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    Thread: Dannon's random writings, posts, ideas, and thoughts on life.

    1. #1
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      Dannon's random writings, posts, ideas, and thoughts on life.

      Shimmering Snakes of Living Light in the Time Before Forgetting

      In ancient times, times far beyond the present understanding, time itself moved in a rare and singular rhythm, a distinct atavistic frequency unknown to written history. In those long forgotten misty realms, people were not as they are now. They were not sleeping in a numb miasma, zombies hypnotized by shallow meaningless entertainments, consuming and consumed by endless ephemeral nothings that poison the earth, the body, and starve the spirit.

      In the Time gone, Earth’s inhabitants were still awake, truly alive, and each human being knew that its essence was of God/ISness. No, not that one was more God than another - but rather that everyone and everything, the whole wonderful hologram of Life they themselves had projected, was ISness.

      In that time now vanished, the human race was still connected to its Source, aware of its divinity, and consciously manifesting the holographic universe. The centers of power placed along the spine, up into the neck, the head and above, were running rivers – the energies of God.

      The potent essence of creativity, the kundalini fire fused into streams of pulsating light that rippled up and down their bodies like flames in a raging burning forest, tidal waves of energy - snakes of living light. Cascading rainbows of photons swirled around and out of their heads in unimaginable radiance. Each nuance of thought reflected in the glistening fiery spray, each emotion igniting a resonance of Beauty in Light.

      It was a wonderful time - the Time before Forgetting. One wonders if and when the approach of ensuing cycles was sensed. For inevitably and imperceptibly, the frequencies of the temporal illusory hologram changed, becoming gradually diminished and dulled. The brilliance of the seething snakes of light from the kundalini force dimmed and as consciousness descended further into matter, was suppressed, cloaked - choked.

      Humankind began to forget. Not all at once, but slowly and sweetly their tender focus on what they had created distracted them from their Source. They began to forget. Some sooner than others, and the ones who still remembered were there to remind them, to whisper in dreams - Remember who you are. But still the ineluctable Forgetting pushed, forced, somehow, moved itself downward into the approaching cycle of time.

      The few who quite reasonably, desperately clung to what had been before were still able to see the snakes of light writhing from the heads of beings that possessed Real Power. But most could not. Most did not remember their own flames of thought, the once radiant wild spraying photon rivers, the shimmering snakes of light. And they began to be afraid.

      The frequencies of fear lead human consciousness further into isolation, separation, density and delusion. Cut off from the true memory of Oneness, this world descended into violence fed on the contagious miasma of fear. The Sacred Warriors of better times, whose dharma was to protect Truth, left the Earth.

      As time crawled inexorably on, fear and greed became the norm. The creators, who had forgotten who they were, inserted unending wars into the astonishing hologram called Life. Thus began thousands of years of senseless, intentional, unstoppable killing - taking what others created and loved. Endless wars soaked the earth with blood and the once visible luminescent snakes of light vanished. Thus began all of written history.
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    2. #2
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      Castles Made of Sand

      It was the Sci-Fi writer Philip K. Dick (Blade Runner,
      Total Recall, Minority Report) who suggested during a mushroom session with Buckminister Fuller (inventor of the Geodisic dome)
      - that you could shape a building with sound .

      With a grant from California Governor 'Moon-Beam' Brown,
      they set up 150 giant speakers around an area of sand dunes near Valencia.

      The sand was laced with a compound invented by Fuller,
      which he named "fuller's earth"; it had an almost liquid state
      until compressed, at which point it became temporarily solid.

      The first attempt was with the ninth symphony.
      The music built in solemn steps, like a prayer, or a joke;
      And the sand swirled in growing waves under the blast of 150 speakers set to volume 11.

      A cathedral appeared.
      That refreshments were provided by writer Ken Kesey only casts some doubt on the story;
      each witness describes the music shaping a majestic building that
      reached up to the sky 'like the hand of a conductor or a drowning man'.

      Dick wanted to enter (wearing protective ear-padds)
      but was stopped by Fuller.
      When the music ended the cathedral promptly collapsed.

      They tried other musics;
      a blast of Philip Glass created a house that seemed built of writhing snakes; no one was tempted to enter.

      A Scarlotti harpsichord piece produced a forest of standing crystals,
      almost transparent, almost beautiful, entirely mathematical.

      Finaly, - a rock-n-roll piece.
      They watched from the hillside as
      Sargent Peppers trumpeted out across the dunes,
      re-arranging the random grains of sand
      to build,
      - a kind of village
      where each house was a gypsy caravan wagon,
      with strange faces depicted on the sides.
      And each wagon seemed to float in the air by
      balloons, giant Oz-like balloons with ropes of sand.

      The setting sun painted it all in every shade of sound between pink and black.

      And then the music stopped,
      the town shivered,
      - and floated off in the ocean breeze,
      out over the pacific and the night.

      Sometimes people see it in the distance,
      but you aren't allowed to live there.
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    3. #3
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      This poem is for you,
      When we are young babes we know who we are, but we can't remember being babies.
      When we develop memory, we forget who we are.
      When we recognize what we see and hear, we become deaf and blind.
      When we learn what we are taught, we don't know anything.
      Unlearning is the way to knowledge.
      Forgetting who we are is the way to be who we are.
      Having liquid eyes is the way to see the oneness of all things.
      Not looking, not hearing, not knowing, not remembering.
      Rather, the Way is Seeing, listening, being, and forgetting all memory.
      The head thinks the heart is naive, maybe crazy,
      lost in dreams.
      But the heart does not care what the head thinks,
      The head thinks it knows about the origin of the world,
      Only the Heart knows
      That the world is reborn,
      Our hearts feel for each other,
      trusting that they are one,
      Touching a tree in spring,
      Who are we?
      I know who I am,
      I am blooming.
      Last edited by Dannon Oneironaut; 04-07-2010 at 05:10 AM.
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    4. #4
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      Spider can feel the whole web at once.
      yet Spider never gets caught.
      How can I be like Spider?
      Being everywhere on the web of life
      Without getting caught?
      It seems that I am Moth,
      chasing the light of the moon,
      I only get caught.
      struggling to get free I only become more entangled.
      At the end of the night Spider
      She eats her web only to spin a new one.

    5. #5
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      The Idiot's Guide to being a Successful Guru
      How To Be A Successful Guru

      If you want to be a successful Guru you will need to think about what name you should adopt. Your name should express your particular style and be memorable. Also think about what kind of disciples you want to gather around you.
      If you pick a Hindu name, for example, you will attract people who are attracted to anything different and exotic. You could have the title "swami" in front of your name; that is exotic enough and it implies that you have been iniated by a strange Guru and mastered many esoteric practices that seekers find fascinating. Examples are: Ram Das, Bhagwan Das, and Gangaji.
      Or if you want to portray yourself as just a normal guy who happens to be smart or wise enough to have miracuously "got it", or if you are just too nerdy looking to have an exotic name you can keep your ordinary name. Some examples of this type of guru are: Andrew Cohen and Ken Wilber.
      Or if you aren't satisfied until you create your very own religion with you as God, you can just make up nonsense words for your name. Franklin Jones comes to mind, who changed his name many times to Bubba Free John, to The Da Avatar, Then Adi Da, and more.
      If you aren't satisfied with your name it is totally acceptable to change it as many times as you see fit. Feel free to change it whenever the mood strikes you. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh went through a phase of changing his name many times until he settled on "Osho". No matter what name you choose, make sure you feel comfortable with it and that it fits you and how you want to portray yourself to your flock.

      Now it is time to cultivate your "charisma". What is charisma? It is that special 'something' that all great leaders have. It is a kind of fascination that they are able to project that magnetically attracts weak-minded people. You are all probably familiar with charismatic people who got a huge following via the power of their personality. Have you heard of Barack Obama?
      So how do you cultivate your charisma? There are many methods; yoga, qui gong, and hypnosis to name a few. But an easy way to get started is to sit in a comfortable chair in front of a mirror. Place the mirror slightly below you so that it is pointing up at you. Now try breathing slowly and smoothly as you pretend to gaze around at your adoring followers. Smile, but don't smile TOO much. Remember the point is to appear immersed in a transendental state of bliss. You want to appear as if this world is just a distraction to you, and that you are only concerned with it because you are SO compassionate for these pitiful humans. But you also need to look like that so great is your bliss, that no matter what happens you will always have a slight smile on your face. Even if someone is insulting you, or beating you, at no cost must that smug smile ever leave your face.
      But a smile isn't anything if you don't know how to use your eyes. Practice looking into your mirror. Gaze into your eyes and pretend that you are Jesus or Buddha or whomever you aspire to be like. How would Jesus gaze? What does the Buddha's eyes look like when he is looking at you? Don't be discouraged if it is hard at first, just keep practicing and eventual you will get the 'knack' of it. Remember: practice makes perfect!
      It also helps to meditate regularly in order to have some actual experience of a calm peaceful mind, but it isn't necessary to meditate to decieve people if you don't have the patience for it. Look at L Ron Hubbard! I don't think he meditated a day in his life but now even after his death he has a huge cult with many Hollywood stars in it. It just goes to show that with a little ingenuity anybody can become a successful guru!

      Once you have your Guru name and you are pretty confident in your ability to appear enlightened in all situations, people will start approaching you asking for teachings and blessings. To be prepared for this it is important to have a strong idea of what your teachings will be. Before we go any further it is essential for you to understand one very important point that makes the Guru business the best business to be in. You must remember that what you are selling is invisible, intangible, unmeasurable, and may not really exist in the first place. But the greatest thing is that nobody can prove that it does or doesn't exist!
      However there are many disclaimers and conditions that you should make just to protect yourself. For instance, if you are selling enlightenment and someone feels that you didn't deliver, you can say something like "You are not progressing because your faith is not complete. Only with complete and absolute faith in me will you progress upon the path." Do you see how clever this is and how it relieves you of any responsibility? Now it is on the disciple; they obviously didn't get the goods because they have some doubt in you, and of course everyone is bound to have some doubt; it is human nature. If someone has no doubt, that someone is a complete imbecile. that person will die for you or kill for you. Or you could say something like "I just show the way, it is up to you to walk the path." Again, this relieves you of any responsibility so you can just sit back and enjoy your spiritual supremacy.
      So what are your teachings going to be? The most tried and true teachings is that you are GOD and that all anybody has to do is to love you, serve you, worship you, etc. This is the oldest teaching in the world, and it is really good at attracting morons and idiots to you. And it is good to surround yourself with idiots and morons because they are so willing to give you money or sleep with you.
      But maybe that is too simple and easy for you. Then you can try a teaching style I like to call "Don't you get it?" An example of this kind of teaching is: "There is nothing to do, nothing to achieve, you are already that which you seek. Just realize what is." This one attracts a different type of disciple. These disciples are usually a little more intelligent than the previous example. They usually take pride in there intelligence. This teaching will challenge them. It will challenge their egos. This teaching will really leave them vulnerable. The biggest benefit of this teaching is that anyone who takes pride in their intelligence (which is almost everybody) will find it hard for their ego to accept that they can't realize something which is so obviously apparent. They most likely won't confront you on your claims of enlightenment because they don't want to appear unintelligent. It is like the old story "The Emperors New Clothes". This one is real good for a laugh if you are the Guru. And they will think that you are laughing with them! Also the idea that they are already perfectly enlightened and that there is nothing to do really appeals to their egos. So now they can just go on with their lives driving their mini-vans and eating at The Olive Garden being eternally grateful for you letting them not change anything. This teaching is like a diet that promises that you will lose weight without changing your diet or exercising.
      But what if you feel bad exploiting these people who are desperately looking for some meaning in their lives? Try exploiting the genuinely insane people instead by teaching something so outlandish that not even a reasonably free-thinking child will accept it. A teaching I call "I am in contact with enlightened space aliens!" I call it that but you can substitute anything you want for space aliens. But the important thing is that only you are in contact with them so that everyone is dependent on you! But be aware that if this is your style you will get a lot of criticism. Only the craziest of the weak minded people will buy this one. It helps if you are genuinely insane also if this is going to be your teaching.

      Try this with a friend:

      1. Decide on which one of you will be the Guru and which one will be the senior disciple.

      2. When the Guru is giving darshan or speaking to a group of seekers the senior disciple starts contorting and rolling on the ground, eyes rolling back in head, and otherwise making a spectacle of himself/herself.

      3.Now the Guru should explain that this person is a very advanced disciple and that he/she is coming along very nicely and that this behavior is from the Guru raising the disciple's kundalini.

      4. Now watch as more and more people start demonstrating similar behavior. Now you are on your way to being a successful Guru!
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    6. #6
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      Today I saw two bears playing in the forest, which was pretty strange, I always thought that they were solitary animals. Yet there they were, playing. At first I thought that they were fighting but no, they were playing kind of like big slow dogs, except when dogs roll around when they play bears stand up. The big bear even would quickly run up a tree about fifteen feet and hang on there and then slide back down. They would rest between bouts of playing and big bear would stretch his pays up over his head. He also was scratching the tree. They were cute. They knew I was there but they paid me no mind. I don't know if it was foreplay or if they were feeling romantic or what. I never seen two grown bears hang out together.

      Darkmatters, I also saw two great horned owls! One of them had one eye open and the other was sleeping.
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    7. #7
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      Show me glimpses of all that was and the shapes of things to come,
      Like lotus flowers blossoming under the sun,
      revealing the clockwork and gears behind every landscape,
      And the secrets of every wizard's magic cape,
      Reminding me that all is mine to know.
      If only I trust enough to let go.
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    8. #8
      Sleeping Dragon juroara's Avatar
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      Am I going crazy? Didn't you have one about the spider and her web? I like that one

    9. #9
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by juroara View Post
      Am I going crazy? Didn't you have one about the spider and her web? I like that one
      Sorry. I didn't like it so I deleted it. If I knew that you liked it I would've kept it. I wrote it off the top of my head just then, we'll see if I can remember it and post it again for you

    10. #10
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      Spider can feel the whole web at once
      and she never gets caught.
      How can I be like Spider
      and remain free on the web of life?
      It seems I am more like Moth
      chasing the moon and getting caught
      in the web of life. The more I struggle
      to get free, the more entangled I become.
      At the end of the night Spider eats her web
      only to weave another one in the morning.

      It is not exactly like the original... Oh well, I hope you like this one.
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    11. #11
      Sleeping Dragon juroara's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dannon Oneironaut View Post
      Sorry. I didn't like it so I deleted it. If I knew that you liked it I would've kept it. I wrote it off the top of my head just then, we'll see if I can remember it and post it again for you
      lol..poetry is art after all. You might be surprised how you feel about it a year later looking back. (Or.....maybe you'll still hate it) I like your How To Be A Successful Guru. It's scary and funny at the same time.

      I wanna be a guru for halloween now. I'll be an ascended-reincarnated-alien being channeled in human form my magical-astral-invisible UFO. Never mind, that's a bad idea. (I'll just be a regular alien instead)

    12. #12
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      You could be a walk-in! You can go by the name Xeba Adanebolarah!
      What do you mean, regular alien?

    13. #13
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      I just had to post this.
      Santana at woodstock.
      My Dad always tells me about how great Woodstock was even though he didn't go. But I never wished that I went there. I am glad that I didn't, except when I watch this video here.
      The story is that Santana wasn't supposed to play until later in the evening so they decided to do some acid and watch the bands play and that they would come down by the time it was their turn. But the band didn't show up in time and they said "You're on! Go!" right when they were peaking. You can tell by watching this performance. Look at the keyboard player! He looks like he is bugging out!
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    14. #14
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      Some great stuff here!! My favorite of them is the 1st one - Shimmering Snakes of Living Light in the Time Before Forgetting.

      Seriously - Buckminster Fuller invented Fuller's Earth? I did not know that. Some kind of crazy genius he was!

      Hey, from some of these, I suspect you might dig J G Ballard as much as I do. Very surreal dreamlike writer.

      Edit - Google books has some of his stuff: http://books.google.com/books?id=1Cs...page&q&f=false

      Click on Cloud Sculptors of Coral-D on the Contents page... your story about Bucky and Phillip K Dick remind me of this. He's one of my favorite authors.

      And thanks for posting the Santana vid!! I don't wish I was at Woodstock, but I'm so glad it was captured on film and today we can watch it!! Especially the Santanna performance!! They were on fire!!! If I remember right, it was not only their first live performance, but their first album hadn't even been released yet, so nobody had the slightest idea who they were! And then al these dudes come strolling out with like 6 bongo players... it must have been like WTF!!??! But within moments they had utterly captivated the crowd, and the rest is history.
      Last edited by Darkmatters; 04-08-2010 at 10:16 AM.

    15. #15
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      Sayeth Oh Mentu, the truth telling brother,
      Who was Master of Thebes since his birth:

      "Oh heart of me, heart of my mother,
      heart which I had upon the Earth,

      "Stand not thou up against me a witness,
      Oppose me not, Judge, in my quest,

      "Accuse me not now of unfitness,
      Before the great God, the dread Lord of the West,

      "For I fastened the one to the other,
      With a spell, for its mystical girth,

      "The Earth and the wonderful West,
      How I flourished, Oh Earth, upon thine breast."

    16. #16
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      Is that a naked hippie guy hugging a sheep at 7:43?

    17. #17
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      I am thinking of becoming a full fledged vegan. I was raised mostly vegetarian. I don't really like eggs more than very occasionally. I am allergic to dairy so I don't eat that. But I do eat seafood. I love salmon. I love sushi and seviche and poke (Po'Kay, a hawaiian raw fish dish). I love squid both raw and cooked when it is very fresh, otherwise it is too rubbery.
      But I cannot justify the eating of animals just because I like the taste.
      It took me many many many years to find out that I was allergic to dairy. My whole life I had suffered from eczema and it wasn't until last year that a light bulb went on above my head and I realized it was because of an allergy to something. I did two weeks without dairy, grains, nuts, or corn. My eczema cleared up so I first reintroduced wheat back to my diet. All good. I added nuts. All good. But then I had butter and I got all itchy again and flaky. It was the dairy!
      I have always been very aware of my diet. Always buying organic and organic gardening. I have studied nutrition on my own and herbalism. Food is the first medicine. Your diet should keep your body in balance. If your body falls out of balance then you should turn to herbs as medicine. If you are not paying attention to your own body you may not realize that it is out of balance until you get sick with a chronic or acute condition. Herbs can still help, but western medicine starts becoming more necessary at this point.
      Actually, food, yoga, meditation, and art are all tied for first place for medicine. The health of your body is influenced by the health of your subtle body. The health of your subtle body is influenced by the health of your thoughts and emotions.
      The Buddha said that all suffering and all sickness and disease comes from ignorance that we are all one with everything. Indeed, in the science of longevity and physical immortality breathing and meditation are the cornerstone.
      By realizing that we are all one and my commitment to reduce suffering as much as possible I will become a vegan. How selfish of me to justify the killing of an animal just because I like the taste! In fact, now that I gave up dairy cheese smells horrible. But I miss pizza
      Healing is a great passion for me. I am interested in all forms of healing and therapies. I myself study Reiki and am third degree. I have had a few experiences using long distance reiki healing in dreams! This is always an amazing experience. I am especially good at healing the emotional or mental causes of physical disharmony. I use a method I discovered where I guide the client back to the time when the symptoms first manifested and heal whatever was going on in the client's life at the time.
      We consume energy to live. We are rivers of energy. We should consume high quality energy in order to be healthy in body, mind, and spirit. Food is an energy we consume. We should not consume processed fast food. Ideas and thoughts are another energy we consume. We should make sure that the thoughts and ideas we consume are high quality also. We should refrain from mindless entertainment and especially movies or tv shows that are explicit in violence and suffering or any of the other poisonous emotions. These influence our dreams as well.

      My reiki teacher is a raw-foodist. He is also into physical immortality. He is also a master lucid dreamer. He gives chiropractic adjustments over the telephone.
      Someday, I may become a raw-foodist myself. But I don't think I can do that unless I live in a tropical place like Hawaii again. I kust don't feel right about buying all my food at the grocery store where it was picked before it was ripe and shipped, etc. If I was a raw-foodist I would only want to live off of local food, that is why I would have to live in Hawaii or Tahiti or Guam or Fiji or Vanuatu or maybe New Zealand! I would love to live in New Zealand (it is quite possibly the most beautiful place on Earth) but it is very very hard for foreigners to become full-time residents there. SO maybe I will find a nice island in the Caribbean or the Philippines or Thailand. But there are pirates over there. Okinawa would be nice but it is overcrowded and touristy also. I thought about Iceland but that is the opposite of what I am looking for here in this thread. I hear that there is a nice island off the coast of Puerto Rico that is shaped like a horseshoe or crescent. I don't want to live on the Canary islands even though hay muchas guapas por alli'.
      Last edited by Dannon Oneironaut; 04-08-2010 at 11:37 PM.

    18. #18
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      Some shit channeled by Aleister Crowley:

      I bear a message. Heaven hath sent the knowledge of a new sweet way into the secret element.
      I am born on these blue wings into the essence of the All.
      Now, now I stand on the Earth again,
      Though, blazing through each nerve and vein,
      the light yet holds its choral course,
      filling my frame with fiery force,
      Like God's. Now hear the Apocalypse
      New-fledged on these reluctant lips!

      I tremble like an aspen, quiver
      Like light upon a rainy river!

      Do what thy wilt! is the sole word
      Of law that my attainment heard.
      Arise, and lay thine hand on God!
      Arise, and set a period Unto restriction!
      That is sin:
      To hold thine holy spirit in!
      Oh thou who chafest at thy bars,
      Invoke Nuit beneath her stars
      With a pure heart (Her incense burned
      Of gums and woods, in gold inurned)
      And let the serpent therein
      A little, and thy soul shall win
      To lie within her bosom. Lo!
      Thou wouldst give all----and she cries: No!
      Take all, and take me! Gather spice
      And virgins and great pearls of price!
      Worship me in a single robe,
      Crowned richly! Girdle of the Globe,
      I love thee. Pale and purple, veiled,
      Voluptuous, swan silver-sailed,
      I love thee. I am drunkenness
      Of the inmost sense, my soul's carress
      Is toward thee! Let my priestess stand
      Bare and rejoicing, softly fanned
      By smooth-lipped acolytes, upon
      Mine iridescent altar-stone,
      And in her love-chant swooningly
      Say evermore: To me! To me!
      I am the azure-lidded daughter
      Of sunset; the all-girdling water;
      The naked brilliance of the sky
      In the voluptuous night am I!
      With song, with jewel, with perfume,
      Wake all my rose's blush and bloom!
      Drink to me! Love me! I love thee,
      My love, my lord---to me! to me!

      There is no harshness in the breath
      Of this---is life surpassed, and death?

      There is the Snake that gives delight
      And knowledge, stirs the heart aright
      With drunkenness. Strange drugs are thine
      and draughts of wizard wine!
      These do not hurt. Thine hermits dwell
      Not in the cold secretive cell,
      But under purple canopies
      With mighty-breasted mistresses
      Magnificent as lionesses---
      Tender and terrible caresses!
      Fire lives, and light, in eager eyes;
      And massed huge hair around them lies.
      They lead their hosts to victory:
      In every joy they are kings; then see
      That secret serpent coiled to spring
      And win the world!

      Etc...Etc... Yadda yadda
      Last edited by Dannon Oneironaut; 04-09-2010 at 01:43 AM.

    19. #19
      Drivel's Advocate Xaqaria's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dannon Oneironaut View Post
      Spider can feel the whole web at once
      and she never gets caught.
      How can I be like Spider
      and remain free on the web of life?
      It seems I am more like Moth
      chasing the moon and getting caught
      in the web of life. The more I struggle
      to get free, the more entangled I become.
      At the end of the night Spider eats her web
      only to weave another one in the morning.

      It is not exactly like the original... Oh well, I hope you like this one.
      I read deleted posts. I brought it back. Is this okay? I was tempted to do it before I saw you trying to rewrite it, since I liked it as well.

      That Santana vid is great. The drummer looks like he was channeling the cosmic rhythm in that solo.
      Last edited by Xaqaria; 04-09-2010 at 04:04 AM.

      The ability to happily respond to any adversity is the divine.
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    20. #20
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Xaqaria View Post
      I read deleted posts. I brought it back. Is this okay? I was tempted to do it before I saw you trying to rewrite it, since I liked it as well.
      What do you mean? You brought it back? How? This is the rewritten one. But if you copied it and can bring the original back then yeah, go ahead. Is that what you mean?

    21. #21
      Drivel's Advocate Xaqaria's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dannon Oneironaut View Post
      What do you mean? You brought it back? How? This is the rewritten one. But if you copied it and can bring the original back then yeah, go ahead. Is that what you mean?
      no, look ^ its back (undeleted). I don't know why I quoted the second one, conversation flow I guess.

      The ability to happily respond to any adversity is the divine.
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    22. #22
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      How did you do that?

    23. #23
      Shameless Zenarchist Speesh's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dannon Oneironaut
      The Idiot's Guide to being a Successful Guru
      Hahahah, I loved this. "Now watch as more and more people start demonstrating similar behavior. Now you are on your way to being a successful Guru!" - Absolutely hilarious.

      I've gotta read some more of your stuff when I get a chance.

    24. #24
      Drivel's Advocate Xaqaria's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dannon Oneironaut View Post
      How did you do that?
      Mod Powers.

      The ability to happily respond to any adversity is the divine.
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    25. #25
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      I bought two new dream journals today. One is spiral bound, always a good thing in the middle of the night. The other isn't.
      I usually use just a normal journal but I thought it would be cool because it says dream journal on it.
      AND... I found out that Robert Moss will be in town next week doing a book reading and autographing books! I am excited about that for sure!

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