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    • 1 Post By Phant0m
    • 1 Post By apsinvo
    • 1 Post By Phant0m
    • 1 Post By Phant0m

    Thread: Lucid at last

    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2014

      Lucid at last

      I hope I'm not breaking etiquette by diving straight in, but I was so happy to have achieved lucidity that I wanted to share the experience and how I got there.

      I've been vaguely interested in lucid dreaming for many years. Way back in the 1990s I considered purchasing a NovaDreamer but I never got that far. In recent weeks my interest began to grow again and I started reading around the subject.

      I'll cut to the chase. I've been off work for a while, and I have been having very frequent dreams that I am back at work (something that is not currently possible). Every dream is different, and each time the actual setting looks nothing like where I actually work, though in the dream it all seems normal to me. A few days later I'll have another work dream, in another completely different setting. It mirrors a common theme that happens in my dreams, where I dream of people that I know. The images in the dream bear no relation whatsoever to the actual people, yet somehow I know exactly who they were supposed to be when I wake up.

      I am blessed with excellent dream recall, and often wake having remembered several dreams from the previous night.

      While searching for reliable dream signs it occurred to me that for some reason I never seem look at my feet in my dreams. It's an odd thing to notice, but they tend to play out as you would view them through a video camera. The camera never pans down.

      I started taking time to glance at my feet from time to time during my normal day.

      Two nights ago I had the work dream again, and this time it was unusually realistic and bore a substantial resemblance to where I actually work. The people were real people that I know. I didn't understand how I could be at work in my current situation so I questioned whether it was another dream. Look at your feet, I told myself.

      I looked down. My feet were in a pair of very odd-looking yellow shoes, almost like a cartoon, and flapping up and down like a duck's feet. I knew immediately that I was dreaming.

      I took control of the dream and managed just a few seconds of exhilarating lucidity before I woke up.

      I don't know whether I got over-excited by finding myself lucid and ruined it. If it happens again (let's hope so) then I will try harder to stay calm and take it steady.

      After waking I fell asleep again and had another long, vivid dream, during which I had no lucidity. The theme was unrelated to my lucid dream, and it was no different to my usual dreams.
      Last edited by Phant0m; 01-05-2014 at 11:52 PM.
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    2. #2
      Join Date
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      Welcome to the forum, that's a fantastic experience I'm not sure if you've been reading the forums here, but what you've worked out is spot on. Looking at your feet (or hands) throughout the day is a great reality check. It was probably short because of excitement - it's very normal the first time. If you have ten minutes to spare just once or twice a day try a simple breathing meditation. It will do wonders for calmness and awareness. As you have more lucids you'll learn better control and have far longer experiences. Well done!
      Last edited by apsinvo; 01-06-2014 at 12:42 AM. Reason: spelling mistake
      LouaiB likes this.

    3. #3
      Please, call me Louai <span class='glow_008000'>LouaiB</span>'s Avatar
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      I fill my heart with fire, with passion, passion for what makes me nostalgic. A unique perspective fuels my fire, makes me discover new passions, more nostalgia. I love it.

      "People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
      Add me as a friend!!!

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Jan 2014
      Thanks for the tip. I've learned some breathing relaxation exercises so if I can remember to try it in a dream I'll give it a go. I hope I don't have to wait too long for another experience but at least I know it's possible now.
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    5. #5
      Join Date
      Jan 2014
      Quote Originally Posted by LouaiB View Post
      Add me as a friend!!!
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