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    Talking to deceased uncle and having a nice time with family ends in hopeless fight with demons.

    by Auke on 06-27-2014 at 02:00 PM
    I had recently woken from a short lucid dream, and I was thinking, am I awake in RL? And there my uncle who have left he’s earthly body some years ago, where sitting in a chair. This made me fully lucid again.

    The time in the morning was around 8 am, because I had waken from a dream and gone back to sleeping and dreaming again in the exact same position before all this. I was sleeping at work.

    I asked uncle, what are the meaning of you showing up in my dream. He answers. "Throwing up, and sickness.” (I think the last one was sickness. But I am not exactly sure of that.) I try to ask him some more about the meaning of him, but he gives the same answer. He then goes to the toilet and throws up in a strange way. He's body is all erected, but he somehow manage to put he's head in the bowl. I then ask him. "How it was to die of lung cancer (which was not the cause) or was it that?” I asked. He replied "that the pictures had left no doubt that it had been a lung cancer." He also explained something about how it had been, but I cannot remember.

    I asked him how it was to die and being dead.

    He said that it was sort of lonely.

    He also said that for people who prepare, it can be very good.

    I then ask him if he had some tips for me regarding dying. He answered that in a matter of fact he did had a note for me written down.

    I said that that probably would not help since this is a dream. He's hand writing was all mixed up, but the paper it was written on was not an ordinary blank sheet. It was a economic report from the Buddhist organization I am a member of. It was typed and I could read it. My teacher had slipped and hurt his leg and the organization was paying for that. The paper was full of similar stuff, and also a bill for filling out.

    Now the dream went in another direction. It was a family event. There was a living room, where my uncle where sitting. A hall where the toilets where, and a big kitchen. My sister was there in the Kitchen. She told me something about going to a cinema, while at the same time showing me a fantastic lego house somebody had built with here. It had all the windows going outwards. It was a very nice and worm, “big family” setting with lots of people. I said that I already had arranged to go (home?)(With our dad?), so no cinema for me.

    I am in a car with my dad. (I am often in cars in my dreams.) Now we are at the petrol station, and I am noticing that this car does not have a driving computer. There is quite a few details about the car. I am still sort of semi lucid, but when we drive of, my father has taken the wheel. The scenery looks very real, like the Norwegian farmers countryside. Suddenly somebody is knocking. (This could have been someone knocking on a door in RL.) I taught it came from the roof of the car. I asked my dad if I could open the roof, and he said sure. There my brother was laying and this was so strange that I became fully lucid again. I had just had a big lemon candy in my mouth, like the once my grandmother often gave me when I was a kid. I was tired from sucking it. I took it out and had it in my hand. My hand became sticky. Now I was asking my brother on the roof if he would like to have it. He would, so I gave it to him and licked my hand clean, very satisfied with the strangeness of the situation and the niceness of being together the tree of us.

    We came to our goal. A house laying on the left side. We were going to set it up and the rest of the family would come. We did not go out of the car, because some people who looked troubled, met up with us. They said that we were late! We had a conversation about this in the car. It came to my understanding that in this place, no one owned a house. It was now the evening and even thou my family had many things there, the time was now so that others could occupy the place legally.
    This information struck me as something important about the dream world. I was advocating that we should leave them in peace and go to find another place. We were leaving, but in the last moment, we saw somebody loading uncle Tom’s (I have no uncle in RL with that name) DVD’s player into something, and we decided there and then that this had gone far enough!

    Now this turned in to fight. Sort if lie a role playing computer game. I where a full-blown flying lucid spell caster. I do not remember the spells I used, but electricity was part of it. Even thou thy where more people than us, my powers made it easy for us to make them go away. Our side had also turned in to more people. Some of my best male friends had shown up. Now the demons where coming. (As usual, when I go into a fight in dreams, the first one can be won, but then all hell breaks loose!) A flock of human like bad intended creatures where coming for us over the field. Before I could even word anything my brother and my best friend, Kristian, where going for them like computer game A.I characters. Maybe they were thinking that this would not be a problem with my powers. But I was thinking the opposite. These creatures where immune to physical harm and where throwing petrol and breathing fire. I tried to attack them with fire, but they soon had killed my whole family and chased me away. I tried to fly, but I only managed to go a meter or so of the ground. I was running backwards and defending at the same time, which were not efficient. There was a woman going after me. I decided to turn and run as fast as I could into a forest. I went up a tree, but they were burning the forest. I jumped down from this very high tree and woke to RL.

    My uncle who is deceased was named Tore. I have a LD task, which is to heal Tor, a friend of mine, which are very ill.
    In the dream, I took the knowledge about not having any safe possessions as important information. Failing to help letting go of them, not being persistent enough about my decision to leave the situation.Letting other people influence me. In this dream, I was lucid, but I was following the dream much more than creating it.

    Transport, culture, halls, and strange stairs.

    by Auke on 06-27-2014 at 01:43 PM
    I slept in a cabin in the woods. Slept from early evening and for nearly twelve ours.

    Very vivid, and clear REM dream. The order of the events are most uncertain.

    Lucid part of dream are RED:

    I am in a rural place north in the country. A few male friends and I have been bicycling there for days, but we also have a car there. We are at a cabin on a mountaintop. A path is leading down a steep hillside to a village on the other side of the mountain. A friend and I is sitting there, looking out on the scenery. My friend is toying with the car keys, just like my 3-year-old son, in a hole going into the mountain. I am warning him, but he loses the keys. We can hear them fall into the mountain for a long time. I am not very upset because of this, much less, than I would be in RL. We follow the trail down the steep side of the mountain and ends up in the village. There is a bus stop, a colonial store, a petrol station, a school and a house for gathering. We are taking the bus back. Later we are going to a culture show at the house for gatherings. My best friend Kristian, who is living in USA in RL and often occurs in my dreams, are there. Everybody in the village know each other. The design of the house from the inside looking out is magnificent. The lines of the windows, a higher floor and a “gelender”, is all lined up with the water outside. Wherever we are in the room, it is like the room is directly connected with the sea. When I think of it now it is a little strange that this not made me lucid. I am conversing about this design with Kristian. There was some music there and the major of the town where playing saxophone. It became a dancing parade through many small corridors. I was in the other end of the building from the major and where delivered a saxophone. The people there would like me to answer the play of the other side. I do alright at this.

    In between all this I am driving an ambulance, (My work in RL) I am at the same type of rural community. The Ambulance are planning to go south. A woman I know from work in RL, is now younger and have bought a new pair of skies. I am washing a very bloody suitcase for the ambulance together with some female colleges. We go out on a call. I am calling Dennis, my former boss and sort of idol in this field of work, to ask for directions to the hospital or something. Dennis is at a party and are laughing and having a good time. I am explaining to him that I am sorry for calling him so late, and saying at the same time that I always call him when I wondering about ambulance related stuff.

    I am in a place with a high sky and the environment is very calm. It is big mansions and gardens. Someone who are with me are informing me that this is a free area for prostitution and other shady business. There is a big commercial board outside a mansion where film clips of what is going on inside the house are screened. This has a ritual and sexual character. Right here I become Lucid. “I am dreaming” I am saying out loud. The first thing that hits me is that I now can go into the mansion without a special permission trough the wall. The second thing are that this, based on numerous occasions, is not what I want to spend my LD time doing! The third thing is that I want to meditate. Right there outside the gate and the house I am sitting down. I forgotten to stabilize the dream and woke. I concentrate on going back to the same dream and manage to do so in a semi lucid state. I meet the main lady from the film and the mansion in the street. My companion or her Butler, I am not sure what he is, has informed me that she own me some free time. She looks worried and stressed out. I am turning around to go after here and catch up with here. I am giving a comforting arm to hold and we are walking and talking together.

    I am in a kind of a movie. Everything we meet on a linear way are directed objects. Mostly they are comedian stuff. We are entering a house and following corridors deep into the building. We are two women and a man, but I feel sort of being one of the women. There is also other people there and this is like a guided trip. The guide, and me gets away from the rest of the people. I am foreseeing that this would happen, and are anxious. The guide is rounding the corner and enter a door, which I just can see shut when I am rounding the corner. I can here flushing, as there is a toilet in there, so I wait outside. Nothing happens so I follow through that door, there is also many other doors. I enter into a hall full of long stairs, going around and back and forth in strange ways. I have sensation of fear and uncertainty about going in there alone, but I overcome it. I am leaping, floating and soaring down the stairs while I have a tingling sensation down my spine. I enter a big room where there is many happy people. I can fly and understand that I am dreaming. I am making up a song while I am flying around over the happy crowd. It is in English. “I can fly, I can touch through walls, (Doing this as I am singing it) I can see my soul.” After I have stated this, I am looking at my chest. I have a black sweater with some letters on. I can see some glittering light coming from inside my chest, like when the sun hits the water, silver or electricity is flowing freely. I wake up to RL.
    lucid , non-lucid

    The Tin Man avoiding and fighting feeling and death.

    by Auke on 06-16-2014 at 10:35 AM

    Five - to six lucid dreams in a row. In RL I am sleeping in a hotel, and are doing a lot of relaxing, meditation and energy exercises. This dreams felt like peeling the personal onion. A follow up to the previous 4-5 lucid dreams in a row from 29.05 http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/auke...elp-dcs-58402/ Here I where lucid in between dreams and felt that DC's where helping me attaining my awareness.

    1. Floating borders. Mostly grey tones, but a kind of a "Who framed Roger Rabbit" car was in technicolor at the bottom of a slope near the water. I was lucid and flying. I am sure I was in this dream a bit, but can’t remember details. I was thinking, but not feeling.

    2. Found myself in a open parkland with greens, pathways and benches. There were buildings on the left and front of me. There where pictures of heroes or villains on the walls in beautiful drawn comic book art. Everything was clear as real life, but brighter and in comic art. I became very satisfied with how clear and stable everything was. I took a usual look at my hands, but I felt that it was not necessary. Some people who looked somewhat similar to the ones in the pictures, came from a doorway at the left. They were also drawn. I wondered why I was not drawn, and then I was. My arms became cartoonish while I looked at them. I started fighting like in a computer game with one of the characters, but I did not know how to do it. It felt kind of slow and low in spirit, trying to kick him in the shins all the time. I knew I probably could had boosted it up, but my interest was not in this. The setting was not in any way dangerous. In this dream, I am probably more lucid than in the previous.

    My sleep was not very deep since I had contact with the physical room I was sleeping in between dreams trough vision.

    3. I enter a room witch reminds me of the years I lived together with other students. Its full of people and there is music so there must be a party. I use one of my confident skills, and change the record to a rare and groovy track. A young student woman sits down in the coach next to me, she tells me that she also lives there, that she loved my taste in music, and suggests that we maybe could share a bed. I think that is a good idea, and suggest that we try it out at once. When she lays down, she is shape shifting a bit. She is a bit too thin and something is strange. I can't hold the dream. Again, I just know that I am dreaming. I hear music, but it is not clear. I can see details and colors. However, I cannot feel.

    4. I come back to a similar setting. There is a party and many people. I am still Lucid, and now I start to interact with more awareness, not just react. I go out into a small balcony that also are crowded. It seems to hang in the air over a spacious setting, like a blue screen or just space. I turn around and in the doorway stands an older, but healthy looking man. He is white haired, has clear features and is a head taller than the people between us. We talk. What I can surly remember of or conversation is this.

    Old Man: The God's do exist. (This is a follow up on a previous LD where I asked a DC "What is God") He has the smile of a teacher who wants followup questions. He also does reminds me quite much of a Buddhist teacher I know.

    I: But are they evil?

    Old Man: Does not answer, looks like I have asked the wrong question.

    I: But there acts is not exactly what you can call humane?

    Old Man: Right.

    Now there is another DC standing in between us. He is so close to me that he must almost be standing on my toes. He/she is shorter than me and are masked in a black sort of scarf. He stands completely still as if he has not been put to play yet. I get the feeling he is waiting for the ongoing talk to end. I ask the old man if he's real and at the same time touch his face. He feels completely like a shaven, around 60 year’s old man. I get a kind of grey/every day and safe/family member feeling. Our conversation ends with the old man saying something like:

    They (The God's) are not in any way, what you would consider safe.

    The ninja character, who in until now has been like a statue, comes to life and makes me follow him of the balcony. We go through a short state of grey swirling mist.

    5. This dream sets on the inside. (Inside body?) I have that feeling of being inside an organic cave with a laboratory in it. I get the hospital feeling. It is a mixture of stonewalls, not build, but mountain walls. In addition, some tech installations. I immediately gets the feeling that something is wrong. I became fully lucid in the last dream, and are remaining that here. A DC in a white coat are with me at once and expresses that something has gone horrible wrong with my son. I am on a sunken floor in a small waiting room. The DC looks sad and somewhat powerless over the situation. He gives me the feeling that he and some other helpers tried as best they could. On my way into a mountain hall I meet another white coated DC. He is probably the doctor. By now, my feelings are unbearable. I can see a boy sitting in a chair connected to wires. He's head/face looks literary like a mix between a broken white plate, and a head that looks more like a pancake than a head. I am now panicking.

    My first response, as I enter the scene is.

    He is alive! I thought you said that he was…?

    The first health worker looks down.

    I turn to the doctor and ask, what has happen here?

    Doctor say’s, Double bypass gone wrong.

    I take a second and consider my options. I am fully lucid, which means I can do what I like. However, I am now longer in contact with the "this is JUST a dream" feel I had in the past dreams.

    I scream: Can't you see what you have done! You have given me this unbearable sensation of feeling in my stomach. I can’t stand staying here any longer! I fly through the ceiling while the DC's looked at me in disbelief. You can’t leave, they said, looking restless. I also had a strong feeling that it was wrong of me to escape but I could not bear to stay there. Never, in my whole life, have I felt such a powerful feeling of despair, loss and anger. I cannot describe it, but it was surely a horrible feel. I would have gladly changed it for some severe physical pain anytime. The rage drove me into my last lucid dream. I now demanded to meet death! Again, going through this grey kind of swirling mist.

    6. I met him and just had a quick look at my hands to stabilize before I attacked. Death was as one would expect, cloaked in black, standing in some sort of fire on a stage. Death had a whip or a tail that turned in to an oven-like black thing at the end with a gate that opened that was made of black bars. I dived in to it. First, the dream was all black, I did not know what to expect. Then it shifted into vaguely contours on the walls of organic forms witch could look a little like faces. Deaths black tail was in front of me. It was long and slim and had a triangle on the end. I started to pull it. Still angry and upset. Nevertheless, it was just more tale. I felt extremely angry. The thing I was doing felt as such a desperate and useless action. Then, in a last effort, I worded in a deep angry, almost God like tone.


    I woke up...

    This dream and the next has some synchronicity with real life random events. I feel that the team here are regarding not getting in touch with my heart. This is my main goal in life and this was a great opportunity to practice compassion for others and myself. Instead, I go into uncontrolled rage and try to kill death. I was off course scared when I woke, with that request to Death still ringing in my head.
    Around the same time in RL, right after this dream, I was going to act in the wizard of OZ. Which I think, strangely enough, I have never seen or read. Before someone would ask me to do the role as the tin man, and before I knew anything about it. I did a google search on "driftwood" witch came up with a picture of the main characters from this story. I remember seeing the face of a sad and grey tin man and thought he resembled somehow the grey Jester from my previous LD. Then the day after, the director told me that the Tin man had no heart and that he would receive on in the end. I remember thinking that this is not a coincidence.

    The night after this dream, my son had a nightmare and woke up screaming. The same night my wife dreamt that my son had defecated a snake. I had a dream a while back where a boy the age of my son, only scary looking, in black clothes, spewed a snake into my mouth. I was brave in this dream and merged with it, but it did hurt so much (more like a physical sensation) in my stomach that I woke. In addition, the double bypass refers to a heart connection.

    One more thing that happened a day or so after this dream, which I did not react to then, but which have later made me wonder. I got a mail from a fellow Buddhist. It contained a form for filling out my wishes for my death. This was because I had entered a course earlier this spring named, “Preparing to die.”

    See also this that may be a connecting dream: http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/auke...ntinues-58349/

    Updated 06-16-2014 at 10:48 AM by Auke

    lucid , nightmare , memorable

    Multiple LD's in a row, staying aware between dreams with the help from DC's?

    by Auke on 06-16-2014 at 09:43 AM

    Was trying to preform WILD, but ended up on my side and went into sleep instead. This was at work where I had to respond to and alarm call so it was hard to remember everything when I later sat down to write it out.

    For the first time I am sure DC's where helping me with staying lucid. There was a grey Jester who were moving around my body, pulling my neck, and stroking me between dreams, it was a blackness, I was laying on my back, and I was at least partly aware. He’s action could be compared with what a helper is doing in a rebirthing session. I could feel he’s presence and sort of saw he’s face trough the darkness. He was there when I woke, sort of like a couch who were prepping me before a mach. I also felt the presence of one more helping character. A man in a suit with sunglasses staying more in the background. Just watching what I was doing and ready to come into play when I became ready.

    I had 4-6 LD's in a row. The first two dreams are short and low on lucidity. My family is there, but that is all I can remember. Then in the next, my consciousness increases and I would like to explore something. I remember that I spontaneously beginning to fly and the DC’s looks at this in disbelief. "He can't do that," they say while pointing. I land because I have much experience with flying, and want to do something new. I want to taste something and find myself generating some fruits on a plate. I choose the apple and concludes that it tastes like apple.

    I have another experience with losing the dream, but not waking up, and waking in another LD. I now tell the Jester that I know that he is real, since he is there between dreams. The jester and the man with the sunglasses, do not answer me, instead other dream characters are disappearing. Now I start to fly again, and I remember Robert Wagoner's quest to go out into space. I will this and go flying/floating at high speed in darkness with spread particles. I then remember the wish to go to the uttermost limits of the universe, or to the beginning. I come to floating gold and fire like objects that where spinning, I thought that this must be the beginning. I had a strong lust to disintegrate, merge with the universe and to feel oneness with it. However, I lose the dream again. In the next LD I again went down the sexual intercourse lane, witch where a bit disappointing. Then I woke. I had at least one more semi lucid dream, in there somewhere, sitting in some sort of cart in a cartoon.

    I felt incredible when I woke up. What had I just experienced?! This dream came in short time after reading about communicating with helpful DC's in Robert Wagoners book. Not long before this dream, I had my first clear dream of asking a DC a planed question. I now have come to believe that there is a possibility for having "Helpers", my connection with these characters seemed so personal and special. I also know that the Jester is a Jungian Archetype. The man with the sunglasses are maybe the same as the masked guy, or a shadow archetype
    lucid , memorable

    The Tin Man avoiding and fighting feeling and death continues.

    by Auke on 06-14-2014 at 02:13 PM
    13.06.14 Friday, and full moon...

    Did not sleep until four a clock. Was meditating and listening to music in bed til around midnight. turned on the computer and doing LD related tasks. Wrote myself into the dream yoga course in here, and wrote about some dreaming related books. Last thing I did before bed: Hunt for a bat or something which where making a scrapping noise from the roof/ possible from in the room. Did not find any thing.

    Setting: 1001 night, arabic but bent out of shape. Dreamworld. Flat roofs and towers. Earth, Stone, Air, water and/or liquid dark matter, something else than water. High clarity. Some colors. Vision and sound, no clear memory of touch and smell. Though I can remember hugging.

    Way of becoming lucid: MILD because same DC appeared many times (I think), used hands and spinning to stabilize.

    Grade of remembering: Low to medium. (Did not write it in the night.)

    Planed mission attained: Yes. Experience unconditional love and compassion.

    Mission succession rate: Failed.

    Special physical conditions: Yes, atlas in neck gone out of position. Must sleep on back. Maybe problems with energy. Are at hotel.
    I am sure that the same DC try to make contact with me several times, and I am almost positive that's what brings me to the conclusion that I am dreaming. I am not sure if I have encountered this DC in previous drems. But I am sure in this dream that I don't want anything to do with him. Also a girl in similar clothes try's to contact me, but I am not interested. My "I" wants to:

    A. Not go into a nightmare.
    B. Fulfill programmed task.

    The DC's are wearing black and ghoulish clothes. The man which I encounter many times looks kind of scared in his face. And also looks sad and unpleasant. He remind me of this boy I once encountered in a horrible nightmare who I am pretty sure where the victim of my subconscious. This boy was full of terrible wounds and he waited for me to go trough a door so that he could pas the other way at the same time. Well I kept my distance and focused on the Lucid state and try to remember my task I had planned. I would like to experience the feeling of great compassion.

    Well I was trilled because I got seated on a hillside facing some sort of water. Just to get into the meditation position in the dream trilled me. There where a lot of other people there. And the ground started moving slow and controlled into the sea. I am sure the sea represented death, or reincarnation, but the people where pretty much expression not caring so much about it. When it was my turn I stopped the experiment. This is a dream of a controlling and intellectualizing person. Afraid of my feelings I would like them to come in portions. My last LD, I had the era where I receive feelings, open, and the dream completely overwhelmed, scared and angered me. So no I turned the LD into a dead thing not really concerning me?

    Then the ghoulish DC would contact me again. I thought, no more mr. nice guy. And made myself the strongest most powerful human form and just wrecked him. (Idea from LD literature read on the evening before.) Well now this DC dropped one or two books on the bottom of the ocean or something. I remember reading "OCULT GRAVE RITUALS" on the cover of one of these books while holding it in my hand. Now the DC faces me and says. "I have tried to contact you so many times, your time is running out, you only have half a month and a year left, and I haven't teach you anything yet!" Then I wake, maybe I choose to. The encounter was scary enough, and the things he said made me wake up. This was a really clear dream, but I did not write it down before morning so a lot of the details are gone.

    This is the second LD in a rough where death is playing a role. I later will share the first one as well. I am thinking/hoping that I will change in a year or so. Maybe also die (not hoping that), but It's not like I am sure of it, actually I am kind of stuck in believing that I will not die. I woke up this morning happy about having had a LD, and that I remembered my quest. To day has been a good day. I need fear and being kicked to wake up from my samsaric lullaby.

    I am doing this effort not to gain powers, not to gain wealth and fame. Not to in anyway feel superior to other beings. I am doing it to gain clarity, compassion and happiness and bring that in to the world.

    Updated 06-14-2014 at 02:20 PM by Auke

    lucid , memorable