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    Thread: Fake WILD??

    1. #1
      To infinity and beyond! littledreamer's Avatar
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      Wink Fake WILD??

      Kinda had a humorous dream last night, though it was quite interesting in nature. Thought I'd share.

      You see, I was in a room this morning lying down on the floor trying to sleep. There is a window directly in front of me, and it is quite bright outside already. I close my eyes, and in just moments I see the most vivid imagery on my eyelids. I try "looking" out the window and see extremely vivid imagery of birds flying over, the wind blowing around the trees, etc. I almost forget my eyes are closed, so I open my them and see a similar environment, though some trees are in other places plus some other slight differences.
      It clicks to me then, "Hey! If I can visualize this vividly now for some reason, I should be able to enter dreams consciously easily!"
      So, I try it again by closing my eyes. After a few short moments, I am seeing the most brilliant, vivid imagery again. Everything has a true-to-life nature to it. It is truly mesmerizing.
      I then notice my other senses start to step into the world that I see, plus I have some distortions and vibrations. I realize that I must be dreaming now, and I do a nose plug reality check that that confirms it.
      Now the dream becomes unstable, the extremely vivid imagery starts to go in and out of focus, and when I try to move my arm, the entire dream falls apart.

      I am now awake. In my bed. Not on the floor. That entire ordeal in a windowed room, eyes "open" or not, was a dream.
      I then slap myself in the forehead in a "could've had a V8" way for not realizing it in the first place.

      In short, I became lucid for a short time in a dream within and dream. Has this ever happened to any of you?


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    2. #2
      Omigdrbziwamp Texture's Avatar
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      Haha no it hasn't happened to me, but I've read about plenty of other people who have had the same experience

    3. #3
      NullPointerException Achievements:
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      Technically this is a DILD :3 but i have had it happen to me once ^_^

      Any questions about lucid dreaming? Drop me a PM here!

    4. #4
      Unilngopyu Akawng ludr's Avatar
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      Don't ask me...
      I once became lucid by trying to WILD in a non-lucid and teleporting myself into...a WILD within a non-lucid! Well maybe we can call it DIFWILD (Dream-Initiated Fake Wake-Initiated Lucid Dream) ;D
      Oel ayngati kame, ma smukan sė smuke. Oe plltxe nėNa'vi. Na'vi lu lė'fya asėltsan sė asevin. 'Ivong Na'vi!
      If anybody also speaks the above language, then please PM me ASAP!!!

      unil + ngop + yu = dream controller

    5. #5
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      Nice post. Visualization is what its all about for me. It is the simplest method I know of to enter an LD in non-REM dreaming.

    6. #6
      The Programmer Shadow27's Avatar
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      This HAS happened to me before. Several times I've tried to wild in a dream while
      I was unaware I was dreaming. For me the vibrations happen almost instantaneously.
      But I always end up getting nowhere with it and eventually wake up.

      Join our Lucid Dreaming video game project!
      Lucid Dreams: 6 ---- WILD: 0
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    7. #7
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      Hahah yeah, that actually happened to me a few nights ago.

      Quote Originally Posted by from my dj
      Then I had a false awakening and "woke up" on the couch in my cousins' house, where I was actually sleeping. [...]

      Then my aunt was talking about how she could lucid dream, and I was like "me too!" I started trying to WILD, still in the dream, and managed to get partly into another dream a couple times, but kept getting 'woken up' by my cousins (not sure if I was actually waking up irl but I don't think I was). Finally I made it into a dream within the dream and was lucid in the new one.

      I was at a shopping centre in my city near a movie theatre, and my aunt was there as well in her pyjamas, and it was just sort of accepted that we could and were sharing dreams. She ran off, and I walked around the corner, touching walls and stuff and inspecting them and doing RCs.

      Then I thought of what I read in the School of Out of Body Travel book, about how it was guaranteed that whenever you stared at something very closely for a long time in a dream, it would start to warp and change. I stared at my finger closely for a while but nothing happened, so I started to wonder if I was really dreaming for a moment, but another nose RC confirmed that I was. Then I saw N was there [again :| get out of my head dude lol] so I gave him a hug.

      I then "woke up" back into the FA at my cousins' house, and they asked about the dream I'd just had, so I told them what happened.

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