First a little background...
I am an experienced natural lucid dreamer and have been lucid dreaming since the age of 4. I taught myself without even knowing what lucid dreaming was and I have been lucid dreaming almost every night ever since. I know and have tried all the techniques and I posess a great deal of knowledge on LD'ing as this is my passion.

I am willing to adopt anyone who has MSN. I am on the computer quite a lot and I always leave MSN open so people can message me and I can respond later if I'm not there. The only problem is that I have a lot of people on my list so it's hard for me to search for people I want to speak to, so all I ask is that you message me, not me messaging you.

My MSN address is [email protected]
I always accept anyone that asks to be on my list, so if your interested then add me as a contact and send me a message. I look forward to hearing from you, and any other dreamers who wish to contact me.