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    Fragments of Sobrigade

    by samf on 08-17-2010 at 07:45 PM

    I dreamt that I went on a vacation with my family and my friends family to some Caribbean resort-type destination. I remember tidbits while being there like hearing audio clips of Boondocks coming from the bar in the pool and just walking around with friends. I also remember that we went in this giant rubber boat-plane thing and we flew down and across several waterfalls. They were beautiful and the experience was exhilarating.

    I also remember that when we were in our rooms, I had my macbook with me and I wanted to watch an episode of the Boondocks. (really had this show on my mind, clearly) My friend started an episode from Season 2 and I got pissed cause I wanted to watch one from Season 3. I remember how the episode was about this gay guy being pissed off that the grandpa was making fun of him for being gay, and that he was a gangster willing to kill him.

    In a completely different dream i remember chilling with a whole bunch of people that I went to highschool with in some room with a staircase. All the girls were drinking like crazy and felt sick, as they kept repeating "sloow down, slow down".

    I also remember being in a Wal-Mart type location with people from highschool again but there are no employee's. For some reason a teacher is there, not one that actually exists though, and I remember contemplating whether I should make a move on her or not. I showed her that the sports section is the best area to crash because it has the most comfortable places to sleep. I think that I bumped into another guy from school that wasn't originally there, who was drunk off his ass, and I was trying to show off by doing some crazy shit figureskating stuff....except I kept totally failing.
    dream fragment , non-lucid

    Complex-Ass Nightmare APOCALYPSE :(

    by samf on 08-05-2010 at 07:44 PM
    This is going to be difficult to explain but here it goes:

    The dreams were heavily centered around my brother. There was so much about him I never learned but I know that he is an alien that is the key to life on Earth. I'll get back to this later though. My brother is sick in bed at a luxurious hotel, looking at pictures and videos on his laptop and tv and projector and so forth. There is an evil figure in the room with him. I don't know who, I think he works for the Google corporation but he isn't letting my brother know the truth about anything. This is night time and it is the last night on earth before the apocalypse. I can't remember what happens, maybe I wasn't supposed to, but it results in someone killing my brother. With his death dies the good in mankind. All new souls are forever evil. But the thing about my brother is that he's somehow not fully dead. He comes back to life in the hotel, but weaker than ever. His "guardian" from Google is there there and he asks him to stay, completely unaware that it was him that was responsible for his death. I also come into the room after hearing news of his death and resurrection and stay to watch over him.

    Days have passed at this point. The man starts talking to us but he only cares that my brother hears it, "Things have gotten worse since. Look at these drawings from the children". He shows these pictures of faces painted in black. all of them look scared. angry. like they're dying. It was gruesome in a simplistic way. With this my brother grew colder. For just a second, his eyes had dark rings around them. I rushed over to him to console him and he returned to normal. It was then that I realized that the man was evil. Somehow my brother was connected to Earth and if he grew evil, so would life. What I didn't understand was that somehow, this man was planning to use the Apocalypse to bring forth a revolution in which Google could run the world. Operation Google Control.

    So remember that whole Alien thing? Well I know this because I remember when things on Earth just started to get worse, and I was speaking to my neighbor at my apartment. He was telling me how all the kids were acting terrible, swearing and seemed to be lacking that innocence about them. Behind us was a wall of action figures, one of them was his Alien with a large head and coloured veins traveling down from it's brain. The moment I saw it I had instant flashes of my brother and I knew that it was in some way related to him.

    So flash forward again >>

    I'm traversing through a shattered world with a companion trying to reach a destination to stop everything that has been happening. Around us, the world is in terror. Everything is a mess. People are few and far. There are 3 Tornado's in the distance. One of them is huge and though they are far, they don't seem so by their size. I remember screaming and begging my friend to turn the other direction because I cannot handle my fear of the Tornado's.

    There is so much more but it's all too scrambled. I don't know what to make of his.

    I don't remember a whole portion but now I'm walking through a ruined earth with a friend trying to find answers.
    non-lucid , nightmare

    Jumping Off A Plane

    by samf on 08-03-2010 at 07:24 PM
    So my dream starts off with me walking onto an airplane. For no particular reason I count the fingers on my hand and realize that I'm dreaming. I just had this feeling to for some reason. As soon as I became lucid I remembered something I was thinking about before I fell asleep, which was to jump out a window in order to successfully fly the way I want to. I did not even double check the dream as I knew confidence is a major aspect of dream control.

    Well when I jumped out I did manage to fly. I kind of realized that in order to fly I had to clear my mind and not overthink anything. That's what was preventing me from doing what I wanted to do before. I still had trouble keeping my mind clear and fully controlling how I was flying but I was managing. Unfortunately the dream memory is not vivid enough that I can remember exactly where I flew through and I barely recall the feeling.

    I decided to land, I think it was in a field somewhere but I'm not 100% sure because part of me remembers there being other people there. I wanted to transform my body to see if I could. I looked down at myself and noticed that I could see my nose (like when you cross your eyes and look at your nose). I looked back up and imagined a different looking torso, but the dream began to get hazy. I rubbed my hands together and tried to focus on the texture but I was losing my dream. I was about to spin but it was too late, I woke up. ....which was probably just another false awakening again.
    lucid , false awakening

    Atop the Subway Station

    by samf on 07-31-2010 at 06:58 PM
    I was sitting with my brother in a building that had a subway station below it. It had large glass walls and benches everywhere. We were sitting near the entrance where there is a large space between the bench and doors, just staring out the windows and talking. I forget what triggered it, I just remember that it was something from a previous dream, but I became lucid. I was so positive that I did not need to do a reality check. I remember saying,

    "I had a feeling this was a dream the entire time"

    I get up and stand in the spacious spot. I jump in the air, hoping to hover or fly but I fall right on my ass. I get up. I wasn't unhappy though because last time I attempted to fly I woke up. This time I remained lucid which was pleasing to me. I looked at my brother, was staring around the place attentively, it was pretty funny how realistic he looked. I tried to fly again but then I had a false awakening. ...of course I didn't realize this until I woke up
    lucid , false awakening

    The Quad Stacker (LUCID)

    by samf on 07-28-2010 at 07:26 PM
    As I was waking up from a dream, I had that moment of lucidity that comes before everything is gone. Determined to gain that back, I closed my eyes and kept thinking about dreaming. I'm not sure how I knew when to do this but at the right time I just opened my eyes and *POOF* I'm on the inside of a department store like Wal Mart or something. I began running through the store, taking in the dreamscape around me. Everything looked so vivid and clear, it was so real. The gravity of me running through it was the only thing that felt obviously fake, as I was pretty light and I would basically glide and slide with each stride (LOL rhyme). I stopped in the middle of a bunch of isles and prepared to fly, but the second I left the ground the dream got hazy and I woke up.

    Falling back asleep immediately, I find myself in the exact same department store. Without a question I know this is a dream so I start to run again. I don't run for as long this time because I had literally just done it, so I try to fly again. I wake up.

    I guess my subconscious is realizing that the department store is no good because I keep figuring out that I'm dreaming. My dreamscape changes to some city in the middle of the night where there are a lot of brick walls and I'm walking with my friends. I payed so little attention to my friends that I can't even remember who they were anymore I decide to do a reality check, since I had just been lucid twice and it seemed like the right thing to do, and viola I'm dreaming again. This time I decide not to fly because I want to stay lucid longer and not wake up, so I just enjoy looking at the darkened city and the odd feeling of being there. I have a false awakening, do a reality check and wake upon becoming lucid. I go back to sleep and now I'm in a similar dreamscape except this time we're all in a car and the guy sitting next to me is someone I've never seen before. He's aware of lucid dreaming and is questioning his reality. I ask him "Are we dreaming?" (notice that I say 'we') and he says "I dunno man, you tell me". I plug my nose and have no trouble breathing, but since I don't usually use this check I'm still doubting it. Then I look at the clock and notice it change to something completely random before my eyes. I say, "yeah, we're definitely dreaming" and check my hands to reassure myself. We wanted to get out of the car, so we jumped out sort of...which was kind of scary. We landed under a bridge and he said "Come one, this is a dream we can do whatever we want!". I'm still unsure for some reason so I count my fingers and get 6 every time. I jump around with him and I remember thinking, "I wonder if this is a real person and if this is a shared dream!". I tell him, "so i this is a dream then i should have no problem doing this!!" and I ran up one of the brick walls. He began screaming at me saying that it wasn't safe anyways. I started to lose control and woke up.

    Just for fun I did an RC and I WAS still dreaming, then I woke up again lol.