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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    1. Sex and Darkness

      by , 01-05-2016 at 02:14 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #482 - DEILD - 4:11AM

      I have a false awakening where there is some sort of party going on in my bedroom with the guys from work. There's some issue with the Playstation and I have to sort it out. I am a little annoyed they were being so loud and woke me up but I manage to go back to sleep.

      I wake slightly and move just a bit to get more comfortable and focus on DEILD. There are some very mild vibrations and I get too caught up in focusing on that causing my lucidity to dip a bit.As I wait, my wife rolls over closer and starts making out with me. I'm really enjoying this and wonder if she's woke up wanting to do it or if I am really just dreaming. Either way I don't care and just enjoy the moment. She starts talking about wanting sex and some other things that surprise me a little. I think this is probably a dream and while I ponder that I actually hear her begin to snore. I realize she can't possibly be making out with me and snoring at the same time and my full lucidity returns. Unfortunately my wife begins to toss and turn a bit and it totally wakes me up.

      After she settles down, I try to DEILD again only to fail. I am in the living room painting a mural on the wall. I am working painting a man and I keep having trouble with the white beard. I manage to get it to look right, but when I look away to reload my brush, the different color have blended together too much. I step back to the whole picture and I notice different sections that don't go. The man is too small and standing in trees and on the other end someone has painted furniture. I give up and tell myself I'll have to just paint over the whole and start fresh later. I decide to go back to bed for now and when I lay down thinking about all of this, I realize it's a dream.

      It's really dark now and my wife is talking a bunch of nonsense. It's so distracting that I can't even think. I shout, "SHUT UP!" Shocked at my out burst I wait for her to retaliate, but she is now silent. I chuckle a bit and wonder if I said that in my sleep because it sounded so loud and clear. I shout out again wondering if maybe I really am awake. I do a nose plug and blow through so I get up, but it all feels to real. I fall back into bed and then decide to just go for it. I get up and move out of the bed room in the total darkness. I shout, "HEY DREAM!" and then fall into an abyss. I enjoy the sensation of falling for a few seconds and then hit the floor. I realize I am back in the bedroom. It's still too dark, but I can see that much. I recall the make out session from earlier and find my wife. I'll spare the details, but I decided to have raunchy sex with my wife. It's a pretty lengthy segment for a lucid dream. Some how we move around the room this is all happening and end up in the bathroom. I notice the woman has shifted from looking like my wife to looking like some other woman. I really just want my wife, but realize this is the nature of dreams.

      I stand up in the bathroom and notice is nearly totally dark again. I recall a trick I was told about and blind summon a light from my pocket. I get some light when I flick it, but see some hideous monster with giant eyes looking at me. I put away the lighter and blindly punch at the creature as I move back into the bedroom. I quickly decide to forget I saw that and just wondering into the dining room. I try light switches and even find a huge breaker box. I flip all the switches, but I still can't see. I'm starting to get annoyed now and desperately look for any light source. I notice the fridge is open a bit and light is spilling out of it. I open and study the food items but they all look oddly distorted. I go back into the dining room and see a super bright light coming from a bowl on the table. It's too bright to look at, but only dimly lights the room. I get on the floor and study the wood grain for a bit to stabilize. Now the kitchen light is all the way on so I rush to it. When I get there the room distorts and morphs and the dream fades.

      I find myself back in bed looking at my phone. I have a snapchat text open. It's mostly non letter characters, but there is one sentence. "Fell a distance of ooooooohhhhh". I laugh decide it's a log of what happened to me during the earlier part of my dream. I scroll down but the phone zooms into much to see it all and bar of black makes it hard to see. I notice I scrolled past the word "sex", but can't seem to find it again. I've been taking screenshots of all of this hoping that somehow it will be on my phone when I wake up, but I know deep down it wont. Too bad.

      Now my daughters come in the room and for some reason this is so distracting that I loose all lucidity. They have swollen sores on there legs and my wife says it has to be bed bugs bites. Somehow I doubt it, but I get up and doctor their wounds anyway. After I do that my wife gets ready to leave and says she needs to take them someplace and she will be right back. I'm confused, but just say, "Ok." Then my son wakes up and runs into the room crying for her. I say, "Oh look. Mohinder woke up." That's not even close to his actual name, but in the dream I don't even find this odd. I have to hold him so my wife can leave out the front door. It's at this point that I wake up.
    2. Couch OBE

      by , 08-06-2015 at 02:56 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #460 - DEILD - 4:41AM

      Had my usual for caffeine WBTB at 330am. My son made sleeping diffcult and I was forced to move to the couch. I fell asleep doing breathing meditation

      I partly wake in the halfway state and slip out of body. I float in the room for a second the move out the door. Its too dark to do much but the porch light lets me see a little. I get confused and think my foal is to talk to an object and I find a plastic bottle of water. I tell it to talk to me but suddenly remeber this is the old task. i squeeze the bottle and watch the strange dream water shoot out. I wake slightly.

      I maintain consentration and slip back out. I float in the room for a bit enjoying being wieghtless. Then wake again

      One more I continue the DEILD chain and fall the the floor. its dark again and I crawl around until my head hits a table leg. I have my orientation now and I reach for the light switch expecting it to work. It does but the light is still dim. I look around the room and my cats are going crazy running around the room. There seems to be Christmas decorations hanging from the ceiling but when I look directly at them they vanish. I now recall the fishing goal and decide there can be a pond in the house. I look around expectantly but I find no water. I can feel my fish pole in my hand ready to be blind summoned. I move furniture around and even pull the couches out but its just not happening. I quickly wake up.
    3. Memory Foam People

      by , 03-15-2015 at 11:25 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #422 - WILD - 4:42AM

      This time I had no vibrations and the entry was all visual. I had trouble sleeping after my WBTB and ended up visualizing random scenarios until I felt myself enter the dream world.

      I eventually latch on to strong HI and it brings me back to a more OBE like WILD. I spend some time flying out of bed and making huge swinging motions. I fell G-forces and the sensation is exhilarating. The dream is very dark but as I swing out, I can see the room stretch out to a ridiculous length. After some time I return to a laying position and manage to sit up on the edge of the bed. I recall wanting to see what I can find under my bed. Will there be a monster or a portal to some place new? I quickly jump down to the floor, but everything is way too dark to see. I feel the floor and find thick plush carpet that doesn't exist in waking life. As I note the texture I shout, "Light! I need some light!" This rarely works for me and this time was no exception. Suddenly, I hear a faint alarm clock sound to my right and see the alarm sitting on the floor. There is a little LED lit up and I quickly pull the clock apart and pluck out the light. I shine it under the bed, but only see carpet; no monster. I'm surprised at the open space, because in waking life we have a bunch of plastic totes under there. I wonder if the floor will give into a portal so I push on the carpet. The floor seems to give in some, but I can't get at it well enough to really make and opening. I try to slide under there, but my body just won't fit. I decide to try calling out a monster, "Come out. You in there?" I feel some anxiety about this and I'm not too disappointed when nothing shows. The dream is still annoying dark so I blind summon a flash light from my side. I have trouble physically feeling it so I just pretend it's there. The lighting only slightly gets better so I decide to give up on this task.

      I try to make my way to the front door in the darkness, but as I walk, the house morphs into the house in Texas. I try to resist this at first, but decide it really doesn't matter. I open a door and enter what looks like a hospital. The lighting slightly gets better, but it's still pretty dark. I wonder around some hallways trying to find light. I end up in a patients room and see a window with blinds. I dive into meaning to phase outside. I feel the blinds press on my face for a moment then break through.

      I am now in a stairwell of concrete and blue railing. I leap up one level and as I do I hear low muffled voices. It creeps me out so I say out loud, "Just talk normal, bitch." The voices stop and I see a light source a few levels higher. I jump as high as I can and push off a rail to get extra momentum. I land in a well lit area that looks like some sort of underground bunker. There is an old man and woman in blue jumpsuits standing near a doorway in conversation with their back to me. As I approach they both turn around and I am shocked to see they don't have faces. Cool! I look at the old gray haired woman then the man. When I turn back to the woman I see she now has eyes. I'm curious so I poke her check with a finger and find that her skin is way too soft and mushy. That's pretty gross so I move on through the doorway into the next room. There's some control panel at a desk with a chair and railing then a large metal garage door. The old man appears next to me with a full face. He's a heavy mouth breather and I find it very annoying. For whatever reason I turn and smile and shake his hand. He too feels way too soft and mushy and I notice that I squeezed his hand so hard that it is now misshapen. I get the idea that these people are made of memory foam. I suddenly wake up.