I've been trying to lucid dream for almost 3 months. I've been keeping a dream journal, doing RC as often as possible, even waking up and trying WBTB and WILD. I have had ZERO sucsess.

I've tried

EILD (with audio induction)
Even eating chedar cheese! (ok I do that anyway)

Not only have I not had a LD but my recall has gone frome decent 1 a night to really bad. I have not had a recalled dream since 2/17 and that was only 1 line worth. before that my last one was 2/9. I was at the point where one night I had 3 dreams including knowing that I was dreaming just as I woke up. Everything has gone down hill from there. I need HELP!

I think I'm doing WILD wrong. All I've tried is just lying there thinking that I want to lucid dream without moving. I try to listen for ringing and make imaginary limbs appear. Although I can hear ringing when I try to listen to it it has never lead to a lucid. The limb appearing trick just hasn't worked.

I have never felt SP though I really want to. I think I've gotten to the vibration stage but I'm not sure if this is what the vibratio stage really is. (all my muscles tense up)

so any advice???

The one hopeful sign that I've had is that when I think I want to wake up at some time to try WBTB (say 3:00) I usually wake up then. I've tried the same with LD but no luck.

Sorry for the long post but I'm really lost.