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    Thread: Dream (dry-erase) Board!

    1. #1
      Member soundofslumber's Avatar
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      Red face Dream (dry-erase) Board!

      I want to share something I created with you guys. I call it a dream board.

      Super simple to make, and I think it can be an amazing tool for helping with lucidity/dream-work. I haven't been using mine for very long but I do see where it has been helping already.

      So how do I make one? Is it difficult? Expensive?
      Easy! Nope. Nope.
      There's a good chance you already have everything you need sitting around your house.
      All you need is....
      1. A picture frame that has a piece of glass
      2. A piece of fabric or light colored paper that fits inside the frame
      3. Dry-erase marker(s)

      Put your fabric or paper where the picture would be and put the frame back together, write on glass with dry-erase marker, and enjoy.
      Link to a tutorial with pictures here!

      So... what do I do once I've made my dream board?
      Whatever you want! I'm really looking forward to hearing your ideas and hopefully seeing pictures of all of your boards.

      Here are some suggestions I've tried or/and thought of:
      • Write a question you want answered
      • Write out your goals for when you become lucid
      • Positive affirmations, such as "I am always in control" or "Lucidity comes easily", etc.
      • Draw a picture of what you want to do/achieve!
      • Draw a picture of a "dream tool" you want to find/make/use
      • Make a crystal grid on the board to help with becoming lucid, gaining better control/clarity, contacting your guides or angels, etc.
      • Use a tarot card (or cards) that you've meditated with that symbolizes your goal
      • Put a card on the board that you wish to better understand or want to "experience". Try entering the scene, interacting with characters from the cards, or just experiencing the card in some way
      • Place a picture (or pictures) of a place, person, setting you want to encounter while dreaming
      • Turn your board into a mini altar. Combine anything that feels right to you, that you feel can make your board work for your purpose!

      I slide my board under my bed at night, but you can just keep it close by. Hang it on the wall if you only intend to write on it. Keep it on your nightstand next to the bed if you want. Got any other ideas? Let me know!

      Oh, if anyone is curious about what's on my board up there - I wrote a question I wanted answered from my dream (I feel like the subconscious answers this even if you don't become lucid), goals for becoming lucid, a drawing of my "dream tool" (a key wand thingy to help with dream tasks, because I have trouble making things appear out of nowhere and whatnot), and a little crystal grid.

      *Tip* If you want something on your board to be a little more permanent, you can write on it with sharpie. If you ever want to erase the sharpie, go over it with a dry-erase marker and it will come right off. I have no idea why that works but it does lol.

      I really hope some of you find my idea useful and let me know how it works out for you. =] I'd love to see pictures. Good luck everyone!
      dutchraptor, Sibyline and Soulless like this.

    2. #2
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      Hey nice idea, this is really cool. I have a little post it board, though this seems even easier.

      Thanks for the awesome tip

    3. #3
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      I have previously used a little notebook, but your idea is much better. It might also prove very useful during false awakenings.
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    4. #4
      Aeterna Somnia Soulless's Avatar
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      Seams pretty neat- how has it worked for you in particular? I am curious.

    5. #5
      Member soundofslumber's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Soulless View Post
      Seams pretty neat- how has it worked for you in particular? I am curious.
      For a span of several months, I was having really poor recall and my dreams felt hazy. I rarely ever became lucid and wasn't staying lucid for long, as well as not having good control for the brief time I was lucid.
      Since I made my board and started using it almost every night (it's pretty much always under my bed, but I don't always write on it or set it up every night - though I do feel like it's important to use it every night before going to sleep, sometimes I'm just extremely tired after getting home from work), I've noticed a few things.
      For one, my recall has been MUCH better.
      My dreams have been a bit clearer.
      I've succeeded in becoming lucid a few different times, and since I came up with the idea of the Key Wand I managed to try finding my dream tool in one LD. I have not yet actually found my Key yet to try to use it, but I bet I will get the chance soon. =]

      Also, in one LD where I was in an undesirable situation, after fighting for the longest time and getting tired of fighting off these monsters, I remembered 'oh duh it's a dream, I already knew that, so why don't I just let them bite me and see what happens since it can't really hurt me?'. I consider that making a lot of progress, because I have always wanted to "face the fear" in a dream before but I always get caught up in trying to defeat or just get away from the situation/person/whatever. I realized it was a good opportunity to find out the cause/meaning behind the monsters, but unfortunately woke up before I got to figure it out.

      Also, I feel like I'm doing better with interpreting my dreams since I started using my dream board.
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    6. #6
      Member soundofslumber's Avatar
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      Ok guys, this is definitely helping me. I had three or four lucid dreams this morning!
      I feel like I made a lot of progress with my goals too.
      Instead of getting caught up trying to solve or run from/fight against my dream problem like I have a tendency to do when I become lucid, I just dropped it and asked out loud if I could please have my Lune Key. One of the dream characters started to pull it out of her pocket and hand it to me! When she reached in her pocket, a little song like an achievement melody in a video game or something started playing lmao. Annnd then I woke up as soon as it was in my hands before I even got a good look at it. =| But that's the closest I've gotten so far to getting to hold and use it so I'm really stoked!

      Also, these lucid dreams were pretty much the first time dream characters/my subconscious cooperated with me. Usually when I try asking questions I get bogus bullshit answers lol but in one of the other dreams I was asking the DCs questions like what they represented and what the yellow and black stairs we were climbing meant and I felt like I got serious answers this time around.

      I think another thing that helped me make so much progress this morning was making a new crystal grid on my board. I tried a new method I learned about yesterday and used different kinds of stones than I've attempted before in the past.

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