I keep trying to WILD and failing horribly (I get so itchy or uncomfortable any time I try to keep still), but any time I've really seriously told myself that I WILL have a lucid dream in bed just before I fall asleep, it seems to work every time. However, I don't make any affirmations that I'll do a reality check, stabilize the dream scene or carry out any action, just that I'll get lucid, so I have a sort of temporary DILD where I just suddenly know I'm dreaming but I don't want to do anything too bold about it or it'll blacken out quickly, but it always fades after a several seconds, sometimes longer. Maybe next time I'll MILD more specifically.

I also don't know how vivid or productive I could make MILD lucids compared to WILD lucids... does anyone have expertise on this? Does WILDing really produce better results than all the other methods for lucid dreaming?