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    1. Why do my lucids so often come in pairs? Not that I'm complaining....

      by , 11-29-2012 at 05:49 AM
      #1 - Just Trying To Be Spontaneous [DILD]

      I don't actually remember the part of this dream before I got lucid, I just know that as soon as I did I started stabilizing by rubbing my hands together and I didn't stop for basically the entire dream. The first thing I remember is being, I believe, in front of my house with J and N and trying to stop trucks and buses in the road by pointing at them and yelling "Stop!" as I have in a previous lucid, but it wasn't working at first. Once I adjusted my technique a little (hard to describe how exactly) it worked though, and I was satisfied. I can't remember if we did anything more with it, but the next thing I recall is deciding that the three of us should walk into this random nearby house and see what's going on. The house and the people inside seemed totally real and random, I can't recall where my mind might have created that house from. All of the DCs, of which I think there were three, were older Asian people, one man and two women if I'm not mistaken (though the memory is a little bit hazy). I can't remember if there was more in between that and this next part, but I'm pretty sure that when we walked back out of the house the door lead to a totally different environment. We were in some kind of fancy hallway and in part of it there were these two gigantic doors that I was sure would lead to somewhere amazing. I told them to believe that the doors were going to take us somewhere cool, but when I opened them it was just like a tiny empty closet space. ._. We walked in and shut the doors and decided the room was still pointless, so then we headed back out. Suddenly there was a view to the outside and as I stared into the sun I vaguely recall hearing Penny from The Big Bang Theory saying something about having a Jewish boyfriend in the sky, or something confusing like that.... When we turned around we were suddenly on the rooftop parking lot somewhere in the middle of the downtown area and there was someone standing near a black sports car with all of its doors open like they were waiting for people to get in. Around this time N became O and I turned to him and J and said "Come on guys, we're going for a drive." Or something like that lol. We get in with me in the driver's seat and I hit the gas. We end up driving forward over the side of the building and they're both freaking out, but I'm just trying to pull the steering wheel back until finally the car tilts up and I have control of it like a plane. It was a little rough, I had to focus a lot on stabilizing and controlling the car at the same time but I managed to pull it off. The guys were now thrilled but still shocked and I found it quite amusing. At some point I had the feeling that we were being chased by cops or something for presenting a hazard to the city, and somehow they knocked us out of the sky. We were at the edge of the city and facing a long stretch of road, and the car turned sideways and started bouncing off of it repeatedly, twirling for long distances with each time. During one of the bounces I stood up (technically sideways) out of one of the car windows and flipped off the city and whoever was chasing us with a big grin on my face. The last thing I remember about the dream was that O had turned back into N by this point, but then it ended.

      Not bad if I do say so myself.

      #2 - Definitely A New Look For Him.... [MILD]

      I was back at my middle school as my current age and all I wanted was a day off (of what I don't know) and to talk to my... well, to keep it simple, let's just say my theater teacher. I had sneaked back into the school and was off to the side of the stage by the bathrooms while there was a play going on waiting to talk to her, when I was spotted by what I took to be Sylar from Heroes pretending to be reformed as a good guy and wearing a dress, and scaled up to be proportionally taller and bigger than normal. He was looking at me weirdly and I just pointed to my teacher and he told her that I was acting strangely but needed to talk. I said "Yeah, like you're any less suspicious." and glared at him while following her into the music hall, but as I walked past him through the door he gave me a sneaky signal like "see me later" or something. >.> I was becoming lucid and turned around to watch him peer around a corner just to have him turn into some creepy smiling old fat guy. I felt really weirded out and just turned around to talk to see my teacher, but she was gone. I went around the corner looking for her but the music hall had become the main hallway in my house I just saw someone who I forget now in my parents' bedroom. I was feeling freaked out and every direction I looked in felt surreal and distant or dissociated and like there were strange people there. And that's about the last thing that happened before I woke up.
    2. The Water Slide Accident, Trapped In Darkness, Dreaming About Sleep Paralysis?, etc.

      by , 02-26-2012 at 09:42 PM
      I decided to try using aniracetam as a sleep aid last night, I'm not totally sure if it had an effect yet but my dreams did seem different than normal. I took 750 mg, maybe I'll try 1500 mg tonight. I did manage to remember a good few more dreams than normal, but I think that's mainly because I decided to stay in bed and keep falling asleep again for longer.

      #1 - The Water Slide Accident [Non-Lucid]

      I'm at some public pool working as part of some "water-raising" experiment. (Like literally... I think all we were trying to do was increase the water level in the pool. ) There was a gigantic rectangular tent at the top of a long water slide on one end of the pool, and I climbed up the slide (somehow) and into the tent. In it was Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, a couple other random people (maybe other characters from The Big Bang Theory but it's hard to remember), and my middle school orchestra teacher. Sheldon was doing something to conduct the experiment, and we all stepped forward to look out the window to see if the water in the pool was rising, but we shifted too much weight in the tent and it started slipping down the slide and into the pool. It was completely closed in and we were all freaking out thinking we might get trapped inside of it and drown. We hit the water and I expected to die, but somehow I made it up and slowly I saw everyone else popping up out of the water as well, including Linkzelda41, actually as Link! (For those not game-savvy, the character in his avatar.) I made sure everyone was okay but noticed that my teacher had never come up, and when he finally did he wasn't breathing. I went over to him and we dragged him out of the water and I started doing CPR, though without the mouth-to-mouth, just the chest thing. (The dream switched to third-person around this time, too.) I did it for a long time but it wasn't working, and I started crying but I didn't stop doing it. But he finally gasped and woke up! When he did I gave him a big hug and wouldn't let go. The dream jumped forward to me being in the hospital and getting prescribed some random drugs for... something, I guess mental trauma? :T I don't know, but the dream ended at that point.

      #2 - Trapped In Darkness [Non-Lucid]

      I'm home alone watching a movie almost totally in the dark, and the darkness is starting to creep me out a bit. I read online (or maybe heard from someone, or something...) about how some secret FBI agent or some other government agent on a plane accidentally stabbed someone they were sitting next to by activating a lightsaber unwittingly in his bag because it was built with an on switch that was too easy to access because the designer was lazy. I also remember that the lightsaber was red, because I actually saw it happen in a third-person kind of way. This had revealed to the world that the US government had successfully created lightsabers, so I texted J (who's a big Star Wars fan) about it and then read something about how they were launching a new moon into the sky to make up for it. I looked out back through the glass doors and saw a plane in the sky, so then I went out front and saw a rocket (really tiny) launch off in one direction across the sky, and a HUGE, absolutely gigantic moon launch off in the other direction, but from the same source. It went behind the house so I went back in and to the back yard, and looked straight up in the sky and saw it there, still enormous. All of the stars in the sky were constantly scrolling across it like the night sky was just a huge spinning wheel, but that didn't really seem to bother me much. The darkness outside was getting really thick though and it was still scaring me, so I went back inside and walked into the bathroom. I tried to turn on the light switch, but it wouldn't work. () That made me even more freaked out, so I ran out into the living room just generally frightened and hoping my mom and dad would be home soon, but then I woke up.

      I'm never going to get better at doing RCs.

      #3 - Dreaming About Sleep Paralysis? [Non-Lucid]

      There's some presentation going on at my house in the den by some orchestra guy, with lots of orchestra teachers there sitting in rows of chairs, including my high school orchestra teacher. My friend J (the one I texted before) and his mom are also sitting way up at the front, right by the TV. The guy puts on a song and each of the teachers has a music sheet where they're supposed to be writing down the notes as they hear them, but almost none of them do, instead opting to wait until the end to just jot them all down, which I find pretty impressive at the time. After they all finished and walked away, I walked up to J and told him I thought I'd have some awesome news to tell him about lightsabers being real, but that turned out to be a dream. () He laughs, and we go out into the living room to hang out with some random girl and OpheliaBlue. We start watching a movie, and I can't remember what I was wearing but I just remember thinking of it as something really informal to the point that it would be embarrassing to be seen wearing it, and then the doorbell rang. I didn't want to answer it like that so I went into my bedroom to change, and that's when things got weird. My room was dark, and my fan was sticking out of the wall to the left of me when I walked in, but still running. My movements became incredibly jerky and snapped back as if I was in sleep paralysis with my eyes open, but honestly... I'm not sure if I actually was, or if I was just dreaming that I was. Part of the reason I think that is because I "realized" that I was in sleep paralysis, but I don't think I was really lucid about it, and I never realize it when I actually do wake up into it. I don't know though.... It was incredibly vivid, so maybe I was and I just realized it for half a second and then started hallucinating. Anyway, after the realization my vision switched to a third-person view from the perspective of the road in front of my house, looking up at a bunch of trees hanging over it (which aren't actually there). These trees were very mystically mechanical in their movements and had something that I call the "IMAX 3D" effect, which is something I get when I'm tripping really hard where everything is more detailed then anything in reality actually is. I started to wonder if I was on DXM, but then I started thinking that the doorbell ringing was probably just my parents coming home (since they were still gone from the previous dream, I guess) and I could've just answered it how I was. I saw that playing out in my mind's eye, but after that I woke up and noticed that my fan wasn't exactly in the same position in my view as it was when I thought I was in sleep paralysis, so... I just don't know.

      #4 - Testing A New MMO [DILD]

      I'm at my aunt and uncles' house. I don't remember much of the first part of the dream, but I end up going in the little kids room and slide across the floor in the weird way I do in dreams sometimes, and that warps me back to the front of the house. Some MMO has come out where you play the game in real life and you use these rifles that shoot green plasma bullets. I get one just to see how it is, and S ends up getting one too so he comes over to play it with me. We run around the house shooting at each other, and then I run back into the little kids room and end up doing the slide again. I say "Oh, this is a dream, isn't it?" and become lucid. Unfortunately, after this dream ended I didn't wake up enough to write it down, I fell back asleep and had some other non-lucid dream, and when I woke up again I tried to write down this one as quickly as possible but I still can't remember what happened after I became lucid, though something did happen. I also don't remember the other dream, either. Oh well....

      #5 - An Intense Argument [Non-Lucid]

      I get a hotel room for some reason with an old friend J (different J than before) and some guy who's just a random DC, but apparently a very close friend of mine. I'm trying to have a good time talking to both of them, but there seems to be a lot of tension between the two. (I know what this is based off of, it has to do with J. :T) They end up getting into a big argument and both strip naked to show their dominance. And then they start wrestling! One side of me is like, come on guys, don't do this, you're being childish.... :\ And the other side of me is like !!!! They break up the fight and the guy tells J to get out and not come back, so he does. I'm planning to go drop J off and come back to hang out with the guy, and I tell him it'll only take me about twenty minutes but he says he has to be at a football game in that same amount of time. So I say goodbye, and shake hands with his girlfriend (who just randomly appeared, and apparently I had just met) and hug him, and they left. J is texting me to hurry up, and I'm trying to switch from shoes to sandals for some reason but my socks are being illogically weird feeling and won't come off. Finally I just walk into the hallway, which is actually the music hall in my middle school (and the hotel room was where the orchestra room is) and I hear D's voice telling me we'll never make it in time because the middle school is right by the football game and the traffic will be terrible.

      #6 - The Secret Codes [Non-Lucid]

      This one shifts back and forth between first- and third-person a lot. I remember Hank from King Of The Hill talking to a group of kids about some (fictional) famous singer and guitarist's weird-sounding name and he corrects them on how to say it, and when they ask him how he knows he sighs and says "He told me." Somewhere in here there is a discussion about some gum or candy that you're supposed to chew if you're freaking out or having a bad trip. I remember that but not the visual of it. Then my dad and I are at a movie theater seeing some movie I can't remember anything about and it switched back to Hank, now in a flashback, walking around awkwardly at a concert or rave of some kind. He meets some young guy that turns out to be that musician who tells him how to say his name, then some weird "secret code" used in the gay community (I think specifically involving politics, which was definitely not real and very bizarre sounding, though I don't quite remember it). He walks off past John Redcorn who is on acid or something and freaking out, and he sees Hank but clearly isn't sure whether or not he's actually there and he says to himself "Where is that candy!?" Back at the theater, the movie's starting and my dad tells me more about the secret gay political codes claiming that the guy told him (I guess carried over from Hank) and I'm like "Uh-huh...." >_> Then back at the concert, John Redcorn is chewing on some of that bad trip candy and looks really happy, and he sees Hank again and they talk and he says he'll help Hank get out of there, because I guess he's lost somehow. Once again back at the theater, my dad is still going on and on more in-depth about these secret codes, and I'm like, seriously, I'm trying to watch the frickin' movie. >_____> And that was it lol.

      Whew, that took a while to type up! At least a I was able to recall a lot, though.
    3. Looking After Moe's Ice, Attempting To Get Drunk With Dianeva, Open Your Eyes

      by , 02-26-2012 at 12:27 AM
      I'm pretty sure I was having some interesting adventures all night, but I really only remember the end of my dream that happened before I originally woke up in the morning. Fortunately, I fell asleep and woke up again a few more times before actually getting out of bed, so I have a good few dreams recalled.

      #1 - Looking After Moe's Ice [Non-Lucid]

      I'm hanging out with Penny from The Big Bang Theory in a huge house, and also a friend of mine, S, but he's off taking shower so he's not really in the dream yet. I'm supposed to be looking after a bag of ice and a cat for Moe from The Simpsons on the second floor bathroom, so I go up there and start grab the bag, but then the ice slips out! I'm panicking because I don't want the ice to melt on the floor, and I can hear Moe talking from downstairs so I'm afraid he's about to come up and find out that I screwed up. I hear footsteps on the stairs, but then it just turns out to be K and O coming over to hang out with us. S gets out of the shower and the four of us all sit down on the bathroom floor (I think S was taking a shower in a different bathroom, but I'm not entirely certain....) and eat some popcorn we just pulled out of nowhere, and we start making plans for what to do for the night, but then I wake up.

      Fragment - I'm hanging out with M and maybe N, and we're thinking about getting really drunk and they're talking about setting me up on a date with someone. We were all sitting outside at some restaurant table while this was happening, but that's all I remember about it.

      #2 - Attempting To Get Drunk With Dianeva [Non-Lucid]

      This started out at my house with O and J having come over to hang out. Apparently Dianeva and her family were visiting the US and they were going to be near where I live, so she was going to come over to hang out. In the meantime I decided to go swimming until she got here. I was in the pool for a little bit, but then it started raining really hard so I got out. When I went back inside there was a full-blown party going, just a family party but with a LOT of people at it. My parents had already let Dianeva in at the front door so I went and met her. We started talking and I gave her a short tour of the house, though I tried to hurry through it to get to the most important aspects, "Here's where we keep the beer." and "Here's where we keep the liquor." We grabbed some drinks and started heading out to the living room but there was an enormous crowd of people out there, including my mom, watching a movie or something. I told her we could go talk in my room with O and J and it'd be much more chill, so we went back there but when we got there it was completely filled with people, too, also watching a movie I think, and including my dad. I felt embarrassed because I didn't realize they would all be back there and we had just kind of barged in, so I introduced Dianeva to everyone (first as Dianeva, then her real name). We walked back out to the living room and weren't quite sure what to do, and Dianeva kind of sighed and went to lean against a couch. I went up to my mom and tried to get her attention to ask her why there were so many people here but she kept ignoring me. People were noticing that I was becoming a little pissed and started joking that I was trying to ask her "a hacker question". Finally I got mad and said "Fine, I'll talk to dad instead!" and stormed off into the kitchen (despite the fact that I just saw him in my bedroom), and then the power went out and I said "That works, too." >_> It came back on in a second and I turned around and went back to my parents' bathroom to find him (still forgetting about my bedroom) and found him smoking a joint with an invisible man. I could hear the man talking faintly, but that's it. It kind of distracted me from the issue at hand, and I looked in the mirror and noticed a vest, or something like that, floating above where the invisible man was (but only in the mirror). I reached my hand out awkwardly trying to imagine where his hand might be so we could shake and I'd introduce myself to him, but a strange force pulled me forward and apparently through him, and there was some dimensional shift and suddenly I could see him and not my dad, and the vest was floating above where my dad was in the mirror. And then that was it for that one.

      Fragment - It's third-person, and I'm watching Ted and the rest of the How I Met Your Mother gang sitting at their booth at MacLaren's Pub in the normal in-show camera angle perspective. Ted is just talking to the rest of them about wanting to get married (and he's sitting on the end, the chair instead of one of the booths) and it all seems surprisingly normal, except that his drink is a mug filled with pancake batter and blueberries.

      #3 - Open Your Eyes [Non-Lucid]

      I have a very bizarre feeling that my eyes were actually open during this dream. I'm supposed to be heading over to N's apartment to smoke weed with him but he hasn't told me to come over yet (he lives about 30-45 minutes away depending on traffic), so I decide to go over already and just not knock on the door yet, and then when he says I should start heading over I can be like "Alright, I'll be there in a sec!" When I was just waiting around in his parking lot he was texting me about how saltyseedog was on the news for making some groundbreaking discovery about the relationship between dream time and waking time. But I woke up before I could get any more information about that. But what's interesting is this entire dream was sort of... transparent. Almost like it only existed because I was thinking about it, but I still wasn't aware of that. (But I guess that's how it actually is. ) But the entire time I kept having the incredibly confusing sensation that I was lying in bed, and I could actually see myself in bed through my normal first-person perspective. When I actually woke up, it felt like the dream just faded away, and what I saw was the same image I had been seeing the whole time.

      So that was cool.... Not a bad night, if I do say so myself!
    4. Possessing Penny, You're My Angel, Accidental First WILD

      by , 02-23-2012 at 06:31 PM
      So tonight was pretty interesting, first I became a TV character, then a model, and then I accidentally had my first WILD. I only wish I could remember more of the second dream, stupid false awakenings! And stupid me for not doing RCs!!

      #1 - Possessing Penny [Non-Lucid]

      I think there might have been a brief moment of lucidity in this one, but I'm going to list it as Non-Lucid because I'm not totally sure. It started out with me at a study group with Leonard and Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory and a couple random guys, we were individually doing these textbook assignments and obviously they were doing way better than me. I was embarrassed to be doing so badly so I put down my notepad and picked up my two (absolutely gigantic) binders and went to pick up a small pile of clothes I'd apparently brought with me as well, but I dropped them all because I was hurrying too much and ran out the front door (we were in some fancy house). Through the windows it had been nighttime outside, but on the outside it was daytime, and also I didn't notice this at the time but now that I think about it the second I got outside there was no sign of any house anywhere, we were by like my elementary school playground. Leonard followed me outside and at this point I became Penny! I was aware of the change, which I never am in normal dreams. Things got really vivid at this point, so I think I actually became lucid when I realized that was happening, but after that I went back to non-lucid but was still really excited about the transformation. Leonard started asking me what's wrong. He was crying and I started calling him Sheldon but I knew it was wrong, and then he corrected me saying it was Isaac. I gave him some excuse like I had a spirit trapped inside me or something, to get away with being Penny without having to know whatever she should know in that situation, and he asked me if I still knew that it was 1993, and I said yes, though I was still lying. (Also, 1993...?) I walked around people playing some sports and was just excited to be Penny, but after that I woke up.

      #2 - You're My Angel [Non-Lucid]

      I remember very little about this dream so it's basically a fragment, but only because of false awakenings. What I do remember is that I was some absolutely gorgeous and pretty tan woman, the way I thought of it at the time was I looked like a Victoria's Secret model. I was wearing some cute yellow bikini, and I was sitting at my computer warning people about the hacked DV. There was definitely more to it than that, but I had a false awakening where I wrote it down so I forgot some of the details, then ANOTHER false awakening where I wrote it down and forgot even more, so by the time I actually woke up that's all I had left.

      #3 - Accidental First WILD [WILD]

      I was lying in bed not really intending to fall back asleep after the last dream, so I stayed there awake for a bit but then I started to zone out and drift off a bit. Out of nowhere a dream scene formed around me almost instantaneously. There was a song playing somewhere in the background of my mind, and then I was in my parents' bedroom but there were a few tables set up by the bed that aren't normally there and some of my family members were walking around. Next to me were my cousins P and G, but they looked a few years younger than they are now. Everything was extremely vivid, basically indistinguishable from real life. I just thought to myself "Okay, this is interesting...." P and G were playing a game of Clue, I watched them for a minute and then P looked at me and said "Hey, how're you doing in the closet?" to which I responded "Good...?" I was a little caught off guard and didn't really try to stabilize or retain lucidity. I heard the song from the beginning start playing really loudly but still distantly again, and then the dream collapsed and I woke up into sleep paralysis. I didn't really realize what was going on though, I was hallucinating and my eyes were open so there was lots of confusing stimuli. I was getting a third-eye type visual of myself typing up the dream in my phone but I wasn't sure if I was actually doing it. Around my room I could see that my wall proportions were extremely distorted, the room looked almost triangular, and the light was quickly switching between nighttime and daytime. I could see one of my pillows hanging off the bed (which it actually wasn't) and it was covered in large piano keys. It was all incredibly weird, but then I woke up fully and realized I hadn't actually typed up the dream yet, so I got up and did that.

      Hold on a sec.... If I had done a reality check when I was typing the dream in sleep paralysis, would I have been able to re-enter a lucid dream with my eyes open!?

      But anyway, that's it for that night. Pretty interesting if I do say so myself, even if not incredibly detailed.