Last night I had a dream about this guy that I used to date and that I felt a very deep connection with. I was at a restaurant at night with a group of people, either from work or my friends - and then he walks in. In the dream we hadn't seen each other for several years, and we just looked at each other and smiled. He then sat down with another guy and two women at a table. It didn't feel as if one of the women was his girlfriend, maybe just work related. I would smile to him as he was sitting at his table, and he would smile back - as if we shared a secret. Then later, he danced with one of the women. We would still glance at each other. We didn't speak.

Key notes: I was very much in love with this guy, and felt convinced that he was the one - the only time in my life I have had that feeling. Although we stopped dating 1,5 years ago, we still keep in contact a lot and have a nice friendship. He's moved away now, but we talk several times a week. We basically stopped dating because he went back to his ex gf, although at the time I was not aware of this. I am in a new relationship now, but I know this is not the relationship that is going to last forever and I don't feel I am in love. Although I am no longer in love with the other guy anymore, I still miss the feeling he made me have; feeling optimistic, connected to someone on a deeper level and convinced I had found the love of my life.