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    About AlyshaMarie
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    North Carolina, USA
    Singing, Metaphysics, Computer
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    We'll welcome the New Age covered in warrior paint,
    lights from the jungle to the sky.
    See, now a star's born,
    looks just like a blood orange,
    don't it just make 'ya wanna cry?
    - Bright Eyes - Ladder Song -


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    Recent Entries

    November 26, 2011

    by AlyshaMarie on 11-26-2011 at 07:13 PM
    Within my dream, I had a dream that I died. I woke up from that dream in my dream, and told my friends that I had a dream that I died. We got in my friend's car and started driving - and got in a car accident. I was really dead this time, and I asked my friend if there was money in the ghost world or not. They said no, and I replied asking if we could go to the mall to all get new outfits.

    I flew back home to say goodbye to my family. I kept trying to find ways to communicate with them, but it was harder than I thought. I went on my laptop and turned the webcam on and took pictures of myself as a ghost. I looked slightly distorted but still recognizable. After that, I flew to the back porch and saw my cat. I tried petting him on the head, but he looked slightly confused and sad and walked away.

    My mom was talking to my sister about a yard sale they went to, and they got a shirt with a bunch of random designs on it, one being a gravestone. They were talking about how ironic that was.

    Back in the ghost world, I was trying to always have the ability to watch over my family. I tried to find some 'dream guides' to assist me, and couldn't find one easily. I started reading words that were floating around, and it kept saying stuff about black magic.
    non-lucid , memorable

    November 25, 2011

    by AlyshaMarie on 11-25-2011 at 07:46 PM
    I had to make a poster for my digital media class, and had to get some wrapping paper from school to cover it with. I was walking down into the drama room, and some guy was telling a teacher how one of his strings on his violin sounded weird. I thought of helping him fix it, but then kept walking.

    I went over to my friend Rebecca's house, and in the dream I was under the impression that she had kids. Her kids weren't in the room with her so I asked her where her kids went. She told me they were in the garage. I walked into her garage and instead of her kids being in there, there were cages filled with guinea pigs. Her dad was in there, and I asked him where her kids were. He said that he was putting them up for adoption, because it was too big of a responsibility for her. I yelled at him and said that should be something that Rebecca chooses on her own, and it's her choice what she wants to do with her kids.

    I was walking outside in some sand dunes, and there was a random bridge in the middle of the dunes. My friends and I made a group circle, and started putting money in the slits of wood in the bridge. I thought it was cool how 'creative' it was that my friends thought of that. The police came and turned on their flashlights, aiming it at our faces. They told us we couldn't be there, and we were going to be arrested. I texted my mom and step-dad and told them that I was getting arrested for no reason.

    I went into Jimmy John's to get a job application, and ended up being a server for the people waiting for their sandwiches. The staff drew my name out of a hat, and I won a new t-shirt. There was a huge group of kids in the store listening to a seminar. The t-shirt was a picture of me fallen on the ground beside a tree.

    I was participating in a swimming race, and it went alongside a really huge mountain. In one part, I had to balance on tin roller things and not fall in the water. Along the way, there was a woman and her mom, and the mom was assisting her in cutting her stomach open. I asked her to go to a doctor, but she ignored me.

    I was in a pink victorian house, and inspecting the room to see whether or not I liked it. The first room was pretty small, with only a bed inside it, but then I went down the stairs and there was only a door leading to the outside. The door didn't lead to any platform, just a drop down to the ground. I stated that I didn't like the door.

    November 24, 2011

    by AlyshaMarie on 11-24-2011 at 07:31 PM
    One of my old best-friends asked me to come over and hang out with her and one of my ex-boyfriends, and I said yes. She also said that she needed help cleaning her bathroom. I was going to go hang out with her, until one of my close guy friends asked to come over, and I ended up hanging out with him instead. After a while, she came to my backdoor and started yelling at me, and I told her to 'take it outside' haha. We argued, and then I ended up walking over to her house to apologize to her mom.

    I was walking through some woods and there supposedly were zombies around. Things would turn orange if they were 'infected', and I'd have to shoot the orange targets to get everything back to normal. There was some girl in the woods who, after shooting her, turned into a dog. She started speaking, and explained that we could understand her because dogs really did speak english, just on higher frequencies.

    I was in the car with my sister listening to music on full blast, and we waved hi to one of our friends in the car next to us. My sister started throwing hamster food at me, and I ended up getting really aggravated, so I threw some timothy hay back at her. My mom started yelling at me for throwing timothy hay at her, and said that I was being the immature one. When we got back to the house (I believe it was my old best-friends house), I ran upstairs in a vacant bedroom and shut the door because I was mad. This guy randomly came into the room.

    The same guy took me to a hotel suite, filled with a bunch of random people. He explained that the 10 people in the room were runaways, and that we had to be cautious when we went to the dance that night. We walked to the dance, and ended up dancing together in a circle, while getting to know each other's names.

    November 23, 2011

    by AlyshaMarie on 11-23-2011 at 07:01 PM
    I was in the parking lot for my school, and I saw one of my ex-boyfriend's in a group with his new girlfriend and his friends. I was with my friends asking "Is that really him?" and it was. We all joined into one big group and he didn't acknowledge me. Then, there was something to do with swimming in a swimming pool as a way to get 'revenge' with his new girlfriend. (I don't remember much of that part).

    I was going to take a shower, and I was all ready to get in, until my sister came barging into the bathroom. She yelled at me and said that she was going to take a shower first, and I told her that I was already getting in so too bad. She said "Fine! Then I'll get in!" And I was really mad, so I stormed out of the room and she yelled "Oh well!" after me. I remember calling her a bitch like 10 times and screaming (I believe I was screaming in bed as well).

    November 22, 2011

    by AlyshaMarie on 11-22-2011 at 06:58 PM
    I was meandering around my school, until all of a sudden green gas started filling the hallways, outside, everything. They had to rush us into the basement, and I was carrying my 2 children in the dream (one was just an infant, the other could talk). All the highschoolers were pushed into the stairs to go to the basement, and one of them opened the door into the outside and green gas came bursting in. We were all yelling at him to shut the door, until one of the people controlling the gas stepped up and shut the door. The person was wearing a biochemical suit.

    I was in a bookstore, and the oldest of my children in the dream waved his arm to point to a book he wanted me to read to him. I took it off the shelf, opened it up, and started reading a passage to him. As I finished, he read it back to me. I was really astounded and called my family around to hear him repeat after me again. I think what he read had something to do with alcohol or substances or something like that.

    I was in the sky on a cement platform; my brother was looking down at this huge sky parade with a group of people holding up an advertisement for Diary of a Wimpy Kid. He told me previously that he needed some new techniques to help deal with bullies, and he needed that book to get the new techniques. I kept feeling like I was about to fall off the platform, and I was freaking out. A helicopter came to take us back to land, and I couldn't get the courage to jump into the hole in the helicopter. My mom and brother were saying all I had to do is jump, but I couldn't; I was too scared. I had an idea to use a swing to propel myself into the helicopter, so I sat on a randomly spawned swing and started swinging really high. It scared me, but it was better than standing on a platform. I ended up swinging into a castle-like structure into the helicopter, my step-sister was driving it, and got inside. It wasn't my step-sister anymore who was driving the helicopter, but some random guy. His girlfriend was in there with him, and she was pregnant, but he didn't seem to care. She kept telling me that he doesn't count the months that she is pregnant, and there was blood everywhere in different beaker-type things.