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      Hey Esmerelda. I think about you now and again, as you have had the amazing experience of sharing a dream with a random stranger, then meeting them online the next day. I was sad to see you go, and I am glad you are back.

      I had my first confirmed shared dream about seven years ago once, then I didn't have my second one for years.
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    About Ezzie_Ezz

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    About Ezzie_Ezz
    I'm a slightly disturbed student who wants to learn more about lucid dreaming :P
    Sleeping, reading English/French literature, playing piano/guitar
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    LD = > 50
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    not get freaked out when I AP - Have a normal conversation with a DC- Have diner in a fancy restaurant with a DC- Jump from a skyscraper


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    11-22-2010 11:26 PM
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    View Ezzie_Ezz's Dream Journal

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    demonic doll and flying

    by Ezzie_Ezz on 12-06-2010 at 01:27 PM
    So I was dreaming about the end of days, I think. The other day I watched a couple of minutes of a movie called "Skyline" (a B movie I think eventhough my friend was dead serious about it being an A movie)
    So I was in a house I never saw before with this demonic doll and the doll was not letting me go. I can perfectly describe this house because I was in it for a long time, not doing a lot. Mainly because I was not fully lucid. The room had large windows with creme coloured curtains. A creme coloured couch and a stairway downstairs. It was a modern newly built house. I was talking with this demonic doll of doom and suddenly I was completely lucid. I don't have a sign or something in my dreams. Most of the time I just blurt it out : I'm lucid for crying out loud! and then I look around and think to myself : hey I'm really lucid, let's try something
    So I looked at this demonic doll of doom and terror and I told her " Look I'm going to fly for a while to do something, but I'll be right back, oke?"
    She looked very hesitant but she let me go.
    This was actually the first time I really wanted to fly in my lucid dreams. Most of the time I like to walk or transport. So I was kind of scared when I opened the big window and I looked down on the street. But I jumped and I could fly. The scenery was amazing. It was a mix between a city and a countryside. with a couple of rivers in the distance. Lots of wind and people looking at me quite confused.
    I was , like in real life, analyzing too much. I was thinking about breathing techniques, demanding things to be lighter. And then a bit of my hair covered my left eye and I just couldn't get rid of it. My focus was starting to blur because of that. I was extremely annoyed because I was still flying and I wanted to enjoy that, but my stupid hair got in the way.
    Then I didn't realize I was flying past the house of the demonic doll of terror and doom and she looked at me with her fiery eyes and she was pissed. Suddenly everything was falling apart and what do I do? I stop flying and start running ( because that's very clever...not"
    buildings were crashing down and the roads were cracking up and then ofcourse I woke up

    I am actually a bit stuck between what I want to do with my skills. Everytime I want to do a WILD, I do an Astral Projection. And whenever I want to sleep normally I get a lucid dream. I am lost, I need a mentor.

    I'm back, but not voluntarily

    by Ezzie_Ezz on 11-22-2010 at 05:07 PM
    So I have been out of lucid dreaming for a while. Mainly because I had to wake up so early every day, studying medicine is not something you can do in your spare time.
    The strangest thing happened to me yesterday
    It was 3 'o clock at night, I was extremely tired because I couldnt sleep. I was laying there, very still. I was thinking about general stuff, I was exhausted and ready to fall asleep. Sounds like the perfect recipe for a WILD, and that happened. The minute I felt my body vibrate I was thinking " No I dont want this, I stopped doing this forever" but my body wouldnt wake up. I felt hands pulling me up and I touched the ceiling
    I opened my eyes and I was floating in my room and I saw a girl with long black hair floating in front of me and I grabbed her hand. Immediatly I was pulled back on my bed. I was lucid, but I couldn't move. I felt bodies floating next to me and I tried to grab them but they were too fast. When I tried to get up I felt hands on my shoulder, neck and my hair. The only thing I was thinking of, was " How can I wake up, I have to wake up" I tried to pinch myself, but "they" wouldn't let me. After a big struggle with them I managed to poke myself in my eye ( that really hurts btw) and I woke up in the same position. I was hyperventilating and everything, it was really a nightmare

    Lucid dreaming was always very easy for me, sometimes I think to myself I should train myself I could do so much with this gift. But on the other hand I'm very scared that I 'm going to dream things like this

    What shall I do, I don't know..