
I was dreaming this morning of lying in bed, thinking about random stuff. During the dream, I opened my eyes and saw a room before waking up. What the heck! All that time I was in bed lying in bed thinking, not seeing anything, I was actually dreaming. I don't like missing false awakenings! I felt determined to catch the next one.

The next dream I had, I once again was lying in bed, thinking about random stuff, when I once again decided to open my eyes. This time, I looked closer at the room I was in, but it looked just like my room. I wasn't convinced, though, so I got up from bed and tried to jump through the floor as a reality check. I could and became lucid!

I have had many dreams where I was lying in bed and only became lucid after doing a reality check. I think there is a way to catch more of these dreams.


It is possible to dream about lying in bed sleeping. This may be a type of dream that people can not typically identify as such, even if they recall what happened during the dream after waking up from it. Given how often people do not identify dreams they had upon waking up, these dreams about lying in bed sleeping may be very common for many people.

One thing that all of these dreams have in common when experienced is the presence of consciousness. If somebody having this dream is self-aware enough to know they have lost and regained consciousness, they can use this as a dream sign which helps them remember to do a reality check.


Before going to sleep, set the intention to do a reality check as soon as possible upon losing and regaining consciousness.
Follow through on this intention and do the reality check mindfully, even if it doesn't seem like a dream when doing it.

What is needed

The two skills required for this technique to work are self-awareness and memory. Whether these skills can be improved with this technique, I am not sure.


I'm going to test it. Anybody who wants to join me, feel free! I'm especially curious as to what those with poor dream recall would experience when trying this.

EDIT:I tried this last night but didn't have any success. I didn't have much dream recall either. I did notice lots of awakenings, though. I used the nose plug for a reality check. Maybe attempting to DEILD would be better than using a reality check.