weed, and the main effect I'm getting is EXTREME cottonmouth. I take a drink of water, then go back to fiddling around with this lighter that never works, and this two-carb pipe (I can't remember if it actually had two chambers, but it was a really cool swirly, spiked design with a mix of yellow and blue) that kept randomly getting replaced with a tiny plastic bowl. We hear a noise and it turns out to be D's dad, and his mom gets scared so I look at the weed and say "Should we hide it!?" and she tells me to do it, so I grab it and shove it in my jean pockets and get up and follow D out of the room. We hear them getting into a HUGE fight and their voices start fading into the distance as we get further away. D stops in this dark room full of random people and I'm freaked out, and he looks almost catatonically depressed and I really want to help him but I also want to get the hell out of there, and I ask him if it's okay for me to leave because I'm scared (his dad is a pretty big guy). He doesn't respond at first, but then shakes his head yes. I give him a sad look of thanks and then run out the front door and hear his dad say "Oh, you better hurry!" I'm frightened and jump into my car and try to start it but I'm shaking and messing up. But I woke up while I was trying to work it.

      Dream Fragment - I see my dead grandpa (but he's still alive in the dream), lots of other family members, my dad's close friend J, and a couple random DC kids who are both named Alex. I perceive that I'm in Las Vegas, though this is all actually taking place at my house. All I really remember other than that was J asking me if I'd found him any MDA, to which I responded no because it's hard to come across.

      False Awakening - I wake up and text O about how sake is even better in Las Vegas.

      #4 - The Last School Of Magic [Non-Lucid]

      A lot of this dream is hazy and hard to remember, but I do recall that I was trapped in some place called "The Last School of Magic", or something like that. It's basically this big evil school in the sky that my friends and I can all see from this big open field that seems to have a castle waaaaay off in the distance at the end of a long path, and I end up going through some weird third-person control bouncing shapes and people and traveling through gravity-defying obstacle courses.... It was really bizarre. I just know that is was VERY intense, and at the end I kicked the ass of the evil teacher who had originally invited me to to the school, using some magic I learned along the way. We were outside on the path again by the big field and looked over at the dark stormy clouds in the sky and saw the house where the school was glowing red and vaporizing, and we laughed at it. Despite the fact that I don't remember very much of it, this dream was pretty realistic and vivid. But it probably doesn't help with my memory that I had a....

      False Awakening - I got up out of bed thinking to myself what a crazy dream that was, and I found this little book of ancient mysteries or something like that sitting on my desk. I apparently had had it before but never really read it, so I started flipping through it, until I found a story called "The Last School of the Occult". I started looking at it and some of it looked familiar to the areas I had gone through, and I was totally blown away. I started thinking something insane was going on, but then I had another....

      False Awakening - I tried writing down everything that had happened and got most of it out. Only to wake up and realize I would have to type it all over again, which is why I forgot so much of it. :T

      #5 - Caught In The Wind [MILD]

      I was on vacation with O and we got a bong and some weed and took it to a corn field to play where on the way we became Peanuts characters, I was Lucy and he was Charlie Brown. Some girls starting making fun of me saying "You like corn! You like corn!" and I felt it had a strange connection to Francine from American Dad! for some reason. Wind started blowing me back and up through the air continuously at least 20 feet and it made me realize that I was dreaming, but I wasn't really able to hold on to it. I just kept getting pushed back until I had a....

      False Awakening - I wrote most of the dream down (there was more to the beginning that I forgot because of this), but then my dad walked in and asked me if I had used mom's wind, and the second I saw him I thought "Damn it!!" and woke up for real.
    5. Alternate Path, A Series Of Random Events, The Jungle Of The Mind

      by , 02-04-2012 at 06:01 PM
      So when I went to bed last night I was still pretty drunk from doing shots of tequila, which is probably what led into the first dream lol. Other than that nothing too amazing, but some interesting hypnagogia in the morning.

      #1 - Alternate Path

      All I really remember about this dream was that instead of deciding to go to bed I had opted to stay up and keep posting on DV and doing shots of tequila. I recall complaining about how bad the hangover is going to be and people telling me I should go to bed but I didn't listen lol. Of course, when I woke up I was relieved.

      #2 - A Series Of Random Events

      This one's kind of hard to remember too, but I do remember walking through several very large and very impressive landscapes. It's all kind of in snippits, but first I was walking down some large hill in a very cool looking building complex with O, and we were talking about doing coke and Adderall and a couple other things and then started complaining about how it'd be too much speed. Next I'm with an old friend, C, and we're walking through some amazingly huge mall with crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and a kind of royal orange ambient lighting, I'm not totally sure why we were there but it was a really intense design! Lastly, I was back with someone else in my house and we were playing hide and seek, and I tried to hide under a couch. I lifted it up and let it fall back on me, pretty sure it wouldn't be noticable even though there was really only like an inch of free space under the couch. I couldn't really get it to look as nonchalant as I wanted it to before I woke up.

      #3 - The Jungle Of The Mind

      This is something that almost happened to me that tends to occur every now and then when I get really drunk (and it used to occasionally when I would smoke weed) where I would get kind of lost in thought in bed and start to get delirious to the point of entering a full dream, so it was kind of like WILD but really more just... WID. It started with hypnagogia about plants and some windy sounds, and then I was walking through some kind of forest or jungle on a path that had been clearly followed before because there were lots of plants flattened on it. At one point I saw a large (maybe like half a foot tall and a foot wide) bug crawling in the distance (thankfully not near me! ) that was golden with blue patches and very luminescent. :O Now, if this had happened to me a while back when it was more frequent, I would have thought something was up here. One bug crawling across my vision is a delirium sign for me, but I didn't catch it this time. I almost got sucked fully into this dream, but then I kind of twitched and it snapped me out of it. Oh well. I also remember that Smash Mouth's "Walkin' On The Sun" was playing in the background of the forest.