I am Delphinus. A just 18 year old student. I am willing to adopt.

A few things about me, first.

I am a natural lucid dreamer. I didn't really know I could control dreams until I came across DreamViews. In any case, I've had many DILDs. Lately, I "rebooted" to get rid of my bad habits, since then I have not had a controlled LD. I am working on that currently.

When it comes to WILDs, I have only had WILDs through DEILDs. Which I've done a few times. I was recently a Dream Guide Staff member, and can answer almost any question dealing with lucid dreaming. The one place I'm fuzzy in is WILDing.

I will be very available and accessible. I'm often in DreamViews Chat, and when I'm not, I'm probably in MSN.

As you apply, be forewarned. I expect a lot out of any adoptee. Determination, for one. Do not apply if you do not think you can work as hard as you could or should to get lucid. I also expect any adoptee to be cheerful and optimistic, but this is no requirement.

Reply with the following if you want to apply:

Number of LDs so far (controlled or uncontrolled), and how you achieved them:
Do you/are you willing to keep a DJ:
Would/do you keep one online. If so, link:
How much sleep do you get a night, on average:
How much free time do you have per day/how much time do you spend online: