I don't have any illusions that I'll be daily LDing any time soon, but I'm still setting my goal at several weeks for the first result. Honestly if my goal was several months I'd probably get bored and quit. So maybe if I fall short I'll still keep at it with this goal.

Also something strange occurred last night. I had 4-5 LDs in one night! While most of them were mediocre, this is still weird for me, as I've only been getting 1 LD every week to 2 weeks lately. Also strange, none of them were WILD or DEILD. It started out with a DILD in which I realized that a date on a piece of equipment kept changing every time I looked at it. After that dream I had quite a few false awakenings, but the whole time I was really skeptical that I was awake and I would keep reality checking to find out that I was dreaming. I hadn't even really done any LD practices last night either. I got up for the bathroom this morning and went right back to bed, trying to focus on gravity hoping it would carry over to my dream. Don't think it worked, but it's been quite some time since I had such a chain of LDs without DEILDing.

Quote Originally Posted by ~ Dreamer ~ View Post
Welcome to DV, Zangetsu! Great to have you here.

I will definitely join you for this experiment! I have been intending to try incorporating Hukif's Gravity RC into my LD practices for some time now.
I'm not sure whether he has posted his tutorial on DV, and I can't link to the source I have.
With Hukif's permission, I would be happy to copy and format his tutorial for posting on DV.
I'll PM him with a link to this thread, I know he is always happy when people try his RC themselves.

The above advice is important, I think this is something we'll need to commit to trying for a decent period of time before writing it off as something that doesn't work for us. I've got all the time in the world, since I plan to be a lifetime lucid dreamer. So as far as I'm concerned, bring on the Gravity RCs!
Thanks for the welcome! Glad to have someone trying this with me.