Real Lucid dreaming experts know A diet comprised of non nutritious un living (dead) food is not ideal for true dreamers and thinkers.
do not be fooled. The mind can perform much better on 100 % raw living fuel specifically.

Look, lucid dreaming doesn't work like some video game. When you play x box you can slurp your mountain dew and eat your doritos all day and the quality of the game wont depreciate. But in lucid dreams your brain is the machine.. Its not going to run at max quality even with an average diet-- you have to go beyond and train your mind on a daily basis.

In the "Reality" the majority of people only care about what they can see. Our GUTS/ the inside of our body is something we can't see. If we spend the extra time/money to give our bodies the best living super foods in the world; we are essentially having FAITH in our selves, in our body and IN OUR BRAIN. This domino effects into sharper thinking and a true path to something great. Ive been down the worst roads in the real world, but no matter how broke I got I always looked out for my body and mind... . You have to go beyond the limits.
Ive been 100 percent raw living food diet" for 8 to 9 months straight and recently in one of my normal dreams my subconscious realized it was raw when it turned down a food item. Insinuating some sort of mind evolution. In these 8 to 9 months I have had a whole different category of dreams and weird events in my own reality. My diet is strictly comprised of raw living foods that mainly do not incorporate the destruction of the whole plant. (95 Percent frutarian diet) Some how being able to coexist in this manner projects me into this clarity in real life and in dreams.

There is a huge connection with eating 100 percent live food diet and lucid dreaming because there is a huge connection between a living food diet and real life. Id like to talk more on this but am out of time tonight please drop feed if you want to hear more information! peace