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    About Vuxxei
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    I've had lucid dreams since being a kid, I can recall several that have happened multiple times. I would call myself and internet child I guess, grew up with it sorta. I love art, manga, anime and my goal is to become an Illustrator (going to uni).

    I'm generally quite amusing to be around and like making others happy. Sometimes I worry about others more than myself and can overthink a lot...
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    British White
    The Land of Tea and Doctor Who
    Art, Illustration, Manga, Anime, Markiplier, Jackseptieye, Doctor Who.
    Student of the Art Realm
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    looking up how to induce nightmares


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    Recent Entries

    Dream fragment: Log 2 - Cats and mazes

    by Vuxxei on 04-28-2016 at 10:14 AM
    So last nights dream was very strange, to say the least. I was listening to music again and remember waking up to the hour long Odyssey mix form Monstercat's Discovery album.

    I remember walking through a sort of maze that was a muted blue colour, or sort of washed out. It had some child sized mouse holes for going under the walls which when I looked were actually little hidie-holes. Inside was a small room and in that room were people, usually one per room.

    This is where it got strange... Now I'm sure some readers here have seen the Doctor Who episode with the cars flying under the city and the Cat and Human couple with kittens as children... the people in these rooms that I found were giving birth to litters of kittens... I've only ever seen pictures of cats birthing and I have never seen the notorious 'Woman giving birth' health video at school so this really weirded me out...

    Updated 04-28-2016 at 10:19 AM by Vuxxei

    dream fragment

    Premonition dream: Log 1 - First Instance

    by Vuxxei on 04-21-2016 at 04:54 PM
    User '101Volts' replied to my thread with a plethora of info on dreams and reminded me of premonition or 'precognitive' dreams, dreams which seem like they predict the future. I'd suggest checking my thread on dream influences to read their entire reply.

    The first instance of this happening to me was back in primary school. I dreamt that I was in school and walking to the playground when one of the girls I knew ran past me in a blur. About a week later the same thing happened but in real life. I had to stop and stare for a bit, trying to process what had just happened.
    memorable , side notes

    Past dream: Log 5 - Music influence experience

    by Vuxxei on 04-14-2016 at 10:25 AM
    So I spoke about this to at least one user in the chat system 'SwordArtOnline' ( I think I remember your name correctly). I sometimes sleep with music in order to influence my dreams. The headphones I use are these

    They sit flat to my ears so I can still lie on my side, you see I move about a lot in my sleep sometimes. The music I choose can either be very specific and I would stick to a playlist or I put all 1003 of my songs on shuffle. I can end up with some interesting results.

    The most influenced was a dream involving me dancing with someone I knew to the song 'Paralyzed' (disfigure remix) by DM Galaxy. We moved in time to the song and slowed down whenever the music would distort etc. What we danced on were platforms that I can only describe as being in a Mario 3D level (I have never owned or played the game).

    Another instance of influence was in some more recent dreams. The first I can't remember the song but my friends were singing the song (these friends happen to be in a drama group outside of school, apart form one). They guy who I couldn't take my ears away from was the one who didn't go to the drama group, but I was still rather enamoured by the voice (granted it wasn't really his own but the songs).

    Just after this occurrence I was transported to a back alley place, which had one of those bouncing car things like at a kids park. It also had a Large red fire engine thing that was built into the ground. The song 'Fuck U Betta' by Neon Hitch was in the background and I am SO GLAD none of my friends were singing it... that would've been strange...
    lucid , dream fragment

    Dream fragment: Log 1 - Events?

    by Vuxxei on 04-14-2016 at 09:56 AM
    So this is recall of last nights dream, fragments of it at least.

    One fragment includes me walking down my road in pjs that were not my own, they were pale blue and flannel type. I was kind of sliding about rather than walking really. At the corner of my road was a poorly built shelter and it was raining. In the shelter was a stand with my parcel on it (last week I had ordered some things from Amazon) it was the last one to arrive but it had already been partially opened and looked as if it had been wrapped back up in brown paper and tie cords.

    Another fragment or 'event' happened in what looked like a decent sized motel room. Everything had a sort of old western aesthetic to it, the floor was carpeted and worn down. The bed that folded out from the wall was a queen size and had brown bedding. Opposite the bed there was an old radiator which looked to not be in use and was being used instead as a jewellery stand (because that makes perfect sense). Behind that was a wall vent, with the fancy designed metal so it didn't look boring in the wall (at least I assume that's why people did that). In the dream I actively took pieces of jewellery from it to inspect and recognised some as my own, it was all themed with the old western aesthetic again, leather cord, animal teeth, wooden beads of primary colours and aboriginal design kinda thing.
    Then I went to inspect the wall vent and it turned out to be storing stuff. I found my BuckyBalls (tiny magnetic ball bearings that you can make cool geometric shapes out of) with some of them in a smaller container beside. I remember scolding myself in the dream about "that's where the others have gone!"

    One very short fragment I recall is when I found out I was in the blue pjs, I was sliding down something and that's it...
    lucid , dream fragment

    Past dream: Log 4 - Adventure park

    by Vuxxei on 04-13-2016 at 09:46 PM
    This past dream was definitely lucid, I remember a lot of contemplation in the dream as to what I should do next.

    It was all inside a place very much like an adventure/explore park. Like Conkers in England. It was a large claiming frame area and jungle themed with lots of dark wood and vines being used in both decoration and play equipment. There were false animals attached to walls and poles and various other places.

    I remember one portion of the dream where I walked across the top layer of the park and found myself in a water park area (again with the water... wonder what that is?). There was a large pool, divided into two by a 2 meter wide bridge which I later found to reach down into the water somewhat. One side it was kiddy-pool shallow and the other side grew deeper as you went further away from the centre bridge. It eventually led into a waterslide, everyone had red inner-tubes.
    lucid , memorable