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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    1. Noby Noby Cat

      by , 09-05-2016 at 05:59 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #494 - DEILD(ish) - 4:50AM

      I had some help from my little friend Galantamine this morning. I'm not spend a lot of time typing this dream or the next so please forgive the typos.

      Dose: 3:30AM
      8mg Galantamine
      400mg DMAE

      For some reason I'm leaving work early in the morning and I'm in the break room getting some coffee. The break room in really nice and has a lot of free food options almost like a continental breakfast kind of set up. I speak to my boss and tell her bye. Then for some reason I go back to a back room in the hot mold shop and take a nap.

      I'm laying on a pile of work rags and am feeling like I am in a half dreamy state (irony). There is a TV on. While I watch it things get really psychedelic and I high. I remember I was trying to get lucid and I just relax into the sensations while enjoying all the trippy imagery.

      After awhile I snap out of it and find myself in bed next to my wife. I get up for something and see the mattress is laying on the ground outside and the ground is wet and swampy. I see an hear my dog eating dry dog food as I go lay back down. I remember that I was trying to get lucid and I feel that I am really close. I decide I don't care about being wet, but my wife wakes up complaining about it we take our blankets inside a house. As we are walking I think, "This really is happening." But I wonder if I am really dreaming. There is a room with two couches and we decide to sleep there. Something feels off and I know that if I just stop and concentrate I will be in a lucid So, I stop and close my eyes and focus on my body.

      I am laying down again and start getting vibrations. I focus on that for a moment then sit up quickly. There is a high pitched zooming sound and I fall out of bed. I get up and though I worry a bit about opening my physical eyes I go ahead and open them. The dream is not bright and clear.

      I am in my old house that we just sold. There is sparse furniture and I forget that we already moved out. I say out loud, "Bye house. Bye." I hear my son say bye back to me from the other room. "No, Riley. You're coming with us." I laugh. I walk around the living room and see our cats running around. I scoop up Amelia and hold her close to me as I think of my dream goal. I can't recall, but I get a crazy idea to stretch the cat. I hold her up and pull. At first it feels too realistic and I hesitate. Then I just go for it and she stretches out like a noodle. She looks a little like Noby Noby Boy and It's weird so I set her down and then she has this ridiculous cartoon pouty face. I will her body to return to normal and laugh. I tell her I'll leave her alone now. I walk out the back through the kitchen noticing how vivid and detailed the dream is. Amelia follows but I ignore her now.

      I pause at the back door and focus on what I expect to see. I want to avoid stepping into the void. The looks close to waking life but the sky is surreal. The sun is low behind a cloud and the sky is a deep purple color fading to black and bright stars. I pause and take in the view. For some reason looking up destabilized the dream and I wake up shortly after that.
    2. LD Study # 3

      by , 11-28-2015 at 12:30 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #480 - WILD/DILD - 4:38AM

      After some time of trying to WILD (about and hour), I feel as if I am sitting more upright that I should be in the recliner. I feel as if my head is bobbing forward and to the side like I am consciously falling asleep. I worry about the headset falling off, but I try to relax and just go with it so I don't mess up the WILD. I quickly realize that I am probably not sitting this far forward and decide that I am already in the dream state. I wait a moment and begin to notice very mild vibrations in my body. I don't waste anytime here and think about getting up out of the recliner. When I do, my body effortlessly surges forward with a strange gasping/sucking sound; I wonder if that sound is just my breathing. I have the sensation of opening my physical eyes and worry about waking up, but my vision corresponds to my dream environment so I do my best to ignore the feeling. I walk to the kitchen. The room is dark and everything looks as it should. I decide I am in the dream far enough to give the left-right eye signals. I then turn and walk back across the room while doing the block-push-motion that I had practiced with the headset before bed. I am excited and curious if the computer picked up my dream actions, but I try to stay in the dream a little longer. I see Remy sleeping on the futon as he is in the waking world. The area around him seems extra dark and it's hard to tell what he looks like. Not having any other goal, I decide to wake dream Remy and see how he interacts with me. I as I move toward him my excitement of the experiment wakes me up.
    3. The Stars Of Heaven

      by , 04-19-2015 at 06:35 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #432 - DILD/DEILD/OBE - 4:30ish

      I was having a bad night with restless legs and stomach issues and ended up on the couch. I thought I was hearing noises outside so I was listening as I was falling asleep. At some point I felt the beginning of a shift in my head toward the dream state, but I latch on too soon and it stops. Seconds later, I hear glass break and a rock lightly bounces off my abdomen someplace. I get up and look at a window to see several small holes and cracks. I rush out the back door to catch the vandal and see a preteen boy standing in the neighbors back yard just looking at me. He hits me with another rock and I cover my face out of reflex. I only feel a slight sensation where the rock should have hit me and realize it's all a dream. In fact, I remember that I was literally just now trying to fall asleep and the environment has full on daylight. I quickly find a rock and launch it at the boy, hitting him square in the face. He flinches a bit, but remains largely unaffected. He smirks and picks up a huge red brick. I think, "ok fine" and get a brick of my own. We launch bricks at each other for a few moments and I backhand a few as the come at me, as well as TK to form an invisible shield in front of me.

      I wake up into vibrations and relax into the feeling. My legs feel light and floaty and stretch them out enjoying how amazing and pain free they feel. It's been a while since I've noticed SP sounds, but this time I could hear to tones of high pitched ringing. I focus on the sensations for a bit along with general body relaxation. I turn my head too look at the living room and notice how much darker it all looks. I wonder why it's can't just look the same as waking life. I wake up into vibrations again and repeat the process.

      After a moment, I am able to get up and blindly go out the front door. I see a few cars passing by on the street, but mostly ignore it. When I step into the yard a look up at the night sky, I see a full view view of beautiful bright stars. They don't look like normal stars but the longer I look the more they change into differing versions. All the while I am awed by all of it and hear a music cue that reminds me of this from Polar Express.

      I feel an emotion release of joy and peace and I am reminded of movie scenes where the light shines down from Heaven and you hear the angles sing. I do my best interpretation of it of that mingled with the voices I am hearing in the music., "ahhhh ahhhhhhhhh" but it sound horrible and I choke on the sounds a bit. I chuckle a bit and and continue to admire the ever changing star field though, I've forgotten about the music now. Now, I'd really like see a more realistic milky-way-filled-starry-night, so I focus on it. I see something like what I've seen before only for a fraction of a second and the dream destabilizes into darkness.

      I decide I better move on before I wake up and manage I manage to get my visual back. There is a car parked on the road and I leap from where I am standing several yards over to the other side of the car. As I pass over the top of the car, I run my hand over a strange glass sunroof. The car is black and strange-looking resembling one of my son's Hot Wheels. I''m not sure when my transformation began, but as I let out a growling howl I realize that I am now a werewolf. I am over come with a feeling of triumphant power with a hint of harmless mischief. My, that escalated quickly. I look into the driver side glass past my werewolf reflection to see my neighbors from across the street panicking in the car with a look of shear terror on their faces. Unsure what I should do now, I just watch them for a second and am completely surprised then they slowly vanish from the dream like Marty McFly and his family. I decide now to just use my super power to break glass. The driver side, front and back windows go easy like eggshell with a satisfying glass-breaking sound. I move to the back glass and remember a stupid video I saw on Facebook were some dope tried several times to break car glass with his head. I decide it would be fun to do this in a dream and when I raise me head back I see a cracked spot on the glass. Amused, I ram my head right into that spot. The dream goes back.

      I have a vividly physical sensation of opening my eyes and find myself sprawled out over the truck of the car with my face resting on the glass. For a split second I begin to freak out as I think that I have been sleep walking and actually woke up outside. The idea quickly goes away as I remember this is and old fear and there is no way that happened. I look now at the main road and see a lot of traffic passing by. I remember a thought I had a long time ago about riding a motorcycle in a lucid dream. I'm not sure that I have ever done that and decide too now. I think I see one in a neighboring yard, but it turns out to be a bicycle. I decide to get one from the road GTAV style. I run out into the traffic and cars avoid me. While I let them pass, I see so many odd cars, again like life-sized Hot Wheels. I watch with amusement until I see a motorcycle coming up. As I passes I snatch the man off with one hand and the bike rolls forward then lightly falls over. The man is so light that I think I could hold him in my mouth like a dog with a rag-doll, but decide I'm done with being a monster and I toss him to the side. I watch him flip end over end as he fades into the night. I quickly hop on the motorcycle and take off. I work the manual transmission for fun and quickly realize I am on a dirt bike. The sound is super realistic as I zoom ahead on the road. The dream becomes way too dark again and I can only see the road that's right under me for brief seconds as I pass under the street lights. I ride for a few moments still enjoying the sensation of speed then, quickly hop backward off the bike as I realize I that haven't thought of my dream goals. I intended to use a pocket hole to travel to ISS with bemistaken. The bike rolls ahead and crashes someplace as I step out of the street. I quickly and blindly reach into my pant pocket. For some reason my hand just doesn't want to fit in there, but I manage to pull something out and slam it on the asphalt. It's a black spot on the road, but looks like it is half faded out of 'reality' much like the neighbors vanished. I decide I could work with that as long as it hold, but it's much too small. I use a pinch zoom motion over the whole and it becomes big enough to fit into. I fall over head first and the second I enter, I wake up.

      Updated 04-19-2015 at 06:37 PM by 5967

      lucid , memorable
    4. Ocean Vibes

      by , 07-18-2013 at 02:50 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)

      Short dream about watching a football game in a strange house with my wife. The rooms keep shifting but I see the T.V. UT is beating A&M very badly. The score is like 90 something to 15.

      I listen to Relax Melodies app. I set low theta 4Hz with Duduk music and ocean sounds. After about an hour I get vibes but I become actuely aware of the ocean sounds. The waves sound too loud and the vibrations stop. I mistakenly think I am awake. I have a non lucid dreamlet of hovering over a rocky beach. I hear the loud sound again and I fully wake up and turn the app off. I roll over and have many dreams but only remember fragments. I was too lazy to record.