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    1. #26
      Member CoLd BlooDed's Avatar
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      Two words. Muy Thai.

      Or bear mace. Whichever.

      Starry starry night, paint your pallet blue and gray,
      Look out on a summers day,
      with eyes that know the darkness of my soul.

    2. #27
      Member Everlong's Avatar
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      As most people has said, stand up to them mate. I had a problem with people trying to pick fights with me and sometimes just being a downright tool towards me. I find that standing up to them works. It makes them angry, and they feel as if they have less authority than they previously did over you. Don't attack them unless they attack you, then you use self defensive methods. I find that when somebody is headlocking me and trying to choke me, sometimes it is best to take a cheap shot at the groin. They will be temporarily disabled, and will give you a chance to give them a knee to the face. This last move is primarily for intimidation, so when they try to fuck around with you again, they will remember what you did, and won't do it. Do take it too far however. There is a fine line between the one who is responsible for the fight, and if you knock him unconscious, you have crossed that line.
      Question: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
      Answer: Neither, single-celled organisms did.

      LD's - 3

    3. #28
      ex-redhat ClouD's Avatar
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      Be willing to go where the going may be tough and do the things that are worth doing even though they are difficult.

      Be gentle to the weak and tough to the strong.

      Never yield to repression or threat in the pursuit of a noble cause.

      Teach attitude and skill with action rather than words.

      Always be yourself even though your circumstances may change.
      You merely have to change your point of view slightly, and then that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light.

    4. #29
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      How come I never responded to this?

      Mauy Thai? No, that most replies on strikes and kicks. A good way to loose a fight and get in a ton of trouble if you hurt someone. Gracie Ju Jitsu, Judo, Krav Maga, Kung Fu, or Karate. All of them teach how to win a fight through grappling and joint locks. A bully will more than likely just tackle you or push you around, not hit you.

      I recommend karate, that's what I teach. Teaches both grappling and stand up sparring so that if he does try to hit you, you have blocks and counter strikes at your disposal.

    5. #30
      Member Nefarious's Avatar
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      Forget martial arts you have to learn it for like 5 years to be somewhat effective. It's easy to say oh you gonna headlock him and dodge his punch or whatever. In a fight everything is reflexes, martial arts give reflexes but only after long and hard training.

      For the average guy all you have to do is get hit first to get the "Right" to attack like a little push or something. And then just get angry and throw yourself at him while throwing punches at his face.

      If that doesn't work throw a chair at him to make sure he understands you're serious.

      The only hard thing about it is to get over the mental block of injury or humiliation you'd be surprised how strong you are when you're angry.
      Last edited by Nefarious; 10-17-2008 at 06:05 PM.

    6. #31
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      Not on the ground. Blocking punches is reflex yes, it took me 17 years to get to where I feel confident that I won't get hit by anyone other than another master, but grappling is technique. If he puts you in a headlock, you have time to work your arm around him and grab his nose, not reflex, just knowledge.

    7. #32
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      Hi ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to CD's wonderful guide to handling bullies. In this guide I will be giving you a rare and exclusive glimpse into the psyche of the elusive creature called 'the jerk', otherwise also known as 'the bully', or in its latin name 'homo stupidus bullius'. I have also included some sure-fire steps to handle any confrontation with them. Oh! And there's some fighting also!


      What to do in a confrontation?

      Well, the ideal confrontation is 'no confrontation at all'. So try to avoid, at all costs, to get into a fight.

      The first and best way is to make no enemies. Always be nice to everyone, even to bullies. Just treat them like any other person.

      Now, I don't know exactly what the bullies you refered to do, but whenever they say something nasty or do something that is a little bit nasty, try to snap back with a witty comment.
      Example: them: 'hey! I fucked your mother last night!' You: 'Dude, my mother's like... 50... Getting desperate there, chump?'
      Example: them: 'wow, you look gay' --> you: 'Well, wow, I didn't know you were an expert in... gayness, pal.'
      After that, there's a high chance that they'll just spatter some nonsense ('Well, aren't you the witty fellow') The response should be: 'Yes... But I really have to go now, got friends to attent to... Pleasure meeting you.'.
      Another nonsense-response could be the simple 'well, I'm not (gay)'. Your response should be something like: 'well, you don't have to be ashamed of it, man'; (optional: them: [bla-] *you interrupt*); You: 'anyways, I can't stay for long, it's been a pleasure to meet you (smack him on the shoulder). But I'll leave now, you just go back to your "friends"...' Then eject. That's been my (quite succesfull) strategy for handling this kind of situation. Might serve as an example for other situations. The second version might seem rude and unfriendly. But that's the point. He made a unfriendly statement, and I don't take that. That does mean that you should do this only when they're being nasty. In any other situation I'd be friendly to the 'bully'.

      Now, whenever they say something really nasty or do something nasty, go 'Tom Cruise' on them (hate him for his scientology, love him for this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C4UvvHMoZs) and demand to know why they did it, why it is so fun, and insist on this one. In fact: INSIST on this one. Keep going. Even if they answer (it'll be a very bland answer), then ask it again 'okay, but what was so funny about it?' Try to get to the core of their character. If they say 'well, I don't know, I just know I think it's funny'. Continue asking the question: 'Well, fine, so why do you find it funny?' Really keep them going until you have a satisfying answer ('I don't know' is a great one --> you could just repeat it over and over again 'You don't know?' [blabla] 'You. don't. know?'
      In fact: you should repeat any answer he gives you... Contemplate it, then ask why it is funny. If the questioning comes to a halt, then just repeat the last answer so they can (hopefully) soak in how stupid, childish and pathetic they really were.
      After that, say it's rude, and they're being a jerk. Tell them they are being extremely childish, immature, that they are acting like groundschool bullies, and lastly tell them it's pathetic. ('you're like the... groundschool bully, man... seriously... it's pathetic'.) Then just walk away. After that, whatever they throw at you (in words, that is), just say 'whatever, man' and wave your hand in the air, as if you're waving the comment away.
      This honestly will be quite a blow in the face for the bullies if done correctly.

      Yay! troubleshooting!
      -If they start asking questions to you (example: 'well, why don't you like it/ why do you think this was rude', then don't answer the question. Don't get manipulated into their world. This is about them, they did something wrong, and you won't have to apologize for being put off by the whole ordeal. THEY do. So don't answer the question. Tell them that 'this is not about me, I didn't do what you did.' And ask the question again. 'Why is it so funny, why are you doing this?'.)
      -If they try to walk away (even when mentioning it, 'Hey, I've got to go back to my friends'), touch them: hold them back, keep them in the conversation (like Tom did in the video) (this is key: it'll convey that you're serious, that you're confident, and that you're not just going to let them walk away, that you're not going to be trampled upon). Ask them not to 'run away', because you're talking to him. It's a rude thing to do. Then continue where you left off.
      -If the bully himself (or any other of his clan standing about) says something witty or insulting to you at some place during this routine, then sigh (just slightly audible if you can), look the person right in the eye to shut him up, and quite frankly, it doesn't matter whether he says anything else or not, at this point, just look back at the bully you were having the conversation with, if necessary, you interrupt him from his speach and say 'right, so where were we until we were so... boorishly interrupted/you interrupted me in such a... boorish manner?'. Wait for his response. If he says nothing at all you should respond with 'ah, right, we discovered that this was funny because [blabla]... Quite frankly, I think it was rather rude (continue routine here)'. Or when he does say something about it ('you just got pwned man!') say 'you're very childish, aren't you? [don't even wait for his response here... whatever he says, interrupt him, talk right through him] 'quite frankly, I think it was rather rude (continue routine here)'.
      -If someone, but not the 'main-bully' answers to the question 'why is this funny', then say (it is most imposing when you interrupt then while they are still speaking) 'quiet, you, I'm speaking to this person'. Turn back to the main-bully, and pummel him some more.
      -If they (or ANYONE else, for that matter) starts laughing at any point, don't worry. It's not that you're being funny, it's that they're being piss-scared, or genuinely nervously affected by what you're doing. Laughter is a good thing in these kinds of situations: it means they're so nervous and stressed they have to 'laugh it out', so to say. When you look at humour, it's always generated by stress. By tension. Have you ever noticed that when a comedian picks out a person to pick upon, they always start laughing hysterically? Like it is the most funny thing that's ever been said? That's stress for you.
      So if they start laughing, don't ask them why they're doing it. Simply keep your calmth, smirk, say nothing, look the person(s) who's laughing straight in the eye, be amuzed of their stupidity, and continue on where you left off 'Right... so how exactly was this funny again?'.
      If they keep laughing, then quiet down what you were doing, look all those who were laughing in the eyes, and when the laughter is starting to die off, say 'Are you done?' Ignore any answer but one that can be interpreted as 'yes'. Then say 'Good. I find you extremely rude (continue routine)'

      The key to this whole routine is not being afraid to do it, to actually be as confident as the above conversation appeared to be. You should radiate calmth, confidence, dead-seriousness and social status. They should be afraid of you.
      Even if there are women around chuckling at you, even if a bloody fucking CROWD forms around you, keep your calmth and keep doing the routine.
      You should radiate calmth, emotional control, and you should not get angry at them. In fact: if possible, be bemuzed: put off, and as the conversation goes on, be slightly amuzed at their (hopeful) inability to answer your question. You have your value, you are a super-man. So you don't have to prove to anyone you're a great person. They do, in fact: that's why they did it. They did it to (literally) belittle you, which automatically raises their own value (in their own eyes, anyways). They bully so that they can feel good about themselves.

      Now, if the aggression metre rises (which might be the case), there's a simple formula that should do the trick fairly well: being confident, steadfast, and not being intimidated by him. Keep an open body language to show you are not afraid (so no folding arms for you! Ideally, you'd plant them at your sides to look bigger). Aside from that, look at them contemplatively, blink slowly. And KEEP looking directly at him, straight into his eyes.

      When people do keep escalating into a fight, then stand your ground, do not move a muscle, and warn them one last time (as said before: "Back off!" (when he continues) "Hey, I'm talking to you here!" (If his attention snaps back to you) [wait a couple of seconds, look him straight in the eyes and say] "Honestly, I bet you're a cool guy. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone, we don't have to fight. So I'll say it one last time: Back. The Fuck. Off.").
      At this point, do not try to look and sound weak, or like you're begging for him to stop (because then you'll look weak, and easier to attack. This is why there is a high chance that you will be attacked then). You want to appear strong, commanding, of higher value than him, capable of beating him, and not afraid of beating him.
      If all else, fails (or if he didn't even listen to you), you can either run away, or stand your ground and teach the bugger a lesson.

      And in that case:


      -Throat strikes are great, but very dangerous.
      -GROIN STRIKES!!! If you've ever been hit in the groin by anything, you'll know how effective they are. Good god, I'd die if I'd be hit in there. However, try not to kick... If you're too slow, there's the chance that you get off-balance, or when it isn't effective for some reason they could suddenly snap their legs shut and trap you, leaving you hopping on one foot. I hope I don't have to explain that that is a very dangerous 'stance' to fight with.
      -The solar plexus-thing might be a bit dangerous to do, because if there are loads of muscles there, and ideally when your opponent tightens them when the hit lands, then you're in trouble, because it won't do very much then.
      -The ribcage-ripping move in one of the above videos WORKS. Use it.
      -Go for the throat or groin. Of course, don't just go for 'the groin', aim the blow in such a way to make his balls come out of his mouth.
      -Use a head-strike (ideally a palm-strike with fingers outstreched to the eyes, maybe you could hit those to your great advantage), to distract your target. Don't try to use them to end a fight. If you've ever watched a boxing match then you know it doesn't work. So use them sparingly, as distraction for something bigger.
      -Go for the throat or the groin (or that ribcage thing).

      -Also: practise side-stepping, stepping out of the line of attack, stepping to the side of the opponent when he tries to hit you. If you've ever done boxing, then you know that remaining on the frontal-position is pretty much useless: you'll just be barraged with hits. In stead: side step and avoid a blow (ideally by controlling the opponents fist or arm as well). That way, when you do get attacked. It'll give you more opportunities to retaliate (a reverse hammerfist to the throat, or the ribcage-shredding move in an above video, for example)
      It's murderous, believe me...

      Rightyright... That's enough for now... That will be $45 dollars then!



      P.S. Crap... I just realized this thread wasn't about bullying at all... He just wanted to know how to fight...

    8. #33
      Join Date
      Jun 2008
      Wow, Cryo, those are some crazy pressure points if they're real. I'll try to keep those in mind if I find myself in a mortal kombat tournament or something.

    9. #34
      Member CoLd BlooDed's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      How come I never responded to this?

      Mauy Thai? No, that most replies on strikes and kicks. A good way to loose a fight and get in a ton of trouble if you hurt someone. Gracie Ju Jitsu, Judo, Krav Maga, Kung Fu, or Karate. All of them teach how to win a fight through grappling and joint locks. A bully will more than likely just tackle you or push you around, not hit you.

      I recommend karate, that's what I teach. Teaches both grappling and stand up sparring so that if he does try to hit you, you have blocks and counter strikes at your disposal.
      Sorry, even though you have your black belt or whatever in karate doesn't mean Mauy Thai is any less effective. I have a good number of friends extensively trained and anybody who attempts to fight them ends up bloodied and bruised. Mauy Thai fighters are deadly fighters. Making the assumption that the bully will just tackle or push is just that, an assumption. If you want something effective that is defensive against tackling or pushing, take Aikido.

      Recommending karate because you teach it... biiiiiaass.

      Starry starry night, paint your pallet blue and gray,
      Look out on a summers day,
      with eyes that know the darkness of my soul.

    10. #35
      Join Date
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      If you're trying to win a fight, then go straight to the source: Ninjitsu. Most other martial arts attempt to teach a lifestyle. Ninjitsu teaches you how to kill.

    11. #36
      Conscious Traveler
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      Quote Originally Posted by drewmandan View Post
      If you're trying to win a fight, then go straight to the source: Ninjitsu. Most other martial arts attempt to teach a lifestyle. Ninjitsu teaches you how to kill.
      And also teaches you to detect intentions from those around you, and teaches you to limit your defensive reactions so you dont kill someone
      would you consider it strange if an alien spent several hours prone each night while their soul roamed in another dimension? We are strange creatures..

    12. #37
      Member Indivore's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by CryoDragoon View Post
      Hi ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to CD's wonderful guide to handling bullies. In this guide I will be giving you a rare and exclusive glimpse into the psyche of the elusive creature called 'the jerk', otherwise also known as 'the bully', or in its latin name 'homo stupidus bullius'. I have also included some sure-fire steps to handle any confrontation with them. Oh! And there's some fighting also!


      What to do in a confrontation?

      Well, the ideal confrontation is 'no confrontation at all'. So try to avoid, at all costs, to get into a fight.

      The first and best way is to make no enemies. Always be nice to everyone, even to bullies. Just treat them like any other person.

      Now, I don't know exactly what the bullies you refered to do, but whenever they say something nasty or do something that is a little bit nasty, try to snap back with a witty comment.
      Example: them: 'hey! I fucked your mother last night!' You: 'Dude, my mother's like... 50... Getting desperate there, chump?'
      Example: them: 'wow, you look gay' --> you: 'Well, wow, I didn't know you were an expert in... gayness, pal.'
      After that, there's a high chance that they'll just spatter some nonsense ('Well, aren't you the witty fellow') The response should be: 'Yes... But I really have to go now, got friends to attent to... Pleasure meeting you.'.
      Another nonsense-response could be the simple 'well, I'm not (gay)'. Your response should be something like: 'well, you don't have to be ashamed of it, man'; (optional: them: [bla-] *you interrupt*); You: 'anyways, I can't stay for long, it's been a pleasure to meet you (smack him on the shoulder). But I'll leave now, you just go back to your "friends"...' Then eject. That's been my (quite succesfull) strategy for handling this kind of situation. Might serve as an example for other situations. The second version might seem rude and unfriendly. But that's the point. He made a unfriendly statement, and I don't take that. That does mean that you should do this only when they're being nasty. In any other situation I'd be friendly to the 'bully'.

      Now, whenever they say something really nasty or do something nasty, go 'Tom Cruise' on them (hate him for his scientology, love him for this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C4UvvHMoZs) and demand to know why they did it, why it is so fun, and insist on this one. In fact: INSIST on this one. Keep going. Even if they answer (it'll be a very bland answer), then ask it again 'okay, but what was so funny about it?' Try to get to the core of their character. If they say 'well, I don't know, I just know I think it's funny'. Continue asking the question: 'Well, fine, so why do you find it funny?' Really keep them going until you have a satisfying answer ('I don't know' is a great one --> you could just repeat it over and over again 'You don't know?' [blabla] 'You. don't. know?'
      In fact: you should repeat any answer he gives you... Contemplate it, then ask why it is funny. If the questioning comes to a halt, then just repeat the last answer so they can (hopefully) soak in how stupid, childish and pathetic they really were.
      After that, say it's rude, and they're being a jerk. Tell them they are being extremely childish, immature, that they are acting like groundschool bullies, and lastly tell them it's pathetic. ('you're like the... groundschool bully, man... seriously... it's pathetic'.) Then just walk away. After that, whatever they throw at you (in words, that is), just say 'whatever, man' and wave your hand in the air, as if you're waving the comment away.
      This honestly will be quite a blow in the face for the bullies if done correctly.

      Yay! troubleshooting!
      -If they start asking questions to you (example: 'well, why don't you like it/ why do you think this was rude', then don't answer the question. Don't get manipulated into their world. This is about them, they did something wrong, and you won't have to apologize for being put off by the whole ordeal. THEY do. So don't answer the question. Tell them that 'this is not about me, I didn't do what you did.' And ask the question again. 'Why is it so funny, why are you doing this?'.)
      -If they try to walk away (even when mentioning it, 'Hey, I've got to go back to my friends'), touch them: hold them back, keep them in the conversation (like Tom did in the video) (this is key: it'll convey that you're serious, that you're confident, and that you're not just going to let them walk away, that you're not going to be trampled upon). Ask them not to 'run away', because you're talking to him. It's a rude thing to do. Then continue where you left off.
      -If the bully himself (or any other of his clan standing about) says something witty or insulting to you at some place during this routine, then sigh (just slightly audible if you can), look the person right in the eye to shut him up, and quite frankly, it doesn't matter whether he says anything else or not, at this point, just look back at the bully you were having the conversation with, if necessary, you interrupt him from his speach and say 'right, so where were we until we were so... boorishly interrupted/you interrupted me in such a... boorish manner?'. Wait for his response. If he says nothing at all you should respond with 'ah, right, we discovered that this was funny because [blabla]... Quite frankly, I think it was rather rude (continue routine here)'. Or when he does say something about it ('you just got pwned man!') say 'you're very childish, aren't you? [don't even wait for his response here... whatever he says, interrupt him, talk right through him] 'quite frankly, I think it was rather rude (continue routine here)'.
      -If someone, but not the 'main-bully' answers to the question 'why is this funny', then say (it is most imposing when you interrupt then while they are still speaking) 'quiet, you, I'm speaking to this person'. Turn back to the main-bully, and pummel him some more.
      -If they (or ANYONE else, for that matter) starts laughing at any point, don't worry. It's not that you're being funny, it's that they're being piss-scared, or genuinely nervously affected by what you're doing. Laughter is a good thing in these kinds of situations: it means they're so nervous and stressed they have to 'laugh it out', so to say. When you look at humour, it's always generated by stress. By tension. Have you ever noticed that when a comedian picks out a person to pick upon, they always start laughing hysterically? Like it is the most funny thing that's ever been said? That's stress for you.
      So if they start laughing, don't ask them why they're doing it. Simply keep your calmth, smirk, say nothing, look the person(s) who's laughing straight in the eye, be amuzed of their stupidity, and continue on where you left off 'Right... so how exactly was this funny again?'.
      If they keep laughing, then quiet down what you were doing, look all those who were laughing in the eyes, and when the laughter is starting to die off, say 'Are you done?' Ignore any answer but one that can be interpreted as 'yes'. Then say 'Good. I find you extremely rude (continue routine)'

      The key to this whole routine is not being afraid to do it, to actually be as confident as the above conversation appeared to be. You should radiate calmth, confidence, dead-seriousness and social status. They should be afraid of you.
      Even if there are women around chuckling at you, even if a bloody fucking CROWD forms around you, keep your calmth and keep doing the routine.
      You should radiate calmth, emotional control, and you should not get angry at them. In fact: if possible, be bemuzed: put off, and as the conversation goes on, be slightly amuzed at their (hopeful) inability to answer your question. You have your value, you are a super-man. So you don't have to prove to anyone you're a great person. They do, in fact: that's why they did it. They did it to (literally) belittle you, which automatically raises their own value (in their own eyes, anyways). They bully so that they can feel good about themselves.

      Now, if the aggression metre rises (which might be the case), there's a simple formula that should do the trick fairly well: being confident, steadfast, and not being intimidated by him. Keep an open body language to show you are not afraid (so no folding arms for you! Ideally, you'd plant them at your sides to look bigger). Aside from that, look at them contemplatively, blink slowly. And KEEP looking directly at him, straight into his eyes.

      When people do keep escalating into a fight, then stand your ground, do not move a muscle, and warn them one last time (as said before: "Back off!" (when he continues) "Hey, I'm talking to you here!" (If his attention snaps back to you) [wait a couple of seconds, look him straight in the eyes and say] "Honestly, I bet you're a cool guy. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone, we don't have to fight. So I'll say it one last time: Back. The Fuck. Off.").
      At this point, do not try to look and sound weak, or like you're begging for him to stop (because then you'll look weak, and easier to attack. This is why there is a high chance that you will be attacked then). You want to appear strong, commanding, of higher value than him, capable of beating him, and not afraid of beating him.
      If all else, fails (or if he didn't even listen to you), you can either run away, or stand your ground and teach the bugger a lesson.

      And in that case:


      -Throat strikes are great, but very dangerous.
      -GROIN STRIKES!!! If you've ever been hit in the groin by anything, you'll know how effective they are. Good god, I'd die if I'd be hit in there. However, try not to kick... If you're too slow, there's the chance that you get off-balance, or when it isn't effective for some reason they could suddenly snap their legs shut and trap you, leaving you hopping on one foot. I hope I don't have to explain that that is a very dangerous 'stance' to fight with.
      -The solar plexus-thing might be a bit dangerous to do, because if there are loads of muscles there, and ideally when your opponent tightens them when the hit lands, then you're in trouble, because it won't do very much then.
      -The ribcage-ripping move in one of the above videos WORKS. Use it.
      -Go for the throat or groin. Of course, don't just go for 'the groin', aim the blow in such a way to make his balls come out of his mouth.
      -Use a head-strike (ideally a palm-strike with fingers outstreched to the eyes, maybe you could hit those to your great advantage), to distract your target. Don't try to use them to end a fight. If you've ever watched a boxing match then you know it doesn't work. So use them sparingly, as distraction for something bigger.
      -Go for the throat or the groin (or that ribcage thing).

      -Also: practise side-stepping, stepping out of the line of attack, stepping to the side of the opponent when he tries to hit you. If you've ever done boxing, then you know that remaining on the frontal-position is pretty much useless: you'll just be barraged with hits. In stead: side step and avoid a blow (ideally by controlling the opponents fist or arm as well). That way, when you do get attacked. It'll give you more opportunities to retaliate (a reverse hammerfist to the throat, or the ribcage-shredding move in an above video, for example)
      It's murderous, believe me...

      Rightyright... That's enough for now... That will be $45 dollars then!



      P.S. Crap... I just realized this thread wasn't about bullying at all... He just wanted to know how to fight...
      No no, this topic was about bullying. It's not the matter of if i'll get bullied, it's when. Thank you for all the help, that was amazing advice.
      Lucid Dreams: 15 or so
      Lucid Dreams with full control: 1

    13. #38
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      Quote Originally Posted by drewmandan View Post
      If you're trying to win a fight, then go straight to the source: Ninjitsu. Most other martial arts attempt to teach a lifestyle. Ninjitsu teaches you how to kill.
      Where did you get the impression that martial arts teaches a lifestyle? I do teach my students that they shouldn't only use martial arts when they have to and also the laws about reasonable force, but it's just busy talk while we stretch. My class is for self defense.

    14. #39
      ex-redhat ClouD's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      Where did you get the impression that martial arts teaches a lifestyle? I do teach my students that they shouldn't only use martial arts when they have to and also the laws about reasonable force, but it's just busy talk while we stretch. My class is for self defense.
      Suffixes -jitsu and -do, represent the two classes separated in times of samurai and monk-hood.

      Jitsu, the technique.
      Do, the art, the way, religiousness and morals were founding factors.

      That doesn't mean that martial arts haven't changed in modern times, but there is a distinct difference that can be seen in general.

      Quote Originally Posted by ClouD View Post
      Be willing to go where the going may be tough and do the things that are worth doing even though they are difficult.

      Be gentle to the weak and tough to the strong.

      Never yield to repression or threat in the pursuit of a noble cause.

      Teach attitude and skill with action rather than words.

      Always be yourself even though your circumstances may change.
      Those are quotes from the founder of Tae-kwon-do, and his proposed guidelines and philosophy "which will be the cornerstone of Taekwon-Do and by which all serious students of this art are encouraged to live".
      You merely have to change your point of view slightly, and then that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light.

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