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      “I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?” ~ Chuang Tzu

      Perhaps one is a butterfly, and a man, and many other things, and sometimes one dreams.
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      np about the add, thanks for accepting xD I'm good, just working my way to getting lucid dreams. Great profile pic.. what do you study?
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      Hey Brigid!
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    About Brigid
    Hi there! I'm a college student. I'm into artsy stuff, mostly writing and drawing. I've only had very brief/mild lucid dreams before and I'm trying to improve my dream recall and have more vivid/lucid dreams. DreamViews has helped me a lot with that so far, so here's hoping I become a regular lucid dreamer at some point.
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    Somewhere over the rainbow
    writing, dancing, drawing
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    from a YouTube video on lucid dreaming


    “I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?” ~ Chuang Tzu

    "This is my dream. I'll decide where it goes from here." ~ Alice in Wonderland


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    Haven't posted anything in a while so here's a super long dream for ya

    by Brigid on 01-25-2014 at 06:27 PM
    Wow I haven't posted any dreams in ages––partly because I'm lazy, but also because I haven't been taking very good track of my dreams over the past few months. But now I'm trying to start keeping track again, and hopefully posting these will motivate me to write my dreams down more often.

    I don't remember any dreams from last night, but I'll post a dream I wrote down a few weeks ago that was particularly long/crazy and had a ton of different parts in it. So yeah, here goes:

    I go to [my college] and it’s the beginning of the school year—or so I assume because it’s all sunny and green outside and whatnot. It’s during orientation or something, and all the upperclassmen (the third and fourth years that is) have to join together to learn one huge dance. We all have to wear crazy colorful costumes with lots of feathers on them and stuff.

    I’m late or something and I have to learn part of the dance from some random girl in a trailer near [the athletic center]. So I get in the trailer and the girl is showing me how to do part of the dance. It mostly involves some pretty simple move where I pretty much just have to step forward, then back, then to the side, or something along those lines. But she keeps saying I’m doing it wrong even though I thought it was super easy, so I figure I’m missing something.

    Anyway, then the girl has to go somewhere, and there’s this random older guy (like a professor or something, I don’t know) standing outside the trailer who says he will teach me the rest of the dance later, but then he walks away. I become paranoid that I’m not going to be able to learn the dance in time.

    I start walking around and looking at the various groups of people in their colorful costumes. It seems like everyone has split into groups and they’re all going to do separate dances. (I see [a girl I know from high school] and she’s talking about how her group has to wear fake boobs. Huhhh.) I think about how nice it is that the upperclassmen get to do this instead of doing stupid orientation activities.

    There’s another short part where I’m lying in my bed (at home) and [two of my sisters] are also in their beds and asking me questions about some movie about a chef––but like, the whole movie is a euphemism for sex somehow and they’re asking me to explain it and I’m like, “Uhhh … I don’t know.”

    In another part I’m working at [the library where I used to work] again, and I’m not really doing anything––just wandering around the stacks looking for something interesting to read. But every time I find a spot where I can just stand around and read for a while, I see some other librarians standing around talking and I’m afraid I’ll get caught.

    I end up in some random corner where there are a bunch of flyers and booklets on a shelf and I’m trying to arrange them all in a neat row but they keep all falling over or turning outwards. I realize it might be a better system if I just had them all arranged so that they were facing out, but then I’m too lazy to change the arrangement I’ve already made.

    Below that shelf there’s another shelf with gigantic picture books on it. They all look super old. Apparently they’re reference books and I’ve never seen them before, and they’re all really cool––so I’m like, “Whoa, why did I never know about these?”

    (I think I either wake up from this one or I have a false awakening—either way, I have this disorienting moment where I still believe I work at the library in real life and then I’m really confused, like, “No I don’t … Wait, yes I do … Wait, no I don’t …”)

    There’s some really short part where I’m watching some thing where Superman and some blond lady with a ponytail and I think a few other people are all running through this stormy landscape and then there are these helicopters chasing after them that are going to shoot at them, and Superman is like, “Haha well that’s okay, because I’m immune to bullets!” And all his friends are like, “Ummm … but we’re not.”

    Yet another part: I’m in my grandparents’ (old) house, in their TV room. I think maybe my mom is also there? And I’m trying to call [my sisters], and then I try to call [three of my friends from high school] … because apparently all five of them are on a hike together. When I try to call [my sister] she doesn’t pick up her phone, but then this weird thing happens where she somehow answers the phone after her “leave a message” recording thing has played but I still can’t talk to her because she can’t hear me I guess. I think I actually talk to [my friend] on the phone but I forget what she says.

    In another part I’m in some random kitchen (which kind of looks like our kitchen at [the place I used to live]) and I think my whole family is there. There’s this weird washing machine; [my brother] opens it and it still continues running even when it’s open. But the whole time it’s running, it’s overflowing and squirting all this water into the microwave which is situated above it. And my mom is like, “Oh don’t worry, that’s normal.”

    At some other point, I’m at some random event and all my high school friends are there. We’re all sitting in this big field somewhere and it’s kind of getting dark outside. I’m talking to [one of my friends] and I have a popsicle stick for some reason––one of those ones with a joke on it. And I’m like, “Haha want to hear a popsicle stick joke?” and then I try to read the joke but I misread it and accidentally think it says something about Sherlock and I’m like, “Lol I can’t stop thinking about Sherlock.” (I had this dream after the day season 3 started, so ... it was actually true.)

    And finally there’s some other part where there are a bunch of kids are having some kind of race and then there are these two boys who are particularly competitive with each other … ? Err yeah I don’t remember the details.

    Crazy robot/apocalypse/rebellion dream

    by Brigid on 07-28-2013 at 06:32 PM
    Hello DV! It's been a while. Over the summer I haven't been keeping very good track of my dreams for some reason. So ... oops, my bad. But this morning I had a super crazy dream so I felt inspired to post again.

    I'd say this was semi-lucid, maybe lucid? I don't think I quite realized I was dreaming, but it was really vivid and at the same time I realized it wasn't real and that I had control over it ... I don't know, it's kind of hard to explain. It was pretty intense/disturbing, but I felt pretty chill throughout the whole thing because I felt more like I was acting as a different person (that is, I wasn't really myself) and I felt like I was in a movie or something so I knew it wasn't real life. But anyway, the dream:

    I'm walking through a forest that's completely destroyed and there are crashed spaceships everywhere. I'm walking with some other girl and for some reason I know we're going to meet some robot who was sent to help us by the girl's brother. Suddenly we're walking past these two rows of robots on either side of us and they're all identical––they're person-shaped/sized but all white and shiny with glowing blue eyes. I'm wondering which one is supposed to help us, and then one of them just like sneaks up behind us and surprises us and I know he's the one we've been looking for.

    We end up at a grocery store where we're shopping for supplies with a bunch of other people, and we're all part of some kind of secret resistance movement (against what, I don't really know). Some of the people are secretly robots but they're disguised as people––and then they're all buying supplies to help them look more like people or something. We have to buy some kind of magic fabric that other robots can wear so they look like people ... ? Yeah, I don't know.

    Then the police show up outside and we're all like "Oh shit!" and we know that the police will know that some of us are secretly robots because of the specific materials we're buying.

    We all try to hide the materials we were buying, and by now the police are in the store. I shove some of the fabric onto a random shelf and then I pretend to be looking at plastic utensils. (And then Miss J––who's a judge from America's Next Top Model––is briefly there and she's like "I love those forks!" ... Errm yeah. I've watched like three seasons of ANTM in the past few weeks, so yeah. Shut up.)

    Then I realize everyone else has left and the police are after just me. And this weird thing happens where I kind of skip forward in time but I know what happened ... I tried to sneak out a back door but I was surrounded, and then I fell and broke my ankle so I got caught. And now I've been sentenced to some kind of public execution which is tomorrow, but I have to spend the night at the executioner's house...?

    So I'm in the executioner's house and I keep arguing with him about how evil and wrong he is etc. but he just keeps brushing it off. He has a little daughter and he's saying goodnight to her and I'm like, "How can you have a little child and still be an executioner?!"

    Then I distract him with some random question when he's standing at the top of the stairs, and then while he's answering I push him down the stairs as hard as I can. I'm hoping this will kill him but it only knocks him out. So then while he's lying at the bottom of the stairs, I run down into the living room and grab a pillow and then I walk over to the executioner and start trying to smother him with the pillow. He starts struggling and crying and the whole thing starts to feel like super real and disturbing, and I feel guilty, so I stop. But I'm like "Now you know that I have the power to kill you if I want to" and apparently that's enough to convince him not to execute me. .... I think that was it.
    lucid , memorable

    Hill, Bus, Pizza!

    by Brigid on 02-08-2013 at 01:31 AM
    I’m riding on a school bus with Cara, Sarah Jayne, Luna, and Rachel. Rachel and I are supposed to get off at the same stop. We are going down a hill and we are supposed to get off halfway down the hill but the driver takes us all the way to the bottom. Rachel and I explain to the bus driver that we were supposed to get off earlier, but neither of us is really mad about it.

    So, I get off the bus with all my friends. We are all standing in front of a house that looks like my grandma's house and I think we are all about to go into it but we stay outside. Apparently Cara had a bad day, so Sarah Jayne brought her a pizza. I hug her to make her feel better.

    I remember some other brief moment where Abby calls me to invite me to a birthday party or something, but I can’t come because I’m not at home.

    Little Kid Game Show, A Muddy Walk, and Pretzels

    by Brigid on 01-30-2013 at 02:56 PM
    I only remember a few dream fragments. I think I woke up in the middle of the night and thought about writing down my dreams right away, but I was too lazy, so … oops.

    1. In one dream, I’m watching some kind of game show, and all the contestants are little kids. I can’t really remember anything else about this one.

    2. I’m staying in some large house, and some of my high school friends are there. I decide to go for a walk with one of my friends––Alison––but I need to find my rain boots first. I seem to have brought an enormous pile of shoes with me, and I have to search through them before I finally find the right boots. Then I go outside with Alison. It’s very gross and barren looking outside. The ground is muddy and covered with ice/snow in some places. There are only a few trees here and there, and they’re all completely bare. When Alison and I return to the house, I see that all of our other friends are reading the books I brought with me. I notice that Catherine is almost done with the book she’s reading even though we were only gone for like ten minutes (which is funny, because she does read extremely quickly in real life).

    3. I go to this food store place with some friends. We’re all planning on buying pretzels. There are these pretzel sticks and they all cost like 25¢ or something. So I grab a handful of pretzel sticks. And then there’s this tray with change all over it, and I grab a few coins. I wonder if I’m stealing the money or whether I’m allowed to do this … but I do it anyway.

    I go up to the counter and put my pretzel sticks down. The cashier tells me that it will cost me $3.99. This surprises me since I thought it would be cheaper, but I don’t question it. I look in my wallet and I seem to only have quarters, so I start to pay the guy in quarters. It’s taking forever and I’m holding up the line, and the cashier is getting impatient with me and telling me to hurry up. Finally I find a $5 bill and put it down on the counter. But when I look up, I see that the original cashier is gone and now there’s this random girl where he was standing. And she’s like, “He got so impatient that he left” or something. So I’m like, “… Sorry,” and I buy the pretzels.

    I go outside and sit down on the sidewalk with my friends. I believe Sarah Jayne, Cara, Megan, and Luna are there. We all start to eat our food. Sarah Jayne has these big vitamin things that she offers to everyone but we’re all like, “No.”

    Somehow, we all end up sitting in this random tunnel. Megan is rolling around on the ground for some reason, and then Luna is asking her questions about her life and Megan has to answer them. I think Sarah Jayne is also asking some questions. And … I’m just sitting there. And that’s all I remember!
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Filming a TV Show, Camping at Grandparents' House, Dancing, and a Parade of Hybrid Animals

    by Brigid on 01-29-2013 at 06:27 PM
    I don't normally write down my dreams in the middle of the night because I've just been too lazy. But last night I woke up twice––once at about 2 AM and again at about 5 AM and remembered a couple of dreams each time. This time, I forced myself to write them down on my iPod so I wouldn't forget them. So, I remembered a total of four dreams last night, which is pretty good for me!

    1. I’m filming a TV show with my friends, which I believe included Sarah Jayne, Cara, Megan, and Luna. The TV show is supposed to be semi-autobiographical I guess––that is, I think it’s supposed to be based on reality, even though it isn’t really but oh well. Supposedly we’ve been working on this TV show for a long time and now we’re nearing the end of the whole series. In the episode we’re filming, Sarah Jayne becomes a police officer. We’re all walking down the street together and Sarah Jayne is in the lead, talking into a walkie-talkie and being all police officer-y. There's apparently some criminal after us. We run down some stairs that lead down into a subway. Right about when the criminal is about to catch up to us, we stop filming. We all sit down on the stairs and start laughing and crying with joy, because we are overwhelmed since we're getting near the end of the show.

    2. My family and I are camping out at what I think is supposed to be my grandparents’ house. My little siblings are all sleeping in tents. Annabelle and Teddy spill mini candy canes in their tent. I can’t actually see inside their tent since I’m standing on the outside, but I hear my parents scolding them about it and I see the half-empty bag of candy canes on a table nearby.

    3. I'm at this weird dance place and I'm dancing with some random girl. And then we all have to switch partners and I have to dance with this really tall guy with a beard and a hat. Everyone laughs at us because of the height difference, because he’s like three feet taller than me. We're doing some kind of line dance. Suddenly there are lots of little kids around, and we all start to randomly sing.

    4. I’m supposed to go to drawing class but I wake up late. I go to this weird little bathroom that’s like a small wooden cabin built into the middle of the house. I see Sarah Jayne and we get on this wagon thing, which we apparently use to get to class. We ride through a field and this guy gets onto the wagon with us. He’s supposedly my teacher and he says this time he can excuse me for being late, but next time he won’t.

    We’re riding through a field and suddenly there are all these weird hybrid creatures walking by––like cows and giant chickens with human legs (who are also wearing clothing) and also couples of people sharing one pair of legs. We start following these creatures around. One of the weird chicken creatures starts peeing corn kernels. Sarah Jayne and I thin this is funny and we have some conversation about eating poop for some reason. Then we stop and talk to this lady who apparently made all these creatures and she explains to us how she did it. Something about sewing them together or something sketchy like that.
    non-lucid , memorable