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    Thread: Visualizations before bed (Causes vivid dreams, I'm unsure about lucids.)

    1. #1
      Artemos Achievements:
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      Lightbulb Visualizations before bed (Causes vivid dreams, I'm unsure about lucids.)

      I have found a relaxing, and fun way to potentially induce lucid dreams. I'm just going to put it in steps, because i don't really have alot to explain about it.

      1) First you have to get you brain in a state where it is working hard. If you already know a way of doing this, Great! go ahead. I only know of one way, and that is to say the alphabet in your head, and say an animal with each letter. The animal's name must start with the letter your on. e.g; a-alligator
      b-bear etc etc. The goal of this is to get you in a state of thinking harder than usual. You may want to google some other ways of doing that.

      2) when you think your ready, start visualizing a staircase. If you want, you can count down from ten to one as you go down the stairs to put yourself into "trance". when you get down the staircase, walk into a few more rooms, opening more and more rooms.

      3) when you think you've travelled enough in your visualization, try to imagine a big pitcher (jug, cup, whatever.), labeled "Lucid dreaming." stand a few feet away, and try to, in your visualization, use your soul to travel to the pitcher. Drink it, and then fly back into your body. do not confuse this with OBEs. this is ALL part of the visualization.

      4) if you want, and i highly reccomend it, practice this visualization more. If you don't like the pitcher idea, try to find something else. Something that would have to do with you Gaining the ability to lucid dream, whether it is from a pitcher, food, running into things, whatever.

      -The more you practice this, the more and more vivid your dreams should become, and it should give you lucids.

      I hope this was helpful.
      Good luck to all.
      yost and Sageous like this.

    2. #2
      Artemos Achievements:
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      Oh, and also, this should be done in a meditative state. i would have put that in the thread, but DV feels the need to add a 1440 minute (aka Eternity) delay to editing.

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      Not sure.
      Langley BC
      Cool! I'm quite keen on trying this out, I haven't remembered a dream for ages. Thanks.

      Oh how deep a trance must I be in while doing this?

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      Artemos Achievements:
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      I will post a thread on trance in the furure. I'd say the deeper into trance you are, the more effective it will be. And also, i'd assume you would have to be deeper into trance than you would in Self Hypnosis.
      Self hypnosis can also be a good thing to start with if you haven't done anything like this before, or do regular meditation to start if you are completely new to this.

    5. #5
      Artemos Achievements:
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      Here's an alright resource on trance, if you are urgently in need of it. I just found this a few seconds ago, (mind the date and time i posted this) so, i don't know how much use this will be to you. I'd say he has a pretty good idea. Trance

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